899 resultados para Lâmpadas fluorescentes – Engenharia
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
A necessidade de dar um destino adequado aos resíduos tóxicos e a preocupação com a contaminação do meio ambiente e dos lençóis freáticos são aspectos que já vêm sendo discutidos há vários anos. As lâmpadas fluorescentes, quando descartadas, não devem ser quebradas e encaminhadas para os aterros sanitários, pois contêm mercúrio, substância que provoca sérios problemas de contaminação ao homem e à natureza. A pesquisa realizada em Curitiba identificou que parte das lâmpadas fluorescentes descartadas continua sendo enviada para os aterros sanitários ou para aterros químicos. As pessoas e organizações conscientes dos impactos ambientais causados pelo mercúrio destinam as lâmpadas fluorescentes para centros de descontaminação (reciclagem) ou armazenam-nas em containers. Após identificar os centros de descontaminação (reciclagem) de lâmpadas fluorescentes existentes no Brasil, o autor analisou os custos necessários para a execução da descontaminação das lâmpadas. Através de entrevistas com gestores ambientais de quatro empresas do setor automotivo da região metropolitana de Curitiba - PR, foram identificados os fatores motivadores para a busca de alternativas de destino para as lâmpadas fluorescentes descartadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
With water pollution increment at the last years, so many progresses in researches about treatment of contaminated waters have been developed. In wastewaters containing highly toxic organic compounds, which the biological treatment cannot be applied, the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) is an alternative for degradation of nonbiodegradable and toxic organic substances, because theses processes are generation of hydroxyl radical based on, a highly reactivate substance, with ability to degradate practically all classes of organic compounds. In general, the AOP request use of special ultraviolet (UV) lamps into the reactors. These lamps present a high electric power demand, consisting one of the largest problems for the application of these processes in industrial scale. This work involves the development of a new photochemistry reactor composed of 12 low cost black light fluorescent lamps (SYLVANIA, black light, 40 W) as UV radiation source. The studied process was the photo-Fenton system, a combination of ferrous ions, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation, it has been employed for the degradation of a synthetic wastewater containing phenol as pollutant model, one of the main pollutants in the petroleum industry. Preliminary experiments were carrier on to estimate operational conditions of the reactor, besides the effects of the intensity of radiation source and lamp distribution into the reactor. Samples were collected during the experiments and analyzed for determining to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, using a TOC analyzer Shimadzu 5000A. The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was also used for identification of the cathecol and hydroquinone formed during the degradation process of the phenol. The actinometry indicated 9,06⋅1018 foton⋅s-1 of photons flow, for 12 actived lamps. A factorial experimental design was elaborated which it was possible to evaluate the influence of the reactants concentration (Fe2+ and H2O2) and to determine the most favorable experimental conditions ([Fe2+] = 1,6 mM and [H2O2] = 150,5 mM). It was verified the increase of ferrous ions concentration is favorable to process until reaching a limit when the increase of ferrous ions presents a negative effect. The H2O2 exhibited a positive effect, however, in high concentrations, reaching a maximum ratio degradation. The mathematical modeling of the process was accomplished using the artificial neural network technique
Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find altenatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo¬Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. it's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter
Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find alternatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo- Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. It's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Oferece um serviço de logística reversa para empresas interessadas em descartar lâmpadas fluorescentes de forma responsável - retira as lâmpadas, vende a reposição a preço de mercado e recicla a lâmapada vendendo seus componentes originais
Sementes de Psidium cattleianum foram acondicionadas em embalagens permeável, semipermeável e impermeável e armazenadas em ambiente não controlado, câmara seca e câmara fria por 1.107 dias, com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade fisiológica. Desde o início do armazenamento das sementes, e após cada período de 123 dias, foram avaliados o teor de água, a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação e a condutividade elétrica da solução de embebição. Nos testes de germinação e de condutividade elétrica, as sementes foram previamente imersas em ácido sulfúrico durante 25 minutos, depois lavadas em água corrente e em água destilada. As sementes foram colocadas para germinar, entre vermiculita, na temperatura alternada de 20-30 ºC, sob lâmpadas fluorescentes brancas, com fotoperíodo de 8 horas. O acondicionamento das sementes em embalagem impermeável e o armazenamento em ambiente natural de laboratório ou em câmara seca, bem como o acondicionamento em embalagem semipermeável e armazenamento em câmara fria, são adequados para a conservação das sementes durante 1.107 dias.
Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 foi cultivado fotoautotroficamente em águas residuais de abatedouro de aves dentro de colunas de vidro (90x670 mm) durante sete dias a 31 ± 4ºC, sob anaerobiose e intensidade luminosa fornecida pela luz do dia e por três lâmpadas incandescentes (100W) mais quatro lâmpadas fluorescentes (40W). O cultivo obtido foi centrifugado (4.500xg/20 min) e liofilizado, originando a biomassa bacteriana, que continha 7,1% de umidade. A determinação da composição centesimal indicou (base seca) 67,6% de proteína bruta, 27,6% de carboidratos totais, 0,6% de lipídeos e 4,2% de cinzas. A composição em aminoácidos da fração protéica da biomassa mostrou-se semelhante à relatada na literatura para Rhodocyclus gelatinosus e para outras bactérias fotossintetizantes. A redução na DQO do efluente após o cultivo e a retirada da biomassa foi da ordem de 90%. A valiosa composição química da biomassa de Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 e o alto conteúdo em aminoácidos essenciais indicam o uso potencial desse produto na suplementação de ração para aves.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)