695 resultados para LOCALIZED CORROSION


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Aluminium alloy (AA) 2024-T3 is an important engineering material due to its widespread use in the aerospace industry. However, it is very prone to localized corrosion attack in chloride containing media, which has been mainly associated to the presence of coarse intermetallics (IMs). In this work the corrosion behaviour of aluminium alloy 2024-T3 in low concentrated chloride media was investigated using microscopy and electrochemical methods. SEM observations have shown that intermetallics with the same nominal composition present heterogeneous reaction rates, and that both types of coarse IMs normally found in the AA 2024-T3 microstructure corrode. Moreover, EDS analyses have shown important compositional changes in the corroded IMs, evidencing the selective corrosion of their more active constituents and the onset of an intense oxygen peak, irrespective to the IM nature. TEM/EDS observations on non-corroded samples have evidenced the heterogeneous composition within the IMs. On the other hand, the results of the electrochemical investigations, in accordance with the SEM/EDS observations, have evidenced that IMs corrosion dominates the electrochemical response of the alloy during the first hours of immersion in the test electrolyte. © 2009 by NACE International.


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This paper aims to study evolution of increase, distribution and classification of pits in 310S austenitic stainless steels obtained in the state as-received and heat-treated under different exposure times in saline. This work applicability has been based on a technique development for morphologic characterization of localized corrosion associated with description aspects of shapes, size and population-specific parameters. Methodology has been consisted in the following steps: specimens preparation, corrosion tests via salt spray in different conditions, microstructural analysis, pits profiles analysis and images analysis, digital processing and image analysis in order to characterize the pits distribution, morphology and size. Results obtained in digital processing and profiles image analysis have been subjected to statistical analysis using median as parameter in the alloy as received and treated. The alloy as received displays the following morphology: hemispheric pits> transition region A> transition region B> irregular> conic. The pits amount in the treated alloy at each exposure time is: transition region B> hemispherical> transition region A> conic> irregular.


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Alpha prime formation leads to material embrittlement and deterioration of corrosion resistance. In the present study, the mechanical and corrosion behavior of super duplex stainless steel UNS S32520 aged at 475 degrees C from 0.5 h to 1,032 h was evaluated using microhardness measurements, Charpy impact tests, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and cyclic polarization curves. The sensibility of these tests to the effects of alpha prime phase was investigated. The microhardness test showed a gradual increase in hardness with aging time, whereas the impact tests revealed losses of about 80% in the energy absorption capacity for the material aged for 12 h in comparison with the solution-annealed samples. The most responsive analysis was the impact test, which indirectly revealed the presence of this deleterious phase in samples aged for 0.5 h. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization tests were not highly sensitive to the alpha prime phase unless these are present in large amounts in the stainless steel.


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Aluminium alloy (AA) 2024-T3 is an important engineering material due to its widespread use in the aerospace industry. However, it is very prone to localized corrosion attack in chloride containing media, which has been mainly associated to the presence of coarse intermetallics (IMs) in its microstructure. In this work the corrosion behaviour of AA 2024-T3 in low concentrated chloride media was investigated using microscopy and electrochemical methods. TEM/EDS observations on non-corroded samples evidenced the heterogeneous composition within the IMs. In addition, SEM observations showed that intermetallics with the same nominal composition present different reactivity, and that both types of coarse IMs normally found in the alloy microstructure are prone to corrosion. Moreover, EDS analyses showed important compositional changes in corroded IMs, evidencing a selective dissolution of their more active constituents, and the onset of an intense oxygen peak, irrespective to the IM nature, indicating the formation of corrosion products. On the other hand, the results of the electrochemical investigations, in accordance with the SEM/EDS observations, evidenced that IMs corrosion dominates the electrochemical response of the alloy during the first hours of immersion in the test electrolyte. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Following work on tantalum and chromium implanted flat M50 steel substrates, this work reports on the electrochemical behaviour of M50 steel implanted with tantalum and chromium and the effect of the angle of incidence. Proposed optimum doses for resistance to chloride attack were based on the interpretation of results obtained during long-term and accelerated electrochemical testing. After dose optimization from the corrosion viewpoint, substrates were implanted at different angles of incidence (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°) and their susceptibility to localized corrosion assessed using open-circuit measurements, step by step polarization and cyclic voltammetry at several scan rates (5–50 mV s-1). Results showed, for tantalum implanted samples, an ennoblement of the pitting potential of approximately 0.5 V for an angle of incidence of 90°. A retained dose of 5 × 1016 atoms cm-2 was found by depth profiling with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The retained dose decreases rapidly with angle of incidence. The breakdown potential varies roughly linearly with the angle of incidence up to 30° falling fast to reach -0.1 V (vs. a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)) for 15°. Chromium was found to behave differently. Maximum corrosion resistance was found for angles of 45°–60° according to current densities and breakdown potentials. Cr+ depth profiles ((p,γ) resonance broadening method), showed that retained doses up to an angle of 60° did not change much from the implanted dose at 90°, 2 × 1017 Cr atoms cm-2. The retained implantation dose for tantalum and chromium was found to follow a (cos θ)8/3 dependence where θ is the angle between the sample normal and the beam direction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The localized corrosion of Al-(5.03%)Zn-(1.67%)Mg-(0.23%)Cu alloys and high purity Al has been studied using electrochemical techniques, optical microscopy, SEM and EDX. The samples were previously submitted to different heat treatments in which coherent and incoherent MgZn 2 precipitates with different distribution and aggregation degree were produced. The influence of NaCl and Na 2SO 4, dissolved oxygen, immersion time and convection were studied. In NaCl solutions, pitting potentials for the alloys were more negative than for aluminium, indicating an increase in their susceptibility to localized corrosion. Moreover, annealed and cold-rolled alloys presented more negative pitting and repassivation potentials than those submitted to age hardening with direct or interrupted quenching. In annealed and cold-rolled samples, pit nucleation and propagation takes place in the zones where MgZn 2 is accumulated. In the case of the age-hardened alloys, a double pitting behaviour is observed, the first one in the magnesium and zinc enriched regions and the second in the matrix. While the cold water quenched alloy is susceptible to stress corrosion craking, the alloy submitted to the interrupted quenching process is less susceptible to intergranular attack. The sulphate ion shifts the pitting potential of aluminium and the alloys by chloride towards more positive values because it impedes local accumulations of the latter. © 1992 Chapman & Hall.


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This review aims to provide a foundation for the safe and effective use of magnesium (Mg) alloys, including practical guidelines for the service use of Mg alloys in the atmosphere and/or in contact with aqueous solutions. This is to provide support for the rapidly increasing use of Mg in industrial applications, particularly in the automobile industry. These guidelines should be firmly based on a critical analysis of our knowledge of SCC based on (1) service experience, (2) laboratory testing and (3) understanding of the mechanism of SCC, as well as based on an understanding of the Mg corrosion mechanism.


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This work has compared the surfaces of two different steel samples used as orthopedical implants, classified as ASTM F138 and ISO5832-9, through optical emission spectroscopy, by means of SEM and EDS. The samples (implants) were also submitted to potentiodynamic cyclic polarization in Ringer lactate and NaCl 0.9 M L-1 solutions; ISO5832-9 sample did not show any kind of localized corrosion, but in the case of F138 steel was observed a pit localized corrosion in both solutions. In Ringer lactate solution it was observed a loss of about 63% for nickel and 26% for iron for F138 stell, compared to the initial composition.


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Höyryvoimalaitoksen käyttöönotossa muodostuu kattilaputkien sisäpinnoille niitä korroosiolta suojaava ohut metallioksidikerros. Tämän kerroksen päälle kasvaa kattilan käytön aikana haitallista kerrostumaa paikallisen korroosion tai kattilavedessä olevien epäpuhtauksien kerääntymisen tai kiteytymisen seurauksena. Kerrostuma haittaa lämmönsiirtoa tulipesästä putkiseinämän läpi kattilaveteen. Putkien lämpötilan nousu suunniteltua korkeammaksi kasvattaa putkivaurioiden ja sisäpuolisen korroosion riskiä. Tästä johtuen paksuksi kasvaneet kerrostumat pyritään poistamaan happokäsittelyllä eli peittauksella ennen vaurioiden syntyä. Perinteisesti kerrostumapaksuus on määritetty kattilasta irrotetuista näyteputkista mikroskoopilla. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia uudenlaisen ultraäänimittauksen teoriaa ja selvittää sen toimivuus höyrystinputkien kerrostumapaksuusmittauksissa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia voimalaitoksen höyrystimen sisäpuolisten kerrostumien muodostumista ja niiden vaikutuksia sekä kattilan peittaustarpeen arviointia. Höyrystimen kerrostumien kasvunopeuteen vaikuttavat eniten voimalaitostyyppi, käytetty vesikemia ja kattilaveteen kulkeutuvien epäpuhtauksien määrä. Kasvunopeus vaihtelee laitosten välillä suuresti ja eroaa myös tulipesän eri kohdissa. Kattilaveden epäpuhtauspitoisuus ja kerrostumapaksuus vaikuttavat molemmat korroosiovaurioiden todennäköisyyteen. Peittauspaksuuden ohjearvoissa tulisi huomioida kattilan käyttöpaine, kattilatyyppi ja riski kattilaveden laadun heikkenemiselle. Putkinäytteistä ja laitoksilla suoritettujen mittauksien perusteella uusi ultraäänitekniikka tuottaa luotettavia tuloksia tavanomaisten kerrostumien mittauksessa. Vain yhdellä laitoksella esiintyi irtonaisen sakan kaltaista kerrostumaa, jota mittaus ei kyennyt havaitsemaan. Mittaustulokset kerrostumista tulipesän eri osissa antavat hyvän perustan peittaustarpeen arviointiin.


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Estudou-se o comportamento do aço AISI 1010 em AISI 1010 em àlcool etílico puro com 3,5% H20 e diferentes aditivos (acetato de sódio, um aditivo comercial e trietanolamina) em meio arejado e desarejado, com e sem agitação. Os resultados experimentais mostram que os aditivos usados exercem efeito inibidor da corrosão no aço. A água (3,5%) origina um período de incubação até o aparecimento de pite. A reação de redução catódica do oxigênio apresenta duas ondas, o que permite dizer que a presença de algum filme modifica a mesma. Os ensaios em etanol carburante, a longo prazo, apresentaram corrosão localizada em meio arejado (a qual é evitada com adição de 10-² M de acetato de sódio), e corrosão generalizada em meio desarejado.


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O artigo teve como objetivo estudar a evolução do crescimento, distribuição e classificação dos pites em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 310S no estado como recebida e tratado termicamente, submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição em meio salino. A aplicabilidade deste trabalho baseou-se no desenvolvimento de uma técnica para caracterização morfológica da corrosão localizada, associado com os aspectos de descrição de formas, tamanho, parâmetros específicos e populacionais. A metodologia consistiu nas seguintes etapas: preparação dos corpos de prova, testes de corrosão via névoa salina em diferentes condições, análise microestrutural, análise dos perfis dos pites, processamento digital e análise de imagens, visando caracterizar a distribuição, morfologia e o tamanho dos pites. Os resultados obtidos no processamento digital e análise de imagens dos perfis foram submetidos á análise estatística, utilizando à mediana como parâmetro de avaliação na liga como recebido e tratada. A liga como recebido, exibe a seguinte morfologia: pites hemisféricos> região de transição A> região de transição B> irregulares> cônicos. A quantidade de pites na liga tratada a cada tempo de exposição é: região de transição B> hemisféricos> região de transição A> cônicos> irregulares.