442 resultados para Kentucky bluegrass
Embryogenic calli of Kentucky bluegrass, named Md, were induced from mature seeds and embryos, and proliferated on medium K3 containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 10.0 mumol/L), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAR, 0.5 mumol/L) and K5 which was the K3 medium supplemented with cupric sulfa (0.5 mumol/L) under dim-light condition (20-30 mumol.m(-2).s-1, 16 h light) at 24 degreesC. Embryogenic calli were transformed with plasmids pDM805 Carring bar and gus genes, Which was mediated by an Agrobacterium strain AGL1, four transgenic lines were obtained. The important factors that affect the transformation efficiency and obtain desirable number of transgenic plants included: (1) the quality of embryogenic calli; (2) light condition and time of co-cultivation; (3) concentration of antibiotics used for suppressing the overgrowth of Agrobacterium in the course of transformed plant regeneration; (4) selection pressure, etc. The micro nutrient of cupric had significant influence on the quality of embryogenic calli. This presentation is the first successful protocol of Kentucky bluegrass transformation mediated by Agrobacterium.
The response of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) to potassium (K) fertilization has been inconsistent. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of K fertilization across varying nitrogen (N) rates and clipping management on Kentucky bluegrass clipping yields, quality, tissue K concentrations, apparent N recovery, and N use efficiency. A 2 x 4 x 4 factorial was arranged in a splitplot design and repeated across two years. Main plots were clipping treatments (returned vs. removed) and subplots were N rates (0, 98, 196, and 294 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) in combination with K rates (0, 81, 162, and 243 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). There was no positive effect of K on clipping yields and quality even though soil extractable K levels tested low. Higher K rates, however, increased N recovery and use efficiency for all but the highest N rate. Tissue K response to K fertilization was nonlinear. Yield and quality responses were not correlated to tissue K concentration. Nonexchangeable K levels were high in the native soil, and may have provided an additional source of K for bluegrass. The results suggest that extractable K values alone may not adequately predict available K to Kentucky bluegrass in this sandy loam soil.
Ideal nitrogen (N) management for turfgrass supplies sufficient N for high-quality turf without increasing N leaching losses. A greenhouse study was conducted during two 27-week periods to determine if in situ anion exchange membranes (AEMs) could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching from a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf grown on intact soil columns. Treatments consisted of 16 rates of N fertilizer application, from 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 mo-1. Percolate water was collected weekly and analysed for NO3-N. Mean flow-weighted NO3-N concentration and cumulative mass in percolate were exponentially related (pseudo-R2=0.995 and 0.994, respectively) to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N, with a percolate concentration below 10 mg NO3-N L-1 corresponding to an AEM soil NO3-N value of 2.9 micro g cm-2 d-1. Apparent N recovery by turf ranged from 28 to 40% of applied N, with a maximum corresponding to 4.7 micro g cm-2 d-1 AEM soil NO3-N. Turf colour, growth, and chlorophyll index increased with increasing AEM soil NO3-N, but these increases occurred at the expense of increases in NO3-N leaching losses. These results suggest that AEMs might serve as a tool for predicting NO3-N leaching losses from turf.
Bibliography: p. 27-28.
本研究采用室外盆栽试验,模拟运动场坪床结构,研究不同氮肥种类、不同施氮频率、施氮和降雨时间间隔对草地早熟禾草坪质量、草坪生长和无机氮淋洗的影响,并探讨在北京地区气候条件下,草坪在不同氮肥管理措施下的氮素去向及环境风险。主要结论如下: 1. 氮肥种类对草坪质量和草坪生长有显著影响。试验前期(春季),草坪颜色和密度质量、草坪草生长速度和草屑全氮含量的排序为尿素 > CU3M(自研包膜尿素)> IBDU(进口缓释肥),而试验后期(秋季)则为CU3M = IBDU > 尿素。草坪合格颜色质量持续时间和成坪速度的排序为尿素 > CU3M > IBDU。在新建草坪选择缓释肥进行早春施肥时,应混施一定比例的速效肥。 2. 施氮频率对草坪外观质量评分、草坪生长速度、草屑总生物量、草屑全氮含量和根系分布状况有显著影响。U6处理的草坪合格颜色质量持续时间最长,增加施氮频率没有降低新建草坪生长速度和草屑全氮含量的波动幅度。 3. 夏季(6~8月)渗漏液体积占全年的比例最高,为75.0%~82.4%。新建草坪初期的淋洗风险较大,渗漏液硝态氮浓度在第1次超过10 mg N•L-1,尿素分6次施用可降低这次的渗漏液硝态氮浓度。在合理施氮量内,草坪成熟后的无机氮淋洗量很小,且草坪对雨水中的无机氮有吸收和过滤作用。 4. 春季施用氮肥的吸收利用率为48.0%~72.6%,草屑吸收量最高,占38.5%~48.7%,地上部吸收量占19.6%~22.1%,根系吸收量在7.3%以下。施肥处理的无机氮淋洗损失量仅为0.23~0.42 g N•m-2,与CK无显著差异,草地早熟禾12 g N•m-2的年施氮量对环境的风险很小。 5. 初秋施氮5 g N•m-2,可以保持草地早熟禾秋季的良好颜色和密度质量,草坪草氮素吸收利用率高达87.4%~99.7%,其中草屑带走量占24.3%~34.2%,地上部吸收量占43.3%~59.6%,根系吸收量占14.2%~19.1%。 6. 施氮和模拟降雨的时间间隔对渗漏液硝态氮浓度有显著影响,间隔6 d和9 d模拟降雨后的渗漏液硝态氮浓度最高,显著高于间隔3 d和12 d模拟降雨的结果。初秋合理施氮的渗漏液硝态氮浓度在1.0 mg N•L-1 以下,环境风险较小。
Urban populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) cause considerable problems when large numbers congregate in parks, playing fields, and backyards. In most cases, geese are drawn to these sites to feed on the lawns. I tested whether geese have feeding preferences for different grass species. Captive Canada geese preferred Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and disliked tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae) over colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis cv. Highland), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and red fescue (Festuca rubra). They refused to eat some other ground covers such as pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) and English ivy (Hedera helix). These results suggest that goose numbers at problem sites could be reduced by changing the ground cover. I also compared the characteristics of foraging sites used by geese to other foraging sites that geese avoided. Occupied sites were more open so that geese had clearer visibility and greater ease in taking off and landing. This suggests that goose numbers at problem sites also could be reduced by planting tall trees to make it harder for the geese to fly away, and planting bushes and hedges to obstruct a goose's visibility.
Nutrient leaching studies are expensive and require expertise in water collection and analyses. Less expensive or easier methods that estimate leaching losses would be desirable. The objective of this study was to determine if anion-exchange membranes (AEMs) and reflectance meters could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching losses from a cool-season lawn turf. A two-year field study used an established 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) turf that received 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 month-1, from May through November. Soil monolith lysimeters collected leachate that was analyzed for NO3-N concentration. Soil NO3-N was estimated with AEMs. Spectral reflectance measurements of the turf were obtained with chlorophyll and chroma meters. No significant (p > 0.05) increase in percolate flow-weighted NO3-N concentration (FWC) or mass loss occurred when AEM desorbed soil NO3-N was below 0.84 µg cm-2 d-1. A linear increase in FWC and mass loss (p < 0.0001) occurred, however, when AEM soil NO3-N was above this value. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water (10 mg L-1 NO3-N) was reached with an AEM soil NO3-N value of 1.6 µg cm-2 d-1. Maximum meter readings were obtained when AEM soil NO3 N reached or exceeded 2.3 µg cm-2 d-1. As chlorophyll index and hue angle (greenness) increased, there was an increased probability of exceeding the NO3-N MCL. These data suggest that AEMs and reflectance meters can serve as tools to predict NO3-N leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf, and to provide objective guides for N fertilization.
Tissue N analysis a tool available for N management of turfgrass. However, peer-reviewed calibration studies to determine optimum tissue N values are lacking. A field experiment with a mixed cool-season species lawn and a greenhouse experiment with Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were conducted across 2 yr, each with randomized complete block design. Treatments were N application rates between 0 and 587 kg N ha-1 yr-1. In the field experiment, clipping samples were taken monthly from May to September, dried, ground, and analyzed for total N. Clippings samples were collected one to two mowings after plots were fertilized. Linear plateau models comparing relative clipping yield, Commission Internationale de l' Eclairage hue, and CM1000 index to leaf N concentrations were developed. In the greenhouse experiment, clipping samples were taken every 2 wk from May to October and composited across sample dates for leaf N analysis. Color and clipping yields were related to leaf N concentrations using linear plateau models. These models indicated small marginal improvements in growth or color when leaf N exceeded 30 g kg-1, suggesting that a leaf N test can separate turf with optimum leaf N concentrations from turf with below optimum leaf N concentrations. Plateaus in leaf N concentrations with increasing N fertilizer rates suggest, however, that this test may be unable to identify sites with excess available soil N when turf has been mowed before tissue sampling.
Reinforcement inclusions have been advocated to alleviate wear, compaction, and unstable surfaces in sports fields, but little research on the effects of these materials has been conducted in the USA. Experiments were established on a native silt loam and a sand rootzone matrix, seeded with a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) blend, at the Joseph Troll Turf Research Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA to determine the effects of reinforcement inclusions on wear, surface hardness, traction, ball roll, ball bounce resilience, water infiltration rate, soil bulk density, air porosity, total porosity, and root weights. Three types of reinforcement inclusions (Sportgrass, Netlon, Turfgrids) were tested along with a non-reinforced control in a three year study. The treatments were set out in a randomized complete block design with four replications in both soils. No inclusion provided less wear or greater infiltration or air-filled porosity relative to the control. Reinforcement inclusions showed significant differences, however, in surface hardness, traction, and ball roll relative to the control, although this varied with the time of year. Infiltration rates, airfilled porosity, total pore space, bulk density, hardness, traction, ball roll, and ball rebound were greater on the sand rootzone than on the silt loam. Significant correlations were present between soil bulk density, surface hardness, traction, and ball roll. Based on our study, the use of reinforcement inclusions to provide better wear tolerance for sand or native soil athletic fields is not warranted. Certain playing surface characteristics, however, may be slightly improved with the use of reinforcement inclusions. The use of sands for sports surfaces is justified based upon the improvement in playing quality characteristics and soil physical properties important to a good playing surface.
Fall season fertilization is a widely recommended practice for turfgrass. Fertilizer applied in the fall, however, may be subject to substantial leaching losses. A field study was conducted in Connecticut to determine the timing effects of fall fertilization on nitrate N (NO3-N) leaching, turf color, shoot density, and root mass of a 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), 10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) lawn. Treatments consisted of the date of fall fertilization: 15 September, 15 October, 15 November, 15 December, or control which received no fall fertilizer. Percolate water was collected weekly with soil monolith lysimeters. Mean log10 NO3-N concentrations in percolate were higher for fall fertilized treatments than for the control. Mean NO3-N mass collected in percolate water was linearly related to the date of fertilizer application, with higher NO3-N loss for later application dates. Applying fall fertilizer improved turf color and density but there were no differences in color or density among applications made between 15 October and 15 December. These findings suggest that the current recommendation of applying N in mid- to late November in southern New England may not be compatible with water quality goals.
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Foram utilizadas 19.565 lactações vitalícias de vacas da raça Holandesa para avaliar o impacto dos motivos de descarte sobre a rentabilidade vitalícia de vacas leiteiras, mais especificamente sobre a receita líquida vitalícia (RLV), eficiência vitalícia (EF), receita do leite menos o custo de alimentação (RLMA) e receita líquida por dia de vida produtiva (RLD). A taxa geral de descarte foi igual a 31,39%, valor que pode ser considerado alto e estaria diretamente relacionado com a vida produtiva curta encontrada para estes rebanhos, 25,57 meses. A principal causa de descarte foi problema reprodutivo (21,57%), seguido por injúrias e outras causas (21,17%) e baixa produção (17,20%). Os descartes involuntários foram a grande maioria, representando 75% do total. As diferentes medidas econômicas estudadas sofreram impacto significativo do motivo de descarte, em que as vacas removidas por venda para fins leiteiros foram as mais rentáveis ao produtor.
Here, we report a case of OXA-48-producing Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky of sequence type 198 (ST198) from perianal screening cultures of a patient transferred from Libya to Switzerland. The blaOXA-48 gene was carried by Tn1999.2 and located on an ∼60-kb IncL/M plasmid. This Salmonella strain also possessed the blaVEB-8, aac(6)-Ib, tet(A), sul1, and mphA resistance genes and substitutions in GyrA (Ser83Phe and Asp87Asn) and ParC (Ser80Ile). This finding emphasizes that prompt screening strategies are essential to prevent the dissemination of carbapenemase producers imported from countries where they are endemic.
The population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) occupying Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky is unknown. The population is uncontrolled, unmanaged, and suspected to be high. When uncontrolled, white-tailed deer tend to overpopulate and inflict negative impacts to vegetation through increased herbivory. The goal of this project is to demonstrate that the status of white-tailed deer at Mammoth Cave merits a policy formulation, and to provide suggestions as to what such a policy should contain. Three similar national parks have previously developed policies to manage white-tailed deer. These policies are analyzed, and common elements are identified that can transpose into a comparable policy at Mammoth Cave. Recommendations for a white-tailed deer management policy at Mammoth Cave National Park are given.