474 resultados para Kocuria Rosea


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Kocuria rosea belongs to genus Kocuria (Micrococcaceae family, suborder Micrococcineae, order Actinomycetales) that includes about 11 species of bacteria. Usually, Kocuria sp are commensal organisms that colonize oropharynx, skin and mucous membrane; Kocuria sp infections have been described in the last decade commonly affecting immunocompromised patients, using intravenous catheter or peritoneal dialysis. These patients had mainly bacteremia/recurrent sepsis. We hereby describe the case of a 10-year-old girl, immunocompetent, who had endocarditis/sepsis by K. rosea which was identified in five different blood cultures by Vitek 2 ID-GPC card (BioMérieux, France). Negative HIV serology, blood count within normal range of leukocytes/neutrophils and lymphocytes, normal fractions of the complement, normal level of immunoglobulins for the age; lymphocyte immunophenotyping was also within the expected values. Thymus image was normal at chest MRI. No catheters were required. Identification of K. rosea was essential to this case, allowing the differentiation of coagulase-negative staphylococci and use of an effective antibiotic treatment. Careful laboratory analysis of Gram-positive blood-born infections may reveal more cases of Kocuria sp infections in immunocompetent patients, which may collaborate for a better understanding, prevention and early treatment of these infections in pediatrics.


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Beach bean (Canavalia rosea) plants showing mosaic symptoms were found at Massaguacu beach, Caraguatatuba, Brazil. A potyvirus was found to be responsible for the symptoms, based on transmission assays and electron microscopy. A positive reaction in ELISA was obtained against cowpea aphid-borne mosaic (CABMV) antisera. Viral identity was confirmed by RT-PCR using specific primers to amplify part of the NIb and the entire CP coding region of the genome and the 3`NTR. Comparison of the amplified sequences with that of CABMV showed a nucleotide sequence identity of 97% for the CP coding region. Thus, the potyvirus from beach bean should be considered a CABMV isolate, referred to as CABMV-Cr.


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Dans les sols infestés avec Macrophomina phaseolina les semences de niébé ne germent pas ou bien la plantule est détruite plus ou moins rapidement après la germination. Clonostachys rosea est un champignon commun du sol reconnu comme un saprophyte avec une haute capacité de compétition sur les racines et dans le sol. Notre étude a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet de C. rosea en traitement de semences du niébé conservées à 40°C sur le développement de la pourriture charbonneuse. L’effet de la durée de conservation sur la viabilité des spores et le pouvoir antagonique du bioagent a également été étudié dans les conditions semi contrôlé et au champ. Les isolats de C. rosea proviennent de la collection du laboratoire de phytopathologie de AGRHYMET. La production des spores a été effectuée sur le milieu PDA pendant 4 semaines. Les semences du niébé ont été traitées avec une suspension de spores à la concentration de 108 spores / ml à raison de 5 ml de suspension par kg de semences. Les semences traitées ont été séchées sous la hotte à flux laminaire pendant 2 h avant d’être semées ou conservées à 40°C. Des tests de viabilité des spores de C. rosea sur le milieu de culture PDA ont été effectués au laboratoire tous les 15 jours de conservation. Le taux de germination des semences sur papier buvard, évalué au cinquième jour après semis au laboratoire a été de 99 %. La forte moyenne de spores viables au jour de l’enrobage (J0) (>4,5 105), a chuté à 1700 spores par graines après 75 jours de conservation. En serre, le niveau de colonisation des tissus des plants de niébé se développant sur le sol infesté a été significativement plus faible chez les plants issus de graines enrobées (1009 microsclérotes/g tissus) que chez ceux issus de graines non enrobées (2356 microsclérotes/g tissus). Par rapport a la sévérité de la maladie, exprimée sur une échelle de 1-5, ont été notées une forte infection des plants du témoin Macrophomina (graines non traitées semées dans un sol infesté) et des attaques moins sévères sur les traitements G3M et G4M (graines traitées semées dans un sol infesté). Au champ dans l’essai semé avec des graines enrobées mais non conservées, l’association des isolats G3 et G4 a été nettement supérieure aux autres traitements par rapport aux rendements en fane et en graines. Par contre, par rapport au rendement, aucun effet des traitements n’a été observé dans l’essai semé avec les graines conservées pendant 30 jours.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo determinar os efeitos da temperatura e da luz na germinação de sementes de Tabebuia rosea, bem como avaliar a influência dos ambientes de pleno sol e sob dossel na emergência de suas plântulas. Foram testadas temperaturas constantes de 10 a 45 ºC com intervalos de 5 ºC, sob luz branca e escuro. Verificou-se que a faixa ótima de temperatura para a germinação foi de 20 a 40 ºC na luz e de 20 a 35 ºC no escuro. As sementes apresentaram maior sincronização da germinação a 25 ºC na luz e 30 ºC no escuro. Os resultados indicam que as sementes de Tabebuia rosea podem germinar em ampla faixa de temperatura, tanto em ambientes abertos, com disponibilidade de luz, quanto em locais com ausência de luz, enterradas no solo ou, mesmo, no interior das florestas. Essa germinação, bem como o recrutamento das plântulas, tanto a pleno sol quanto sob a sombra da vegetação, indica o potencial invasor da espécie.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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P rosea syn. Indica belong to the family of plumbaginaceae, is an important medicinal plant, cultivated widely in India. The roots of these plant are generally used for medicinal purposes mainly as diuretic, germicidal, vessicant, and abortifacient. It is also used for anaemia, diarrhea, leprosy and common wart. The bark of the root contains orange yellow pigment named plumbagin, a crystalline substance, belongs to the class of naphthoquinone. Its chemical structure is 5-hydroxy 2-methyl 1,4naphthoquinone. Apart from P rosea, P zeylanica, P europea, Drosera and Drosophyllum also contains plumbagin. The most exploited source of plumbagin is, of course, P. rosea roots. The roots contain O.9mg/ g D.Wt. of plumbagin in the roots. These plants grow very slowly and the roots suitable for plumbagin extraction can be obtained only after several years of growth. The productivity of the plant is also rather poor. The focus of the present study was to develop alternative strategies to obtain plumbagin. The tissue culture of P rosea for micropropagation has been studied


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The demand for plant material of Rhodiola rosea L. (Crassulaceae) for medicinal use has increased recently, amid concerns about its quality and sustainability. We have analysed the content of phenylpropanoids (total rosavins) and salidroside in liquid extracts from 3-year old cultivated plants of European origin, and mapped the influence of plant part (rhizome versus root), genotype, drying, cutting, and extraction solvent to chemical composition. Rhizomes contained 1.5-4 times more salidroside (0.3-0.4% dry wt) and total rosavins (1.2-3.0%) than roots. The qualitative decisive phenylpropanoid content in the extracts was most influenced by plant part, solvent, and genotype, while drying temperature and cutting conditions were of less importance. We have shown that R. rosea from different boreal European provenances can be grown under temperate conditions and identified factors to obtain consistent high quality extracts provided that authentic germplasm is used and distinguished between rhizome, roots and their mixtures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo teve por objetivo determinar os efeitos da temperatura e da luz na germinação de sementes de Tabebuia rosea, bem como avaliar a influência dos ambientes de pleno sol e sob dossel na emergência de suas plântulas. Foram testadas temperaturas constantes de 10 a 45 ºC com intervalos de 5 ºC, sob luz branca e escuro. Verificou-se que a faixa ótima de temperatura para a germinação foi de 20 a 40 ºC na luz e de 20 a 35 ºC no escuro. As sementes apresentaram maior sincronização da germinação a 25 ºC na luz e 30 ºC no escuro. Os resultados indicam que as sementes de Tabebuia rosea podem germinar em ampla faixa de temperatura, tanto em ambientes abertos, com disponibilidade de luz, quanto em locais com ausência de luz, enterradas no solo ou, mesmo, no interior das florestas. Essa germinação, bem como o recrutamento das plântulas, tanto a pleno sol quanto sob a sombra da vegetação, indica o potencial invasor da espécie.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human activities are altering the concentrations of ozone in the troposphere and hence in the incidence of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) on Earth’s surface. Although representing only five percent of UV-B radiation striking the Earth's surface, this radiation has the potential to cause effects on biologically active molecules. Sensitivity to UV-B radiation is one of the limitations of biological control of plant pathogens in the field. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of UV-B on several isolates of Clonostachys rosea, and the ability of an isolate of C. rosea, previously selected for its tolerant to UV-B radiation, to control Botrytis cinerea on strawberry leaves in controlled conditions (strawberry leaf discs). The germination of C. rosea conidia was inversely proportional to the irradiance. The most tolerant strain (LQC62) had relative germination of about 60% after irradiation of 4.2kJ/m2, and this strain was selected to be used in the subsequent studies. The data showed that even with exposure to UV-B radiation, C. rosea LQC62 controlled the pathogen. Conidial concentrations of strain LQC62 above 105 conidia/ml showed higher tolerance to UV-B radiation and increased ability to control more than 75% of the B. cinerea even with exposure to radiation. According to our results, in addition to showing less growth under UV-B, conidia of C. rosea had lower antagonistic ability. Further studies are needed to observe the tolerance of B. cinerea conidia to UV-B radiation and thereby prove that an environment with increased UV-B radiation may be favoring the pathogen due to a lower ability of C. rosea to control the pathogen in conditions of increased UV-B.


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Departamento de Biología. Programa de doctorado de Gestión de recursos vivos marinos y medioambiente ; bienio 2006-2008