142 resultados para LII
N,N-Dimethyl-pyrrolidinium iodide, and the effect of doping with LiI, has been investigated using DSC, NMR, and impedance spectroscopy. It was found that the addition of a small amount of LiI enhances the ionic conductivity by LIP to 3 orders of magnitude for this ionic solid. Furthermore, a slight decrease in phase transition onset temperatures, as well as the appearance of a superimposed narrow line in the H-1 NMR spectra with dopant, suggest that the LiI facilitates the mobility of the matrix material, possibly by the introduction of vacancies within the lattice. Li-7 NMR line width measurements reveal a narrow Li line width, decreasing in width and increasing in intensity with temperature, indicating mobile Li ions.
Biopolymer-based materials have been of particular interest as alternatives do synthetic polymers due to their low toxicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility. Among them, chitosan is one of the most studied ones and has recently been investigated for the application as solid state polymer electrolytes. Furthermore, it can serve as a host for luminescent species such as rare earth ions, giving rise to materials with increased functionality, of particular interest for electrochemical devices. In this study, we investigate chitosan based luminescent materials doped wit Eu3+ and Li+ triflate salts from the structural, photophysical and conductivity points of view. Because the host presents a broad emission band in the blue to green, while Eu3+ emits in the red, fine tuning of emission colour and/or generation of white light is possible by optimizing composition and excitation scheme. Europium lifetimes (5D0) are in the range 270 – 350 µs and quantum yields are as high as 2%. Although Li+ does not interfere with the luminescent properties, it grants ion-conducting properties to the material suggesting that a combination of both properties could be further explored in multifunctional device.
Plantas de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) var. Aodai, foram cultivadas no município de Piracicaba, SP (LS: 22° 41'31' e LW: 47º31'01''), em solo Terra Roxa Estruturada, série Luiz de Queiroz, devidamente adubado. O delineamento estatístico foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições, com amostragens das plantas aos 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 e 84 dias após a emergência, sendo subdivididas em caule, folhas do caule, folhas dos ramos, flores masculinas, flores femininas e frutos. As partes da planta foram lavadas e secadas, e atingido o peso constante do material, determinou-se o peso da matéria seca. As seguintes conclusões foram obtidas: a) o crescimento é contínuo, acelerando-se até a maturidade da planta com a incorporação da matéria seca produzida pelos ramos e suas folhas, e pela contribuição dos frutos; b) aos 84 dias da cultura no campo, a quantidade de matéria seca estimada, produzida pela parte aérea, por planta, atingiu: 63,4 g no caule e ramos (25,7%); 88,4 g nas folhas (41,4%); 61,5 g nas flores e frutos (28,8%); sendo o total produzido pela planta de.... 213,28 g.
Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte seconda del tomo terzo contenente il libro sesto. Vol III
Comprend : Fol. Diijr° - Sit nomen Domini benedictum in seculum (Fuga, à 4 v.) - Fol. Ej r° - Morior ego, si non habuero (Fuga, à 5 v.) - Fol. Ej r° - Fuga à 5 v. - Fol. Ej v° - Fuga à 2 v. - Fol. Ej v° - Fuga à 5 v. - Fol. Eij r° - Fuga à 5 v. - Fol. Eij v° - Fuga à 2 v. - Fol. Eiij v° - Fuga à 2 v. - Fol. Eiv r° - Fuga à 5 v. - Fol. Eiv v° - Fuga à 2 v. - Fol. F j r° - Canon à 3 v. - Fol. I j v° - Elegantia super Languir me fault (à 2 v.) - Fol. I ij v° - C'est à grant tort (Aliud exemplum, à 2 v.) - Fol. iiij v° - Fuga à 4 v. - Fol. Kiij r° - In omnibus requiem (à 1 v.) - Fol. Kiij v° - Salve sancta parens (à 1 v. (le début d'une autre voix sur la même portée en ms.)) - Fol. Liij r° - Vanitas vanitatum (à 4 v.) - Fol. Liij v° - Dixit Dominus (à 4 v.) - Fol. Liiij r° - Dixit Dominus (à 5 v. et faux-bourdon) - Fol. Liiij v° - O vos omnes (à 4 v.) - Fol. N j r° - Omnis arbor (à 2 v.) - Fol. N j v° - Pleni sunt coeli (à 2 v.) - Fol. Nij v° - Pleni sunt coeli (à 2 v.) - Fol. Niij r° - Christus spes mea (à 3 v.) - Fol. Niij r° - Et expecto resurectionem mortuorum (à 3 v.) - Fol. Niij v° - Pleni sunt coeli (à 3 v.) - Fol. Niiij v° - A solis ortu cardine ([Hymne], à 4 v.) - Fol. O j v° - [Canon] à 4 v. - Fol. O j v° - Revertere (à 4 v.) - Fol. O j v° - Adolescens graditur (à 5 v.) - Fol. Oij r° - Dominus mihi adiutor (Fuga, à 5 v.) - Fol. Oij v° - Surrexit Christus hodie (à 5 v.) - Fol. Oiij v° - Christus pro nobis passus est (à 5 v.) - Fol. Oiiij v° - Agnus Dei (à 6 v.) - Fol. Pj v° - [Pièce sans texte] (à 6 v.) - Fol. Pij v° - Sumite psalmum (Fuga, à 6 v.) - Fol. Pij v° - Nobilis est (Fuga, à 6 v.) - Fol. Piij r° - Ambulate dum lucem habetis (Fuga, à 7 v.) - Fol. Piij r° - Sancta Trinitas (Fuga, à 7 v.) - Fol. Piij v° - Omnis consummationis vidi finem (Canon, à 8 v. dont 4 notées)
Gellan-based polymer electrolytes (PEs), doped with lithium iodide (LiI), were prepared and their electrical properties were characterized. The samples are thermally stable up to 234 degrees C and exhibit ionic conductivity of 3.8 x 10(-4) S/cm at room temperature for the sample doped with 40 wt% of LiI. Addition of 10 wt% of glycerol promotes an increase of the ionic conductivity to 1.5 x 10(-3) S/cm, which remains stable up to 100 degrees C. The activation energies of 2.4 to 12.4 kJ/mol were derived from the Arrhenius model. The repeated ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature show that these membranes can be reversibly used between the room temperature and 100 degrees C.
Ionic conducting membranes of gelatin plasticized with glycerol and containing LiI/I-2 have been obtained and characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy. The transparent (80-90% in the visible range) membranes showed ionic conductivity value of 5 x 10(-5) S/cm at room temperature, which increased to 3 x 10(-3) S/cm at 80 degrees C. All the ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature showed VTF dependence and activation energy of 8 kJ/mol. These samples also showed low glass transition temperature of -76 degrees C. Moreover the samples were predominantly amorphous. The membranes applied to small electrochromic devices showed 20% of color change from colored to bleached states during more than 70 cronoamperometric cycles.
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Según Palau, XXVII, 367998, fue impreso en 1752
Sign.: A-Z8, 2A-2F8
Contiene: Vol. 1: A-P -- Vol. 2: Q-Z.
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Mode of access: Internet.