949 resultados para Kinetic model


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A complex low-pressure argon discharge plasma containing dust grains is studied using a Boltzmann equation for the electrons and fluid equations for the ions. Local effects, such as the spatial distribution of the dust density and external electric field, are included, and their effect on the electron energy distribution, the electron and ion number densities, the electron temperature, and the dust charge are investigated. It is found that dust particles can strongly affect the plasma parameters by modifying the electron energy distribution, the electron temperature, the creation and loss of plasma particles, as well as the spatial distributions of the electrons and ions. In particular, for sufficiently high grain density and/or size, in a low-pressure argon glow discharge, the Druyvesteyn-like electron distribution in pristine plasmas can become nearly Maxwellian. Electron collection by the dust grains is the main cause for the change in the electron distribution function.


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Switchgrass was treated by 1% (w/w) H₂SO₄in batch tube reactors at temperatures ranging from 140–220°C for up to 60 minutes. In this study, release patterns of glucose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), and levulinic acid from switchgrass cellulose were investigated through a mechanistic kinetic model. The predictions were consistent with the measured products of interest when new parameters reflecting the effects of reaction limitations, such as cellulose crystallinity, acid soluble lignin–glucose complex (ASL–glucose) and humins that cannot be quantitatively analyzed, were included. The new mechanistic kinetic model incorporating these parameters simulated the experimental data with R² above 0.97. Results showed that glucose yield was most sensitive to variations in the parameter regarding the cellulose crystallinity at low temperatures (140–180°C), while the impact of crystallinity on the glucose yield became imperceptible at elevated temperatures (200–220 °C). Parameters related to the undesired products (e.g. ASL–glucose and humins) were the most sensitive factors compared with rate constants and other additional parameters in impacting the levulinic acid yield at elevated temperatures (200–220°C), while their impacts were negligible at 140–180°C. These new findings provide a more rational explanation for the kinetic changes in dilute acid pretreatment performance and suggest that the influences of cellulose crystallinity and undesired products including ASL–glucose and humins play key roles in determining the generation of glucose, 5-HMF and levulinic acid from biomass-derived cellulose.


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Regenerable 'gel-coated' cationic resins with fast sorption kinetics and high sorption capacity have application potential for removal of trace metal ions even in large-scale operations. Poly(acrylic acid) has been gel-coated on high-surface area silica (pre-coated with ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer providing a thin barrier layer) and insolubilized by crosslinking with a low-molecular-weight diepoxide (epoxy equivalent 180 g) in the presence of benzyl dimethylamine catalyst at 70 degrees C, In experiments performed for Ca2+ sorption from dilute aqueous solutions of Ca(NO,),, the gel-coated acrylic resin is found to have nearly 40% higher sorption capacity than the bead-form commercial methacrylic resin Amberlite IRC-50 and also several limes higher rate of sorption. The sorption on the gel-coated sorbent under vigorous agitation has the characteristics of particle diffusion control with homogeneous (gel) diffusion in resin phase. A new mathematical model is proposed for such sorption on gel-coated ion-exchange resin in finite bath and solved by applying operator-theoretic methods. The analytical solution so obtained shows goad agreement with experimental sorption kinetics at relatively low levels (< 70%) of resin conversion.


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A kinetic model has been developed for the bulk polymerization of vinyl chloride using Talamini's hypothesis of two-phase polymerization and a new concept of kinetic solubility which assumes that rapidly growing polymer chains have considerably greater solubility than the thermodynamic solubility of preformed polymer molecules of the same size and so can remain in solution even under thermodynamically unfavourable conditions. It is further assumed that this kinetic solubility is a function of chain length. The model yields a rate expression consistent with the experimental data for vinyl chloride bulk polymerization and moreover is able to explain several characteristic kinetic features of this system. Application of the model rate expression to the available rate data has yielded 2.36 × 108l mol−1 sec−1 for the termination rate constant in the polymer-rich phase; as expected, this value is smaller than that reported for homogenous polymerization by a factor of 10–30.


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A model for heterogeneous acetalisation of poly(vinyl alcohol) with limited solution volume is proposed based on the grain model of Sohn and Szekely. Instead of treating the heterogeneous acetalisation as purely a diffusion process, as in the Matuzawa and Ogasawara model, the present model also takes into account the chemical reaction and the physical state of the solid polymer, such as degree of swelling and porosity, and assumes segregation of the polymer phase at higher conversion into an outer fully reacted zone and an inner zone where the reaction still proceeds. The solution of the model for limited solution volume, moreover, offers a simple method of determining the kinetic parameters and diffusivity for the solid-liquid system using the easily measurable bulk solution concentration of the liquid reactant instead of conversion-distance data for the solid phase, which are considerably more difficult to obtain.


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The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene is gaining considerable importance in recent years as a promising alternative for styrene production. This vapour phase reaction has been studied over Pd-NaBr/Al2O3 catalyst in the temperature range 623-793 K in a fixed bed reactor. Kinetic analysis of this reaction has been done using a recursion procedure developed in this work from first principles. The advantage of this method is the absence of any restriction on the conversion level as it uses an integrated rate equation. The rate of styrene formation was found to follow a linear relationship with concentration of ethylbenzene and shows a Langmuir type dependence on the concentration of oxygen.


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The kinetic theory of fluid turbulence modeling developed by Degond and Lemou in 7] is considered for further study, analysis and simulation. Starting with the Boltzmann like equation representation for turbulence modeling, a relaxation type collision term is introduced for isotropic turbulence. In order to describe some important turbulence phenomenology, the relaxation time incorporates a dependency on the turbulent microscopic energy and this makes difficult the construction of efficient numerical methods. To investigate this problem, we focus here on a multi-dimensional prototype model and first propose an appropriate change of frame that makes the numerical study simpler. Then, a numerical strategy to tackle the stiff relaxation source term is introduced in the spirit of Asymptotic Preserving Schemes. Numerical tests are performed in a one-dimensional framework on the basis of the developed strategy to confirm its efficiency.


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A kinetic model has been developed for the prediction of the concentration gelds in an rf plasma reactor. A sample calculation for a SiCl4/H2 system is then performed. The model considers the mixing processes along with the kinetics of seven reactions involving the decomposition of these reactants. The results obtained are compared to those assuming chemical equilibrium. The predictions indicate that an equilibrium assumption will result in lower predicted temperature fields in the reactor. Furthermore, for the chemical system considered here, while differences exist between the concentration fields obtained by the two models, the differences are not substantial.


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In this paper an analysis of the kinetic theory of the continuous-wave flow chemical lasers(CWFCL) is presented with emphasis being laid on the effects of inhomogeneous broadeningon CWFCL's performance. The results obtained are applicable to the case where laser fre-quency is either coincident or incoincident with that of the eenter of the line shape. This rela-tion has been,compared with that of the rate model in common use. These two models are almostidentical as the broadening parameter η is larger than 1. The smaller the value of η, thegreater the difference between the results of these two models will be. For fixed η, the dif-ferences between fhe results of the two models increase with the increase of the frequencyshift parameter ξ. When η is about less than 0.2. the kinetic model can predict exactly the in-homogeneous broadening effects,while the rate model cannot.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was highly complex because of the unclear enzymatic mechanism and many factors that affect the heterogeneous system. Therefore, it is difficult to build a theoretical model to study cellulose hydrolysis by cellulase. Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to simulate and predict this enzymatic reaction and compared with the response surface model (RSM). The independent variables were cellulase amount X-1, substrate concentration X-2, and reaction time X-3, and the response variables were reducing sugar concentration Y-1 and transformation rate of the raw material Y-2. The experimental results showed that ANN was much more suitable for studying the kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis than RSM. During the simulation process, relative errors produced by the ANN model were apparently smaller than that by RSM except one and the central experimental points. During the prediction process, values produced by the ANN model were much closer to the experimental values than that produced by RSM. These showed that ANN is a persuasive tool that can be used for studying the kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase.


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A kinetic model is developed with the goal of understanding and predicting the morphology evolution of nonocrystals in nonequilibrium growth conditions. The model is based on the assumption that under such conditions, different crystal planes have different kinetic parameters. This model focuses on the morphology-developing stage and is successfully related to the nucleation process and other crystal evolution mechanisms. It is believed to be a universal model and is applied to discuss the morphology evolution of CdSe nanocrystals, including the aspect ratio, injection I schemes, ligands effect and morphology distribution.