2 resultados para LFET
In this thesis, we present the results of high-frequency measurements on superconductor-graphene-superconductor junctions. We obtained the relation between the supercurrent through the junction and the superconducting phase. The relation allowed us to extract true critical current and to determine the transport regime of graphene in our SGS-junction samples at the Dirac point and away from it. An experimental temperature dependence of the current-phase relation is presented. We have calculated theoretical supercurrent-phase relation in the case of ballistic and diffusive junction. For the diffusive case, we have considered short and long limits where the coherence length is larger or smaller than the sample length, respectively.
Este texto en dos idiomas, esta pensado para ser utilizado, especialmente, por los niños bilingües, aunque lo pueden usar todos los niños de diferentes niveles educativos y de distintas edades. Les sirve para escribir sobre sus vidas, mostrar su individualismo y sus experiencias culturales.