997 resultados para LANGMUIR-BLODGETT METHOD


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayers of three kinds of soluble polyimides were prepared with the direct deposition method, The monolayer structures were characterized with W-vis absorption spectroscopy, the wide angle X-ray scattering method and electrochemical techniques. The polyimide molecules in the LB monolayers lie orderly on the substrate surfaces with the orientation in which the dianhydride group is normal to the substrate surface and two carbonyl oxygen groups close to the surface. Therefore, the thickness of the three kinds of polyimide LB monolayers are the same because it depends on the distance between the two carbonyl oxygen groups in the same ring. The area of monomeric units are dependent on the length of the diamine group. The model of the molecular packing proposed from the quantomechanical calculation is in good agreement with the experimental results. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Enzyme immobilization in nanostructured films may be useful for a number of biomimetic systems, particularly if suitable matrixes are identified. Here we show that alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has high affinity toward a negatively charged phospholipid, dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA), which forms a Langmuir monolayer at an air-water interface. Incorporation of ADH into the DMPA monolayer was monitored with Surface pressure measurements; and polarization-modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, with the alpha-helices from ADH being mainly oriented parallel to the water surface. ADH remained at the interface even at high surface pressures, thus allowing deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from the DMPA-ADH film. Indeed, interaction with DMPA enhances the transfer of ADH, where the mass transferred onto a solid support increased from 134 ng for ADH on a Gibbs monolayer to 178 ng for an LB film with DMPA. With fluorescence spectroscopy it was possible to confirm that the ADH structure was preserved even after one month of the LB deposition. ADH-containing films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes were employed in a sensor array capable of detecting ethanol at concentrations down to 10 ppb (in volume), using impedance spectroscopy as the method of detection.


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The synthesis of a poly(azo)urethane by fixing CO2 in bis-epoxide followed by a polymerization reaction with an azodiamine is presented. Since isocyanate is not used in the process, it is termed clean method and the polymers obtained are named NIPUs (non-isocyanate polyurethanes). Langmuir films were formed at the air-water interface and were characterized by surface pressure vs mean molecular area per met unit (Pi-A) isotherms. The Langmuir monolayers were further studied by running stability tests and cycles of compression/expansion (possible hysteresis) and by varying the compression speed of the monolayer formation, the subphase temperature, and the solvents used to prepare the spreading polymer solutions. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique was used to fabricate ultrathin films of a particular polymer (PAzoU). It is possible to grow homogeneous LB films of up to 15 layers as monitored using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Higher number of layers can be deposited when PAzoU is mixed with stearic acid, producing mixed LB films. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering showed that the materials do not interact chemically in the mixed LB films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) and micro-Raman technique (optical microscopy coupled to Raman spectrograph) revealed that mixed LB films present a phase separation distinguishable at micrometer or nanometer scale. Finally, mixed and neat LB films were successfully characterized using impedance spectroscopy at different temperatures, a property that may lead to future application as temperature sensors. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to correlate the data.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique is a powerful tool to fabricate ultrathin films with highly ordered structures and controllable molecular array for efficient energy and electron transfer, allowing the construction of devices at molecular level. One method to obtain LB films consists in the mixture of classical film-forming molecules, for example Stearic Acid (SA) and functional metal complex. In this work NH(4)[Eu(bmdm)(4)], where the organic ligand bmdm is (butyl methoxy-dibenzoyl-methane) or (1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)propane-1,3-dione) was used to build up Langmuir and LB films. Langmuir isotherms were obtained from (i) NH(4)[Eu(bmdm)(4)] complex and (ii) NH(4)[Eu(bmdm)(4)]/SA (1:1). Results indicated that (i) form multilayer structure; however the surface pressure was insufficient to obtain LB films, and (ii) can easily reproduce and build LB films. The dependence of number of layers in the UV absorption spectra suggest that the complex did not hydrolyze or show decomposition, UV spectral differences observed between the solution and the LB film indicate that the complex has a highly ordered arrangement in the film and the complex has an interaction with SA. Excitation spectra confirm a ligand-europium energy transfer mechanism. The transition lines of Eu(3+) ion were observed in emission spectra of all films, the photoluminescence spectra indicate a fluorescence enhanced effect with the number of LB layers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The synthesis, characterization and formation of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB)films for the luminescent [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)N][Eu(tta)(4)] complex, where [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)](N+) is didodecyldimethylammonium and the tta ligand is thenoyltrifluoroacetone, are reported. The coordination of tta ligands to the Eu3+ ion was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy and the emission spectrum comprised bands corresponding to D-5(0) -> F-7(0-4) transitions. The lifetime (tau) from the emission state (D-5(0))was 0.41 ms, measured by monitoring the hypersensitive D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition, with the curve being fitted with a first-order exponential function. The surface pressure-area isotherm indicated that the anionic complex may form condensed structures at the air-water interface due to the amphiphilic properties of the counter ion and the beta-diketone ligand. Y-type LB films of [(C12H25)(2)(CH3)(2)N][Eu(tta)(4)] were deposited on quartz substrates, with preserved luminescence and a band assigned to the D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition. The molecular arrangement at the air/water interface and the preserved luminescence in LB films are consistent with theoretical predictions using a semi-empirical Sparkle/AM1 calculation method for the molecule in vacuum. These tools were used for the first time to predict the behavior of organized films.


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近年来,Langmuir—Blodgett(LB)薄膜诱导晶体生长的方法引起了人们的极大关注。通过优化LB膜的结构和化学性质可以调控晶体的结构、形貌、取向、晶型。本论文在此领域的主要研究内容如下: (1) 制备了硬脂酸和十八胺两种具有不同结构和官能团的LB膜,然后把这两种膜垂直浸入到中性的甘氨酸溶液中。实验结果表明用不同结构和化学性质的LB膜不仅可以调控晶体的结构、形貌和取向,并且可以在相同的溶液中诱导出不同晶型的晶体。 (2) 制备了Y型硬脂酸LB膜,然后把这种模板以不同的方式浸入到氯化钾溶液中。通过改变LB膜模板在溶液中的放置方式,控制溶液中的诱导成核和自发成核的过程,从而生成不同形貌的氯化钾晶体。 (3)我们研究了不同热力学状态的LB膜诱导五水硫酸铜晶体生长过程。结果表明LB膜即使在液态状态下,仍有诱导晶体生长的能力。且LB膜的热力学状态对晶体的形貌和取向有很大的影响。 另外,我们在以上工作之外,还作了两项其他工作。 (4) 研究了各种羧酸类(甲酸、乙酸、丙酸)、丙酮、醇类(甲醇、乙醇、丙醇、丁醇)对谷氨酸溶液结晶晶型的影响。结果表明:当70°C的谷氨酸饱和溶液快速冷却搅拌到0°C时,有羧酸类物质存在时可以得到β型晶体;而当有酮类、醇类、或无添加剂时在相同条件下得到α型晶体。 (5) 利用LB技术制备了聚苯乙烯和硬脂酸的混合薄膜。实验结果证明PS和SA在混合LB膜中是相分离的。其过程是PS在空气/水界面上首先发生聚集,然后这种聚集的程度随着膜压的增加而增大.并且PS在空气-LB膜界面上在空气/LB膜界面上的聚集程度随着时间仍继续发生改变。


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Langmuir-Blodgett(LB)膜技术由于在电子学、非线性光学以及化学传感器等领域具有潜在的应用前景而引起了人们的研究兴趣,其中它的热稳定性对LB膜的应用领域和范围具有一定的影响。本论文在此领域的主要研究内容如下: 利用LB膜技术分别制备了十八胺及硬脂酸、氘代硬脂酸的多层LB膜,采用变温傅立叶变换红外光谱研究了三种LB膜的相变行为。实验发现:十八胺LB膜在55-75 oC温度区间内发生相变,其CH2对称和反对称伸缩振动频率向高能量区发生明显移动;硬脂酸LB膜在70-80 oC的温度区间内发生了明显的相转变,CH2对称和反对称伸缩振动的强度比在升温过程中也有显著改变;氘代硬脂酸LB膜的相行为发生在65-70 oC的温度区间内。 利用LB膜技术制备了十八铵硬脂酸盐(C18H37NH3+C17H35COO-, ODASA)与十八铵氘代硬脂酸盐(C18H37NH3+C17D35COO-, ODASA-d35) Langmuir-Blodgett (LB)膜,使用变温傅立叶变换红外透射光谱研究了它们的热行为。发现LB膜中十八铵硬脂酸盐分子的两个碳氢链高度有序,然而在十八铵氘代硬脂酸盐LB分子中的来自于十八胺的碳氢链部分无序,即在常温下有一些扭曲构象存在于碳氢链中。而十八铵硬脂酸盐的热稳定性也与十八铵氘代硬脂酸盐的热稳定性有些不同。在十八铵硬脂酸盐LB膜中,碳氢链在85 oC到90 oC的温度区间内发生非常明显的有序-无序变化。而在十八铵氘代硬脂酸盐LB膜中,碳氢链和来自于硬脂酸的氘代的烃链各自呈现出不同的热行为,即:碳氢链在80-90 oC的温度区间发生有序-无序变化,尤其是在80-85 oC的温度范围内这个变化非常显著;而氘代的烃链则在70 oC到85 oC这个较长的温度区间发生缓慢的相变。 分别制备了十八铵十二酸盐 (C18H37NH3+C11H23COO-,ODALA)和十八铵二十四酸盐(C18H37NH3+C23H45COO-,ODATA)LB膜,并用变温傅立叶变换红外透射光谱法研究了十八铵十二酸盐和十八铵二十四酸盐LB膜的热行为,比较了十八铵十二酸盐、十八铵硬脂酸盐和十八铵二十四酸盐这三种双链化合物LB膜的热行为。温度相关的红外光谱显示,这三种物质LB膜的热稳定性取决于碳链的长度。其中,十八铵十二酸盐LB膜在50-65 oC的温度区间内发生相变。对应的,十八铵二十四酸盐LB膜在80-90 oC的温度范围内发生有序-无序变化。令人感兴趣的是,十八铵二十四酸盐LB膜的相变温度与十八铵硬脂酸盐LB膜的相变温度基本一样,都是80-90 oC,也即在十八铵二十四酸盐和十八铵硬脂酸盐两种LB膜中,即使二十四酸取代了硬脂酸对前者的热稳定性的影响非常小。以上结果说明,在双长链化合物中,有效链长度取决于双链中的较短的那个烃链,从而来决定膜的热稳定性。在十八铵二十四酸盐LB膜中,十八胺的全部碳链对膜的热稳定性有贡献,而二十四酸的碳链则只有部分(有效部分)烃链有贡献。 制备了十八胺单层和多层LB膜和粒径为几个纳米的金纳米粒子。由于十八胺在pH值小于10.3的溶液中氨基带正电荷,使其置于金纳米溶胶中,利用带正电荷的十八胺和附着负电荷的金纳米粒子之间的静电作用,使得金纳米颗粒成功地吸附组装到十八胺的有序分子膜中,形成有规律的纳米颗粒层。通过紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱以及扫描电镜观察到,金纳米颗粒通过这种方法能够很好的组装在有机分子膜上,而且由于十八胺LB膜的高度有序性使得金纳米颗粒的组装层有序。而且,不同层数的十八胺LB膜对金纳米粒子呈现出不同的吸附行为。 测量了含微量甲醇(体积分数为0.04%~0.24%)的系列乙醇水溶液的近红外光谱,利用近红外光谱分析建立了预测甲醇含量的定量分析模型。比较了用外部检验法(Test Set-Validation)和交叉检验法(Cross-Validaton)建立的数学模型以及研究了使用外部检验法时校正集和检验集样品数的改变对模型预测结果的影响。结果发现,当校正集样品数为15检验集样品数为6(总样品数为21)时,使用外部检验法建立的数学模型预测结果较好,外部检验与交叉检验的预测均方根误差(分别为RMSEE和RMSEP)都较小(分别为0.0105和0.0115)而且很接近。结果表明,近红外光谱方法简单,准确而且实用。


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Oriented crystallization of CUSO4 center dot 5H(2)O on a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of stearic acid has been studied in the temperature ranges of 73-68 degrees C and 53-20 degrees C, respectively. This is the first time that the LB film at temperature above its melting point has been served as a template to induce nucleation and growth of crystals. The experimental results demonstrated that the LB film in the liquid state has the ability of directing the nucleation and growth of crystals. Moreover, X-ray diffraction patterns of the as prepared crystals revealed that the orientation of the attached crystals on the LB film is affected by temperature greatly.


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of stearic acid was used as template to induce the nucleation and growth of KCl crystals when the KCl solution was cooled from 50 to 25 degrees C. When the LB film template was vertically dipped into the solution, only induced crystals with (1 1 0) orientation were formed. However, if the template was horizontally placed into solutions, both the induced nuclei at the solution/film interface and spontaneous nuclei formed in solution were simultaneously absorbed onto the LB film, and then grew further to form crystals. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and optical microscopy images showed that the orientation and morphology of the crystals were controlled properly by changing the orientation and position of the LB films in the solutions.