995 resultados para L. casei


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The study compared the growth capability of probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus La05, Lactobacillus casei Lc01 and Bifidobacterium animalis Bb12) and non-probiotic (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) cultures on twenty-one culture media grouped according to selectivity: nonselective agars, selective agars without antibiotics and MRS agars containing different combinations of lithium chloride, cystein, bile salts and antibiotics. Four of these media were selected for quantitative enumeration of L acidophilus La05, L casei Lc01, and B. animalis Bb12. The best culture media and incubation conditions for enumeration of the probiotic cultures were: B. animalis: MRS agar with dicloxacillin, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis; L acidophilus: MRS agar with bile salts, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, aerobiosis; L casei: MRS agar with lithium chloride and sodium propionate, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis. Plating on MRS with glucose replaced by maltose, 37 degrees C or 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis, will distinguish probiotic from non-probiotic cultures. For enumeration of each probiotic in a mixed culture, the following media and incubation conditions were recommended: B. animalis: 4ABC-MRS, 42 degrees C, anaerobiosis, L acidophilus: LC medium, 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis and L casei: LP-MRS, 42 degrees C, aerobiosis or anaerobiosis. In all experiments, differences in counts using pour plating or surface plating were not significant (P <= 0.05). (C) 2008 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) is an important side effect of this specific class of drugs. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of probiotics in the treatment of AAD. METHODS: A group of hospitalized patients, who contracted diarrhea during or after 7 days of suspension of antimicrobial medication, was blindly randomized to receive a standardized diet associated with the use of the probiotics (Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve) or its corresponding placebo, three times a day. RESULTS: Seventy patients were studied. For the experimental (n=35) and control (n=35) groups, respectively, the average time of treatment was 5.06±2.18 and 5.49±3.17 days (p=0.95), and the average duration of diarrhea, among those who were healed, was 4.87±2.13 and 4.52±2.55 days (p=0.36). Four (11.4%) patients who received probiotics and ten (28.6%) who received the placebo were not cured (p=0.13), and relapse rates were similar between both groups. Seven patients from each group, in addition to diarrhea, presented cases of bloating and/or abdominal cramps and/or vomiting (p=1.00). CONCLUSIONS: In this light, it is concluded that L. casei associated with B. breve, in the administered dosage and frequency, has no effect on the antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Similar studies need to be conducted with higher doses of these or other probiotics.


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O leite de búfala foi fermentado por Lactobacillus casei, com diferentes concentrações de açúcar e tempos de fermentação, e estocado durante 30 dias a 5 e 10°C. Avaliaram-se a acidez, o pH e a viabilidade de L. casei nos diferentes tratamentos. O leite fermentado por 18 horas não apresentou os parâmetros requeridos para o produto, enquanto os fermentados por 22 e 24 horas apresentaram acidez e pH adequados. O tempo e a temperatura de estocagem influenciaram esses parâmetros. A viabilidade de L. casei inicial foi maior que 9 log UFC mL-1 e a final, maior que 8 log UFC mL-1, com influência da acidez.


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Strategies for the development of new vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae infections try to overcome problems such as serotype coverage and high costs, present in currently available vaccines. Formulations based on protein candidates that can induce protection in animal models have been pointed as good alternatives. Among them, the Pneumococcal Surface Protein A (PspA) plays an important role during systemic infection at least in part through the inhibition of complement deposition on the pneumococcal surface, a mechanism of evasion from the immune system. Antigen delivery systems based on live recombinant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) represents a promising strategy for mucosal vaccination, since they are generally regarded as safe bacteria able to elicit both systemic and mucosal immune responses. In this work, the N-terminal region of clade I PspA was constitutively expressed in Lactobacillus casei and the recombinant bacteria was tested as a mucosal vaccine in mice. Nasal immunization with L. casei-PspA 1 induced anti-PspA antibodies that were able to bind to pneumococcal strains carrying both clade 1 and clade 2 PspAs and to induce complement deposition on the surface of the bacteria. In addition, an increase in survival of immunized mice after a systemic challenge with a virulent pneumococcal strain was observed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Filamentous haemagglutinin adhesin (FHA) is an important virulence factor from Bordetella pertussis related to the adhesion and spread of the bacteria through the respiratory tract. Three distinct domains have been characterized in mature FHA, and among them, the FHA(442-863) fragment was suggested to be responsible for the heparin-binding activity. In this study, we cloned the gene encoding the HEP fragment (FHA(430-873)) in a Lactobacillus casei-inducible expression vector based on the lactose operon. The recombinant bacteria, transformed with the resulting construct (L. casei-HEP), were able to express the heterologous protein depending on the sugar added to the culture. Subcutaneous inoculation of L. casei-HEP in Balb/C mice, using the cholera toxin B subunit as adjuvant, induced systemic anti-HEP antibodies that were able to inhibit in vitro erythrocyte haemagglutination induced by FHA. This is the first example of a B. pertussis antigen produced in lactic acid bacteria and opens new perspectives for alternative vaccine strategies against whooping cough.


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O leite de búfala foi fermentado por Lactobacillus casei, com diferentes concentrações de açúcar e tempos de fermentação, e estocado durante 30 dias a 5 e 10°C. Avaliaram-se a acidez, o pH e a viabilidade de L. casei nos diferentes tratamentos. O leite fermentado por 18 horas não apresentou os parâmetros requeridos para o produto, enquanto os fermentados por 22 e 24 horas apresentaram acidez e pH adequados. O tempo e a temperatura de estocagem influenciaram esses parâmetros. A viabilidade de L. casei inicial foi maior que 9 log UFC mL<sup>-1 e a final, maior que 8 log UFC mL<sup>-1, com influência da acidez.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia


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Os probióticos têm sido largamente utilizados em produtos ¡cteos. Recentemente, seu uso em produtos cárneos tem despertado interesse, principalmente em embutidos fermentados consumidos na forma crua e sem aquecimento prévio. Verificou-se a influência da utilização de Lactobacillus casei, L. paracasei e L. rhamnosus sobre as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de embutido fermentado, bem como o desenvolvimento e a viabilidade das culturas no produto cárneo. Os embutidos foram processados em quatro tratamentos, sendo o primeiro tratamento usado como controle, enquanto os demais receberam a adição de uma espécie de Lactobacillus probiótico, seguindo procedimento de fabricação descrito para salame italiano por um período de 25 dias. A presença das culturas probióticas promoveu redução mais rápida do pH dos embutidos em relação ao tratamento controle, proporcionando gosto ácido mais intenso na avaliação sensorial, principalmente para cepa de L. rhamnosus. O crescimento de Staphylococcus xylosus da cultura starter sofreu redução com a adição dos probióticos, porém o desenvolvimento de Pediococcus pentosaceus não foi afetado. Os probióticos testados mostraram crescimento durante o processamento e permaneceram viáveis no produto final. Ficou demonstrada a viabilidade da utilização das culturas probióticas em embutido cárneo fermentado, principalmente L. casei e L. paracasei, preservando suas propriedades tecno³gicas e sensoriais.


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Para ser considerado prebiótico, um microrganismo deve atender a uma série de requisitos, sendo a manutenção da viabilidade, um dos principais. Culturas probióticas de Lactobacillus spp. e Bifidobacterium spp. foram cultivadas em leite em pó desnatado reconstituído 12% adicionado de 3% (p/v) de mel pasteurizado. Foram preparados controles sem mel. Todos os cultivos mantiveram-se viáveis por 46 dias a 7 °C atendendo o número mínimo exigido pela legislação. O maior número de células viáveis de L. casei-01 e L. casei Shirota (>9,0 log10 UFC.mL-1) foi observado nos cultivos contendo mel. A acidez titu¡vel produzida por estas culturas foi de 1,44%. O número de células viáveis de L. acidophilus Sacco® aos 46 dias em cultivos com mel foi significativamente maior (p < 0,05) que nos controles. Considerando todo o período de estocagem, o mel exerceu efeito positivo significativo (p < 0,05) apenas para as culturas de Bifidobacterium. O menor crescimento e a menor acidificação no 46º dia foram observados nos cultivos de Bf. lactis Bb-12, sendo de 7,63 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,61% de acidez em presença de mel e 6,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e 0,30% de acidez nos controles. Diferentemente, os cultivos de Bf. lactis Sacco® atingiram contagens de 9,11 log10 UFC.mL-1 e produziram 1,11% de acidez.


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Combining prebiotics and probiotic microorganisms improve quality in the formulation of foods. In this paper, the characteristics of goat milk and symbiotic yogurt were studied. Raw goat milk was analyzed and the skimming process was optimized. For the formulation of a potentially non-fat symbiotic yogurt made with skimmed goat milk, inulin, gelatin, sugar, and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnoshus. Chemical characteristics, acceptability, and viability of lactic acid bacteria and probiotic culture were assessed. The protein and fat content of the raw milk was 2.90 and 3.56 g/100 mL, respectively. The optimum skimming process was obtained at 9,800 rpm and 4 °C for 15 minutes. The product formulated had a protein and fat content of 4.04 to 0.04 g/100 mL, good sensory properties, and acceptability of 95%. The lactic bacteria count was 9 × 10(7) CFU mL- 1, and probiotic culture count was higher than 1 × 10(6) CFU mL- 1, which guarantees their effect and capacity to survive in the digestive tract and spread in the intestine. The yogurt was stable during the 21 days of storage. Therefore, this study shows that goat milk yogurt is an adequate delivery vehicle of the probiotic culture L. casei and inulin.


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Caseinoglycomacropeptide (CGMP) derived from kappa-casein was investigated for its ability to inhibit the adhesion of 3 strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) and 3 strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to human HT29 tissue cell cultures. Effects on adhesion of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Lactobacillus pentosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus gasseri were also investigated. Generally, CGMP exerted effective anti-adhesive properties at a dose of 2.5 mg/mL, albeit with a high degree of strain specificity. The CGMP reduced adhesion of VTEC strains to < 50% of the control and reduced adhesion of EPEC strains to between 80 and 10% of the control. The CGMP also reduced the adhesion of L. pentosus and L. casei to 44 and 42%, respectively. A slight but significant reduction of L. acidophilus, to 81%, was observed, but no significant effects were detected with either Dsv. desulfuricans or L. gasseri. Further investigation of the dose response relationships with the E. coli strains gave IC50 values ranging between 0.12 and 1.06 mg/mL.


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The ability of chito-oligosaccharides (COS) to inhibit selected intestinal bacteria was investigated. COS at 2.5 mg ml(-1) had no significant effect on the adhesion of three strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC), Lactobacillus pentosus, L. casei or L. gasseri to human HT29 cells in tissue culture. However, COS significantly inhibited adhesion of three strains of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) to below 30% of the level of adhesion seen in the controls. Dose-response curves were constructed to further characterise the inhibition of EPEC strains to HT29 cells. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486 was originally isolated from healthy elderly subjects and demonstrated to have particular ecological fitness and anti-pathogenic effects. Bifidobacteria are commonly associated with immunomodulatory properties, especially in older people, but this strain has not been investigated for effects on immune function. This study aimed to explore the immunomodulatory effects of this novel probiotic, compared with three commercial strains, B. longum SP 07/3, L. rhamnosus GG (L.GG) and L. casei Shirota (LcS). Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from fasting blood of young or older volunteers and exposed to probiotic strains or Con A. NK activity and activation, and cytokine release were enhanced by all probiotics with strain-specificities. The effect of B. infantis on NK activity was influenced by ageing. Except for L.GG, probiotics increased IFN-γ production to a much greater degree in young subjects, and increased IL-6 production to a much greater degree in older subjects. Based on IL-10/IL-12 ratios, B. infantis resulted in the most anti-inflammatory profile of all of the probiotics. These results suggest that B. infantis CCUG 52486 has strong immunomodulatory potential compared with well-known commercial strains, and that the immune response to probiotics may be influenced by ageing.


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Probiotics are currently being investigated for prevention of infections caused by enteric pathogens. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the influence of three single probiotics: Lactobacillus casei NCIMB 30185 (PXN 37), Lactobacillus acidophilus NCIMB 30184 (PXN 35), Bifidobacterium breve NCIMB 30180 (PXN 25) and a probiotic mixture containing the above strains plus twelve other strains belonging to the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus genera on the survival of Salmonella Typhimurium and Clostridium difficile using pH-controlled anaerobic batch cultures containing mixed fecal bacteria. Changes in relevant bacterial groups and effects of probiotic addition on survival of the two pathogens were assessed over 24 h. Quantitative analysis of bacterial populations revealed that there was a significant increase in lactobacilli and/or bifidobacteria numbers, depending on probiotic addition, compared with the control (no added probiotic). There was also a significant reduction in S. Typhimurium and C. difficile numbers in the presence of certain probiotics compared with controls. Of the probiotic treatments, two single strains namely L. casei NCIMB 30185 (PXN 37), and B. breve NCIMB 30180 (PXN 25) were the most potent in reducing the numbers of S. Typhimurium and C. difficile. In addition, the supplementation with probiotics into the systems influenced some fermentations parameters. Acetate was found in the largest concentrations in all vessels and lactate and formate were generally detected in higher amounts in vessels with probiotic addition compared to controls.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for the generation of T-cell responses. DC function may be modulated by probiotics, which confer health benefits in immunocompromised individuals, such as the elderly. This study investigated the effects of four probiotics, Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486, B. longum SP 07/3, L. rhamnosus GG (L.GG) and L. casei Shirota (LcS) on DC function in an allogeneic mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR) model, using DCs and T-cells from young and older donors in different combinations. All four probiotics enhanced expression of CD40, CD80 and CCR7 on both young and older DCs, but enhanced cytokine production (TGF-β, TNF-α) by old DCs only. LcS induced IL-12 and IFNγ production by DC to a greater degree than other strains, while Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486 favoured IL-10 production. Stimulation of young T cells in an allogeneic MLR with DC was enhanced by probiotic pretreatment of old DCs, which demonstrated greater activation (CD25) than untreated controls. However, pretreatment of young or old DCs with LPS or probiotics failed to enhance the proliferation of T-cells derived from older donors. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that ageing increases the responsiveness of DCs to probiotics, but this is not sufficient to overcome the impact of immunosenescence in the MLR.