1000 resultados para Keratin-10


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The expression of distinct keratin pairs during epidermal differentiation is assumed to fulfill specific and essential cytoskeletal functions. This is supported by a great variety of genodermatoses exhibiting tissue fragility because of keratin mutations. Here, we show that the loss of K10, the most prominent epidermal protein, allowed the formation of a normal epidermis in neonatal mice without signs of fragility or wound-healing response. However, there were profound changes in the composition of suprabasal keratin filaments. K5/14 persisted suprabasally at elevated protein levels, whereas their mRNAs remained restricted to the basal keratinocytes. This indicated a novel mechanism regulating keratin turnover. Moreover, the amount of K1 was reduced. In the absence of its natural partner we observed the formation of a minor amount of novel K1/14/15 filaments as revealed by immunogold electron microscopy. We suggest that these changes maintained epidermal integrity. Furthermore, suprabasal keratinocytes contained larger keratohyalin granules similar to our previous K10T mice. A comparison of profilaggrin processing in K10T and K10−/− mice revealed an accumulation of filaggrin precursors in the former but not in the latter, suggesting a requirement of intact keratin filaments for the processing. The mild phenotype of K10−/− mice suggests that there is a considerable redundancy in the keratin gene family.


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Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10.


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Neoplasms and tumours related to the odontogenic apparatus may be composed only of epithelial tissue or epithelial tissue associated with odontogenic ectomesenchyme. The immunohistochemical detection of different cytokeratins (CKs) polypeptides and vimentin has made it easier to explain the histogenesis of many epithelial diseases. The present study aimed to describe the immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratins 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19 and vimentin in the epithelial components of the dental germ and of five types of odontogenic tumours. The results were compared and histogenesis discussed. All cells of the dental germ were positive for CK14, except for the preameloblasts and secreting ameloblasts, in which CK14 was gradually replaced by CK19. CK7 was especially expressed in the cells of the Hertwig root sheath and the stellate reticulum. The dental lamina was the only structure to express CK13. The reduced epithelium of the enamel organ contained CK14 and occasionally CK13. Cells similar to the stellate reticulum, present in the ameloblastoma and in the ameloblastic fibroma, were positive for CK13, which indicates a nature other than that of the stellate reticulum of the normal dental germ. The expression of CK14 and the ultrastructural aspects of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour probably indicated its origin in the reduced dental epithelium. Calcifying odontogenic epithelial tumour is thought to be composed of primordial cells due to the expression of vimentin. Odontomas exhibited an immunohistochemical profile similar to that of the dental germ. In conclusion, the typical IF of odontogenic epithelium was CK14, while CK8, 10 and 18 were absent. Cytokeratins 13 and 19 labelled squamous differentiation or epithelial cells near the surface epithelium, and CK7 had variable expression.


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UV-B-Strahlung, die durch die fortschreitende Zerstörung der Ozonschicht zunimmt, ist hauptsächlich für das Entstehen von Basaliomen und Plattenepithelkarzinomen verantwort-lich, an denen jedes Jahr etwa 2-3 Millionen Menschen weltweit erkranken. UV-B indu-zierte Hautkarzinogenese ist ein komplexer Prozess, bei dem vor allem die mutagenen und immunsuppressiven Wirkungen der UV-B-Strahlung von Bedeutung sind. Die Rolle von GM-CSF in der Hautkarzinogenese ist dabei widersprüchlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Funktion von GM-CSF in vivo in der UV-B induzierten Hautkarzinogenese mittels zwei bereits etablierter Mauslinien untersucht: Erstens transgene Mäuse, die einen GM-CSF Antagonisten unter der Kontrolle des Keratin-10-Promotors in den suprabasalen Schichten der Epidermis exprimieren und zweitens solche, die unter dem Keratin-5-Promotor murines GM-CSF in der Basalschicht der Epidermis überexprimieren. Eine Gruppe von Tieren wurde chronisch, die andere akut bestrahlt. Die konstitutionelle Verfassung der Tiere mit erhöhter GM-CSF-Aktivität in der Haut war nach chronischer UV-B-Bestrahlung insgesamt sehr schlecht. Sie wiesen deshalb eine stark erhöhte Mortali-tät auf. Dies ist sowohl auf die hohe Inzidenz als auch dem frühen Auftreten der benignen und malignen Läsionen zurückzuführen. Eine verminderte GM-CSF Aktivität verzögerte dagegen die Karzinomentwicklung und erhöhte die Überlebensrate leicht. GM-CSF wirkt auf verschiedenen Ebenen tumorpromovierend: Erstens erhöht eine gesteigerte Mastzell-anzahl in der Haut der GM-CSF überexprimierenden Tiere per se die Suszeptibilität für Hautkarzinogenese. Zweitens stimuliert GM-CSF die Keratinozytenproliferation. Dadurch kommt es nach UV-B-Bestrahlung zu einer prolongierten epidermalen Hyperproliferation, die zur endogenen Tumorpromotion beiträgt, indem sie die Bildung von Neoplasien unter-stützt. Der Antagonist verzögert dagegen den Proliferationsbeginn, die Keratinozyten blei-ben demzufolge länger in der G1-Phase und der durch UV-B verursachte DNA-Schaden kann effizienter repariert werden. Drittens kann GM-CSF die LCs nicht als APCs aktivie-ren und eine Antitumorimmunität induzieren, da UV-B-Strahlung zur Apoptose von LCs bzw. zu deren Migration in Richtung Lymphknoten führt. Zusätzlich entwickeln GM-CSF überexprimierende Tiere in ihrer Haut nach UV-B-Bestrahlung ein Millieu von antago-nistisch wirkenden Zytokinen, wie TNF-a, TGF-b1 und IL-12p40 und GM-CSF, die proinflammatorische Prozesse und somit die Karzinomentwicklung begünstigen. Der Anta-gonist hemmt nach UV-B-Bestrahlung die Ausschüttung sowohl von immunsuppressiven Zytokinen, wie etwa TNF-a, als auch solchen, die die Th2-Entwicklung unterstützen, wie etwa IL-10 und IL-4. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die Karzinomentwicklung aus.


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In prostanoid biosynthesis, the first two steps are catalyzed by cyclooxygenases (COX). In mice and humans, deregulated expression of COX-2, but not of COX-1, is characteristic of epithelial tumors, including squamous cell carcinomas of skin. To explore the function of COX-2 in epidermis, a keratin 5 promoter was used to direct COX-2 expression to the basal cells of interfollicular epidermis and the pilosebaceous appendage of transgenic mouse skin. COX-2 overexpression in the expected locations, resulting in increased prostaglandin levels in epidermis and plasma, correlated with a pronounced skin phenotype. Heterozygous transgenic mice exhibited a reduced hair follicle density. Moreover, postnatally hair follicle morphogenesis and thinning of interfollicular dorsal epidermis were delayed. Adult transgenics showed a body-site-dependent sparse coat of greasy hair, the latter caused by sebaceous gland hyperplasia and increased epicutaneous sebum levels. In tail skin, hyperplasia of scale epidermis reflecting an increased number of viable and cornified cell layers was observed. Hyperplasia was a result of a disturbed program of epidermal differentiation rather than an increased proliferation rate, as reflected by the strong suppression of keratin 10, involucrin, and loricrin expression in suprabasal cells. Further pathological signs were loss of cell polarity, mainly of basal keratinocytes, epidermal invaginations into the dermis, and formation of horn perls. Invaginating hyperplastic lobes were surrounded by CD31-positive vessels. These results demonstrate a causal relationship between transgenic COX-2 expression in basal keratinocytes and epidermal hyperplasia as well as dysplastic features at discrete body sites.


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Fetal epithelium retains the ability to re-epithelialize a wound in organotypic culture in a manner not dependent on the presence of underlying dermal substrata. This capacity is lost late in the third trimester of gestation or after embryonic day 17 (E-17) in the rat such that embryonic day 19 (E-19) wounds do not re-epithelialize. Moreover, wounds created in E-17 fetuses in utero heal in a regenerative, scar-free fashion. To investigate the molecular events regulating re-epithelialization in fetal skin, the wound-induced expression profile and tissue localization of activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors c-Fos and c-Jun was characterised in E-17 and E-19 skin using organotypic fetal cultures. The involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling in mediating wound-induced transcription factor expression and wound re-epithelialization was assessed, with the effect of wounding on the expression of keratinocyte differentiation markers determined. Our results show that expression of AP-1 transcription factors was induced immediately by wounding and localized predominantly to the epidermis in E-17 and E-19 skin. c-fos and c-jun induction was transient in E-17 skin with MAPK-dependent c-fos expression necessary for the re-epithelialization of an excisional wound in organotypic culture. In E-19 skin, AP-11 expression persisted beyond 12 h post-wounding, and marked upregulation of the keratinocyte differentiation markers keratin 10 and loricrin was observed. No such changes in the expression of keratin 10 or loricrin occurred in E-17 skin. These findings indicate that re-epithelialization in fetal skin is regulated by wound-induced AP-1 transcription factor expression via MAPK and the differentiation status of keratinocytes.


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Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 20% of all human lung cancers and is strongly linked to cigarette smoking. It develops through premalignant changes that are characterized by high levels of keratin 14 (K14) expression in the airway epithelium and evolve through basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia and dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. In order to explore the impact of K14 in the pulmonary epithelium that normally lacks both squamous differentiation and K14 expression, human keratin 14 gene hK14 was constitutively expressed in mouse airway progenitor cells using a mouse Clara cell specific 10 kDa protein (CC10) promoter. While the lungs of CC10-hK14 transgenic mice developed normally, we detected increased expression of K14 and the molecular markers of squamous differentiation program such as involucrin, loricrin, small proline-rich protein 1A, transglutaminase 1 and cholesterol sulfotransferase 2B1. In contrast, wild-type lungs were negative. Aging CC10-hK14 mice revealed multifocal airway cell hyperplasia, occasional squamous metaplasia and their lung tumors displayed evidence for multidirectional differentiation. We conclude that constitutive expression of hK14 initiates squamous differentiation program in the mouse lung, but fails to promote squamous maturation. Our study provides a novel model for assessing the mechanisms of premalignant lesions in vivo by modifying differentiation and proliferation of airway progenitor cells. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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This study focuses on the evaluation of raw keratin as a potential material to develop composites with novel characteristics. Herein, we report a mild and eco-friendly fabrication of in-house extracted feather keratin-based novel enzyme assisted composites consisting of ethyl cellulose (EC) as a backbone material. A range of composites between keratin and EC using different keratin: EC ratios were prepared and characterised. Comparing keratin to the composites, the FT-IR peak at 1,630 cm-1 shifted to a lower wavenumber of 1,610 cm-1 in keratin-EC which typically indicates the involvement of β-sheet structures of the keratin during the graft formation process. SEM analysis revealed that the uniform dispersion of the keratin increases the area of keratin-EC contact which further contributes to the efficient functionality of the resulting composites. In comparison to the pristine keratin and EC, a clear shift in the XRD peaks was also observed at the specific region of 2-Theta values of keratin-g-EC. The thermo- mechanical properties of the composites reached their highest levels in comparison to the keratin which was too fragile to be measured for its mechanical properties. Considerable improvement in the water contact angle and surface tension properties was also recorded.


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Recently, the development of highly inspired biomaterials with multi-functional characteristics has gained considerable attention, especially in biomedical, and other health-related areas of the modern world. It is well-known that the lack of antibacterial potential has significantly limited biomaterials for many challenging applications such as infection free wound healing and/or tissue engineering etc. In this perspective, herein, a series of novel bio-composites with natural phenols as functional entities and keratin-EC as a base material were synthesised by laccase-assisted grafting. Subsequently, the resulting composites were removed from their respective casting surfaces, critically evaluated for their antibacterial and biocompatibility features and information is also given on their soil burial degradation profile. In-situ synthesised phenol-g-keratin-EC bio-composites possess strong anti-bacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains i.e., B. subtilis NCTC 3610, P. aeruginosa NCTC 10662, E. coli NTCT 10418 and S. aureus NCTC 6571. More specifically, 10HBA-g-keratin-EC and 20T-g-keratin-EC composites were 100% resistant to colonisation against all of the aforementioned bacterial strains, whereas, 15CA-g-keratin-EC and 15GA-g-keratin-EC showed almost negligible colonisation up to a variable extent. Moreover, at various phenolic concentrations used, the newly synthesised composites remained cytocompatible with human keratinocyte-like HaCaT, as an obvious cell ingrowth tendency was observed and indicated by the neutral red dye uptake assay. From the degradation point of view, an increase in the degradation rate was recorded during their soil burial analyses. Our investigations could encourage greater utilisation of natural materials to develop bio-composites with novel and sophisticated characteristics for potential applications.


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Although mutations in intermediate filament proteins cause many human disorders, the detailed pathogenic mechanisms and the way these mutations affect cell metabolism are unclear. In this study, selected keratin mutations were analysed for their effect on the epidermal stress response. Expression profiles of two keratin-mutant cell lines from epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients (one severe and one mild) were compared to a control keratinocyte line before and after challenge with hypo-osmotic shock, a common physiological stress that transiently distorts cell shape. Fewer changes in gene expression were found in cells with the severely disruptive mutation (55 genes altered) than with the mild mutation (174 genes) or the wild type cells (261 genes) possibly due to stress response pre-activation in these cells. We identified 16 immediate-early genes contributing to a general cell response to hypo-osmotic shock, and 20 genes with an altered expression pattern in the mutant keratin lines only. A number of dual-specificity phosphatases (MKP-1, MKP-2, MKP-3, MKP-5 and hVH3) are differentially regulated in these cells, and their downstream targets p-ERK and p-p38 are significantly up-regulated in the mutant keratin lines. Our findings strengthen the case for the expression of mutant keratin proteins inducing physiological stress, and this intrinsic stress may affect the cell responses to secondary stresses in patients' skin.


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Feathers are composed of a structure that, whilst being very light, is able to withstand the large aerodynamic forces exerted upon them during flight. To explore the contribution of molecular orientation to feather keratin mechanical properties, we have examined the nanoscopic organisation of the keratin molecules by X-ray diffraction techniques and have confirmed a link between this and the Young's modulus of the feather rachis. Our results indicate that along the rachis length, from calamus to tip, the keratin molecules become more aligned than at the calamus before returning to a state of higher mis-orientation towards the tip of the rachis. We have also confirmed the general trend of increasing Young's modulus with distance along the rachis. Furthermore, we report a distinct difference in the patterns of orientation of beta-keratin in the feathers of flying and flightless birds. The trend for increased modulus along the feathers of volant birds is absent in the flightless ostrich.


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Flight necessitates that the feather rachis is extremely tough and light. Yet, the crucial filamentous hierarchy of the rachis is unknown—study hindered by the tight chemical bonding between the filaments and matrix. We used novel microbial biodegradation to delineate the fibres of the rachidial cortex in situ. It revealed the thickest keratin filaments known to date (factor >10), approximately 6 µm thick, extending predominantly axially but with a small outer circumferential component. Near-periodic thickened nodes of the fibres are staggered with those in adjacent fibres in two- and three-dimensional planes, creating a fibre–matrix texture with high attributes for crack stopping and resistance to transverse cutting. Close association of the fibre layer with the underlying ‘spongy’ medulloid pith indicates the potential for higher buckling loads and greater elastic recoil. Strikingly, the fibres are similar in dimensions and form to the free filaments of the feather vane and plumulaceous and embryonic down, the syncitial barbules, but, identified for the first time in 140+ years of study in a new location—as a major structural component of the rachis. Early in feather evolution, syncitial barbules were consolidated in a robust central rachis, definitively characterizing the avian lineage of keratin.


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We report the cloning of an intermediate filament (IF) cDNA from the cephalochordate amphioxus that encodes a protein assignable to the type I keratin group. This is the first type I keratin reported from an invertebrate. Molecular phylogenetic analyses reveal that amphioxus also possesses a type II keratin, and that the genes encoding short-rod IF proteins underwent different patterns of duplication in vertebrates and their closest relatives, the cephalochordates. Extensive IF gene duplication and divergence may have facilitated the origin of new specialised cell types in vertebrates.