61 resultados para Kuraray


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The current trend toward minimal-invasive dentistry has introduced innovative techniques for cavity preparation. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and laser-irradiation technology have been employed as an alternative to the common use of regular burs in high-speed turbines. Objectives. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of alternative techniques for cavity preparation on the bonding effectiveness of different adhesives to dentin, and to evaluate the morphological characteristics of dentin prepared with those techniques. Methods. One etch&rinse adhesive (OptiBond FL, Kerr) and three self-etch systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop, 3M ESPE; Clearfil SE Bond, Kuraray; Clearfil S3 Bond, Kuraray) were applied on dentin prepared with a regular bur in a turbine, with a CVD bur in a turbine, with a CVD tip in ultrasound and with an ErCr:YSGG laser. The micro-tensile bond strength (mu TBS) was determined after storage in water for 24 h at 37 degrees C, and morphological evaluation was performed by means of field -emission -gun scanning electron microscopy (Feg-SEM). Results. Feg-SEM evaluation revealed different morphological features on the dentin surface after the usage of both the conventional and alternative techniques for cavity preparation, more specifically regarding smear-layer thickness and surface roughness. CVD bur-cut, CVD ultra-sonoabraded and laser-irradiated dentin resulted in lower mu TBSs than conventionally bur-cut dentin, irrespective of the adhesive employed. Significance. The techniques, such as CVD diamond-bur cutting, CVD diamond ultra-sonoabrasion and laser-irradiation, used for cavity preparation may affect the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to dentin, irrespective of their acidity or approach. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: In light of the concept of minimally invasive dentistry, erbium lasers have been considered as an alternative technique to the use of diamond burs for cavity preparation. The purpose of this study was to assess the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiated dentin using irradiation settings specific for cavity preparation. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four midcoronal dentin surfaces, obtained from sound human molars, were irradiated with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser or prepared with a diamond bur using a high-speed turbine. One etch-and-rinse (Optibond FL/Kerr) and three self-etching adhesives (Adper Prompt L-Pop/3M ESPE, Clearfil SE Bond/Kuraray, and Clearfil S-3 Bond/Kuraray) were used to bond the composite to dentin. The microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) was determined after 24 h of storage in water at 37 degrees C. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine pairwise statistical differences (p < 0.05). Prepared dentin surfaces, adhesive interfaces, and failure patterns were analyzed using a stereo microscope and Field-emission gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (Feg-SEM). Results: Significantly lower mu TBS was observed to laser-irradiated than to bur-cut dentin (p < 0.05), irrespective of the adhesive employed. Feg-SEM photomicrographs of lased dentin revealed an imbricate patterned substrate and the presence of microcracks at the dentin surface. Conclusion: Morphological alterations produced by Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiation adversely influence the bonding effectiveness of adhesives to dentin. Keywords: dentin, adhesion, adhesives, laser, ErCr:YSGG.


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The indirect adhesive procedures constitute recently a substantial portion of contemporary esthetic restorative treatments. The resin cements have been used to bond tooth substrate and restorative materials. Due to recently introduction of the self-bonding resin luting cement based on a new monomer, filler and initiation technology has become important to study the degree of conversion of these new materials. In the present work the polymerization reaction and the filler content of dual-cured dental resin cements were studied by means of infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermogravimetry (TG). Twenty specimens were made in a metallic mold (8 mm diameter x 1 mm thick) from each of 2 cements, PanaviaA (R) F2.0 (Kuraray) and RelyX (TM) Unicem Applicap (3M/ESPE). Each specimen was cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/cm(2) for 30 s. Immediately after curing, 24 and 48 h, and 7 days DC was determined. For each time interval 5 specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FT-IR. The TG measurements were performed in Netzsch TG 209 under oxygen atmosphere and heating rate of 10A degrees C/min from 25 to 700A degrees C. A two-way ANOVA showed DC (%) mean values statistically significance differences between two cements (p < 0.05). The Tukey`s test showed no significant difference only for the 24 and 48 h after light irradiation for both resin cements (p > 0.05). The Relx-Y (TM) Unicem mean values were significantly higher than PanaviaA (R) F 2.0. The degree of conversion means values increasing with the storage time and the filler content showed similar for both resin cements.


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Statement of the problem: The performance of self-etch systems on enamel is controversial and seems to be dependent on the application technique and the enamel preparation. Purpose of the Study: To examine the effects of conditioning time and enamel surface preparation on bond strength and etching pattern of adhesive systems to enamel. Materials and Methods: Ninety-six teeth were divided into 16 conditions (N = 6) in function of enamel preparation and conditioning time for bond strength test. The adhesive systems OptiBond FL (Kerr, Orange, CA, USA), OptiBond SOLO Plus (Kerr), Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray, Osaka, Japan), and Adper Prompt L-Pop (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) were applied on unground or ground enamel following the manufacturers` directions or doubling the conditioning time. Cylinders of Filtek Flow (0.5-mm height) were applied to each bonded enamel surface using a Tygon tube (0.7 mm in diameter; Saint-Gobain Corp., Aurora, OH, USA). After storage (24 h/37 degrees C), the specimens were subjected to shear force (0.5 mm/min). The data were treated by a three-way analysis of variance and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). The failure modes of the debonded interfaces and the etching pattern of adhesives were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: Only the main factor ""adhesive"" was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The lowest bond strength value was observed for OptiBond FL. The most defined etching pattern was observed for 35% phosphoric acid and for Adper Prompt L-Pop. Mixed failures were observed for all adhesives, but OptiBond FL showed cohesive failures in resin predominantly. Conclusions: The increase in the conditioning time as well as the enamel pretreatment did not provide an increase in the resin-enamel bond strength values for the studied adhesives. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The surface enamel preparation and the conditioning time do not affect the performance of self-etch systems to enamel. (J Esthet Restor Dent 20:322-336, 2008)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar in vitro a microinfiltração cervical imediata em restaurações ocluso-proximais de resina composta, onde foram utilizados dois sistemas adesivos (Scotchbond Multi Purpose - 3M; Clearfil Mega Bond - Kuraray) através de uma técnica de baixa intensidade de luz polimerizável. Em cada um dos 11 molares decíduos foram confeccionados dois preparos cavitários ocluso-proximais padronizados (um ocluso-mesial e outro ocluso-distal), com o auxílio de uma ponta diamantada cilíndrica de extremidade plana n°2094, (KG Sorensen), fixada a uma caneta de alta rotação sob refrigeração ar/água. Os sistemas adesivos foram aplicados seguindo as instruções do fabricante, um na cavidade ocluso-mesial e outro na ocluso distal, sendo inserida, posteriormente, uma resina composta híbrida (Z250 - 3M) pela técnica incremental LUTZ (1986). O primeiro incremento foi inserido na parede cervical da caixa proximal (sentido horizontal) e fotopolimerizado (fotopolimerizador VIPTM - Bisco) a uma intensidade de 100 mW/cm2 por 60 segundos. Dois outros incrementos foram inseridos diagonalmente na porção vestibular e lingual/palatina, a uma intensidade de 200 mW/cm2, também pelo tempo de 60 segundos. As restaurações foram submetidas a acabamento e polimento com o auxílio de um bisturi lâmina n°12 e com discos Sof-lex Pop-on (3M). Após o acabamento, foi realizada a impermeabilização, em seguida os dentes foram imersos em solução azul de metileno a 0,5% por um período de 24 horas, sendo posteriormente seccionados longitudinalmente no sentido mésio-distal para avaliação da penetração do corante, usando para tal o estereo-microscópio. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística através dos testes Qui-quadrado e o teste não-paramétrico U de Mann-Whitney. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois sistemas adesivos testados, podendo-se concluir que a utilização deste protocolo restaurador de cavidades ocluso-proximais com resina composta em molares decíduos resultou em baixos níveis de microinfiltração cervical imediata.


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O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar a interação de dois sistemas adesivos (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose - 3M; Clearfil SE Bond - Kuraray) aplicados à dentina de dentes decíduos, através do ensaio de resistência da união à microtração, e da análise da micromorfologia da interface adesiva. Foram confeccionadas duas cavidades ocluso-proximais padronizadas (tipo slot vertical) na mesial e distal de dezoito molares decíduos hígidos. Cada um dos sistemas adesivos foi aplicado em uma das cavidades do mesmo dente. As cavidades foram restauradas com resina composta (Filtek Z 250 – 3M) pela técnica incremental, sendo cada camada fotopolimerizada por 20 s, utilizando uma fonte de luz visível (XL 2500 - 3M). Os dentes foram armazenados por uma semana em água destilada a 4o C e seccionados no sentido vestíbulo-lingual para análise isolada de cada restauração. Cada uma destas foi seccionada em fatias de 0,7 mm de espessura e, em seguida, efetuou-se uma constrição (1 mm) na região da interface de união (parede axial) para obtenção de uma área adesiva com aproximadamente 0,7 mm2. Os corpos-de-prova foram fixados isoladamente em um dispositivo conectado em uma máquina de ensaio universal (Instron – modelo 4411) e submetidos à tração com velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. As superfícies das secções fraturadas foram avaliadas ao MEV (Jeol –5600 LV) e categorizadas em relação aos padrões de fratura ocorridos. Adicionalmente, superfícies planas contendo a interface de união foram preparadas com lixas de carbureto de silício (granulação 1000) e polimento com pastas de diamante (6, 3, 1 e 0,25 µm). Após desidratação em sílica coloidal em temperatura ambiente por 24 h, as superfícies foram cobertas com liga de ouro e, a micromorfologia da união formada na parede axial das restaurações ocluso-proximais, analisadas ao MEV (Jeol –5600 LV). Os resultados do ensaio de resistência de união foram submetidos à análise estatística utilizando o teste t de student em nível de 5% de significância, e os tipos de fraturas e os aspectos micromorfológicos da interface adesiva submetidos à avaliação descritiva. Os valores médios de resistência de união dos adesivos Scothbond Multi-Purpose (21,84±9,90 MPa) e Clearfil SE Bond (25,19±5,33 MPa) não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre si (p=0,27). A análise do tipo de fratura revelou uma maior quantidade de falhas na região de dentina desmineralizada (G1: SMP) e na porção superior da camada híbrida (G2: CSE). A interface de união, em ambos os grupos, foi caracterizada pela formação da camada híbrida, projeção de prolongamentos resinosos adaptados à dentina e com direcionamento relacionado à disposição dos túbulos dentinários na área da cavidade avaliada.


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Aim To evaluate and compare the response of pulps of rats capped with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) or self-etching adhesive system.Methodology Class I cavities were prepared on the occlusal surface of 54 maxillary first molars of 27 rats. Pulp exposure was performed on the cavity floor. The following resin-based materials were applied as pulp-capping agents: G1, Clearfil Liner Bond 2V (CLB 2V; Kuraray Co., Japan); G2, Vitrebond (VIT; 3M/ESPE, USA). In group 3 (control group), a calcium hydroxide/saline paste (CH; Labsynth, Brazil) was used. The cavities were restored with amalgam. After 7, 30 and 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the jaws were processed for microscopic evaluation.Results Despite the inflammatory response caused by the experimental and the control materials at 7 days, pulpal healing associated with calcified barrier formation was observed at 60 days following the pulp therapy. Both resin-based materials promoted a large zone of cell-rich fibrodentine matrix deposition on the pulp horn related to the pulp exposure site, which was larger to VIT than to CLB 2V specimens. Tertiary dentine underneath the fibrodentine matrix was deposited by a layer of elongated pulpal cells. The remaining pulpal tissue exhibited normal histological characteristics. In the control group, healing and dentine-bridge formation was observed at 30 days. Pulpal breakdown occurred only when bacterial infection occurred.Conclusion Both experimental pulp-capping agents allowed pulpal healing characterized by cell-rich fibrodentine and tertiary dentine deposition as well as calcified barrier formation.


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Objectives: To study the nanoleakage pattern in the dentin hybrid layer by using different dentin adhesives. The null hypotheses tested in this study were: 1) dentin conditioning time does not affect nanoleakage within the hybrid layer; 2) the type of dentin adhesive used does not affect nanoleakage. Methods: Standardized Class V cavities were prepared in 30 intact human molars on the buccal and lingual surfaces. The specimens were randomly assigned to 2 total-etch dentin adhesives (OptiBond SOLO Plus [OPS, Kerr] and One-Step [ONS, BISCO Inc]) and 2 self-etch dentin adhesives (Clearfil SE Bond [CSE, Kuraray] and Adper Prompt L-Pop [APL, 3M ESPE]). The specimens were etched or conditioned for 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds. Upon restoration of the Class V cavities with the proprietary resin composite, the specimens were isolated with nail polish except for a 2.0-mm rim around the restoration, and they were immersed in 50 wt% ammoniacal silver nitrate solution (pH=9.5) for 24 hours followed by 8 hours of immersion in photo-developing solution to reduce the silver ions to metallic silver. The specimens were fixed, dehydrated and processed for FESEM and TEM. Silver penetration was measured along the cervical wall, and data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests at a significance level of 95%. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups for the factor conditioning time (p>0.926). There were significant differences for the variable dentin adhesive (p<0.0001). The least amount of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer occurred with CSE, while ONS resulted in the greatest penetration of silver ions. The adhesives OPS and APL ranked in the intermediary subset. Under TEM, all adhesives resulted in some degree of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Both spotted/reticular and water-tree nanoleakage patterns were observed. Significance: Longer conditioning times did not increase nanoleakage within the hybrid layer. Nanoleakage varied with the type of adhesive used.


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This study evaluated the fracture resistance of teeth submitted to internal bleaching and restored with different non-metallic post. Eighty mandibular incisors were endodontically treated and randomly divided in 10 groups (n = 8): G1- restored with composite resin (CR), G2- CR + fiber-reinforced composite post (FRC, Everstick post, Sticktech) cemented with resin cement self-etch adhesive (RCS, Panavia F 2.0, Kuraray), G3- CR + FRC + self-adhesive resin cement (SRC, Breeze, Pentral Clinical), G4- CR+ glass fiber post (GF, Exacto Post, Angelus) + RCS, G5- CR + GF + SRC. The G6 to G10 were bleached with hydrogen peroxide (HP) and restored with the same restorative procedures used for G1 to G5, respectively. After 7 days storage in artificial saliva, the specimens were submitted to the compressive strength test (N) at 0.5 mm/min cross-head speed and the failure pattern was identified as either reparable (failure showed until 2 mm below the cement-enamel junction) or irreparable (the failure showed <2 mm or more below the cement-enamel). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (α = 0.05). No significant difference (p < 0.05) was found among G1 to G10. The results suggest that intracoronal bleaching did not significantly weaken the teeth and the failure patterns were predominately reparable for all groups. The non-metallic posts in these teeth did not improve fracture resistance.


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Background and Objectives. The adhesion of dental materials is important for the success of treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the bond strength of a composite resin applied with a self-etching adhesive system in different dentins after irradiation with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers, observing their morphologic pattern using Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods. The buccal surface of 72 bovine incisors was worn until exposure of medium depth dentin. The specimens were divided into three groups; GI: normal, GII: demineralized and GIII: hypermineralized dentin. These were also divided into two subgroups; A-irradiated for 30 s with Er:YAG laser in noncontact mode at 40 mJ and 6 Hz and B- irradiated for 30 s with Nd:YAG laser in contact mode at 60 mJ and 10 Hz. The adhesive system Clearfil SE. Bond (Kuraray) and composite resin Tetric Ceram (Vivadent) were applied on the irradiated area by the incremental technique. After storage for 24 h in distilled water at 37 degrees C, the specimens were submitted to the shear strength test in a universal testing machine (EMIC) at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Other specimens were made to be analyzed by SEM. Results. The results were statistically analyzed by Analysis of Variance and the Tukey test. Regardless of the type of dentin, the bond strength of specimens irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser (8,94 +/- 2,07) was higher compared to specimens irradiated with the Er:YAG laser (7,03 +/- 2,47); the highest bond strength was obtained for the group of hypermineralized dentin irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser. The SEM analysis showed that the Er:YAG laser caused opening of tubules and the Nd:YAG laser produced areas of fusion as well as regions of opening of dentinal tubules. Conclusions. The dentin showed different morphological patterns and the laser promote alterations on their surfaces, influencing the bond strength of the composite resin. (C) 2010 Laser Institute of America.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of surface hydration state and application method on the microtensile bond strength of one-step self-etching adhesives systems to cut enamel.Materials and Methods: One hundred ninety-five bovine teeth were used. The enamel on the buccal side was flattened with 600-grit SiC paper. For the control group, 15 teeth received Adper Single Bond 2, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. The other specimens were divided into three groups according to the adhesive system used: Futura Bond M (FM; Voco), Clearfil S-3 Bond (CS; Kuraray), and Optibond All in One (OA; Kerr). For each group, two hydration states were tested: D: blown dry with air; W: the excess of water was removed with absorbent paper. Two application methods were tested: P (passive): the adhesive was simply left on the surface; A (active): the adhesive was rubbed with an applicator point. A coat of Grandio composite resin (Voco) was applied on the surface. The teeth were sectioned to obtain enamel-resin sticks (1 x 1 mm), which underwent microtensile bond testing. The data in MPa were submitted to a three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: The ANOVA showed significant differences for application method and the type of adhesive, but not for hydration state. For the application method, the results of Tukey's test were: P: 31.46 (+/-7.09)a; A: 34.04 (+/-7.19)b. For the type of adhesive, the results were: OA: 31.29 (+/-7.05)a; CS: 32.28 (+/-7.14)a; FM: 34.68 (+/-7.17)b; different lower-case letters indicate statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Active application improved the bond strength to cut enamel. The adhesive Futurabond M showed the highest bond strength to cut enamel.


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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of two current adhesive resins and a calcium hydroxide cement. Fifty-four polyethylene tubes were filled with these dental materials, which were hand-mixed or light-cured according to the manufacturer's directions: group 1-Clearfill Liner Bond 2 (Kuraray); group 2-Single Bond (3M); and group 3-calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal-Dentsply). The materials were implanted into dorsal connective tissue of rats, which were killed 7, 30, and 60 days after the implantation procedure. The implant sites were excised, immersed in buffered Karnovsky's fixative, and processed using routine histological techniques. Sections of 6 μm thickness were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and assessed under light microscopy. Both adhesive resins at 7 days elicited a moderate/intense inflammatory reaction that decreased over time. Fibrous capsules surrounding the tubes were observed at 30 days. Half of the samples in groups 1 and 2 showed thin fibrous capsule formation containing macrophages, capillaries, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and collagen fibers. Connective tissue healing was observed even though many specimens exhibited a persistent inflammatory reaction mediated by macrophages and giant cells at the 60-day evaluation. Dycal allowed complete healing at 30 days with only a thin fibrous capsule. In conclusion, all experimental materials were successfully walled off by the connective tissue of the rat. However the adhesive resins may release particulates that may, in turn, induce a persistent local inflammatory reaction. Consequently, in this specific condition, these materials cannot be regarded as biocompatible. Dycal was less irritating than the adhesive resins and was better tolerated by the connective tissue. Copyright © 2000 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of a resin cement to three high-strength core ceramics: high alumina-based (In-Ceram Alumina, Procera AllCeram) and zirconia-reinforced alumina-based (In-Ceram Zirconia) ceramics. Materials and Methods: Ten blocks (5 ×6 × 8 mm) of In-Ceram Alumina (AL), In-Ceram Zirconia (ZR), and Procera (PR) ceramics were fabricated according to each manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in composite. The specimens were assigned to one of the two following treatment conditions: (1) airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. Each ceramic block was duplicated in composite resin (W3D-Master, Wilcos, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil) using a mold made out of silicon impression material. Composite resin layers were incrementally condensed into the mold to fill up the mold and each layer was light polymerized for 40 s. The composite blocks were bonded to the surface-conditioned ceramic blocks using a resin cement system (Panavia F, Kuraray, Okayama, Japan). One composite resin block was fabricated for each ceramic block. The ceramic-composite was stored at 37°C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under water cooling to produce bar specimens (n = 30) with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). Bond strength values were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (≤ 0.05). Results: Silica coating with silanization increased the bond strength significantly for all three high-strength ceramics (18.5 to 31.2 MPa) compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (12.7-17.3 MPa) (ANOVA, p < 0.05). PR exhibited the lowest bond strengths after both Al2O3 and silica coating (12.7 and 18.5 MPa, respectively). Conclusion: Conditioning the high-strength ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 and silanization.


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Background: Since only a few data have been published concerning the effects of resinous dental materials on the pulp-dentin complex, the aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of resin-based materials applied as liners in deep cavities prepared in duman teeth. Methods: After preparing class V cavities, the following dental materials were applied on the axial walls: group 1, Vitrebond™ (VIT; 3M ESPE); group 2, Ultra-Blend® Plus™ (UBP; Untradent); and group 3, Clearfil™ SE Bond (CSEB; Kuraray). In group 4 (control), the hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement Dycal (CH; Caulk/Dentsply) was used. The teeth extracted at 7 days or between 30 and 85 days after the clinical procedures were processed for histological evaluation. Results: For all the experimental and control groups, most of specimens exhibited no pulpal response or slight inflammatory reaction associated with slight tissue disorganization at 7-day period. Moderate inflammatory pulpal response occurred only in one tooth (RDT = 262 μm) of group 3 in which transdentinal diffusion of resin components was observed. Conclusion: The resin-based dental cements VIT and UBP as well as the bonding agent CSEB presented acceptable biocompatibility when applied in deep cavities prepared in sound human teeth. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate, at different times, the diametral tensile strength (DTS) of dual-curing resin cements that were not photopolymerized. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Equal amounts of base and catalyst pastes of Panavia F (Kuraray), Variolink II (Vivadent), Rely X (3M ESPE), and Enforce (Dentsply) were mixed and inserted into cylindrical molds (4 x 2 mm) (n = 10). Cements were not photopolymerized. DTS test was performed in a testing machine at 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days. The specimens were stored in light-proof containers with distilled water at 37 degrees C until the time of assay. An autopolymerizing resin cement (Cement-It, Jeneric Pentron) and a zinc phosphate cement served as controls. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test were performed separately for each cement and for each time (P <.05). RESULTS: All cements showed an increase in DTS when tested at 1 and 24 hours. Tests at 24 hours and 7 days revealed no statistically significant differences. In all groups, the zinc phosphate cement had the lowest DTS mean values (2.1 MPa, 3.6 MPa, 6.5 MPa, and 6.9 MPa), while Cement-It (35.1 MPa, 33.6 MPa, 46.9 MPa, and 46.3 MPa) and Enforce (31.9 MPa, 31.7 MPa, 43.4 MPa, and 47.6 MPa) presented the highest DTS mean values. CONCLUSION: All cements presented maximal strength at 24 hours. The dual-curing resin cements, even when nonphotopolymerized, demonstrated higher DTS than the zinc phosphate cement and similar or lower values than the autopolymerizing resin cement.