688 resultados para Kd
The 21kD ookinete antigen of Plasmodium berghei (Pbs 21) has been shown to elicit an effective and long lasting transmission blocking immune response in mice. Having cloned and sequenced this antigen (Paton et al. 1993) the sequence was compared to the genes of the same family previously identified in P. falciparum, P. gallinaceum (Kaslow et al. 1989) and P. reichenowi (Lal et al. 1990). Four conserved areas were identified in this comparison, to which degenerate oligonucleotides were designed. PCR amplification and screening of genomic libraries was then carried out using these oligonucleotides. The P. yoelii gene was successfully cloned and a number of novel P. vivax genes identified but the P. vivax homologue of Pbs21 remains elusive.
Alveolar macrophages have the ability to downregulate immune processes in vitro. We have recently suggested the presence of interleukin-1 (IL-1) inhibitors in the supernatants of human bronchoalveolar lavage cells from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or sarcoidosis. In the present study, we further analyze the cellular origin and the biologic properties of a 20- to 25-kD IL-1 inhibitor spontaneously produced by cultured human alveolar macrophages (AM). The inhibitor blocks IL-1-induced prostaglandin E2 production by human fibroblasts and the IL-1-related increase of phytohemagglutinin-induced murine thymocyte proliferation. After rigorous IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta depletion, supernatants of lung macrophages specifically block the binding of IL-1 to its receptor on the murine thymoma cell line EL4-6.1 in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that AM from both normal donors and patients produce a specific IL-1 inhibitor that may be of importance in protecting the alveolar environment from the deleterious effects of excessive IL-1 production.
During the selection of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), two MAbs were identified which immunoprecipitated a glycoprotein of 95 kD present both in perchloric acid extracts of normal lung and on the surface of normal granulocytes. This antigen was distinct from the previously reported normal glycoprotein crossreacting with CEA (NCA) which had a molecular weight of 55 kD. The difference between the smaller and the larger crossreacting antigens termed NCA-55 and NCA-95, respectively, was demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by elution from Sephadex-G200 and by selective binding to a series of anti-CEA MAb. Out of six MAb which all bound CEA purified from colon carcinoma, three did not react with these two crossreacting antigens, one bound only NCA-95, one reacted only with NCA-55 and one reacted with both NCA-55 and NCA-95. Immunoadsorbent purified preparations of 125I labelled NCA-95 and NCA-55 were found useful for the screening of new anti-CEA MAb. In addition, when tested on frozen sections of colon carcinoma, normal spleen, normal lung and pancreas, each type of MAb gave a clearly different pattern of reactivity. The three anti-CEA MAb which did not bind any of the crossreacting antigens stained only the colon carcinoma cells; the MAb binding to either one of the two types of NCA gave a similar pattern of reactivity both on colon carcinoma cells and on granulocytes. However, on normal lung and pancreas, the MAb binding NCA-55 stained granulocytes as well as bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in lung and inter- and intra-lobular duct epithelial cells in pancreas, whereas the MAb binding only NCA-95 stained only the granulocytes. Thus, the newly identified NCA-95 appears to differ from NCA-55 not only in terms of molecular size and antigenicity but also by the fact that in normal lung and pancreas it is found in granulocytes but not in epithelial cells.
Leaking of diesel oil from gas stations is frequent in Brazil. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are highly toxic is an indication of contamination by heavy hydrocarbons from diesel oil. Here were present the determination of the distribution coefficient (Kd) of benzo(a)pyrene (the most carcinogenic of the PAHs) in tropical soils using the sorption isotherm model. The sorption curves acquired for benzo(a)pyrene were of the S-type, probably due to the water/methanol experimental conditions. The sorption curves allowed calculation of the distribution coefficient (Kd). The experimental Kd values were lower than those calculated from literature Koc values (partition coefficient normalized by organic carbon), due mainly to the cosolvency effect and the percentage of organic matter and clay in soil.
One among the most influential and popular data mining methods is the k-Means algorithm for cluster analysis. Techniques for improving the efficiency of k-Means have been largely explored in two main directions. The amount of computation can be significantly reduced by adopting geometrical constraints and an efficient data structure, notably a multidimensional binary search tree (KD-Tree). These techniques allow to reduce the number of distance computations the algorithm performs at each iteration. A second direction is parallel processing, where data and computation loads are distributed over many processing nodes. However, little work has been done to provide a parallel formulation of the efficient sequential techniques based on KD-Trees. Such approaches are expected to have an irregular distribution of computation load and can suffer from load imbalance. This issue has so far limited the adoption of these efficient k-Means variants in parallel computing environments. In this work, we provide a parallel formulation of the KD-Tree based k-Means algorithm for distributed memory systems and address its load balancing issue. Three solutions have been developed and tested. Two approaches are based on a static partitioning of the data set and a third solution incorporates a dynamic load balancing policy.
1. The relationship between repeated thermal treatments and hepatic synthesis of Hsp 70 was studied in broiler chickens.2. Sixty broilers were submitted to 5 different treatments (12 birds each) from day 1 to day 42. Four groups were kept in a thermoneutral environment and subjected to 0, 1, 2 and 3 heat stress episodes at 35 degrees C for 4 h per week (TN-0, TN-1, TN-2 and TN-3, respectively). The last group (HT-35) was reared at a room temperature of 35 degrees C.3. From 39 to 42 old, the birds experienced acute heat stress at 41 degrees C. Resistance to heat stress was evaluated by the time taken for rectal temperature to increase by 3 degrees C above the pre-treatment value. Livers were collected (before and after heat stress) and Hsp70 was determined using Western Blot analysis with monoclonal anti-Hsp70 antibody.4. Resistance to heat stress and concentration of Hsp70 were higher in those birds subjected to more heat stress episodes during the experimental period (TN-3) and HT-35. A positive correlation was observed between Hsp70 concentration and the time taken for a 3 degrees C increase in rectal temperature (r=0.42; P<0.01).5. Exposing birds to episodes of heat stress (35 degrees C) during rearing may improve their resistance to acute heat stress, but the previous thermal history did not seem to influence the hepatocyte Hsp70 content after exposure to more severe heat stress (41 degrees C).
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
We examined whether experimental pneumococcal meningitis induced the 72-kd heat shock protein (HSP72), a sensitive marker of neuronal stress in other models of central nervous system (CNS) injury. Brain injury was characterized by vasculitis, cerebritis, and abscess formation in the cortex of infected animals. The extent of these changes correlated with the size of the inoculum (P less than 0.003) and with pathophysiologic parameters of disease severity, i.e., cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate (r = 0.61, P less than 0.0001) and CSF glucose concentrations (r = -0.55, P less than 0.0001). Despite the presence of numerous cortical regions having morphologic evidence of injury, HSP72 was not detected in most animals. When present, only rare neurons were HSP72 positive. Western blot analysis of brain samples confirmed the paucity of HSP72 induction. The lack of neuronal HSP72 expression in this model suggests that at least some of the events leading to neuronal injury in meningitis are unique, when compared with CNS diseases associated with HSP72 induction.
A comprehensive experimental study, utilizing a rocking autoclave hydrothermal apparatus with isotope tracers, was applied to evaluate the temperature of squeezing artifacts on B contents and isotopic compositions in pore waters. The partition coefficient (KD) was determined at temperatures from 25 ° to 350 °C, at 800 bars, and this information was applied to reconstruct pore water B and d11B in ODP drill sites, where pH, T, and porosity are known. The partition coefficient of B is a function of temperature, pH, and sediment mineralogy. The solution pH exerts a dominant control at low temperatures; however, KD decreases to a value of essentially zero (compared to that of KD = ~3.5 at 25 °C) at high temperatures indicating no adsorption. Two empirical equations were derived to represent most of the available experimental results. For pelagic clay rich sediments, a KD = -3.84-0.020T + 0.88pH (R = 0.84; 1sigma = 0.25) is established. For sediments that have experienced progressive metamorphism, a KD = -1.38-0.008T + 0.59pH (R = 0.81; 1sigma = 0.37) can be applied. Similarly the effect on pore water d11B can be corrected if the fractionation factors at different temperatures are assumed. The corrected B and d11B in ODP Sites 671, 672, and 808 indicate significant mobilization of bulk B in sediment (exchangeable + lattice bound) at depth, especially near the décollement zone or other potential flow conduits. Tectonically expelled fluids from mud diapirs of Barbados Ridge Complex, hot springs of Rumsey Hills, California, and mud pot waters of the Salton Sea geothermal field, are enriched in B (up to 20 mM) with lower d11B, supporting the argument of B mobilization as a result of fluid expulsion in accretionary prisms.
A cikkben arra keressük a választ, hogy a magyarországi közvetlen működőtőke-beruházások mennyire integrálódtak a magyar gazdaságba, mennyire jelentősek a kapcsolataik a hazai gazdaság szereplőivel. A működőtőke-beruházások befogadó országra gyakorolt pozitív hatásait erősen mérsékelheti, ha ezek a vállalatok szigetszerűen működnek. Az enklávé jelleggel működő külföldi vállalatok előre- és hátrafelé irányuló kapcsolódási hatásai minimálisak. Megmutatjuk, hogy a működőtőke-áramlás elméletei csak részben, illetve közvetve magyarázzák a külföldi tulajdonú vállalatok exportenklávészerű működését. A külföldi vállalatok exportenklávé jellegét néhány különösen fontos kapcsolódási pont vizsgálatával, több, sokszor egymásnak ellentmondó kutatás eredményének fényében elemezzük. Megvizsgáljuk, hogy az enklávé jelleget menyire befolyásolja a beáramlás módja, a betelepülő vállalat jogi státusza, a vállalat ágazati, szektorális besorolása, valamint a beruházások motivációja. A vállalatok exportorientációja és importigényessége is jelezheti a beruházások exportenklávé jellegét. Olyan jelentős kapcsolódási pontokat vizsgálunk, mint beszállítói kapcsolatok, K+F-együttműködések, stratégiai szövetségek.
A hálózatos iparágakban, ahogy a postai szolgáltatásoknál is, a forgalomban lévő készpénz nagyméretű működőtőkét jelenthet. A Magyar Posta a levél- és csomagkézbesítésen kívül jelentős készpénzforgalmat bonyolít le: nyugdíjakat, segélyeket és készpénz-átutalási megbízásokat továbbít. A forgalom napi ingadozása a vállalat likvideszköz-igényét jelentősen meghatározza. A posta esetében a postahivatalok készpénzgazdálkodása jól működő hüvelykujjszabályokon keresztül történik, ezek a szabályok döntési teret hagynak a hálózat heterogén egyedi szereplőinek. Az egyedi készletezési viselkedést a vállalati működőtőke meghatározásakor figyelembe kell venni. A tanulmány az egyedi készletezési szokások modellezésére új módszertant ajánl, majd a viselkedésmintákat csoportosítva a pénzkészletezésnek, a vállalati működőtőke szintjének és a vállalati likviditási pozíciónak a kapcsolatát elemzi. / === / The cash in circulation within network industries such as post-office services can repre-sent a sizeable quantity of operating capital. The Hungarian Post Office, besides han-dling mail, handles a significant amount of cash turnover, forwarding pensions, welfare benefits, and cash orders. Fluctuation in the daily volume of these is a strong factor in determining the company's liquidity requirements. The management of cash in post of-fices is governed by rules of thumb that operate well; the regulations leave decision-making scope for the diverse individual actors in the network. Attention has to be paid to individual cash holding when determining the corporate operating capital. The study suggests a new methodology for modelling the individual cash-holding habits, and goes on to group the behaviour patterns by analysing the connection between cash holding, level of corporate operating capital, and corporate liquidity position.
Napjainkban a vállalati együttműködések korábbiaknál erőteljesebb piaci jelenléte figyelhető meg a gazdaság számos területén, a stratégiai szövetségektől a beszállítói hálózatokon keresztül a klaszterekig. A piaci szereplők együttműködése versenyelőnyt biztosíthat, megkönnyítheti piaci térnyerésüket, továbbá a vállalati növekedést. Mind a nemzetközi, mind a magyar borágazat dinamikus átalakuláson megy keresztül, sorra jelennek meg a különféle vállalatközi együttműködések, kooperációk. A szerzők tanulmányukban feltárják a társadalmi tőke azon puha (soft) tényezőit, melyek révén a gazdasági szereplők hajlandóak összefogni, továbbá az együttműködés jellege szerint tipizálják és csoportosítják az együttműködésben részt vevő borászatokat. Ez a tipizálás segítséget nyújt a kooperáló borászati vállalatok árképzési politikájának mélyebb megismerésében.