953 resultados para Key-term separation principle


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Several mobile robots show non-linear behavior, mainly due friction phenomena between the mechanical parts of the robot or between the robot and the ground. Linear models are efficient in some cases, but it is necessary take the robot non-linearity in consideration when precise displacement and positioning are desired. In this work a parametric model identification procedure for a mobile robot with differential drive that considers the dead-zone in the robot actuators is proposed. The method consists in dividing the system into Hammerstein systems and then uses the key-term separation principle to present the input-output relations which shows the parameters from both linear and non-linear blocks. The parameters are then simultaneously estimated through a recursive least squares algorithm. The results shows that is possible to identify the dead-zone thresholds together with the linear parameters


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In this paper, we devise a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem of continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems driven by a Wiener process and with partial observations. We assume that the output variable and the jump parameters are available to the controller. It is desired to design a dynamic Markovian jump controller such that the closed loop system minimizes the quadratic functional cost of the system over a finite horizon period of time. As in the case with no jumps, we show that an optimal controller can be obtained from two coupled Riccati differential equations, one associated to the optimal control problem when the state variable is available, and the other one associated to the optimal filtering problem. This is a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem for continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems. For the case in which the matrices are all time-invariant we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the derived interconnected Riccati differential equations to the solution of the associated set of coupled algebraic Riccati equations as well as the mean square stabilizing property of this limiting solution. When there is only one mode of operation our results coincide with the traditional ones for the LQG control of continuous-time linear systems.


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The idea of spacecraft formations, flying in tight configurations with maximum baselines of a few hundred meters in low-Earth orbits, has generated widespread interest over the last several years. Nevertheless, controlling the movement of spacecraft in formation poses difficulties, such as in-orbit high-computing demand and collision avoidance capabilities, which escalate as the number of units in the formation is increased and complicated nonlinear effects are imposed to the dynamics, together with uncertainty which may arise from the lack of knowledge of system parameters. These requirements have led to the need of reliable linear and nonlinear controllers in terms of relative and absolute dynamics. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to introduce new control methods to allow spacecraft in formation, with circular/elliptical reference orbits, to efficiently execute safe autonomous manoeuvres. These controllers distinguish from the bulk of literature in that they merge guidance laws never applied before to spacecraft formation flying and collision avoidance capacities into a single control strategy. For this purpose, three control schemes are presented: linear optimal regulation, linear optimal estimation and adaptive nonlinear control. In general terms, the proposed control approaches command the dynamical performance of one or several followers with respect to a leader to asymptotically track a time-varying nominal trajectory (TVNT), while the threat of collision between the followers is reduced by repelling accelerations obtained from the collision avoidance scheme during the periods of closest proximity. Linear optimal regulation is achieved through a Riccati-based tracking controller. Within this control strategy, the controller provides guidance and tracking toward a desired TVNT, optimizing fuel consumption by Riccati procedure using a non-infinite cost function defined in terms of the desired TVNT, while repelling accelerations generated from the CAS will ensure evasive actions between the elements of the formation. The relative dynamics model, suitable for circular and eccentric low-Earth reference orbits, is based on the Tschauner and Hempel equations, and includes a control input and a nonlinear term corresponding to the CAS repelling accelerations. Linear optimal estimation is built on the forward-in-time separation principle. This controller encompasses two stages: regulation and estimation. The first stage requires the design of a full state feedback controller using the state vector reconstructed by means of the estimator. The second stage requires the design of an additional dynamical system, the estimator, to obtain the states which cannot be measured in order to approximately reconstruct the full state vector. Then, the separation principle states that an observer built for a known input can also be used to estimate the state of the system and to generate the control input. This allows the design of the observer and the feedback independently, by exploiting the advantages of linear quadratic regulator theory, in order to estimate the states of a dynamical system with model and sensor uncertainty. The relative dynamics is described with the linear system used in the previous controller, with a control input and nonlinearities entering via the repelling accelerations from the CAS during collision avoidance events. Moreover, sensor uncertainty is added to the control process by considering carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS) velocity measurement error. An adaptive control law capable of delivering superior closed-loop performance when compared to the certainty-equivalence (CE) adaptive controllers is finally presented. A novel noncertainty-equivalence controller based on the Immersion and Invariance paradigm for close-manoeuvring spacecraft formation flying in both circular and elliptical low-Earth reference orbits is introduced. The proposed control scheme achieves stabilization by immersing the plant dynamics into a target dynamical system (or manifold) that captures the desired dynamical behaviour. They key feature of this methodology is the addition of a new term to the classical certainty-equivalence control approach that, in conjunction with the parameter update law, is designed to achieve adaptive stabilization. This parameter has the ultimate task of shaping the manifold into which the adaptive system is immersed. The performance of the controller is proven stable via a Lyapunov-based analysis and Barbalat’s lemma. In order to evaluate the design of the controllers, test cases based on the physical and orbital features of the Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission Technology Advancement (PRISMA) are implemented, extending the number of elements in the formation into scenarios with reconfigurations and on-orbit position switching in elliptical low-Earth reference orbits. An extensive analysis and comparison of the performance of the controllers in terms of total Δv and fuel consumption, with and without the effects of the CAS, is presented. These results show that the three proposed controllers allow the followers to asymptotically track the desired nominal trajectory and, additionally, those simulations including CAS show an effective decrease of collision risk during the performance of the manoeuvre.


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In the MPC literature, stability is usually assured under the assumption that the state is measured. Since the closed-loop system may be nonlinear because of the constraints, it is not possible to apply the separation principle to prove global stability for the Output feedback case. It is well known that, a nonlinear closed-loop system with the state estimated via an exponentially converging observer combined with a state feedback controller can be unstable even when the controller is stable. One alternative to overcome the state estimation problem is to adopt a non-minimal state space model, in which the states are represented by measured past inputs and outputs [P.C. Young, M.A. Behzadi, C.L. Wang, A. Chotai, Direct digital and adaptative control by input-output, state variable feedback pole assignment, International journal of Control 46 (1987) 1867-1881; C. Wang, P.C. Young, Direct digital control by input-output, state variable feedback: theoretical background, International journal of Control 47 (1988) 97-109]. In this case, no observer is needed since the state variables can be directly measured. However, an important disadvantage of this approach is that the realigned model is not of minimal order, which makes the infinite horizon approach to obtain nominal stability difficult to apply. Here, we propose a method to properly formulate an infinite horizon MPC based on the output-realigned model, which avoids the use of an observer and guarantees the closed loop stability. The simulation results show that, besides providing closed-loop stability for systems with integrating and stable modes, the proposed controller may have a better performance than those MPC controllers that make use of an observer to estimate the current states. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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'Welfare dependency' has become a key term in policy debate in the United States and, more recently, Australia. In this article I explore the intellectual origins of the term, looking specifically at the writings of George Gilder and Charles Murray, two commentators whose (often polemically presented) ideas were influential within the Reagan Administration and have been at the forefront of a conservative renewal in welfare debate generally. Although others have subsequently refined some of their arguments and proposals, the authors' central claim that welfare causes dependency and thus unemployment and poverty - and that welfare reform therefore needs to focus on changing the behaviour of welfare recipients rather than providing employment opportunities - has had a lasting political impact, in Australia as much as in the US.


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The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp.. Grillotia branchi, Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocyenoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis, Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis, demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short-term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson. Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi, O. cysticum, Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli, also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long-term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel. Groote/Sir Edward Pellew. Mornington Island, Weipa. and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that LIP to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within-school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long-term school associations. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Broadcast transmission mode in ad hoc networks is critical to manage multihop routing or providing medium accesscontrol (MAC)-layer fairness. In this paper, it is shown that ahigher capacity to exchange information among neighbors may beobtained through a physical-MAC cross-layer design of the broadcastprotocol exploiting signal separation principles. Coherentdetection and separation of contending nodes is possible throughtraining sequences which are selected at random from a reducedset. Guidelines for the design of this set are derived for a lowimpact on the network performance and the receiver complexity.


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This paper addresses the structural vulnerability of Latin American undocumented day labourers in Northern California, as it is expressed in conversations on street corners where they wait for work. The intimate aspects of migrant experience become exemplified in jokes about the Sancho – a hypothetical character who has moved in on a day labourer's family and who enjoys the money he sends home. Joking turns to more serious topics of nostalgia and tensions with family far away, elements that come together with the fears and threats of labour on the corner and affect the way day labourers see themselves. Sexuality is rearticulated in the absence of women and masculinity becomes enmeshed in the contingencies of unregulated work and long-term separation from the people the men support. Together, these elements result in the articulation of threat to the immigrant body itself, which is exemplified by anxieties over homosexual propositions on the corner. Cet article aborde la vulnérabilité structurelle des travailleurs journaliers latino-américains sans papiers dans le Nord de la Californie, telle qu'ils l'expriment dans leurs conversations en attendant du travail aux coins des rues. Les aspects intimes de l'expérience de la migration sont exemplifiés à travers des blagues sur le Sancho – un personnage hypothétique qui, au pays natal, s'est installé dans la famille d'un journalier pour profiter de l'argent qu'elle reçoit de ce dernier. Les blagues deviennent alors des sujets de conversation plus sérieux, sur un fond de nostalgie et de tensions qui résulte de l'éloignement vis-à-vis de la famille – des éléments qui accompagnent les peurs et les menaces liées aux embauches des coins de rue et ont un impact sur la manière dont les journaliers se perçoivent. La sexualité est articulée par rapport à l'absence des femmes et la virilité s'empêtre dans les contingences du travail illégal et de la séparation sur le long terme d'avec les êtres que ces hommes soutiennent financièrement. Ensemble, tous ces éléments ont pour résultat une articulation de la menace vis-à-vis du corps de l'immigré lui-même, qui est exemplifiée par les angoisses dues aux propositions d'homosexuels aux coins des rues.


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The linear quadratic Gaussian control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems is addressed in this paper, first for state feedback, and also for dynamic output feedback using state estimation. in the model studied, the problem horizon is defined by a stopping time τ which represents either, the occurrence of a fix number N of failures or repairs (T N), or the occurrence of a crucial failure event (τ δ), after which the system paralyzed. From the constructive method used here a separation principle holds, and the solutions are given in terms of a Kalman filter and a state feedback sequence of controls. The control gains are obtained by recursions from a set of algebraic Riccati equations for the former case or by a coupled set of algebraic Riccati equation for the latter case. Copyright © 2005 IFAC.


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This text, homage to Ignacio Assis Silva, looks for the founding theoretical conceptions of his thoughts. When I looked at his texts, from the 70’s to the 90’s, my reading went through the path of an author who is always worried about revealing the birthplace of meaning. To catch this unique moment of semiosis, Silva proposes the concept of metamorphosis, a key-term which allows us to unite the two ends of his formation: Historical Grammar and Semiotic


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This paper provides an analysis of the key term aidagara (“betweenness”) in the philosophical ethics of Watsuji Tetsurō (1889-1960), in response to and in light of the recent movement in Japanese Buddhist studies known as “Critical Buddhism.” The Critical Buddhist call for a turn away from “topical” or intuitionist thinking and towards (properly Buddhist) “critical” thinking, while problematic in its bipolarity, raises the important issue of the place of “reason” versus “intuition” in Japanese Buddhist ethics. In this paper, a comparison of Watsuji’s “ontological quest” with that of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), Watsuji’s primary Western source and foil, is followed by an evaluation of a corresponding search for an “ontology of social existence” undertaken by Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962). Ultimately, the philosophico-religious writings of Watsuji Tetsurō allow for the “return” of aesthesis as a modality of social being that is truly dimensionalized, and thus falls prey neither to the verticality of topicalism nor the limiting objectivity of criticalism.


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In a marvelous but somewhat neglected paper, 'The Corporation: Will It Be Managed by Machines?' Herbert Simon articulated from the perspective of 1960 his vision of what we now call the New Economy the machine-aided system of production and management of the late twentieth century. Simon's analysis sprang from what I term the principle of cognitive comparative advantage: one has to understand the quite different cognitive structures of humans and machines (including computers) in order to explain and predict the tasks to which each will be most suited. Perhaps unlike Simon's better-known predictions about progress in artificial intelligence research, the predictions of this 1960 article hold up remarkably well and continue to offer important insights. In what follows I attempt to tell a coherent story about the evolution of machines and the division of labor between humans and machines. Although inspired by Simon's 1960 paper, I weave many other strands into the tapestry, from classical discussions of the division of labor to present-day evolutionary psychology. The basic conclusion is that, with growth in the extent of the market, we should see humans 'crowded into' tasks that call for the kinds of cognition for which humans have been equipped by biological evolution. These human cognitive abilities range from the exercise of judgment in situations of ambiguity and surprise to more mundane abilities in spatio-temporal perception and locomotion. Conversely, we should see machines 'crowded into' tasks with a well-defined structure. This conclusion is not based (merely) on a claim that machines, including computers, are specialized idiots-savants today because of the limits (whether temporary or permanent) of artificial intelligence; rather, it rests on a claim that, for what are broadly 'economic' reasons, it will continue to make economic sense to create machines that are idiots-savants.


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La descentralización en el marco de las políticas neoliberales se concibió como una reforma política-administrativa para minimizar el rol del Estado postulando como bastión clave "La participación local". Sin embargo ésta sólo se queda en los ámbitos formales. El caso particular de las políticas de descentralización del riego en la provincia de Mendoza no es una excepción. Lo que nos lleva a analizar su microcosmos y las redes sociales informales que dan cuenca de la desigual participación de los distintos usuarios del agua de riego en las decisiones en torno a este recurso, según sus trayectorias y sus capitales sociales, económicos y culturales.


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The world's rising demand of energy turns the development of sustainable and more efficient technologies for energy production and storage into an inevitable task. Thermoelectric generators, composed of pairs of n-type and p-type semiconducting materials, di¬rectly transform waste heat into useful electricity. The efficiency of a thermoelectric mate¬rial depends on its electronic and lattice properties, summarized in its figure of merit ZT. Desirable are high electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficients, and low thermal con¬ductivity. Half-Heusler materials are very promising candidates for thermoelectric applications in the medium¬ temperature range such as in industrial and automotive waste heat recovery. The advantage of Heusler compounds are excellent electronic properties and high thermal and mechanical stability, as well as their low toxicity and elemental abundance. Thus, the main obstacle to further enhance their thermoelectric performance is their relatively high thermal conductivity.rn rnIn this work, the thermoelectric properties of the p-type material (Ti/Zr/Hf)CoSb1-xSnx were optimized in a multistep process. The concept of an intrinsic phase separation has recently become a focus of research in the compatible n-type (Ti/Zr/Hf)NiSn system to achieve low thermal conductivities and boost the TE performance. This concept is successfully transferred to the TiCoSb system. The phase separation approach can form a significant alternative to the previous nanostructuring approach via ball milling and hot pressing, saving pro¬cessing time, energy consumption and increasing the thermoelectric efficiency. A fundamental concept to tune the performance of thermoelectric materials is charge carrier concentration optimization. The optimum carrier concentration is reached with a substitution level for Sn of x = 0.15, enhancing the ZT about 40% compared to previous state-of-the-art samples with x = 0.2. The TE performance can be enhanced further by a fine-tuning of the Ti-to-Hf ratio. A correlation of the microstructure and the thermoelectric properties is observed and a record figure of merit ZT = 1.2 at 710°C was reached with the composition Ti0.25Hf0.75CoSb0.85Sn0.15.rnTowards application, the long term stability of the material under actual conditions of operation are an important issue. The impact of such a heat treatment on the structural and thermoelectric properties is investigated. Particularly, the best and most reliable performance is achieved in Ti0.5Hf0.5CoSb0.85Sn0.15, which reached a maximum ZT of 1.1 at 700°C. The intrinsic phase separation and resulting microstructure is stable even after 500 heating and cooling cycles.


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Objectives: In this work, we searched for maternal separation effects on serum corticosterone levels and blood neutrophil activity in adult male A/J and C57BL/6 mouse offspring. Methods: 40 male A/J mice and 40 male C57BL/6 mice were divided within each strain into two groups. Mice in the maternal separation group were separated from their mothers (1 h/day) on postnatal days 0-13. Mice in the control group were left undisturbed. On postnatal day 45, blood was drawn from all mice and used to assess neutrophil activity by flow cytometry and serum corticosterone levels by radioimmunoassay. Results: The results showed that each mouse strain responded differently to maternal separation, but in both cases, serum corticosterone levels were affected. In both strains, adult mice that experienced maternal separation showed lower serum corticosterone levels than control mice. In relation to control mice kept together with their mothers, the levels of serum corticosterone were 72.7 and 36.36% lower in A/J and C57BL/6 mice submitted to maternal separation, respectively. The current findings showed that maternal separation increased neutrophil activity in mice after reaching adulthood. The observed effects, although in the same direction, differed between A/J and C57BL/6 mice. Maternal separation increased both the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis in C57BL/6 mice, but had no effects on A/J mice. Furthermore, maternal separation increased basal and propidium iodide-labeled Staphylococcus aureus-induced oxidative burst in A/J mice but did not affect oxidative burst in C57BL/6 mice. Finally, phorbol myristate acetate-induced oxidative burst increased in both strains. Conclusion: These results indicate that early maternal separation increases innate immunity, most likely by modifying hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity. This suggests that maternal separation is a good model for stress which produces long-term neuroimmune changes whatever the animal species and strain used. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel