4 resultados para LAMIC
Background Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain the association between adversities across life and dementia. This study aimed to investigate the association between indicators of socioeconomic disadvantages throughout the life-course and dementia among older adults in Sao Paulo, Brazil and to explore possible causal pathways. Methods We used baseline data from the SPAH study which involved participants aged 65 years and older (n = 2005). The outcome of interest was prevalent dementia. Exposures included in the analyses were socioeconomic position (SEP) indicators in childhood (place of birth and literacy) and adulthood (occupation and income), anthropometric measurements as markers of intrauterine and childhood environment (head circumference and leg length), smoking, diabetes and hypertension. Logistic regression models were used to test the hypothesized pathways and to assess whether there was an association between cumulative adversities across the life course and prevalent dementia. Results Indicators of socioeconomic disadvantage in early life were associated with increased prevalence of dementia. This association was partially mediated through adulthood SEP. Head circumference and leg length were also clearly associated with dementia but there was no evidence that this association was mediated by early life socioeconomic disadvantage. There was an association between cumulative unfavourable conditions across the life course and dementia. Conclusions Early life disadvantages seem to operate through biological mechanisms associated with passive brain reserve and opportunities in life representing active cognitive reserve. Prevention of dementia should start early in life and continue through life span as seen with many other chronic diseases.
RESUMO: INTRODUÇÃO: O rápido envelhecimento populacional, o aumento da prevalência de transtornos neuropsiquiátricos, o aumento das taxas de morbilidade clínica e incapacidade entre idosos de países em desenvolvimento têm trazido preocupações sobre a saúde mental e sobrecarga de cuidadores informais. Está bem estabelecida a elevada prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) associada à adversidade socioeconômica, baixo nível educacional, estresse e gênero. Idosos e cuidadores vivendo em comunidade compartilham fatores de risco para morbilidade física e psiquiátrica. Adicionalmente, os cuidadores tem uma tripla carga, sendo simultaneamente familiares, trabalhadores leigos em saúde sem suporte dos serviços de saúde e assistência social e um paciente com necessidades não atendidas. O cuidador informal é o principal provedor de cuidado em todos os países. OBJETIVOS: Acessar perfil sociodemográfico, níveis de transtorno mental comum (TMC) e sobrecarga em cuidadores, características do cuidado e prevalência de demência e depressão no idosos, numa área carente da região oeste de São Paulo –Brasil. MÉTODO: Esta pesquisa transversal deriva do São Paulo Ageing and Health Study (SPAH) que incluiu idosos com 65 anos ou mais e seus respectivos cuidadores. Os participantes foram identificados por arrolamento domiciliar e entrevistadas em suas casas com protocolo padronizado de pesquisa. O instrumento utilizado para acessar os transtornos mentais comuns, foi o Self Rating Questionnaire SRQ-20.A sobrecarga foi quantificada pelo Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale. Diagnósticos psicogeriátricos foram mensurados através do SRQ-20 e critérios do CID-10 e do DSM-IV. 8 RESULTADOS: 588 cuidadores e respectivos idosos foram incluídos. Nos idosos, a prevalência de demência foi 15,9%, de depressão pelo CiD-10 9.9% e de TMC 39,25% Nos cuidadores, a prevalência de TMC foi de 55,1% e 32,8% dos cuidadores apresentaram sobrecarga elevada. O perfil do cuidador foi filha,com idade em torno dos 49 anos, casada e com baixo nível educacional.------------------ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: With the fast population aging, growing prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, clinical morbidity and disability among the elderly particularly in low income countries (LAMIC), has brought concerns about informal caregiver Mental Health and Burden. It is well established the high prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) associated to socioeconomic adversity, low educational attainment, stress and gender. Community-dwelling elders and caregivers share risk factors for physical and psychiatric morbidity. In addition, caregivers have a triple strain, being simultaneously, family members, lay health workers with lack of support from health and social work services and a hidden patient with unmet needs. The world main source of caregiving relies on informal caregiver. AIMS: To assess 1) the sociodemographic profile, levels of CMD and burden among caregivers, and 2) the characteristics of care and prevalence of dementia and depression in elderly in a socioeconomic underprivileged area in western region of Sao Paulo – Brazil. METHOD: The present investigation is a cross-sectional part of Sao Paulo Ageing and Health Study (SPAH) which included participants aged 65 or older and their respective caregivers. Participants were identified by household enrollment and interviewed in their homes using a standardized research protocol. The assessment of common mental disorders was performed with the Self Rating Questionnaire – 20 (SRQ-20), used to establish psychiatric caseness. The assessment of burden was performed with Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale. Dementia and psychogeriatric diagnosis were reached through ICD-10, SRQ-20 and DSM-IV criteria. 10 RESULTS: 588 caregivers and respective elderly relatives were included. Prevalence of dementia was 15.9%, ICD-10 depression 9.9% and CMD 39.3% among the elderlys. Common mental disorder prevalence in caregivers was 55.1% and high burden was reached in 32.8% of the caregiver sample. Most of the caregivers were married and co-resident daughters with a mean age of 49 years (CI 95% - 48.7 to 51).
This paper outlines a method for automatic artefact removal from multichannel recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs). The proposed method is based on, firstly, separation of the ERP recordings into independent components using the method of temporal decorrelation source separation (TDSEP). Secondly, the novel lagged auto-mutual information clustering (LAMIC) algorithm is used to cluster the estimated components, together with ocular reference signals, into clusters corresponding to cerebral and non-cerebral activity. Thirdly, the components in the cluster which contains the ocular reference signals are discarded. The remaining components are then recombined to reconstruct the clean ERPs.
A fully automated and online artifact removal method for the electroencephalogram (EEG) is developed for use in brain-computer interfacing. The method (FORCe) is based upon a novel combination of wavelet decomposition, independent component analysis, and thresholding. FORCe is able to operate on a small channel set during online EEG acquisition and does not require additional signals (e.g. electrooculogram signals). Evaluation of FORCe is performed offline on EEG recorded from 13 BCI particpants with cerebral palsy (CP) and online with three healthy participants. The method outperforms the state-of the-art automated artifact removal methods Lagged auto-mutual information clustering (LAMIC) and Fully automated statistical thresholding (FASTER), and is able to remove a wide range of artifact types including blink, electromyogram (EMG), and electrooculogram (EOG) artifacts.