997 resultados para LINE-SHAPE


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The influence of Lorentz and Doppler line-broadening mechanisms on the small-signal optical gain of lasers and, in particular, gasdynamic lasers, is discussed. A relationship between the critical parameter reflecting the line-broadening mechanisms and some of the important parameters arising out of the gain optimization studies in CO2-N2 gasdynamic lasers is established. Using this relationship, methods by which the deleterious effect of the Doppler mechanisms on small-signal gain can be suppressed are suggested. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Spectroscopic observations of 51 Pegasi and tau Bootis show no periodic changes in the shapes of their line profiles; these results for 51 Peg are in significant conflict with those reported by Gray & Hatzes. Our detection limits are small enough to rule out nonradial pulsations as the cause of the variability in tau Boo, but not in 51 Peg. The absence of line shape changes is consistent with these stars' radial velocity variability arising from planetary mass companions.


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The stars 51 Pegasi and tau Bootis show radial velocity variations that have been interpreted as resulting from companions with roughly Jovian mass and orbital periods of a few days. Gray and Gray & Hatzes reported that the radial velocity signal of 51 Peg is synchronous with variations in the shape of the line lambda 6253 Fe I; thus, they argue that the velocity signal arises not from a companion of planetary mass but from dynamic processes in the atmosphere of the star, possibly nonradial pulsations. Here we seek confirming evidence for line shape or strength variations in both 51 Peg and tau Boo, using R = 50,000 observations taken with the Advanced Fiber Optic Echelle. Because of our relatively low spectral resolution, we compare our observations with Gray's line bisector data by fitting observed line profiles to an expansion in terms of orthogonal (Hermite) functions. To obtain an accurate comparison, we model the emergent line profiles from rotating and pulsating stars, taking the instrumental point-spread function into account. We describe this modeling process in detail. We find no evidence for line profile or strength variations at the radial velocity period in either 51 Peg or in tau Boo. For 51 Peg, our upper limit for line shape variations with 4.23 day periodicity is small enough to exclude with 10 sigma confidence the bisector curvature signal reported by Gray & Hatzes; the bisector span and relative line depth signals reported by Gray are also not seen, but in this case with marginal (2 sigma ) confidence. We cannot, however, exclude pulsations as the source of 51 Peg's radial velocity variation because our models imply that line shape variations associated with pulsations should be much smaller than those computed by Gray & Hatzes; these smaller signals are below the detection limits both for Gray & Hatzes's data and for our own. tau Boo's large radial velocity amplitude and v sin i make it easier to test for pulsations in this star. Again we find no evidence for periodic line shape changes, at a level that rules out pulsations as the source of the radial velocity variability. We conclude that the planet hypothesis remains the most likely explanation for the existing data.


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The roll forming process is increasingly used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of structural and crash components from Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS). Due to the high strength of UHSS (<1GPa) even small and commonly observed material property variations from coil to coil can result in significant changes in material yield and through that affect the final shape of the roll formed component. This requires the re-adjustment of tooling to compensate for shape defects and maintain part geometry resulting in costly downtimes of equipment. This paper presents a first step towards an in-line shape compensation method that based on the monitoring of roll load and torque allows for the estimation of shape defects and the subsequent re-adjustment of tooling for compensation. For this the effect of material property variation on common shape defects observed in the roll forming process as well as measurable process parameters such as roll load and torque needs to be understood. The effect of yield strength and material hardening on roll load and torque as well as longitudinal bow is investigated via experimental trials and numerical analysis. A regression analysis combined with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques is employed to establish the relationships between the process and material parameters and to determine their percentage influence on longitudinal bow, roll load and torque. The study will show that the level of longitudinal bow, one of the major shape defects observed in roll forming, can be estimated by variations in roll load and torque.


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Buddhika’s Phd topic is In-line shape compensation for roll forming through process parameter monitoring. It mainly discussed about defects monitoring and compensation in high strength steel roll forming for automotive applications.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we analyze the relation between the interface microroughness and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the photoluminescence (PL) spectra for a GaAs/Ga0.7Al0.3As multiple quantum well (QW) system. We show that, in spite of the complex correlation between the microscopic interface-defects parameters and the QW optical properties, the Singh and Bajaj model [Appl. Phys. Lett. 44, 805 (1984)] provides a good quantitative description of the excitonic PL-FWHM. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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The hydrodynamic structure of an axisymmetric supersonic expansion can be regarded as a series of concentric divergent cones, with decreasing particle densities as the cone angle increases. Different groups of molecules therefore contribute to high-resolution absorption line shapes when optically probing the expansion in a direction perpendicular to the jet axis. These groups are distinguished by the cone angle, inducing a specific Doppler shift, and by the particle density, contributing a specific weight to the absorption intensity. As a result different broader line profiles are observed compared to room temperature spectra. This effect is investigated here selecting as the working example the R(0), ν3 absorption line in N2O recorded using a Fourier transform interferometer. Independent impact pressure and quadrupole mass spectrometric measurements are performed leading to two complementary maps of the expansion, allowing the recorded absorption line shape to be quantitatively modeled. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ultrafast Raman loss spectroscopy (URLS) enables one to obtain the vibrational structural information of molecular systems including fluorescent materials. URLS, a nonlinear process analog to stimulated Raman gain, involves a narrow bandwidth picosecond Raman pump pulse anda femtosecond broadband white light continuum. Under nonresonant condition, the Raman response appears as a negative (loss) signal, whereas, on resonance with the electronic transition the line shape changes from a negative to a positive through a dispersive form. The intensities observed and thus, the Franck-Condon activity (coordinate dependent), are sensitive to the wavelength of the white light corresponding to a particular Raman frequency with respect to the Raman pump pulse wavelength, i.e., there is a mode-dependent response in URLS. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The electron spin resonance absorption in the synthetic metal polyaniline (PANI) doped with PTSA and its blend with poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) is investigated in the temperature range between 4.2 and 300 K. The observed line shape follows Dyson's theory for a thick metallic plate with slowly diffusing magnetic dipoles. At low temperatures the line shape become symmetric and Lorentzian when the sample dimensions are small in comparison with the skin depth. The temperature dependence of electron spin relaxation time is discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The conformational preferences of hydrazinecarbothioamide (HCTA, H2NNHCSNH2) in its basic and N-protonated (PHCTA, H3NNNHCSNH2) forms have been studied by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and by theoretical LCAO-MO methods (ab initio, CNDO/2 and EHT). The hindered rotation around the C---N bond has been investigated by a total line shape analysis for the thioamide protons and by the three MO methods. Changes in the molecular conformation and electronic structure on protonation are briefly discussed.


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Spin-state equilibria in the whole set of LCoO3 (where L stands for a rare-earth metal or Y) have been investigated with the use of 59Co NMR as a probe for the polycrystalline samples (except Ce) in the temperature interval 110-550 K and frequency range 3- 11.6 MHz. Besides confirming the coexistence of the high-spin—low-spin state in this temperature range, a quadrupolar interaction of ∼0.1 -0.5 MHz has been detected for the first time from 59Co NMR. The NMR line shape is found to depend strongly on the relative magnitude of the magnetic and quadrupolar interactions present. Analysis of the powder pattern reveals two basically different types of transferred hyperfine interaction between the lighter and heavier members of the rare-earth series. The first three members of the lighter rare-earth metals La, Pr (rhombohedral), and Nd (tetragonal), exhibit second-order quadrupolar interaction with a zero-asymmetry parameter at lower temperatures. Above a critical temperature TS (dependent on the size of the rare-earth ion), the quadrupolar interaction becomes temperature dependent and eventually gives rise to a first-order interaction thus indicating a possible second-order phase change. Sm and Eu (orthorhombic) exhibit also a second-order quadrupolar interaction with a nonzero asymmetry parameter ((η∼0.47)) at 300 K, while the orthorhombic second-half members (Dy,..., Lu and Y) exhibit first-order quadrupolar interaction at all temperatures. Normal paramagnetic behavior, i.e., a linear variation of Kiso with T-1, has been observed in the heavier rare-earth cobaltites (Er,..., Lu and Y), whereas an anomalous variation has been observed in (La,..., Nd)CoO3. Thus, Kiso increases with increasing temperature in PrCoO3 and NdCoO3. These observations corroborate the model of the spin-state equilibria in LCoO3 originally proposed by Raccah and Goodenough. A high-spin—low-spin ratio, r=1, can be stabilized in the perovskite structure by a cooperative displacement of the oxygen atoms from the high-spin towards the low-spin cation. Where this ordering into high- and low-spin sublattices occurs at r=1, one can anticipate equivalent displacement of all near-neighbor oxygen atoms towards a low-spin cobalt ion. Thus the heavier LCoO3 exhibits a small temperature-independent first-order quadrupolar interaction. Where r<1, the high- and low-spin states are disordered, giving rise to a temperature-dependent second-order quadrupolar interaction with an anomalous Kiso for the lighter LCoO3.


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The i.r. spectra of a primary dithiocarbamate ester namely, S-methyl dithiocarbamate (SMDTC) and its N-dideuterated compound have been measured between 4000 and 30 cm−1. Spectra in solution and at liquid nitrogen temperature have also been obtained. Assignment of all the fundamentals has been proposed and supported from a full normal coordinate analysis. The band assignments for SMDTC have been compared with those of related molecules and the characteristic bands of primary thioamides are derived. Conformational flexibility of SMDTC has been examined by i.r. and proton NMR spectroscopy. The hindered rotation around the C---N bond has been studied by a complete line shape analysis. The magnitude of ---NH2 and ---CH3 torsional barriers is also estimated from vibrational frequencies and force constants.


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The electron spin resonance in undiluted single crystals of cupric acid fluoride has been investigated at room temperature with microwaves of frequency 9625 Mc/s. The anisotropy in the g value has been measured in three orthogonal planes. The principal g values gave gshort parallel = 2.410 ± 0.010, gperpendicular = 2.090 ± 0.010. The linewidth shows anisotropy with orientation. The exchange frequency has been estimated to be approximately 0.08 cm-1.The powdered specimen shows asymmetry in the line shape.