998 resultados para LBO (Leveraged Buy Out)


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O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de estruturação e avaliação de opções reais em um contexto de compra alavancada (LBO), através da aplicação em um estudo de caso. As opções reais foram aplicadas na modelagem e avaliação de um projeto de aquisição de empresa por parte de um private equity, considerando incertezas econômicas, mercadológicas e competitivas, flexibilidades possíveis durante a execução do projeto e a necessidade de pagamento do endividamento gerado com a compra alavancada. Para isto, foram modeladas as principais opções encontradas em um projeto típico de private equity, como opção de investimentos estagiados, desinvestimento e abandono, além das restrições impostas pelos fluxos de pagamentos do endividamento remanescente. Verificou-se que, de forma geral, as opções que aumentam o fluxo de caixa no curto prazo (opções de contração) tendem a ter seu valor relativo ampliado neste contexto, em detrimento às opções de expansão, que tem seu valor relativo reduzido. Além disso, algumas linhas de financiamento podem ser bloqueadas enquanto a empresa não chegar a uma relação debt / equity adequada, isto significa que algumas opções que necessitem de novos investimentos podem ficar indisponíveis até que a empresa possa tomar dívida novamente no mercado.


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GAL honetan Arrisku-Kapital Entitateak aztertzen dira. Hau laburki, finantziazio bide alternatibo bat da, zeinaren ezaugarririk garrantzitsuena da, finantziazioaz gain ezagutza iturri ere badirela enpresa-proiektu berritzaileak sustatzeko. Lanaren antolaketari dagokionez, lehenik eta behin, Arrisku Kapital inbertsioaren kontzeptua eta ezaugarriak legalki ekonomikoki zein historikoki aztertu dira, helburua gizartean entitate hauengan dagoen ikuspuntu okerra zuzentzea izan den. Bestetik entitateen tipologia eta legedi aplikagarria aztertu dira 2014. urteko erreforma eta gainontzeko araudia aztertuz. Ondoren alderdi erregulatzailea sakondu da, hau da entitate hauek bete behar dituzten obligazioak eta zeintzuk diren beraien mugak inbertsioak egiteko unean. Geroago, sektorearen erronkak aztertzen dira, gaur egungo egoera eta etorkizunean enpresen finantziazioak ze nolako testuinguru topa dezakegun azalduz. Amaitzeko balorazio bat egin da, bertan garapen historiko zein juridikoa kontuan izanik, sektoreak tamalez hartu duen itxura kritikatu da, batez ere espekulazioari atea ireki diolako eta enpresa txiki eta berritzaileen finantziazio iturri izan zitekeena, areriotasunezko eskurapenak eta espekulazioan oinarrituriko inbertsioak sustatzea ekarri duelako.


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Este trabalho objetiva analisar a eficiência dos comitês de investimento no modelo de investimento em private equity através de FIPs (Fundos de Investimento em Participações) que não utilizam alavancagens em suas aquisições. Tal análise é feita através de uma comparação com o modelo americano, no qual tipicamente o gestor do fundo tem o poder de decisão sobre os investimentos e as aquisições são realizadas utilizando financiamento de terceiros. A dissertação é iniciada com uma revisão bibliográfica não-exaustiva dos trabalhos da academia brasileira sobre o tema de private equity. Em seguida, levanta-se as particularidades do modelo dos FIPs, principalmente a decisão de investimento feita em conjunto pelo gestor e seus investidores através de comitês de investimento e a rara utilização de alavancagem nas aquisições, e demonstra-se como o impacto destas características altera o equilíbrio do modelo proposto por Axelson, Strömberg e Weisbach. Conclui-se que as particularidades do modelo dos FIPs que não utilizam alavancagens nas aquisições oferecem: (i) melhor proteção aos interesses dos investidores, e uma representativade similar aos conselhos de administração de companhias abertas, e (ii) permitem que o gestor aproveite os períodos nos quais as transações ocorrem a um múltiplo mais baixo, resultando num modelo mais eficiente de investimento e que evita a multiplicação dos ciclos econômicos. Tais conclusões, no entanto, estão sujeitas à observação das seguintes condições: (i) o comitê deve ter qualificação igual ou superior ao do gestor; (ii) o comitê deve ter disponibilidade de tempo e corpo suficientes para analisar os investimentos nas mesma profundidade que o gestor, (iii) a existência do comitê de investimento não deve acarretar numa desvantagem para o gestor em termos de agilidade de resposta nas negociações. Finalmente, são levantadas algumas situações de ponteciais conflitos de interesse nas quais os membros dos comitês de investimento podem se encontrar.


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Depuis les dernières années, les marchés financiers ont été marqués par une volonté des investisseurs, dont les fonds d’investissement privés, de privatiser des sociétés publiques. Plusieurs fermetures de capital se sont matérialisées par des acquisitions par voie d’emprunt (aussi connues sous le nom « leverage buy-out »), en raison notamment des taux d’intérêt peu élevés, d’un crédit plus accessible et d’un certain resserrement de la réglementation applicable aux sociétés publiques. S’inscrivant dans ce contexte, le présent mémoire de maîtrise s’intéresse particulièrement à l’impact des jugements rendus dans le cadre du litige relatif à l’offre d’acquisition par voie d’emprunt de BCE inc. sur les conceptions traditionnelles des devoirs des administrateurs. Dans cette affaire, les détenteurs de débentures de la filiale à part entière de BCE inc., Bell Canada, se sont vigoureusement opposés à cette acquisition. Cette transaction, d’une envergure sans précédent dans l’histoire du Canada, a été scrutée jusqu’à la plus haute instance décisionnelle au pays quant à son caractère raisonnable et équitable et à son effet potentiellement oppressif envers les détenteurs de débentures. Cette étude abordera d’abord l’évolution de la jurisprudence du Delaware sur les devoirs des administrateurs, dans le contexte d’un changement de contrôle, juridiction phare en droit des sociétés aux États-Unis et source d’inspiration marquée en droit canadien. Ensuite, nous nous attarderons sur la position du droit canadien et sur un arrêt marquant rendu par la Cour suprême du Canada, dans l’affaire Peoples. Sur cette toile de fond, cette analyse sera complétée par un examen des motifs des décisions rendues par les trois instances judiciaires dans l’affaire BCE et une réflexion sur l’impact de ces décisions sur le droit des sociétés au Canada.


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Critics claim that short-term profit orientation and high deal price strategies of private equity (PE) firms can negatively affect the ability of management buyouts to initiate and sustain entrepreneurial management. This study investigates this claim by comparing effects of majority PE backed and other buy-outs at different levels of financial leverage on post buy-out increases in entrepreneurial management. We propose that PE can be used as an organizational refocusing device that simultaneously increases entrepreneurial and administrative management. We find that majority PE-backed buy-outs significantly increase entrepreneurial management practices. Furthermore, the increased financial leverage positively affects administrative management in management buy-outs. However, the effect of high financial leverage is larger for majority PE-backed buy-outs. These results support the notion that PE firms help buy-out companies develop ambidextrous organizational change: i.e. simultaneously develop entrepreneurial and administrative management practices. The findings have important implications for practitioners and policy makers.


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Comments on the Chancery Division ruling in Nicholls v Lan on whether the interests of a bankrupt husband's creditors prevailed over those of the wife, despite her circumstances being exceptional within the meaning of the Insolvency Act 1986 s.335A on account of her suffering from chronic schizophrenia, where the wife was the joint owner of another property which could be realised to buy out the trustee in bankruptcy's half share in the equity of the matrimonial home.


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This paper describes an approach to structuring the make or buy decision process, basing it firmly in the context of an overall manufacturing strategy. The work has been carried out jointly by the University of Cambridge Manufacturing Engineering Group and Lucas Industries. A review of the current state of ideas surrounding the linked issues of vertical integration and make or buy decisions is presented. Important features of the approach include identification of core manufacturing capabilities, assessment of the role of technology in manufacturing, the development of a cost model to support make or buy decisions and a review of the strategic implications of varying degrees of vertical integration.


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Corporate governance has been in the spotlight for the past two decades, being subject of numerous researches all over the world. Governance is pictured as a broad and diverse theme, evolving through different routes to form distinct systems. This scenario together with 2 types of agency problems (investor vs. management and minorities vs. controlling shareholders) produce different definitions for governance. Usually, studies investigate whether corporate governance structures influence firm performance, and company valuation. This approach implies investors can identify those impacts and later take them into consideration when making investment decisions. However, behavioral finance theory shows that not always investors take rational decisions, and therefore the modus operandi of those professionals needs to be understood. So, this research aimed to investigate to what extent Brazilian corporate governance standards and practices influence the investment decision-making process of equity markets' professionals from the sell-side and buy-side. This exploratory study was carried out through qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative phase, 8 practitioners were interviewed and 3 dimensions emerged: understanding, pertinence and practice. Based on the interviews’ findings, a questionnaire was formulated and distributed to buy-siders and sell-siders that cover Brazilian stocks. 117 respondents from all over the world contributed to the study. The data obtained were analyzed through structural equation modeling and descriptive statistics. The 3 dimensions became 5 constructs: definition (institutionalized governance, informal governance), pertinence (relevance), practice (valuation process, structured governance assessment) The results of this thesis suggest there is no definitive answer, as the extent to which governance will influence an investment decision process will depend on a number of circumstances which compose the context. The only certainty is the need to present a “corporate governance behavior”, rather than simply establishing rules and regulations at firm and country level.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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When the author wrote her first article for the FIU Hospitality Review on leveraged buyouts' some five years ago, this business strategy was beginning to enjoy increasing popularity. Since that time leveraged buyouts grew to unprecedented levels both in number and size of transactions. However, following the failure of the UAL proposal and the collapse of the junk bond market in 1989, there has been a marked slowdown in buyout activity this article examines major developments affecting leveraged buyouts over the past five years and addresses their future implications for the hospitality industry.