991 resultados para Krohn, Julius
Julius Krohn, som diktare Suonio f. 19.4.1835 i Viborg d. 28.8.1888 i Viborg Julius Krohn har blivit känd som förkämpe för finskheten under 1800-talet. Han var verksam som diktare, professor i finska språket och litteraturen, översättare och tidningsman. Han bidrog till att jämförelsen mellan tidiga versioner av en berättelse blev en etablerad metod i folkdiktningsforskningen, och fick av den anledningen även internationellt erkännande. Krohn utgav själv under namnet Suonio allegoriska sagor, fosterländska dikter och kärlekslyrik. I produktionen ingår också dikter för barn, psalmer och kärleksdikter skrivna till hans hustru, Emma Krohn, efter hennes död. Julius Krohn språkgranskade även Aleksis Kivis klassiska verk Sju bröder och understödde Kivi ekonomiskt, även om de två männen skildes åt i sin syn på diktning, något som kom till uttryck i Kivis sätt att beteckna sin beskyddare som ”lallaa-runoilija” (sv. ung. ”tralala-diktare”). http://www.blf.fi/artikel.php?id=496 http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/kb/artikkeli/496/
Julius ja Kaarle Krohn -juhlasymposium - Julius and Kaarle Krohn Anniversary Symposium, 6.9.2013, Helsingin yliopistomuseo.
Engraved illustrations are based on the original oil paintings of several Finnish artists: A. v. Becker, A. Edelfelt, R. W. Ekman, W. Holmberg, K. E. Jansson, O. Kleineh, J. Knutson, B. Lindholm, H. Munsterhjelm och B. Reinhold.
Myös Gramophone G.C.-2-82551, 282725.
Nimiösivulla myös: Warustettu 19:llä kuwalla.
Kannet painanut: F. Tilgmann.
Blast fragmentation can have a significant impact on the profitability of a mine. An optimum run of mine (ROM) size distribution is required to maximise the performance of downstream processes. If this fragmentation size distribution can be modelled and controlled, the operation will have made a significant advancement towards improving its performance. Blast fragmentation modelling is an important step in Mine to Mill™ optimisation. It allows the estimation of blast fragmentation distributions for a number of different rock mass, blast geometry, and explosive parameters. These distributions can then be modelled in downstream mining and milling processes to determine the optimum blast design. When a blast hole is detonated rock breakage occurs in two different stress regions - compressive and tensile. In the-first region, compressive stress waves form a 'crushed zone' directly adjacent to the blast hole. The second region, termed the 'cracked zone', occurs outside the crush one. The widely used Kuz-Ram model does not recognise these two blast regions. In the Kuz-Ram model the mean fragment size from the blast is approximated and is then used to estimate the remaining size distribution. Experience has shown that this model predicts the coarse end reasonably accurately, but it can significantly underestimate the amount of fines generated. As part of the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P483A Mine to Mill™ project, the Two-Component Model (TCM) and Crush Zone Model (CZM), developed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), were compared and evaluated to measured ROM fragmentation distributions. An important criteria for this comparison was the variation of model results from measured ROM in the-fine to intermediate section (1-100 mm) of the fragmentation curve. This region of the distribution is important for Mine to Mill™ optimisation. The comparison of modelled and Split ROM fragmentation distributions has been conducted in harder ores (UCS greater than 80 MPa). Further work involves modelling softer ores. The comparisons will be continued with future site surveys to increase confidence in the comparison of the CZM and TCM to Split results. Stochastic fragmentation modelling will then be conducted to take into account variation of input parameters. A window of possible fragmentation distributions can be compared to those obtained by Split . Following this work, an improved fragmentation model will be developed in response to these findings.