999 resultados para LINKAGE POSITION


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ottaa käyttöön tandemmassaspektrometrinen (MS/MS) menetelmä, jolla voidaan analysoida polysakkarideista purkautuneiden oligosakkaridien rakenteita. Tavoitteena oli, että menetelmällä voidaan määrittää glykosidisten sidosten eri asemat monosakkaridirakenteiltaan samanlaisista neutraaleista lineaarisista oligosakkarideista. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin oligosakkaridien rakenteiden määrittämiseen käytettyjä MS/MS-menetelmiä ja oligosakkaridien pilkkoutumisreaktioita MS/MS-analyysissa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella MS/MS-analyysissa oligosakkaridien pilkkoutuminen voi tapahtua joko glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisella tai monosakkaridirenkaan halkeamisella. Monosakkaridirenkaan pilkkoutumisesta muodostuvia tuoteioneja voidaan käyttää glykosidisen sidoksen aseman määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluksi monosakkaridirakenteiltaan isomeerisilla disakkaridimalliaineilla glykosidisen sidoksen sijainnin vaikutus disakkaridin pilkkoutumiseen MS/MS-analyysissa. Tämän jälkeen pyrittiin löytämään tunnetuista tri- ja tetrasakkaridimalliaineista näitä eri sidoksille tyypillisiä tuoteionien jakaumia. Tunnettujen tri- ja tetrasakkaridien pilkkoutuminen yhdenmukaisesti disakkaridien pilkkoutumisen kanssa antaisi mahdollisuuden pitkäketjuisempien oligosakkaridien glykosidisten sidosten tunnistamiseen sovelletulla MS/MS-menetelmällä. MS/MS-analyysit tehtiin ioniloukkumassadetektorilaitteistolla käyttäen sähkösumutusionisaatiota (ESI). Oligosakkaridit määritettiin positiivisella ionisaatiolla litium- ja natriumaddukti-ioneina ja negatiivisella ionisaatiolla kloridiaddukti-ioneina. Vertaamalla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista MS/MS-analyyseissa muodostuneita tuoteioneja disakkarideista muodostuneisiin tuoteioneihin, voitiin sekä positiivisella että negatiivisella ionisaatiolla määrittää oligosakkaridin pelkistävän pään sidoksen asema. Negatiivisella ionisaatiolla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista muodostuneista tuoteioneista voitiin määrittää myös muiden kuin pelkistävän pään sidosten asemia. Positiivisella ionisaatiolla muiden sidosten määrittäminen ei ollut mahdollista, koska rengasfragmentti-ioneja muodostui pääosin oligosakkaridin pelkistävästä päästä. Glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisesta muodostuneet tuoteionit analysoitiin edelleen MS3-analyysilla. MS3-analyysissa muodostuneista tuoteioneista ei voitu tulkita sidosten asemia, koska lähtöionit koostuivat sekä terminaalisen että pelkistävän pään isomeerisista ioneista.


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Electrospray ionization (ESI) combined with multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) was used to directly analyze the glycolipid mixture from bacteria Bacillus pumilus without preliminary separation. Full scan ESI-MS revealed the composition of picomole quantities of glycerolglycolipid species containing C-14-C-19 fatty acids, some of which were monounsaturated, Two main components were identified from their molecular masses and fragmentation pathways. The fragmentation pathway of the known compound compared with the investigated compound verified the proposed structure as 1(3)-acyl-2-pentadecanoyl-3(1)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]-sn-glycerols. A comparison of the multiple tandem mass spectra of the different alkali-metal cation adducts indicates that the intensity of fragments and the dissociation pathways are dependent on the alkali-metal type, The basic structures of glycerolglycolipids were reflected clearly from the fragmentation patterns of the sodium cations, The intense fragments of the sugar residue from the precursor ions were obtained from the lithiated adduct ions. ESI-MSn spectra of [M + K](+) ions did not provide as much fragmentation as [M + Na](+) and [M + Li](+) adducts, but their spectra allow the position of glycerol acylation to be determined. On the basis of MS2 spectra of[M + K](+) ions, it was established that all components have a C-15:0 fatty acid at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone and C-14-C-19 acids at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) combined with sequential tandem MS(ESI-MSn), two major steroidal saponins extracted from Tribulus terrestris were studied, and considerable useful structural information was obtained. The structure of the proposed known steroidal saponin was verified, and the structure of the unknown saponin was investigated using MSn experiments. Some special fragment ions were also observed, and the corresponding fragmentation mechanisms were investigated which are characteristic for steroidal saponins and can give some information on the linkage position of some sugar groups in saponins. This methodology has been established as a powerful tool for the rapid, comparative analysis of mixtures such as crude plant extracts. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação descreve estudos desenvolvidos segundo três metodologias para a funcionalização de meso-tetra-arilporfirinas; uma delas baseada na funcionalização com diazo compostos, outra na reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura e a terceira na reacção de metátese. O presente documento é composto por quatro partes distintas. Na primeira parte são feitas considerações gerais sobre propriedades e aplicações de macrociclos porfirínicos. Na segunda parte é apresentado o trabalho realizado na funcionalização de porfirinas com diazo compostos através de reacções de inserção com um catalisador de ródio(II). Este estudo envolveu a preparação de duas porfirinas com grupos O-H e N-H nas posições para dum substituinte meso-fenilo. Os estudos iniciaram-se com a reacção de 5-(4-hidroxifenil)-10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com diazoacetato de etilo na presença de Rh2(OAc)4. Obteve-se o produto esperado de inserção com bons rendimentos. A reacção de 5-(4-aminofenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) com esse diazo composto na presença de Rh2(OAc)4 mostrou um perfil diferente do da reacção com o outro porfirinato. Foram obtidos três produtos, a saber: produto de bis-inserção e dois outros contendo o grupo funcional amida. Este capítulo descreve ainda a síntese de glicoporfirinas e de glicoclorinas através de reacções de inserção e de ciclopropanação envolvendo, respectivamente, os complexos 5-(4-hidroxifenil)- 10,15,20-trifenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 5,10,15,20- tetraquis(pentafluorofenil)porfirinatozinco(II) com α-diazoacetatos com substituintes sacarídicos. Foram usados, como catalisadores, Rh2(OAc)4 e CuCl, respectivamente, na reacção de inserção e na de ciclopropanação. Tendo em vista a sua aplicação em PDT, os novos produtos foram descomplexados e a unidade glicosídica foi desprotegida. Estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que os compostos obtidos são bons geradores dessa espécie citotóxica. Foram também realizados estudos de avaliação da actividade fotodinâmica em células humanas tumorais HeLa e em células humanas saudáveis HaCaT. Estudos de viabilidade celular, após tratamento fotodinâmico, mostraram que as glicoclorinas são mais eficazes na fotoinactivação das células tumorais. Apenas o derivado da clorina com a unidade de galactose mostrou selectividade para a linha celular tumoral, inibindo o crescimento desta e não causando efeito significativo na linha celular saudável. Este fotossensibilizador não foi tóxico na ausência de luz e depois do tratamento fotodinâmico e em condições sub-letais, provocou vacuolização citoplasmática e retracção pronunciada nas células tumorais, enquanto que nas células saudáveis os danos sofridos foram escassos. Nos estudos de localização celular este fotossensibilizador localizou-se na membrana citoplasmática e nos lisossomas tanto nas células HeLa como nas HaCaT. Na terceira parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados obtidos nos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de Suzuki-Miyaura. O complexo 2-(4,4,5,5,-tetrametil-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-il)-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) foi o composto escolhido como reagente de partida. Usando a reacção de Suzuki foi possível sintetizar complexos β-bromoarilporfirínicos em bons rendimentos. Estes complexos foram sujeitos à reacção de Suzuki com pinacolborano, tendo sido possível obter os produtos de acoplamento esperados e ainda derivados diméricos de complexos porfirínicos ligados por unidades fenileno. Esta metodologia reacional, catalisada por paládio, permitiu ainda sintetizar novos derivados quinolona-porfirina através da reacção do complexo porfirínico β-borilado anteriormente referido com bromo-quinolonas Nsubstiuídas com grupos alquílicos e glicosídicos. Deste modo foram obtidos derivados quinolona-porfirina em bons rendimentos. Com vista a realizar estudos de potencial aplicação em PACT, foram hidrolisados os grupos éster da unidade de quinolona e clivados os grupos protectores das unidades glicosídicas desses derivados. No estudo por MS Tandem (MS/MS) foi possível verificar que os isómeros dos derivados quinolona-porfirina sofrem as mesmas vias de fragmentação, confirmando as suas estruturas análogas. Foi possível ainda distinguir os derivados em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da posição C-6 da quinolona daqueles em que a unidade de porfirina está ligada à quinolona através da sua posição C-7. Os estudos de geração de oxigénio singuleto mostraram que as porfirinas β- substituídas com unidades de quinolona são melhores geradoras desta espécie citotóxica do que a tetrafenilporfirina e que a eficiência que têm em gerar essa espécie é afectada pela posição da ligação entre a porfirina e a quinolona, assim como com o tipo do N-substituinte da quinolona. As bases livres dos conjugados quinolona-porfirinatos foram testadas como fotossensibilizadores em PACT em células do parasita Leishmania Braziliensis, tendo-se observado que estes compostos têm capacidade para fotoinactivar este parasita. Na quarta parte deste trabalho são descritos os resultados dos estudos de funcionalização de porfirinas através da reacção de metátese com catalisador de Grubbs, visando a obtenção de novos macrociclos com grupos triazolilo. Verificouse que a eficiência da reacção de metátese cruzada entre 2-vinil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II) e 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazóis N-substituídos dependia das condições reaccionais e do triazol usado em cada caso. Foi possível ainda concluir que o impedimento estéreo das espécies envolvidas é um dos responsáveis pelo ciclo catalítico prosseguir por uma via secundária, originando uma espécie de ruténio pouco eficiente como catalisador. Este estudo foi estendido à reacção dos 4-vinil-1,2,3-triazois seleccionados com 2-butadienil-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinatoniquel(II); em cada caso foi possível obter uma mistura de isómeros dos derivados triazol-porfirina, geralmente em maiores rendimentos globais do que na reacção com 2-vinil-5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirinatozinco(II). Este facto será indicativo de que a reacção de metátase com esse derivado porfirínico segue, predominantemente, a via mais eficiente.


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The paper presents simple graphical procedures for the position synthesis of plane linkage mechanisms with sliding inputs and output to generate functions of two independent variables. The procedures are based on point position reduction and permit synthesis of the linkage to satisfy up to five arbitrarily selected precision positions.


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A graphical method is presented for synthesis of the general, seven-link, two-degree-of-freedom plane linkage to generate functions of two variables. The method is based on point position reduction and permits synthesis of the linkage to satisfy upto six arbitrarily selected precision positions.


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The paper presents simple graphical procedures for position synthesis of plane linkage mechanisms to generate functions of two independent variables. The procedures are based on point-position reduction and permit synthesis of the linkage to satisfy up to six arbitrarily selected precision positions.


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The paper presents simple graphical procedures for the position synthesis of plane linkage mechanisms with sliding inputs and output to generate functions of two independent variables. The procedures are based on point position reduction and permit synthesis of the linkage to satisfy up to five arbitrarily selected precision positions.


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It has been suggested on the basis of neuropathological and epidemiological evidence that schizophrenia is, at least in part, a neurodevelopmental illness. Some patients show abnormalities in cell position in the medial temporal lobes of their brains. Neurotrophin-3 is one of many proteins essential for the proper growth and development of the nervous system. Therefore the finding of a polymorphism near the promoter region of the gene, alleles of which were associated with the disease, prompted us to attempt replication. In a linkage and association analysis of the same polymorphism using familial schizophrenics and population controls we found no evidence to support the finding. We conclude that mutations or polymorphisms at this gene are unlikely to be involved in the genetic aetiology of schizophrenia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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While beneficially decreasing the necessary incision size, arthroscopic hip surgery increases the surgical complexity due to loss of joint visibility. To ease such difficulty, a computer-aided mechanical navigation system was developed to present the location of the surgical tool relative to the patient¿s hip joint. A preliminary study reduced the position error of the tracking linkage with limited static testing trials. In this study, a correction method, including a rotational correction factor and a length correction function, was developed through more in-depth static testing. The developed correction method was then applied to additional static and dynamic testing trials to evaluate its effectiveness. For static testing, the position error decreased from an average of 0.384 inches to 0.153 inches, with an error reduction of 60.5%. Three parameters utilized to quantify error reduction of dynamic testing did not show consistent results. The vertex coordinates achieved 29.4% of error reduction, yet with large variation in the upper vertex. The triangular area error was reduced by 5.37%, however inconsistent among all five dynamic trials. Error of vertex angles increased, indicating a shape torsion using the developed correction method. While the established correction method effectively and consistently reduced position error in static testing, it did not present consistent results in dynamic trials. More dynamic paramters should be explored to quantify error reduction of dynamic testing, and more in-depth dynamic testing methodology should be conducted to further improve the accuracy of the computer-aided nagivation system.


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Inbred strains of three species of fishes of the genus Xiphophorus (platyfish and swordtails) were crossed to produce intra- and interspecific F(,1) hybrids, which were then backcrossed to one or both parental stocks. Backcross hybrids were used for the analysis of segregation and linkage of 33 protein-coding loci (whose products were visualized by starch gel electrophoresis) and a sex-linked pigment pattern gene. Segregation was Mendelian for all loci with the exception of one instance of segregation distortion. Six linkage groups of enzyme-coding loci were established: LG I, ADA --6%-- G(,6)PD --24%-- 6PGD; LG II, Est-2 --27%-- Est-3 --0%-- Est-5 --23%-- LDH-1 --16%-- MPI; LG III, AcPh --38%-- G(,3)PD-1 (GUK-2 --14%-- G(,3)PD-1 is also in LG III, but the position of GUK-2 with respect to AcPh has not yet been determined); LG IV, GPI-1 --41%-- IDH-1; LG V, Est-1 --38%-- MDH-2; and LG VI, P1P --7%-- UMPK-1 (P1P is a plasma protein, very probably transferrin).^ Sex-specific recombination appeared absent in LG II and LG IV locus pairs; significantly higher male recombination was demonstrated in LG I but significantly higher female recombination was detected in LG V. Only one significant population-specific difference in recombination was detected, in the G(,6)PD - 6PGD region of LG I; the notable absence of such effects implies close correspondence of the genomes of the species used in the study. Two cases of possible evolutionary conservation of linkage groups in fishes and mammals were described, involving the G(,6)PD - 6PGD linkage in LG I and the cluster of esterase loci in LG II. One clear case of divergence was observed, that of the linkage of ADA in LG I. It was estimated that a minimum of (TURN)50% of the Xiphophorus genome was marked by the loci studied. Therefore, the prior probability that a new locus will assort independently from the markers already established is estimated to be less than 0.5. A maximum of 21 of the 24 pairs of chromosomes could be marked with at least one locus.^ Only the two LG V loci showed a significant association with a postulated gene controlling the severity of a genetically controlled melanoma caused by abnormal proliferation of macromelanophore pigment pattern cells. The independence of melanotic severity from all other informative markers implies that one or at most a few major genes are involved in control of melanotic severity in this system. ^


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The device we study is the excavation arm of a large hydraulic mining shovel having a multi-loop kinematic form. We describe an iterative algorithm that allows the position of the bucket to be tracked from measurements of the linear actuator extensions. The important characteristic of this algorithm is that it is numerically well-behaved when the linkage is close to singular configurations. While we focus on a specific device, the algorithm is easy to adapt to other multi-loop linkages. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A planar reconfigurable linear (also rectilinear) rigid-body motion linkage (RLRBML) with two operation modes, that is, linear rigid-body motion mode and lockup mode, is presented using only R (revolute) joints. The RLRBML does not require disassembly and external intervention to implement multi-task requirements. It is created via combining a Robert’s linkage and a double parallelogram linkage (with equal lengths of rocker links) arranged in parallel, which can convert a limited circular motion to a linear rigid-body motion without any reference guide way. This linear rigid-body motion is achieved since the double parallelogram linkage can guarantee the translation of the motion stage, and Robert’s linkage ensures the approximate straight line motion of its pivot joint connecting to the double parallelogram linkage. This novel RLRBML is under the linear rigid-body motion mode if the four rocker links in the double parallelogram linkage are not parallel. The motion stage is in the lockup mode if all of the four rocker links in the double parallelogram linkage are kept parallel in a tilted position (but the inner/outer two rocker links are still parallel). In the lockup mode, the motion stage of the RLRBML is prohibited from moving even under power off, but the double parallelogram linkage is still moveable for its own rotation application. It is noted that further RLRBMLs can be obtained from the above RLRBML by replacing Robert’s linkage with any other straight line motion linkage (such as Watt’s linkage). Additionally, a compact RLRBML and two single-mode linear rigid-body motion linkages are presented.