945 resultados para Kerstin Ekman
Syftet med denna översiktliga artikel är att beskriva tre författares sätt att överföra erfarenheter av naturupplevelser förknippade med skog och skogsbruk till ett textmedium. Textstudierna är relaterade till en pragmatisk kontext där den faktiska betydelsen av naturskildringar för praktiskt bruk är av vikt. Med utgångspunkt i dessa mer deskriptiva avdelningar kommer jag avslutningsvis att försöka kategorisera naturskildringsmetoderna på ett sådant sätt att kategorierna skulle kunna fungera som grova matriser för beskrivningar av naturskildringar överlag.
We present a detailed direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation with the incompressibility constraint and air-drag-induced Ekman friction; our DNS has been designed to investigate the combined effects of walls and such a friction on turbulence in forced thin films. We concentrate on the forward-cascade regime and show how to extract the isotropic parts of velocity and vorticity structure functions and hence the ratios of multiscaling exponents. We find that velocity structure functions display simple scaling, whereas their vorticity counterparts show multiscaling, and the probability distribution function of the Weiss parameter 3, which distinguishes between regions with centers and saddles, is in quantitative agreement with experiments.
We study the onset of magnetoconvection between two infinite horizontal planes subject to a vertical magnetic field aligned with background rotation. In order to gain insight into the convection taking place in the Earth's tangent cylinder, we target regimes of asymptotically strong rotation. The critical Rayleigh number Ra-c and critical wavenumber a(c) are computed numerically by solving the linear stability problem in a systematic way, with either stress-free or no-slip kinematic boundary conditions. A parametric study is conducted, varying the Ekman number E (ratio of viscous to Coriolis forces) and the Elsasser number. (ratio of the Lorentz force to the Coriolis force). E is varied from 10(-9) to 10(-2) and. from 10(-3) to 1. For a wide range of thermal and magnetic Prandtl numbers, our results verify and confirm previous experimental and theoretical results showing the existence of two distinct unstable modes at low values of E-one being controlled by the magnetic field, the other being controlled by viscosity (often called the viscous mode). It is shown that oscillatory onset does not occur in the range of parameters we are interested in. Asymptotic scalings for the onset of these modes are numerically confirmed and their domain of validity is precisely quantified. We show that with no-slip boundary conditions, the asymptotic behavior is reached for E < 10(-6) and establish a map in the (E, Lambda) plane. We distinguish regions where convection sets in either through the magnetic mode or through the viscous mode. Our analysis gives the regime in which the transition between magnetic and viscous modes may be observed. We also show that within the asymptotic regime, the role played by the kinematic boundary conditions is minimal. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
[EN] By analysing the novel Lärchenau and its -to a certain point- gothic features, this article interprets the elaboration of body in this novel as a site of the expression of power, but also as an alternative language. The grotesque dimension and the representation of the bodily numbness and pain as projections of historical awareness are key elements for the interpretation of Lärchenau in the context of Post-Unification Germany.
The response of near-surface current profiles to wind and random surface waves are studied based on the approach of Jenkins [1989. The use of a wave prediction model for driving a near surface current model. Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z. 42,134-149] and Tang et al. [2007. Observation and modeling of surface currents on the Grand Banks: a study of the wave effects on surface currents. J. Geophys. Res. 112, C10025, doi:10.1029/2006JC004028]. Analytic steady solutions are presented for wave-modified Ekman equations resulting from Stokes drift, wind input and wave dissipation for a depth-independent constant eddy viscosity coefficient and one that varies linearly with depth. The parameters involved in the solutions can be determined by the two-dimensional wavenumber spectrum of ocean waves, wind speed, the Coriolis parameter and the densities of air and water, and the solutions reduce to those of Lewis and Belcher [2004. Time-dependent, coupled, Ekman boundary layer solutions incorporating Stokes drift. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans. 37, 313-351] when only the effects of Stokes drift are included. As illustrative examples, for a fully developed wind-generated sea with different wind speeds, wave-modified current profiles are calculated and compared with the classical Ekman theory and Lewis and Belcher's [2004. Time-dependent, coupled, Ekman boundary layer solutions incorporating Stokes drift. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 37, 313-351] modification by using the Donelan and Pierson [1987. Radar scattering and equilibrium ranges in wind-generated waves with application to scatterometry. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 4971-5029] wavenumber spectrum, the WAM wave model formulation for wind input energy to waves, and wave energy dissipation converted to currents. Illustrative examples for a fully developed sea and the comparisons between observations and the theoretical predictions demonstrate that the effects of the random surface waves on the classical Ekman current are important, as they change qualitatively the nature of the Ekman layer. But the effects of the wind input and wave dissipation on surface current are small, relative to the impact of the Stokes drift. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mechanism by which the atmospheric boundary layer reduces the intensity of mid-latitude cyclones is investigated. It is demonstrated that two alternative theories, Ekman pumping and the baroclinic potential vorticity (PV) mechanism, in fact act in union to maximize the spin-down. Ekman pumping aids the ventilation of PV from the boundary layer, and shapes the resulting PV anomaly into one of increased static stability. PV inversion techniques are used to demonstrate how this anomaly reduces the coupling between the upper- and lower-levels within the cyclone, reducing the growth rate.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka intertextualitet och arketypiska mönster i Kerstin Ekmans Vargskinnet. En romantrilogi bestående av Guds barmhärtighet, Sista rompan och Skraplotter. För att uppnå studiens syfte utreds hur intertexter förekommer och inverkar på trilogin. Dessutom prövas ifall de arketypiska mönster som Annis Pratt funnit i sin omfattande studie av kvinnlig fiktion, också förekommer i Vargskinnet. Slutligen analyseras existensen av arketypen mandala i Skraplotter. Det är Michail Bachtin, Carl Gustav Jung och Annis Pratt som i stort står för den teoretiska plattform som undersökningen utgår från. Det som studien visar är att de många intertextuella inslagen hjälper till att skapa en rik dialogicitet i texten. Vidare så förekommer Annis Pratts arketypiska mönster också i Ekmans romantrilogi. Ett av dessa arketypiska mönster behandlar den kvinnliga individuationprocessen, som hjältinnan i Skraplotter till fullo genomgår. I romanen finns även arketypen självet representerad i form av mandalasymboler.