8 resultados para Lísias


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We report cases of spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano Municipality of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The cases occurred in May and June of 2000. During this period there were two deaths among children from an area named Pedreira in a periurban area of this municipality. In a boy who died with clinical manifestations of Brazilian spotted fever, a necropsy revealed the presence of a spotted fever group Rickettsia. The serological results confirm the difficulty in the differential diagnosis of patients with symptoms of rickettsial diseases.


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In this thesis we propose to examine the first half of the Phaedrus (sc. until the end of the palinode) in light of the opposition between the notions of μανία and φρονεῖν, as they are explicitly and implicitly presented in the erotic speeches. These are read in dialogue with what we have designated as the “implicit speech” or “speeches”, i.e., the plurality of conceptions regarding ἔρως, μανία and φρονεῖν that were part of Ancient Greek culture. Our reading of the two speeches against ἔρως, Lysias’ and Socrates’ first speech, engages with this cultural background, and extracts a conception of μανία and φρονεῖν with which the palinode will primarily confront. Our reading of the palinode divides it into two sections: the first, the presentation of the first three kinds of beneficial μανία; the second, the mythical narrative that deals with erotic μανία. We emphasise the existence of a wide gulf between these two moments in terms of their ontological, theological and anthropological conceptions. The second section of the palinode is revolutionary not only in contrast with the “implicit speech” and the speeches against ἔρως, but also in contrast with the very beginning of the palinode – which preserves many of the conceptions and assumptions found in the previous speeches and in the cultural tradition. It is in order to explain the foundation, meaning and significance of this gulf that we explore and discuss the notion of ὑπόθεσις and its role as an implicit operator in the Phaedrus. From our reading of the second part of the palinode, it is clear how the introduction of the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος brings about a radical revision of the perspectives on the nature of reality and on human nature and condition that were implicit in the previous speeches and in the first part of the palinode. We show that the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος corresponds to the projection of a multiplicity of cognitive and desiderative requirements that our normal perspective demands, but cannot possibly satisfy. In other words, our perspective is shown to be living beyond its means, yearning for something that by far exceeds what it can get in its de facto condition: the superlative. This results in a major revision of the understanding of φρονεῖν and μανία – a revision that challenges the traditional understanding of these two notions as binary opposites, thereby revealing a much more complex landscape.


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OBJECTIVES: We present the results of treatment by laparoscopy of two patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis and review the literature since 1992, when the first case of this disease that was treated using laparoscopy was published. We also discuss the contemporary alternatives of clinical treatment with corticosteroids and tamoxifen. CASE REPORT: Two female patients, one with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, and other with retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Riedel's thyroiditis, were treated using laparoscopic surgery. Both cases had bilateral pelvic ureteral obstruction and were treated using the same technique: transperitoneal laparoscopy, medial mobilization of both colons, liberation of both ureters from the fibrosis, and intraperitonealisation of the ureters. Double-J catheters were inserted before the operations and removed 3 weeks after the procedures. The first patient underwent intraperitonealisation of both ureters in a single procedure. The other had 2 different surgical procedures because of technical difficulties during the first operation. Both patients were followed for more than 1 year and recovered completely from the renal insufficiency. One of them still has occasional vague lumbar pain. There were no abnormalities in the intravenous pyelography in either case. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of retroperitoneal fibrosis, when indicated, should be attempted using laparoscopy. If possible, bilateral ureterolysis and intraperitonealisation of both ureters should be performed in the same operation.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of the laparoscopic technique in the treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma. METHOD: Ten patients, 7 men and 3 women, between 10 and 67 years of age (mean 48) with pheochromocytoma underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and were evaluated retrospectively, based on clinical, laboratory, and pathological diagnosis. In all cases there was a solid unilateral adrenal tumor, 5 on the left side and 5 on the right side, whose greater diameter varied from 7 to 80 mm (mean 32). Nine of the 10 patients were chronically hypertensive or had already had hypertensive crises. One patient was normotensive, but presented metabolic alterations suggestive of adrenergic hyperfunction. RESULTS: No deaths occurred in this series. There were two (20%) conversions to open surgery, one due to venous bleeding and one due to the difficulty of dissection behind the vena cava in a patient presenting a partially retro-caval tumor. Surgical time in the 8 non-converted cases ranged from 70 to 215 minutes (mean 136). One patient (10%) received blood transfusion, and another (10%) presented two complications - acute renal failure and a subcutaneous infection. Both had been converted to open surgery. None of the non-converted cases was transfused or presented complications. Hospital discharge occurred between the 2nd and 11th post-operative day (mean 3). The pathological exam of the surgical specimens confirmed the diagnoses of pheochromocytoma in all 10 cases, one of them associated with an aldosterone-producing cortical tumor. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for selected patients presenting pheochromocytoma is feasible and provides good results.


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A mancha bacteriana do tomateiro causada por quatro espécies de Xanthomonas pode provocar perdas significativas na produção da cultura e a utilização do silício na proteção de plantas tende a reduzir a incidência de doenças. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar fontes de silício no controle da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro. Para a avaliação da inibição do crescimento bacteriano in vitro foram utilizados discos de papel de filtro esterilizados contendo 10 µL de silício coloidal ou silicato de potássio nas concentrações de 10, 30, 40 e 50 µg µL-1. Esses discos foram colocados sobre a bactéria cultivada em placas de Petri com meio de cultura, observando-se a formação de halos de inibição. Para avaliação da redução da severidade da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro em casa de vegetação, plantas de tomate foram pulverizadas com os produtos nas concentrações 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 g L-1 e, após três dias, foi feita a inoculação por aspersão da suspensão bacteriana (109 UFC mL-1). Como testemunhas foram utilizadas plantas pulverizadas com água destilada ou inoculadas com a suspensão bacteriana. O silício coloidal não foi eficiente no controle de Xanthomonas spp. Concentrações de 30, 40 e 50 µg µL-1 de silicato de potássio inibiram o crescimento bacteriano in vitro e concentrações de 40 e 50 g L-1 reduziram o índice de doença da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro.


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Com base na hipótese de que polímeros associados a silício (Si) estariam obstruindo traqueídeos, e assim contribuindo para um colapso nutricional de maciços florestais de Pinus caribaea, tropicais em áreas de cerrado, nos chapadões das regiões do Triângulo Mineiro e do Alto Paranaíba (MG), foi desenvolvido este trabalho. Estudos precedentes mostraram uma relação estreita deste quadro fisiológico com deficiências nutricionais. Sabe-se, no entanto, que as sementes usadas na implantação desses maciços apresentavam grande variabilidade genética bem expressa na diversidade de comportamento das plantas, uma vez que parte delas permanece sadia enquanto outras entram em processo de senescência de intensidade variável, culminando com a morte da planta. Neste estudo, foram amostrados segmentos de raízes e do ponteiro de plantas aparentemente normais (acículas verdes), em diferentes estágios de senescência (acículas amareladas) e mortas. Essas amostras, após secagem até o ponto crítico, foram observadas em um microscópio eletrônico de varredura acoplado de uma microssonda de raios-X. Constatou-se a presença de Si e Al nos tecidos do xilema e do floema, tanto na parte aérea quanto nas raízes, e os maiores teores foram encontrados no xilema das raízes. Todavia, não foi constatada obstrução ou qualquer presença de corpos sílico-aluminosos nos tecidos condutores das partes analisadas. Verificou-se, no entanto, que a presença de Si em associação ao Al ocorreu segundo uma relação Al/Si da ordem de 2,6. Os dados revelaram ainda que a amplitude de variação do Si é de 1,5 vez maior que a do Al. Concluiu-se que a amplitude de variação do Si é maior que a do Al, estabelecendo uma relação de variação (Si-Al).


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Although laparoscopic surgery is a safe and effective procedure, it is not exempt from risks of complications and death. Complication rates have decreased in various procedures, with means of 1%, 3.9% and 9.2%, for those considered easy, difficult and very difficult, respectively, while death rates have ranged from zero to 0.09%. To analyze the characteristics and the incidence of complications regarding the technique, the patient, the surgeon and the various types of laparoscopic procedures used in urology. A literature review between January 1990 and June 2002 in Medline and Lilacs was undertaken, including approximately 22,000 patients submitted to laparoscopic surgery, classified according to the type of procedure. The complications were considered as major or minor in accordance with various criteria adopted by the authors for appraising their seriousness. The complications regarded as minor ones occurred mainly in the phases of access and insufflation, and were more common in the postoperative period. The ones considered as major were associated with the dissection phase, with more serious characteristics, with vascular lesions predominating over visceral ones. The laparoscopic urological procedures proved to be well tolerated by pediatric and obese patients. Complications rates with this technique were inversely proportional to theexperience of the surgeon; they were associated with the complexity of the procedures and were similar to those of the corresponding procedures performed through an open approach. Over ten years, in spite of the increasing complexity of laparoscopic procedures, complications rates have fallen to figures comparable to those of the corresponding open techniques.


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One of the most widespread renewable energy sources in Brazil is ethanol, from sugarcane, therefore, the sugar and alcohol sector is expanding, with positive impacts for the economy of the country. Sugar cane was introduced in Brazil as a crop during its colonization, for the production of sugar, and put the country in the global scenario. The expansion of this crop occurred in the seventies, to reduce the reliance in fossil energy sources and to stimulate the development of the agricultural activity. Thus, the federal government has promoted the sugar cane crop and the production of ethanol as a fuel. However, it is important to minimize possible impacts that the crop may cause to the environment. Sugar cane has expanded in the frontiers of the mesoregion of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba-MG, and, in this perspective, the agroindustrial complex known as Companhia Energética Vale do São Simão Ltda., with the Mill located in the county of Santa Vitória, Minas Gerais, was adopted to evaluate the environmental impacts caused by the sugarcane in the area of influence of the mill. The mill has a polygonal area corresponding to 53,525.20 hectares, and for its establishment a Study and Report of Environmental Impacts (EIA/RIMA) was presented, as required as an environment protection instrument by the Environment National Policy (Law nº 6.938/81), and detailed by the Resolution CONAMA nº 01/1986. These studies pointed that native vegetation fragments in the Area of Influence of the Mill, before its implantation, corresponded to approximately 20.7% of the area. Therefore, this study evaluated the impacts of the installation of Usina Vale do São Simão, between 2007 and 2012, determining its reflex on the environmental regularization of the farms, and the vegetation fragments existing in the area, in the recovery and recomposition of areas defined as Legal Reserve and Permanent Preservation. Previous studies of the area were analyzed, soil use and occupation was mapped for the years 2007 and 2012, and the areas of permanent preservation and native vegetation fragments were marked. In general, there was a decline in native vegetation coverage in the period, although it cannot be stated that such reduction was a direct effect of the milling activity. Therefore, the legal requirement of preserving such areas was not capable of bringing the positive effects of protection and recovery as demanded by the Law, highlighting that the current legislation was not enough to protect such areas.