125 resultados para Kotilainen, Lari
In order to know the importance of chicken as natural reservoir of Campylobacter lari in Iquitos, Peru; samples were obtained by cloacal swabs from 200 chickens and immediately placed into a semisolid enrichment medium; these were streaked on modified Skirrow Agar. The organism was isolated from 21 (10.5%) samples, corresponding 58.8% to biovar I and 41.2% to biovar II (Lior scheme). The results provide evidence that chicken appear to be prominent reservoirs of Campylobacter lari in Iquitos.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Otto Kotilaisen arkiston sisällöstä
At head of title: P. Cagny e H. J. Gobert.
A id??ia de que crescimento econ??mico por si s?? ?? necess??rio, mas n??o suficiente para o desenvolvimento ?? quest??o j?? bastante discutida e acertada no Brasil. Desenvolvimento implica crescimento econ??mico, como tamb??m mudan??as de estrutura n??o apenas no ??mbito econ??mico e produtivo, mas tamb??m no social. ?? nesse contexto que se torna clara a import??ncia da pol??tica social na redu????o das desigualdades e na promo????o do desenvolvimento social do pa??s. Fortemente presente na agenda do atual governo, a quest??o que se coloca para os gestores de pol??ticas p??blicas hoje ??: Qual pol??tica social desejamos? Trata-se de pergunta abrangente que envolve escolhas institucionais, a partir das quais as estruturas de incentivos s??o criadas e condicionam todo o processo de formula????o, implementa????o e avalia????o de pol??ticas.
Se estudió la frecuencia del aislamiento de Campylobacter spp. en pollos domésticos y pollos mantenidos en confinamiento permanente, en la ciudad de Iquitos (Perú). Campylobacter spp. fue aislado en 54,0% en el primer grupo y 35,0% en el segundo (p<0,05). De las especies termotolerantes clásicas, las más frecuentes fueron C. jejuni y C. coli. La presencia de C. lari en estas aves, señala la importancia de ellas como reservorio natural de este microorganismo.
Com o objetivo de conhecer a importância dos animais domésticos como reservatórios naturais dos clássicos campylobacters termotolerantes, amostras de fezes foram obtidas de mamíferos e aves do leste do Peru e imediatamente colocadas num meio de enriquecimento. Técnicas convencionais foram utilizadas para identificar C. jejuni ssp. jejuni, C. coli e C. lari. Campylobacter foi isolado em 26,5% dos animais estudados, sendo C. jejuni ssp. jejuni biovar I o mais freqüente (8,9%). O frango foi o reservatório mais importante destes microorganismos (54,0%).
We report the most frequent species and serovars of enteropathogenic organisms in Rosario from 1985 to 1993. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli was the most prevalent agent affecting 144/570 (25.2%) children; 0111 represented 41.8%, 055: 13.6%, 0119: 12.7%. Among enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) the most frequent were ETEC-ST 0128:H21 and 0153:H45. Shigella spp were isolated in 8.8%; S.flexneri: 7%, principally type 2 (59.5%); S. sonnei: 1.6%, and S. dysenteriae type 2: 0.2%. Campylobacter spp were found in 6.1% of patients; C.jejuni: 4.6%; C. coli: 1.4% and C. lari: 0.2%; except groups 0 13,50 and 0 4 (2 cases each), no predominant serogroups were found. Salmonella was isolated in 2.8% of cases, being the predominant serovar S. typhimurium until 1986, but a dramatically increase of cases due to S. enteritidis was observed since 1987. There was 1.9% of Aeromonas spp and 2 cases due to Vibrio cholerae non 0-1. No Yersinia was found. In patients with gastroenteritis due to Shigella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, or EPEC as the unique pathogen, leukocytes were observed in the faeces in 70%, 50%, 20%, and 10% of cases respectively.
Foi determinada a freqüência de isolamento de campylobacters termotolerantes em Psittaciformes silvestres capturados na região amazônica do Peru. Campylobacters foram isolados em 10/142 (7.0%) dos animais estudados, sendo C. jejuni subsp. jejuni biovar I (6/10) o mais freqüente, seguido de C. coli biovar II (2/10), C. lari não foi isolado. Os resultados sugerem que estas aves podem ser importantes reservatórios destas bactérias.
The aim of this study was to describe epidemiologic characteristics of intestinal parasites in a population in south of Tehran, Iran. A retrospective cross-sectional study of patients with suspicious intestinal parasitic infections referred to the Zakaria Razi Laboratory in Shahre-Ray, southern Tehran, Iran, was conducted from April 21, 2004 to October 20, 2005. All stool samples were examined and socio-demographic informations were retrieved. Of 4,371 referred patients, 466 (239 males and 227 females) were laboratory diagnosed with intestinal parasites, with a period prevalence of 10.7%. Blastocystis hominis (B. hominis) and Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) were the most frequent intestinal parasites. More than half of patients aged ³ 18 years had a low level of educational attainment (e.g. illiterate, primary school, high school) (170/331, 54.1%). Further, majority of patients were homemakers (42.3%, 140/331) or workers (28.1%, 93/331) employed in various business settings such as food industry and construction. Findings of this study showed that intestinal parasitic infections are still a major public health challenge in Iran that needs to be addressed. We believe that public education, improving sanitation conditions of underdeveloped areas/communities, community involvement, and supporting evidence-based practice/programs are the major keys to success in preventing the spread of intestinal parasitic infections in Iran.
In this paper, we perform a societal and economic risk assessment for debris flows at the regional scale, for lower Valtellina, Northern Italy. We apply a simple empirical debris-flow model, FLOW-R, which couples a probabilistic flow routing algorithm with an energy line approach, providing the relative probability of transit, and the maximum kinetic energy, for each cell. By assessing a vulnerability to people and to other exposed elements (buildings, public facilities, crops, woods, communication lines), and their economic value, we calculated the expected annual losses both in terms of lives (societal risk) and goods (direct economic risk). For societal risk assessment, we distinguish for the day and night scenarios. The distribution of people at different moments of the day was considered, accounting for the occupational and recreational activities, to provide a more realistic assessment of risk. Market studies were performed in order to assess a realistic economic value to goods, structures, and lifelines. As terrain unit, a 20 m x 20 m cell was used, in accordance with data availability and the spatial resolution requested for a risk assessment at this scale. Societal risk the whole area amounts to 1.98 and 4.22 deaths/year for the day and the night scenarios, respectively, with a maximum of 0.013 deaths/year/cell. Economic risk for goods amounts to 1,760,291 ?/year, with a maximum of 13,814 ?/year/cell.