999 resultados para Kramers-Kronig relation (KKR)


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Fulgides are one kind of organic photochromic compound, which are famous for their thermal irreversibility. In this report, from the difference spectra of the absorption A() of one kind of pyrrylfulgide, the spectral refractive index change n() was calculated by the Kramers-Kronig relation (KKR), and a good correlation of theoretically derived values and the experimental values of the n measured by a modified Michelson interferometer was found. Further, it is demonstrated that it was possible to calculate the spectral dependence of diffraction efficiency from the easily accessible absorption changes. This method will be a useful tool for the characterization and optimization of fulgide films. The results show that the diffraction efficiency is high at 488 and 750 nm, where the absorption is very small, so we can realize non-destructive reconstruction.


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We consider the general response theory recently proposed by Ruelle for describing the impact of small perturbations to the non-equilibrium steady states resulting from Axiom A dynamical systems. We show that the causality of the response functions entails the possibility of writing a set of Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations for the corresponding susceptibilities at all orders of nonlinearity. Nonetheless, only a special class of directly observable susceptibilities obey K-K relations. Specific results are provided for the case of arbitrary order harmonic response, which allows for a very comprehensive K-K analysis and the establishment of sum rules connecting the asymptotic behavior of the harmonic generation susceptibility to the short-time response of the perturbed system. These results set in a more general theoretical framework previous findings obtained for optical systems and simple mechanical models, and shed light on the very general impact of considering the principle of causality for testing self-consistency: the described dispersion relations constitute unavoidable benchmarks that any experimental and model generated dataset must obey. The theory exposed in the present paper is dual to the time-dependent theory of perturbations to equilibrium states and to non-equilibrium steady states, and has in principle similar range of applicability and limitations. In order to connect the equilibrium and the non equilibrium steady state case, we show how to rewrite the classical response theory by Kubo so that response functions formally identical to those proposed by Ruelle, apart from the measure involved in the phase space integration, are obtained. These results, taking into account the chaotic hypothesis by Gallavotti and Cohen, might be relevant in several fields, including climate research. In particular, whereas the fluctuation-dissipation theorem does not work for non-equilibrium systems, because of the non-equivalence between internal and external fluctuations, K-K relations might be robust tools for the definition of a self-consistent theory of climate change.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The rapid carrier capture and relaxation processes in InAs/GaAs quantum dots were studied at 77K by using a simple degenerate pump-probe technique. A rising process was observed in the transient reflectivity, following the initial fast relaxation associated with GaAs bulk matrix, and this rising process was assigned to be related to the carrier capture from the GaAs barriers to InAs layers. The assignment was modeled using Kramers-Kronig relation. By analyzing the rising process observed in the transient reflectivity, the carrier capture time constants were obtained. The measured capture times decrease with the increase of carrier concentration.


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Desde el año 2004 el código ARWEN ha sido utilizado con éxito para simular y diseñar experimentos relacionados con blancos para fusión por confinamiento inercial [146], astrofísica de laboratorio [145], plasmas como amplificadores de láseres de rayos X [107] o plasmas creados por láser para la medición de espectros de transmisión. Para la realización de estas simulaciones es necesario, además de métodos de alto orden precisos y que presenten buenas propiedades conservativas, conocer ciertas propiedades de los plasmas. En el caso de la fluidodinámica y la conducción electrónica necesitaremos conocer la ecuación de estado [94, 49, 36], y para el transporte de la radiación será preciso disponer de los datos de absorción y emisión [104, 95, 40]. Hasta el año 2009 ARWEN dependía de códigos externos para la generación de estas tablas de opacidad, careciendo de control sobre los métodos empleados para su generación. Además estos códigos asumían equilibrio local termodinámico (LTE), limitando su validez a rangos de alta densidad y baja temperatura. En el marco de esta tesis se ha desarrollado el código BIGBART para la generación de tablas detalladas de opacidad y emisividad para su uso en el módulo de transporte de radiación. De esta forma el grupo dispondrá de su propia herramienta de generación de propiedades radiativas. El código desarrollado es capaz de tratar plasmas en estado fuera de equilibrio (non-LTE) mediante el modelo colisional-radiativo, extendiendo así el rango de validez de las tablas generadas. El trabajo desarrollado para implementar un código LTE/non-LTE estacionario es el siguiente Cálculo de estructura y datos atómicos. Se ha acoplado en código FAC a BIGBART, incorporando la capacidad para generar potenciales atómicos para una configuración y el cálculo de funciones de onda de electrones en orbitales ligados y libres. Aproximaciones y métodos para la obtención de tasas y secciones eficaces de procesos. Se han incluido y programado los modelos implementados en FAC para el cálculo de secciones eficaces de fotoionización, y tasas de decaimiento de emisión espontánea y autoionización. Además se ha incluido el modelo Plane-Wave Born (PWBA) para el cálculo de las secciones eficaces de ionización y excitación colisional. Modelos para la obtención de la distribución de estados iónicos dentro del plasma. Se ha programado un solver LTE basado en la ecuación de Saha-Boltzmann con efectos de ionización por presión debida a los iones adyacentes. También se ha implementado un modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo para la resolución del sistema de ecuaciones que nos permite obtener la densidad de estados iónicos fuera de equilibrio. Modelo non-LTE RADIOM. Se ha implementado el modelo RADIOM para aproximar efectos de no-equilibrio mediante cálculos LTE a una temperatura equivalente, menor o igual que la temperatura electrónica real. Cálculo de las propiedades espectrales de absorción y emisión. Se han implementado los modelos para el cálculo de los perfiles espectrales de absorción y emisión para procesos entre niveles ligados, ligado-libre y librelibre. Aprovechando el trabajo realizado en este sentido, durante el transcurso de esta tesis se amplió el código BIGBART para tratar problemas con dependencia temporal. La extensión para tratar este tipo de problemas se orientó a la simulación numérica de la interacción de láseres ultra intensos en el rango XUV/rayos X. Para ello, además de adaptar el modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo se incluyeron procesos adicionales asociados a la interacción de la materia con fotones altamente energéticos. También se han incluido modelos para el cálculo de las propiedades ópticas, y por ende las propiedades dieléctricas de la materia irradiada, de gran interés en algunas aplicaciones novedosas de estos láseres intensos. Debido a la naturaleza fuertemente fuera de equilibrio en la interacción de fotones de alta energía con la materia, se incluyó el tratamiento de la distribución de electrones libres fuera de equilibrio en la aproximación de Fokker-Planck, tanto para condiciones degeneradas como no degeneradas. El trabajo desarrollado en el código non-LTE con dependencia temporal es el siguiente Procesos asociados a láseres intensos XUV/rayos X. Se ha implementado el cálculo de procesos radiativos estimulados de absorción y emisión por el láser. También se han incluido procesos asociados a la creación de vacantes en capas internas electrónicas (Shake), además de doble autoionización y doble fotoionización. Cálculo de propiedades ópticas y dieléctricas en blancos sólidos. Se ha implementado un modelo para la absorción por bremsstrahlung inverso en blancos en estado sólido. Con el coeficiente de extinción debido a procesos de fotoabsorción resonante, fotoionización y bremsstrahlung inverso se obtiene el ´ındice de refracción mediante la relación de Kronig-Kramers. Electrones fuera de equilibrio. Se ha tratado la evolución de la distribución de electrones, cuando no está justificado asumir que es Maxwelliana o de Fermi-Dirac, mediante la aproximación de Fokker-Planck para la colisión entre electrones libres. En la resolución de la ecuación de Fokker-Planck se han incluido los procesos inelásticos por colisiones con iones y términos fuente por interacción con el láser y otros procesos. ABSTRACT Since 2004 the ARWEN code has been successfully used to simulate and design targets for inertial confinement fusion experiments [146], laboratory astrophysics [145], plasmas as X-ray lasers amplifiers [107] or laser created plasmas for measuring transmission spectra. To perform these simulations it is necessary, in addition to high order precise methods with good conservative properties, to know certain properties of plasmas. For fluid dynamic and electronic conduction we need to know the equation of state [94, 49, 36], and for radiation transport it will be necessary to have the data of the absorption and emission [104, 95, 40]. Until 2009 ARWEN depended on external codes to generate these opacity tables, lacking of control over the methods used for their generation. Besides, these codes assumed local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), limiting their validity ranges to high densities and low temperatures. As part of this thesis it has been developed the BIGBART code for generating detailed opacity and emissivity tables for use in the radiation transport module. This group will have its own tool for the generation of radiative properties. The developed code is capable of treating plasmas out of equilibrium (non-LTE) by means of a collisional-radiative model, extending the range of validity of the generated tables. The work to implement an LTE/non-LTE steady-state code is as follows Calculation of structure and atomic data. the FAC code was coupled to BIGBART, incorporating the ability to generate atomic potentials for calculating configuration wave functions for bound and free electrons. Approaches and methods for obtaining cross sections and processes rates. We have included and reprogrammed in Fortran the models implemented in FAC for calculation of photoionization cross sections and decay rates of spontaneous emission and autoionization. We also included the Plane- Wave Born (PWBA) model to calculate the cross sections of ionization and collisional excitation. Models for the obtention of the distribution of ionic states within the plasma. We programmed a LTE solver based on the Saha-Boltzmann equation with pressure ionization effects due to adjacent ions. It has also been implemented a non-LTE collisional-radiative model for solving the system of equations that allows us to obtain the density of ionic states out of equilibrium. Non-LTE RADIOM model. We have implemented the non-LTE RADIOM model to approximate non-equilibrium effects with LTE data at an equivalent temperature, lower or equal to the actual electronic temperature. Calculation of the spectral absorption and emission properties. Models have been implemented for the calculation of the spectral profiles of absorption and emission processes between bound levels, free-bound and free-free. Taking advantage of the work done in this direction throughout the course of this thesis the code BIGBART was extended to treat time-dependent problems. The extension to treat such problems is oriented to the numerical simulation of the interaction of ultra intense lasers in the XUV/X-ray range. For this range, in addition to adapting the non-LTE collisional-radiative model, additional processes associated with the interaction of matter with high energy photons. We also included models for calculation of the optical properties, and therefore the dielectric properties of the irradiated material, of great interest in some novel applications of these intense lasers. Due to the strong non-equilibrium nature of the interaction of high energy photons with matter, we included the treatment of the distribution of free electrons out of equilibrium in the Fokker-Planck approximation for both degenerate and non-degenerate conditions. The work in the non-LTE time-dependent code is as follows Processes associated with intense XUV/X-ray lasers. We have implemented the calculation of stimulated radiative processes in absorption and emission. Also we included processes associated with the creation of electronic vacancies in inner shells (Shake), double autoionization and double photoionization. Calculation of optical and dielectric properties in solid targets. We have implemented a model for inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in solid targets. With the extinction coefficient from resonant photoabsorption, photoionization and inverse bremsstrahlung the refractive index is obtained by the Kramers-Kronig relation. Electrons out of equilibrium. We treat the evolution of the electron distribution, when it is not justified to assume a Maxwellian or Fermi-Dirac distribution, by the Fokker-Planck approximation for collisions between electrons. When solving the Fokker-Planck equation we included inelastic collision processes with ions and source terms by interaction with the laser and other processes.


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We develop an analytical model based on the WKB approach to evaluate the experimental results of the femtosecond pump-probe measurements of the transmittance and reflectance obtained on thin membranes of porous silicon. The model allows us to retrieve a pump-induced nonuniform complex dielectric function change along the membrane depth. We show that the model fitting to the experimental data requires a minimal number of fitting parameters while still complying with the restriction imposed by the Kramers-Kronig relation. The developed model has a broad range of applications for experimental data analysis and practical implementation in the design of devices involving a spatially nonuniform dielectric function, such as in biosensing, wave-guiding, solar energy harvesting, photonics and electro-optical devices.


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/c-(BETS)2FeBr4 is the first antiferromagnetic organic superconductor with successive antiferromagnetic and superconducting transitions at Ta^=2.5K and Tc=l.lK respectively at ambient pressure. Polarized reflectance measurements were performed on three single crystalsamples of this material using a Briiker IFS66V/S Interferometer, and a Bolometer detector or an MCT detector, at seven temperatures between 4K and 300K, in both the far-infrared and mid-infrared frequency range. After the reflectance results were obtained, the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation was apphed to determine the optical conductivity of /c-(BETS)2FeBr4 at these seven temperatures. Additionally, the optical conductivity spectra were fitted with a Drude/Lorentz Oscillator model in order to study the evolution of the optical conductivity with temperature along the a-axis and c-axis. The resistivities calculated from the Drude model parameters along the a-axis and c-axis agreed reasonably with previous transport measurements.


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Along the lines of the nonlinear response theory developed by Ruelle, in a previous paper we have proved under rather general conditions that Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations and sum rules apply for a class of susceptibilities describing at any order of perturbation the response of Axiom A non equilibrium steady state systems to weak monochromatic forcings. We present here the first evidence of the validity of these integral relations for the linear and the second harmonic response for the perturbed Lorenz 63 system, by showing that numerical simulations agree up to high degree of accuracy with the theoretical predictions. Some new theoretical results, showing how to derive asymptotic behaviors and how to obtain recursively harmonic generation susceptibilities for general observables, are also presented. Our findings confirm the conceptual validity of the nonlinear response theory, suggest that the theory can be extended for more general non equilibrium steady state systems, and shed new light on the applicability of very general tools, based only upon the principle of causality, for diagnosing the behavior of perturbed chaotic systems and reconstructing their output signals, in situations where the fluctuation-dissipation relation is not of great help.


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We measured the two components of the complex dielectric function of insulating and metallic PF6 doped polypyrrole up to 4 meV simultaneously. These data are used as an input performed Kramers-Kronig analysis on the higher energy reflection data. This has helped to clarify those results, which were previously deduced from the FIR and UV/VIS data, that could be artifacts.


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The full retarded electromagnetic force experienced by swift electrons moving parallel to planar boundaries is revisited, for both metallic and dielectric targets, with special emphasis on the consequences in electron microscopy experiments. The focus is placed on the sign of the transverse force experienced by the electron beam as a function of the impact parameter. For point probes, the force is found to be always attractive. The contribution of the induced magnetic field and the causality requirements of the target dielectric response, given by the Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations, prove to be crucial issues at small impact parameters. For spatially extended probes, repulsive forces are predicted for close trajectories, in agreement with previous works. The force experienced by the target is also explored, with the finding that in insulators, the momentum associated to Cherenkov radiation (CR) is relevant at large impact parameters.


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The detailed understanding of the electronic properties of carbon-based materials requires the determination of their electronic structure and more precisely the calculation of their joint density of states (JDOS) and dielectric constant. Low electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) provides a continuous spectrum which represents all the excitations of the electrons within the material with energies ranging between zero and about 100 eV. Therefore, EELS is potentially more powerful than conventional optical spectroscopy which has an intrinsic upper information limit of about 6 eV due to absorption of light from the optical components of the system or the ambient. However, when analysing EELS data, the extraction of the single scattered data needed for Kramers Kronig calculations is subject to the deconvolution of the zero loss peak from the raw data. This procedure is particularly critical when attempting to study the near-bandgap region of materials with a bandgap below 1.5 eV. In this paper, we have calculated the electronic properties of three widely studied carbon materials; namely amorphous carbon (a-C), tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) and C60 fullerite crystal. The JDOS curve starts from zero for energy values below the bandgap and then starts to rise with a rate depending on whether the material has a direct or an indirect bandgap. Extrapolating a fit to the data immediately above the bandgap in the stronger energy loss region was used to get an accurate value for the bandgap energy and to determine whether the bandgap is direct or indirect in character. Particular problems relating to the extraction of the single scattered data for these materials are also addressed. The ta-C and C60 fullerite materials are found to be direct bandgap-like semiconductors having a bandgaps of 2.63 and 1.59eV, respectively. On the other hand, the electronic structure of a-C was unobtainable because it had such a small bandgap that most of the information is contained in the first 1.2 eV of the spectrum, which is a region removed during the zero loss deconvolution.


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We demonstrate that the carrier capture and relaxation processes in InAs/GaAs quantum dots can be detected by a simple degenerate pump-probe technique. We have observed a rising process in the transient reflectivity, following the initial fast relaxation in a GaAs matrix, and assigned this rising process to the carrier capture from the GaAs barriers to the InAs layers. The assignment was modeled using the Kramers-Kronig relations. The capture time was found to depend strongly on the InAs layer thickness as well as on the excitation density and photon energy. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.