80 resultados para Khaya ivorensis


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os subprodutos da agroindústria no desempenho de 15 búfalos, em Sistema Silvipastoril - SSP, na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Pará. O manejo de pastejo foi realizado em grupo único, com suplementação alimentar (1% PV/dia) de rações isoprotéicas (19% PB), em três tratamentos: Tratamento A (Controle), Tratamento B (suplemento com 70% de farelo de coco) e Tratamento C (suplemento com 70% de torta de dendê). O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com três tratamentos, dois blocos e cinco repetições. As pesagens dos animais foram efetuadas ao final de cada ciclo de pastejo e a coleta das amostras da forragem, na entrada e saída de cada piquete experimental. Foram realizadas análises bromatológicas da forragem e do concentrado para PB, FDN, FDA e MS, onde os resultados foram semelhantes aos resultados comumente encontrados. O ganho de peso médio diário dos animais foi de 1,006, 0,974 e 1,033 kg, para cada tratamento, respectivamente, mostrando a viabilidade da substituição do suplemento tradicional, a base de milho e soja, por suplementos utilizando como base farelo de coco e torta de dendê.


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Foi conduzido um trabalho para estudar as relações entre variáveis produtivas, fisiológicas e de conforto animal de búfalos e fatores do ambiente físico, em sistema silvipastoril, envolvendo mogno africano (Kaya ivorensis) e nim indiano (Azadirachta indica) e pastejo rotacionado intensivo de Cynodon nlemfuensis, no período de maio de 2003 a novembro de 2004, na Unidade de Pesquisa Animal “Senador Álvaro Adolpho”, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Pará, no tipo climático Afi, com época mais chuvosa de dezembro a maio e menos chuvosa, de junho a novembro. A área de pastagem experimental, de 5,4 ha, está dividida em seis piquetes, com permanência animal de cinco dias e 25 dias de descanso. Foram utilizados 26 bubalinos Murrah, inteiros, com idade entre 231 e 303 dias. Efetuou-se análise descritiva dos dados experimentais, para obtenção de médias, desvio padrão, valores mínimos e máximos, correlações e variâncias, considerando-se ganho de peso, disponibilidade e composição química da forrageira, variáveis fisiológicas dos animais, variáveis climáticas, desenvolvimento das essências florestais, Índices de Conforto (IC) e de Temperatura – Umidade (ITU). Observou-se excelente desempenho ponderal dos animais experimentais, com ganhos médios de 0,911 kg/dia e peso vivo final de 510 kg. Nos períodos mais e menos chuvosos, a disponibilidade, os níveis de proteína bruta do caule, folha e planta inteira e a digestibilidade “in vitro” da matéria seca e da orgânica da forrageira foram satisfatórios, atendendo as necessidades mínimas para manutenção e destacado desempenho produtivo. Houve interferências das variáveis meteorológicas nos batimentos cardíacos, freqüência respiratória, temperatura retal e movimento ruminal dos animais. O IC ultrapassou o nível crítico, principalmente no período menos chuvoso, bem como os níveis de ITU foram elevados, suplantando o considerado de emergência, indicando a necessidade de práticas de manipulação do ambiente físico para elevar o desempenho animal. O desenvolvimento das essências florestais já fornece melhor ambiência aos animais, em função do sombreamento, o que contribui para a redução do estresse térmico e promove melhor performance produtiva dos búfalos.


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O desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira já alterou cerca de 750 milhões de hectares e desse total, 20% encontra-se com algum nível de degradação. A reincorporação ao processo produtivo das áreas alteradas com o reflorestamento de espécies tropicais, de valor comercial, é uma alternativa para minimizar os impactos ambientais, com benefícios ecológicos, aumento da oferta de madeira e diminuição da pressão sobre as florestas naturais remanescentes. No entanto, um dos grandes empecilhos para o reflorestamento é a falta de conhecimentos científicos sobre o crescimento de espécies nativas e exóticas. Diante disto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes sistemas de plantios com espécies florestais nativa e exótica para recuperação de áreas alteradas. O trabalho foi realizado no município de Dom Eliseu, estado do Pará, em três sistemas de uso da terra: plantio puro (Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum e Khaya ivorensis), consórcio de espécies florestais (S. parahyba var. amazonicum e Khaya ivorensis), sistema agroflorestal (S. parahyba var. amazonicum e Musa sp). Aos 40 meses de idade, em plantio homogêneo, Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum mostrou maior crescimento silvicultural (altura e diâmetro) no espaçamento 4 m x 3 m e Khaya ivorensis no espaçamento 4 m x 4 m. No entanto, o paricá apresentou melhor desempenho em sistema de consórcio e sistema agroflorestal. O melhor desempenho de K. ivorensis foi no consórcio de espécies. Entre os sistemas de plantio estudados (SAF e misto de espécies), a deposição de biomassa foi maior no sistema de consórcio de espécies com 3.737,5 kg ha-1, sendo que, a maior contribuição de material vegetal foi do paricá. Foi evidenciada correlação negativa entre a deposição de serapilheira e a precipitação pluviométrica para o paricá, e positiva para K. ivorensis. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o modelo florestal de consórcio de espécies mostrou-se promissor e pode ser uma alternativa para recuperação de áreas alteradas, de modo a oferecer diferentes opções de madeira e ao mesmo tempo, agregar fatores positivos em relação a produção de biomassa e aspectos físico-químicos do solo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de plantas jovens de mogno-africano (Khaya ivorensis) em recuperar seu status hídrico e trocas gasosas após período de deficit hídrico. Plantas com aproximadamente 315 dias, irrigadas (controle) e não irrigadas, foram avaliadas aos 14 dias da suspensão da irrigação e após um, três e sete dias da retomada da irrigação (reidratação). No dia 14, o potencial hídrico foliar de antemanhã (Ψam) das plantas estressadas foi reduzido a -2,66 MPa. Com a restrição hídrica, foram observadas reduções significativas no conteúdo relativo de água na antemanhã (redução de 32%), na taxa de assimilação líquida de CO2 (90%), na condutância estomática (95%), na transpiração (93%) e na razão entre concentração intercelular e ambiental de CO2 (37%). Durante a reidratação, o status hídrico das plantas estressadas foi restabelecido após três dias. As trocas gasosas também se restabeleceram, mas de forma mais lenta que o status hídrico. Sob deficit hídrico, a concentração de prolina aumentou e a de carboidratos solúveis totais diminuiu. Plantas jovens de mogno-africano são tolerantes ao deficit hídrico moderado.


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O Carbono Orgânico do solo (COS) está diretamente relacionado com a qualidade do solo, tornando-se um condicionante por atuar em mecanismos que possibilitam as medidas necessárias para a manutenção da sua capacidade produtiva e sustentabilidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de renques de mogno africano (Khaya ivorensis) nos teores de carbono orgânico de um Latossolo Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: sistema integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF) aos dois anos de cultivo com mogno africano, Monocultivo florestal com Mogno africano (MM) com 2 anos de cultivo e Mata Nativa como testemunha (MN) em quatro profundidades de solo (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-50 cm). O atributo avaliado foi o teor de carbono orgânico (g kg-1). Os maiores teores de carbono orgânico foram encontrados nas camadas superficiais do solo, com redução em profundidade. Em relação à comparação dos tratamentos em cada profundidade, na camada 0-10 cm a MN apresentou maior valor de COS do que os demais. Na camada 10-20 cm, o iLPF e MN apresentaram os maiores valores de COS diferindo MM. Nas profundidades 20-30 e 30-50 cm, a MN diferiu dos tratamentos, apresentando os maiores teores de COS. O sistema de integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta com renques de mogno africano (Khaya ivorensis) aos dois anos de cultivo proporcionaram melhoria no acúmulo de carbono orgânico do solo quando comparados à Mata nativa, sendo indicado seu cultivo na recuperação de áreas degradadas.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de renques de mogno africano (Khaya ivorensis) e diferentes sistemas de manejo nos atributos físicos e carbono orgânico de um LATOSSOLO AMARELO. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: sistema integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF) aos dois anos de cultivo, sendo amostrado em duas distâncias, a 2,5 m do renque florestal (iLPF2,5) e a 10 m (iLPF10), em Monocultivo Florestal com mogno africano (MF) com dois anos de cultivo, sistema Santa Fé (SSF) e Mata Natural como testemunha (MN) em quatro profundidades de solo. Os atributos do solo avaliados foram carbono orgânico, densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade e microporosidade. Os maiores teores de carbono orgânico do solo foram encontrados na camada superficial do solo, com redução progressiva em profundidade. Os tratamentos iLPF2,5, iLPF10 e SSF apresentaram melhores condições físicas de densidade e porosidade do solo do que o MF quando comparados à MN. Houve diferença de macroporosidade somente nas camadas 0-10 cm, tendo o MF o menor valor, e 30-50 cm, com o maior valor apresentado pelo iLPF2,5. Na microporosidade, houve diferença somente na profundidade 20-30 cm, sendo os maiores valores na MN, SSF e iLPF10. Os renques de mogno africano no sistema iLPF melhoraram os atributos físicos do solo em profundidade. O sistema iLPF e o SSF melhoraram as condições de densidade e porosidade do solo e teores de carbono orgânico do solo. O MF promoveu acúmulo de carbono orgânico, porém, provocou impacto negativo à densidade e à porosidade do solo.


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African mahogany has demonstrated much potential, in many field trials spanning several decades and in furniture manufacturers' evaluations, as a high-value timber species for plantations in northern Australia. It is in the early stages of domestication via a low-intensity, informally-collaborative, mostly-public-sector program of conservation and genetic improvement begun 5 y ago. Silvicultural techniques are being developed through experience in both 'small grower' and larger-scale plantings. See this issue's cover for photographs.


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The demonstrated wide adaptability, substantial yield potential and proven timber quality of African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) from plantings of the late 1960s and early 1970s in northern Australia have led to a resurgence of interest in this high-value species. New plantations or trials have been established in several regions since the early 1990s -in four regions in north Queensland, two in the Northern Territory and one in Western Australia. Overall, more than 1500 ha had been planted by early 2007, and the national annual planting from 2007-2008 as currently planned will exceed 2400 ha. Proceedings of two workshops have summarised information available on the species in northern Australia, and suggested research and development (R&D) needs and directions. After an unsustained first phase of domestication of K. senegalensis in the late 1960s to the early 1970s, a second phase began in northern Australia in 2001 focused on conservation and tree improvement that is expected to provide improved planting stock by 2010. Work on other aspects of domestication is also described in this paper: the current estate and plans for extension; site suitability, soils and nutrition; silviculture and management; productivity; pests and diseases; and log and wood properties of a sample of superior trees from two mature plantations of unselected material near Darwin. Some constraints on sustainable plantation development in all these fields are identified and R&D needs proposed. A sustained R&D effort will require a strategic coordinated approach, cooperative implementation and extra funding. Large gains in plantation profitability can be expected to flow from such inputs.


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Khaya senegalensis, African mahogany, a high-value hardwood, was introduced in the Northern Territory (NT) in the 1950s; included in various trials there and at Weipa, Q in the 1960s-1970s; planted on ex mine sites at Weipa (160 ha) until 1985; revived in farm plantings in Queensland and in trials in the NT in the 1990s; adopted for large-scale, annual planting in the Douglas-Daly region, NT from 2006 and is to have the planted area in the NT extended to at least 20,000 ha. The recent serious interest from plantation growers, including Forest Enterprises Australia Ltd (FEA), has seen the establishment of some large scale commercial plantations. FEA initiated the current study to process relatively young plantation stands from both Northern Territory and Queensland plantations to investigate the sawn wood and veneer recovery and quality from trees ranging from 14 years (NT – 36 trees) to 18-20 years (North Queensland – 31 trees). Field measures of tree size and straightness were complemented with log end splitting assessment and cross-sectional disc sample collection for laboratory wood properties measurements including colour and shrinkage. End-splitting scores assessed on sawn logs were relatively low compared to fast grown plantation eucalypts and did not impact processing negatively. Heartwood proportion in individual trees ranged from 50% up to 92 % of butt cross-sectional disc area for the visually-assessed dark coloured central heartwood and lighter coloured transition wood combined. Dark central heartwood proportion was positively related to tree size (R2 = 0.57). Chemical tests failed to assist in determining heartwood – sapwood boundary. Mean basic density of whole disc samples was 658 kg/m3 and ranged among trees from 603 to 712 kg/m3. When freshly sawn, the heartwood of African mahogany was orange-red to red. Transition wood appeared to be pinkish and the sapwood was a pale yellow colour. Once air dried the heartwood colour generally darkens to pinkish-brown or orange-brown and the effect of prolonged time and sun exposure is to darken and change the heartwood to a red-brown colour. A portable colour measurement spectrophotometer was used to objectively assess colour variation in CIE L*, a* and b* values over time with drying and exposure to sunlight. Capacity to predict standard colour values accurately after varying periods of direct sunlight exposure using results obtained on initial air-dried surfaces decreased with increasing time to sun exposure. The predictions are more accurate for L* values which represent brightness than for variation in the a* values (red spectrum). Selection of superior breeding trees for colour is likely to be based on dried samples exposed to sunlight to reliably highlight wood colour differences. A generally low ratio between tangential and radial shrinkages was found, which was reflected in a low incidence of board distortion (particularly cupping) during drying. A preliminary experiment was carried out to investigate the quality of NIR models to predict shrinkage and density. NIR spectra correlated reasonably well with radial shrinkage and air dried density. When calibration models were applied to their validation sets, radial shrinkage was predicted to an accuracy of 76% with Standard Error of Prediction of 0.21%. There was also a strong predictive power for wood density. These are encouraging results suggesting that NIR spectroscopy has good potential to be used as a non-destructive method to predict shrinkage and wood density using 12mm diameter increment core samples. Average green off saw recovery was 49.5% (range 40 to 69%) for Burdekin Agricultural College (BAC) logs and 41.9% (range 20 to 61%) for Katherine (NT) logs. These figures are about 10% higher than compared to 30-year-old Khaya study by Armstrong et al. (2007) however they are inflated as the green boards were not docked to remove wane prior to being tallied. Of the recovered sawn, dried and dressed volume from the BAC logs, based on the cambial face of boards, 27% could potentially be used for select grade, 40% for medium feature grade and 26% for high feature grades. The heart faces had a slightly higher recovery of select (30%) and medium feature (43%) grade boards with a reduction in the volume of high feature (22%) and reject (6%) grade boards. Distribution of board grades for the NT site aged 14 years followed very similar trends to those of the BAC site boards with an average (between facial and cambial face) 27% could potentially be used for select grade, 42% for medium feature grade, 26% for high feature grade and 5% reject. Relatively to some other subtropical eucalypts, there was a low incidence of borer attack. The major grade limiting defects for both medium and high feature grade boards recovered from the BAC site were knots and wane. The presence of large knots may reflect both management practices and the nature of the genetic material at the site. This stand was not managed for timber production with a very late pruning implemented at about age 12 years. The large amount of wane affected boards is indicative of logs with a large taper and the presence of significant sweep. Wane, knots and skip were the major grade limiting defects for the NT site reflecting considerable amounts of sweep with large taper as might be expected in younger trees. The green veneer recovered from billets of seven Khaya trees rotary peeled on a spindleless lathe produced a recovery of 83% of green billet volume. Dried veneer recovery ranged from 40 to 74 % per billet with an average of 64%. All of the recovered grades were suitable for use in structural ply in accordance to AS/NZ 2269: 2008. The majority of veneer sheets recovered from all billets was C grade (27%) with 20% making D grade and 13% B grade. Total dry sliced veneer recovery from the logs of the two largest logs from each location was estimated to be 41.1%. Very positive results have been recorded in this small scale study. The amount of colour development observed and the very reasonable recoveries of both sawn and veneer products, with a good representation of higher grades in the product distribution, is encouraging. The prospects for significant improvement in these results from well managed and productive stands grown for high quality timber should be high. Additionally, the study has shown the utility of non-destructive evaluation techniques for use in tree improvement programs to improve the quality of future plantations. A few trees combined several of the traits desired of individuals for a first breeding population. Fortunately, the two most promising trees (32, 19) had already been selected for breeding on external traits, and grafts of them are established in the seed orchard.


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Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) is a high-value hardwood timber species with great potential for forest plantations in northern Australia. The species is distributed across the sub-Saharan belt from Senegal to Sudan and Uganda. Because of heavy exploitation and constraints on natural regeneration and sustainable planting, it is now classified as a vulnerable species. Here, we describe the development of microsatellite markers for K. senegalensis using next-generation sequencing to assess its intra-specific diversity across its natural range, which is a key for successful breeding programs and effective conservation management of the species. Next-generation sequencing yielded 93943 sequences with an average read length of 234bp. The assembled sequences contained 1030 simple sequence repeats, with primers designed for 522 microsatellite loci. Twenty-one microsatellite loci were tested with 11 showing reliable amplification and polymorphism in K. senegalensis. The 11 novel microsatellites, together with one previously published, were used to assess 73 accessions belonging to the Australian K. senegalensis domestication program, sampled from across the natural range of the species. STRUCTURE analysis shows two major clusters, one comprising mainly accessions from west Africa (Senegal to Benin) and the second based in the far eastern limits of the range in Sudan and Uganda. Higher levels of genetic diversity were found in material from western Africa. This suggests that new seed collections from this region may yield more diverse genotypes than those originating from Sudan and Uganda in eastern Africa.


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The Australian African mahogany estate comprises over 12,000 ha of industrial plantations, farm-forestry plots and trials, virtually all derived from Africa-sourced wild seed. However, the better trees have given high-value products such as veneers, high-grade boards and award-winning furniture. Collaborative conservation and improvement by the Northern Territory (NT) and Queensland governments since 2000 realised seed orchards, hedge gardens and genetic tests revealing promising clones and families. Private sector R&D since the mid 2000s includes silvicultural-management and wood studies, participatory testing of government material and establishing over 90 African provenances and many single-tree seedlots in multisite provenance and family trials. Recent, mainly public sector research included a 5-agency project of 2009-12 resulting in advanced propagation technologies and greater knowledge of biology, wood properties and processing. Operational priority in the short term should focus on developing seed production areas and ‘rolling front’ clonal seed orchards. R&D priorities should include: developing and implementing a collaborative improvement strategy based on pooled resources; developing non-destructive evaluation of select-tree wood properties, micropropagation (including field testing of material from this source) to ‘industry ready’ and a select-tree index; optimising seed production in orchards; advancing controlled pollination techniques; and maximising benefits from the progeny, clone and provenance trials. Australia leads the world in improvement and ex situ conservation of African mahogany based on the governments’ 13-year program and more recent industry inputs such that accumulated genetic resources total over 120 provenances and many families from 15 of the 19 African countries of its range. Having built valuable genetic resources, expertise, technologies and knowledge, the species is almost ‘industry ready’. The industry will benefit if it exploits the comparative advantage these assets provide. However the status of much of the diverse germplasm introduced since the mid 2000s is uncertain due to changes in ownership. Further, recent reductions of government investment in forestry R&D will be detrimental unless the industry fills the funding gaps. Expansion and sustainability of the embryonic industry must capitalise on past and current R&D, while initiating and sustaining critical new work through all-stakeholder collaboration.


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Alginate encapsulation is a simple and cost-effective technique to preserve plant germplasm but there are only a few reports available on preservation of encapsulated explants of two highly valuable groups of tropical trees, the eucalypts (Myrtaceae) and mahoganies (Meliaceae). This study investigated alginate encapsulation for preservation of the eucalypt hybrid, Corymbia torelliana × C. citriodora, and the African mahogany, Khaya senegalensis. We assessed shoot regrowth of encapsulated shoot tips and nodes after storage for 0, 3, 6 and 12 months on media varying in sucrose and nutrient content, under storage conditions of 14°C and zero-irradiance. Encapsulated explants of both trees were preserved most effectively on high-nutrient (half-strength Murashige and Skoog) medium containing 1% sucrose, which provided very high frequencies of shoot regrowth (92–100% for Corymbia and 71–98% for Khaya) and excellent shoot development after 12 months’ storage. This technique provides an extremely efficient means for storage and exchange of eucalypts and mahoganies, ideally suited for incorporation into plant breeding and germplasm conservation programs.


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The forest tree species Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. occurs in a belt across 20 African countries from Senegal-Guinea to Sudan-Uganda where it is a highly important resource. However, it is listed as Vulnerable (IUCN 2015-3). Since introduction in northern Australia around 1959, the species has been planted widely, yielding high-value products. The total area of plantations of the species in Australia exceeds 15,000 ha, mostly planted in the Northern Territory since 2006, and includes substantial areas across 60-70 woodlots and industrial plantations established in north-eastern Queensland since the early-1990s and during 2005-2007 respectively. Collaborative conservation and tree improvement by governments began in the Northern Territory and Queensland in 2001 based on provenance and other trials of the 1960s-1970s. This work has developed a broad base of germplasm in clonal seed orchards, hedge gardens and trials (clone and progeny). Several of the trials were established collaboratively on private land. Since the mid-2000s, commercial growers have introduced large numbers of provenance-bulk and individual-tree seedlots to establish industrial plantations and trials, several of the latter in collaboration with the Queensland Government. Provenance bulks (>140) and families (>400) from 17 African countries are established in Australia, considered the largest genetic base of the species in a single country outside Africa. Recently the annual rate of industrial planting of the species in Australia has declined, and R&D has been suspended by governments and reduced by the private sector. However, new commercial plantings in the Northern Territory and Queensland are proposed. In domesticating a species, the strategic importance of a broad genetic base is well known. The wide range of first- and advanced-generation germplasm of the species established in northern Australia and documented in this paper provides a sound basis for further domestication and industrial plantation and woodlot expansion, when investment conditions are favourable