995 resultados para LOCAL SHEAR INSTABILITY


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The excitation of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in rotating laboratory plasmas is investigated. In contrast to astrophysical plasmas, in which gravitation plays an important role, in laboratory plasmas it can be neglected and the plasma rotation is equilibrated by the pressure gradient. The analysis is restricted to the simple model of a magnetic confinement configuration with cylindrical symmetry, in which nonaxisymmetric perturbations are investigated using the local approximation. Starting from the simplest case of an ideal plasma, the corresponding dispersion relations are derived for more complicated models including the physical effects of parallel and perpendicular viscosities. The Friemann-Rotenberg approach used for ideal plasmas is generalized for the viscous model and an analytical expression for the instability boundary is obtained. It is shown that, in addition to the standard effect of radial derivative of the rotation frequency (the Velikhov effect), which can be destabilizing or stabilizing depending on the sign of this derivative in the ideal plasma, there is a destabilizing effect proportional to the fourth power of the rotation frequency, or, what is the same, to the square of the plasma pressure gradient, and to the square of the azimuthal mode number of the perturbations. It is shown that the instability boundary also depends on the product of the plasma pressure and density gradients, which has a destabilizing effect when it is negative. In the case of parallel viscosity, the MRI looks like an ideal instability independent of viscosity, while, in the case of strong perpendicular viscosity, it is a dissipative instability with the growth rate inversely proportional to the characteristic viscous decay rate. We point out, however, that the modes of the continuous range of the magnetohydrodynamics spectrum are not taken into account in this paper, and they can be more dangerous than those that are considered. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The one-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in an ideal plasma is presented. The theory predicts the possibility of MRI for arbitrary 0, where 0 is the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic field pressure. The kinetic theory of MRI in a collisionless plasma is developed. It is demonstrated that as in the ideal MHD, MRI can occur in such a plasma for arbitrary P. The mechanism of MRI is discussed; it is shown that the instability appears because of a perturbed parallel electric field. The electrodynamic description of MRI is formulated under the assumption that the dispersion relation is expressed in terms of the permittivity tensor; general properties of this tensor are analyzed. It is shown to be separated into the nonrotational and rotational parts. With this in mind, the first step for incorporation of MRI into the general theory of plasma instabilities is taken. The rotation effects on Alfven waves are considered.


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An analytical theory of the nonlocal magnetorotational instability (MRI) is developed for the simplest astrophysical plasma model. It is assumed that the rotation frequency profile has a steplike character, so that there are two regions in which it has constant different values, separated by a narrow transition layer. The surface wave approach is employed to investigate the MRI in this configuration. It is shown that the main regularities of the nonlocal MRI are similar to those of the local instability and that driving the nonaxisymmetric MRI is less effective than the axisymmetric one, also for the case of the nonlocal instability. The existence of nonlocal instabilities in nonmagnetized plasma is predicted. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The velocity and mixing field of two turbulent jets configurations have been experimentally characterized by means of cold- and hot-wire anemometry in order to investigate the effects of the initial conditions on the flow development. In particular, experiments have been focused on the effect of the separation wall between the two streams on the flow field. The results of the experiments have pointed out that the wake behind a thick wall separating wall has a strong influence on the flow field evolution. For instance, for nearly unitary velocity ratios, a clear vortex shedding from the wall is observable. This phenomenon enhances the mixing between the inner and outer shear layer. This enhancement in the fluctuating activity is a consequence of a local absolute instability of the flow which, for a small range of velocity ratios, behaves as an hydrodynamic oscillator with no sensibility to external perturbations. It has been suggested indeed that this absolute instability can be used as a passive method to control the flow evolution. Finally, acoustic excitation has been applied to the near field in order to verify whether or not the observed vortex shedding behind the separating wall is due to a global oscillating mode as predicted by the theory. A new scaling relationship has been also proposed to determine the preferred frequency for nearly unitary velocity ratios. The proposed law takes into account both the Reynolds number and the velocity ratio dependence of this frequency and, therefore, improves all the previously proposed relationships.


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We report on the results of a laboratory investigation using a rotating two-layer annulus experiment, which exhibits both large-scale vortical modes and short-scale divergent modes. A sophisticated visualization method allows us to observe the flow at very high spatial and temporal resolution. The balanced long-wavelength modes appear only when the Froude number is supercritical (i.e. $F\,{>}\,F_\mathrm{critical}\,{\equiv}\, \upi^2/2$), and are therefore consistent with generation by a baroclinic instability. The unbalanced short-wavelength modes appear locally in every single baroclinically unstable flow, providing perhaps the first direct experimental evidence that all evolving vortical flows will tend to emit freely propagating inertia–gravity waves. The short-wavelength modes also appear in certain baroclinically stable flows. We infer the generation mechanisms of the short-scale waves, both for the baro-clinically unstable case in which they co-exist with a large-scale wave, and for the baroclinically stable case in which they exist alone. The two possible mechanisms considered are spontaneous adjustment of the large-scale flow, and Kelvin–Helmholtz shear instability. Short modes in the baroclinically stable regime are generated only when the Richardson number is subcritical (i.e. $\hbox{\it Ri}\,{<}\,\hbox{\it Ri}_\mathrm{critical}\,{\equiv}\, 1$), and are therefore consistent with generation by a Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. We calculate five indicators of short-wave generation in the baroclinically unstable regime, using data from a quasi-geostrophic numerical model of the annulus. There is excellent agreement between the spatial locations of short-wave emission observed in the laboratory, and regions in which the model Lighthill/Ford inertia–gravity wave source term is large. We infer that the short waves in the baroclinically unstable fluid are freely propagating inertia–gravity waves generated by spontaneous adjustment of the large-scale flow.


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The development of atherosclerosis in the aorta is associated with low and oscillatory wall shear stress for normal patients. Moreover, localized differences in wall shear stress heterogeneity have been correlated with the presence of complex plaques in the descending aorta. While it is known that coarctation of the aorta can influence indices of wall shear stress, it is unclear how the degree of narrowing influences resulting patterns. We hypothesized that the degree of coarctation would have a strong influence on focal heterogeneity of wall shear stress. To test this hypothesis, we modeled the fluid dynamics in a patient-specific aorta with varied degrees of coarctation. We first validated a massively parallel computational model against experimental results for the patient geometry and then evaluated local shear stress patterns for a range of degrees of coarctation. Wall shear stress patterns at two cross sectional slices prone to develop atherosclerotic plaques were evaluated. Levels at different focal regions were compared to the conventional measure of average circumferential shear stress to enable localized quantification of coarctation-induced shear stress alteration. We find that the coarctation degree causes highly heterogeneous changes in wall shear stress.


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Unicellular bottom-heavy swimming microorganisms are usually denser than the fluid in which they swim. In shallow suspensions, the bottom heaviness results in a gravitational torque that orients the cells to swim vertically upwards in the absence of fluid flow. Swimming cells thus accumulate at the upper surface to form a concentrated layer of cells. When the cell concentration is high enough, the layer overturns to form bioconvection patterns. Thin concentrated plumes of cells descend rapidly and cells return to the upper surface in wide, slowly moving upwelling plumes. When there is fluid flow, a second viscous torque is exerted on the swimming cells. The balance between the local shear flow viscous and the gravitational torques determines the cells' swimming direction, (gyrotaxis). In this thesis, the wavelengths of bioconvection patterns are studied experimentally as well as theoretically as follow; First, in aquasystem it is rare to find one species lives individually and when they swim they can form complex patterns. Thus, a protocol for controlled experiments to mix two species of swimming algal cells of \emph{C. rienhardtii} and \emph{C. augustae} is systematically described and images of bioconvection patterns are captured. A method for analysing images using wavelets and extracting the local dominant wavelength in spatially varying patterns is developed. The variation of the patterns as a function of the total concentration and the relative concentration between two species is analysed. Second, the linear stability theory of bioconvection for a suspension of two mixed species is studied. The dispersion relationship is computed using Fourier modes in order to calculate the neutral curves as a function of wavenumbers $k$ and $m$. The neutral curves are plotted to compare the instability onset of the suspension of the two mixed species with the instability onset of each species individually. This study could help us to understand which species contributes the most in the process of pattern formation. Finally, predicting the most unstable wavelength was studied previously around a steady state equilibrium situation. Since assuming steady state equilibrium contradicts with reality, the pattern formation in a layer of finite depth of an evolving basic state is studied using the nonnormal modes approach. The nonnormal modes procedure identifies the optimal initial perturbation that can be obtained for a given time $t$ as well as a given set of parameters and wavenumber $k$. Then, we measure the size of the optimal perturbation as it grows with time considering a range of wavenumbers for the same set of parameters to be able to extract the most unstable wavelength.


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The variability of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the upper tropical Atlantic basin is investigated using a reduced-gravity model in a simplified domain. Four sets of idealized numerical experiments are performed: (i) switch-on of the MOC until a fixed value when a constant northward flow is applied along the western boundary; (ii) MOC with a variable flow; (iii) MOC in a quasi-steady flow; and (iv) shutdown of the MOC in the Northern Hemisphere. Results from experiments (i) show that eddies are generated at the equatorial region by shear instability and detached northward; eddies are responsible for an enhancement of the mean flow and the variability of the MOC. Results from experiments (ii) show a transitional behavior of the MOC related to the eddy generation in interannual-decadal time scales as the Reynolds number varies due to the variations in the MOC. In experiments (iii), a critical Reynolds number Re(c) around 30 is found, above which eddies are generated. Experiments (iv) demonstrate that even after the collapse of MOC in the Northern Hemisphere, eddies can still be generated and carry energy across the equator into the Northern Hemisphere; these eddies act to attenuate the impact of the MOC shutdown on short time scales. The results described here may be particularly pertinent to ocean general circulation models in which the Reynolds number lies close to the bifurcation point separating the laminar and turbulent regimes.


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Conventional procedures used to assess the integrity of corroded piping systems with axial defects generally employ simplified failure criteria based upon a plastic collapse failure mechanism incorporating the tensile properties of the pipe material. These methods establish acceptance criteria for defects based on limited experimental data for low strength structural steels which do not necessarily address specific requirements for the high grade steels currently used. For these cases, failure assessments may be overly conservative or provide significant scatter in their predictions, which lead to unnecessary repair or replacement of in-service pipelines. Motivated by these observations, this study examines the applicability of a stress-based criterion based upon plastic instability analysis to predict the failure pressure of corroded pipelines with axial defects. A central focus is to gain additional insight into effects of defect geometry and material properties on the attainment of a local limit load to support the development of stress-based burst strength criteria. The work provides an extensive body of results which lend further support to adopt failure criteria for corroded pipelines based upon ligament instability analyses. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter pipe specimens with different defect length shows the effectiveness of a stress-based criterion using local ligament instability in burst pressure predictions, even though the adopted burst criterion exhibits a potential dependence on defect geometry and possibly on material`s strain hardening capacity. Overall, the results presented here suggests that use of stress-based criteria based upon plastic instability analysis of the defect ligament is a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial corroded defects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new conceptual framework has been developed which explains the formation of shear-related casting defects such as porosity, segregation and tears. The theory relates defect formation to the mechanical behaviour of the partially solidified microstructure when shear stresses are developed during the filling of a casting and by the subsequent feeding processes during solidification. Two transition points, the dendrite coherency point and the maximum packing solid fraction, divide the mushy zone into three regions of different mechanical and feeding behaviours. The response of the mush to shear is related to the presence of these zones during solidification of a casting. The resulting defects are rationalized by considering the governing local shear stress and shear rate, local strength and time available for fluid flow. The design of the casting, the casting process used and the alloy composition all influence the relative importance of shearing on defect formation. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: Repair of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in paediatric cardiac surgery remains challenging due to the high reoperation rate. Intimal hyperplasia and consequent arteriosclerosis is one of the most important limitation factors for graft durability. Since local shear stress and pressure are predictive elements for intimal hyperplasia and wall degeneration, we sought to determine in an oversized 12-mm RVOT model, with computed fluid dynamics simulation, the local haemodynamical factors that may explain intimal hyperplasia. This was done with the aim of identifying the optimal degree of oversizing for a 12-mm native RVOT. METHODS: Twenty domestic pigs, with a weight of 24.6 ± 0.89 kg and a native RVOT diameter of 12 ± 1.7 mm, had valve conduits of 12, 16, 18 and 20 mm implanted. Pressure and flow were measured at 75, 100 and 125% of normal flow at RVOT at the pulmonary artery, pulmonary artery bifurcation and at the left and right pulmonary arteries. Three-dimensional computed fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation in all four geometries in all flow modalities was performed. Local shear stress and pressure conditions were investigated. RESULTS: Corresponding to 75, 100 and 125% of steady-state flow, three inlet velocity profiles were obtained, 0.2, 0.29 and 0.36 m/s, respectively. At inflow velocity profiles, low shear stress areas, ranged from 0 to 2 Pa, combined with high-pressure areas ranging from 11.5 to 12.1 mmHg that were found at distal anastomosis, at bifurcation and at the ostia of the left and right pulmonary arteries in all geometries. CONCLUSIONS: In all three oversized geometries, the local reparation of shear stress and pressure in the 16-mm model showed a similar local profile as in the native 12 mm RVOT. According to these findings, we suggest oversizing the natural 12-mm RVOT by not more than 4 mm. The elements responsible for wall degeneration and intimal hyperplasia remain very similar to the conditions present in native RVOT.


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Lors du phénomène d’hémostase primaire ou de thrombose vasculaire, les plaquettes sanguines doivent adhérer aux parois afin de remplir leur fonction réparatrice ou pathologique. Pour ce faire, certains facteurs rhéologiques et hémodynamiques tels que l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement local et les contraintes de cisaillement pariétal, entrent en jeu afin d’exclure les plaquettes sanguines de l’écoulement principal et de les transporter vers le site endommagé ou enflammé. Cette exclusion pourrait aussi être influencée par l’agrégation de globules rouges qui est un phénomène naturel présent dans tout le système cardiovasculaire selon les conditions d’écoulement. La dérive de ces agrégats de globules rouges vers le centre des vaisseaux provoque la formation de réseaux d’agrégats dont la taille et la complexité varient en fonction de l’hématocrite et des conditions de cisaillement présentes. Il en résulte un écoulement bi-phasique avec un écoulement central composé d’agrégats de globules rouges avoisinés par une région moins dense en particules où l’on peut trouver des globules rouges singuliers, des petits rouleaux de globules rouges et une importante concentration en plaquettes et globules blancs. De ce fait, il est raisonnable de penser que plus la taille des agrégats qui occupent le centre du vaisseau augmente, plus il y aura de plaquettes expulsées vers les parois vasculaires. L'objectif du projet est de quantifier, in vitro, la migration des plaquettes sanguines en fonction du niveau d’agrégation érythrocytaire présent, en faisant varier l’hématocrite, le taux de cisaillement et en promouvant l’agrégation par l’ajout d’agents tels que le dextran à poids moléculaire élevé. Cependant, le comportement non Newtonien du sang dans un écoulement tubulaire peut être vu comme un facteur confondant à cause de son impact sur l’organisation spatiale des agrégats de globules rouges. De ce fait, les études ont été réalisées dans un appareil permettant de moduler, de façon homogène, la taille et la structure de ces agrégats et de quantifier ainsi leur effet sur la migration axiale des plaquettes. Du sang de porc anti coagulé a été ajusté à différents taux d’hématocrite et insérer dans un appareil à écoulement de Couette, à température ambiante. Les plaquettes sanguines, difficilement isolables in vitro sans en activer certains ligands membranaires, ont été remplacées par des fantômes en polystyrène ayant un revêtement de biotine. La quantification de la migration de ces fantômes de plaquettes a été réalisée grâce à l’utilisation de membranes biologiques fixées sur les parois internes de l’entrefer du rhéomètre de Couette. Ces membranes ont un revêtement de streptavidine assurant une très forte affinité d’adhésion avec les microparticules biotynilées. À 40% d’hématocrite, à un cisaillement de 2 s-1, 566 ± 53 microparticules ont été comptées pour un protocole préétabli avec du sang non agrégeant, comparativement à 1077 ± 229 pour du sang normal et 1568 ± 131 pour du sang hyper agrégeant. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent une nette participation de l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur le transport des fantômes de plaquettes puisque l’adhésion de ces derniers à la paroi du rhéomètre de Couette augmente de façon quasi exponentielle selon le niveau d’agrégation présent.


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In the Eady model, where the meridional potential vorticity (PV) gradient is zero, perturbation energy growth can be partitioned cleanly into three mechanisms: (i) shear instability, (ii) resonance, and (iii) the Orr mechanism. Shear instability involves two-way interaction between Rossby edge waves on the ground and lid, resonance occurs as interior PV anomalies excite the edge waves, and the Orr mechanism involves only interior PV anomalies. These mechanisms have distinct implications for the structural and temporal linear evolution of perturbations. Here, a new framework is developed in which the same mechanisms can be distinguished for growth on basic states with nonzero interior PV gradients. It is further shown that the evolution from quite general initial conditions can be accurately described (peak error in perturbation total energy typically less than 10%) by a reduced system that involves only three Rossby wave components. Two of these are counterpropagating Rossby waves—that is, generalizations of the Rossby edge waves when the interior PV gradient is nonzero—whereas the other component depends on the structure of the initial condition and its PV is advected passively with the shear flow. In the cases considered, the three-component model outperforms approximate solutions based on truncating a modal or singular vector basis.


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The quantitative effects of uniform strain and background rotation on the stability of a strip of constant vorticity (a simple shear layer) are examined. The thickness of the strip decreases in time under the strain, so it is necessary to formulate the linear stability analysis for a time-dependent basic flow. The results show that even a strain rate γ (scaled with the vorticity of the strip) as small as 0.25 suppresses the conventional Rayleigh shear instability mechanism, in the sense that the r.m.s. wave steepness cannot amplify by more than a certain factor, and must eventually decay. For γ < 0.25 the amplification factor increases as γ decreases; however, it is only 3 when γ e 0.065. Numerical simulations confirm the predictions of linear theory at small steepness and predict a threshold value necessary for the formation of coherent vortices. The results help to explain the impression from numerous simulations of two-dimensional turbulence reported in the literature that filaments of vorticity infrequently roll up into vortices. The stabilization effect may be expected to extend to two- and three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic flows.