22 resultados para Katsuwonus pelamis


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[ES] El presente manuscrito corresponde al primer capítulo de lo que hubiera sido la Tesis Doctoral de D. Aarón Trujillo Santana, para lo cuál desarrollo su labor investigadora en el Departamento de Biología de La Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria entre los años 2006 y 2010. Por motivos ajenos a su voluntad y a la de todos los que compartimos en algún momento su pasión por este trabajo, el mismo quedó inacabado, pudiéndose rescatar de sus archivos lo que ahora se presenta. Es importante remarcar que se trata de un documento sin concluir y que los objetivos fijados en el trabajo original eran más ambiciosos de lo que se refleja en estas páginas. Además, es justo reseñar que el texto que se presenta es un reflejo fiel de los borradores del propio autor y únicamente se ha procedido a corregir errores tipográficos y dotar al mismo de formato adecuado para su presentación. El trabajo expuesto se centra en el análisis descriptivo de las pesquerías y capturas de Katsuwonus pelamis que se ha llevado a cabo en las Islas Canarias desde que se comenzó con su registro. Aunque también se analiza otras áreas de interés como los archipiélagos lusos y el Golfo de Vizcaya. Se hace uso de varias bases de datos y se calculan diferentes parámetros que ayudan al autor a diagnosticar el estado actual de la pesquería y sientan las bases para continuar con el trabajo hacia la aplicación de modelos matemáticos en otros capítulos. La Tesis Doctoral hubiera constando en un principio de dos capítulos más, uno centrado en la descripción de la ruta migratoria de listado entre las tres áreas en estudio y otro en la influencia de la climatología sobre la pesquería. Por último, destacar que, a parte del objetivo evidente de dar memoria y forma a parte de la investigación desarrollada por el autor, es también nuestro objetivo difundir este trabajo para todo aquél que le pudiera servir de referencia, dando así sentido a la labor investigadora de D. Aarón Trujillo Santana


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[EN] The information provided by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) on captures of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the central-east Atlantic has a number of limitations, such as gaps in the statistics for certain fleets and the level of spatiotemporal detail at which catches are reported. As a result, the quality of these data and their effectiveness for providing management advice is limited. In order to reconstruct missing spatiotemporal data of catches, the present study uses Data INterpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions (DINEOF), a technique for missing data reconstruction, applied here for the first time to fisheries data. DINEOF is based on an Empirical Orthogonal Functions decomposition performed with a Lanczos method. DINEOF was tested with different amounts of missing data, intentionally removing values from 3.4% to 95.2% of data loss, and then compared with the same data set with no missing data. These validation analyses show that DINEOF is a reliable methodological approach of data reconstruction for the purposes of fishery management advice, even when the amount of missing data is very high.


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Diet composition of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean was analyzed between October 2004 and November 2005. In the 226 stomachs of fish ranging between 100 and 311 cm lower jaw -fork length (LJFL), 44 items were identified, including 31 fishes and 13 cephalopods. Seventy stomachs were empty (23.6 %). M. nigricans fed preferentially on heavy and muscular scombrid fishes especially upon the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), probably to sustain their high metabolism, and on a variety of other items composed mainly by epipelagic species of fish and cephalopods.


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Cultivars with high yield, adaptability and desirable technological characteristics are a must. The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomic and technologic characters of common bean genotypes from carioca commercial group. Genotypes were cultivated in water growing season, in 2001 and 2002. The experimental design was by randomized blocks with 29 genotypes and four replications. The IAC-Carioca, FT-Bonito, Rudá, Porto Real, CNFC 8008, CNFC 8011, CNFC 8012, CNFC 8013 and CNFC 8156 genotypes yielded above the average. The genotypes IAC-Carioca, CNFC 8012 and CNFC 8156 presented the best results with 3,000 kg ha-1 and 20 minutes cooking time.


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The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence is formed by two systems tracts, a lower one, sandy (lowstand) and an upper one, shaly (highstand). The Taciba Formation has three sequences, S 0 to S 0 sequence S 0 has a thick turbidite sandstone at the base (Rio Segredo Member) that pinches out towards the eastern margin and even disappears in the Mafra outcrop area. Sequence S 1 varies from a thin fluvial-estuarine system to a thick turbidite sandstone of a channelized fan system; S 1 upper shaly system tract is marine in well PP-11, and it is glacially-influenced in well PP-10. Sequence S 2 is a thick sand-stone body of shallow marine origin, but restricted to one well (PP-11); its upper shaly tract is dominated by massive siltstones intercalated with thin, distal tempestites. The lower Triunfo Member (or Taciba-Triunfo transition) begins with the arrival of deltaic clastics of sequence S 3 lower tract, coarsening-up from medial- to proximal delta front sandstones. Sequence S 4 is quite similar to S 3, both showing sand-stone progradation from north to south, as opposed to the southwest-sourced transgressive diamictites. Sequence S 5 consists of fluvial deposits at well PP-12, and two transgressive cycles from wells PP-11 to PP-9, each one of them composed of fluvial-estuarine to marine systems. Well PP-10 is an exception, where the lower cycle presents deglaciation to marine deposits.


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Triatoma baratai Carcavallo & Jurberg, is a wild (i.e., nonperidomestic) species found in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Bodoquena region, county of Bonito), Brazil. Its eggs and nymphs are described here based on optical and scanning electron microscopy. The operculum and exochorion have pentagonal, hexagonal, and heptagonal cells, with small cracks and small random pits. Differences in the eggs and five nymphal instars of T. baratai allow them to be distinguished from the sympatric species Triatoma williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, and from six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai complex. The most useful differentiating characters are in the color, shape of the abdomen, head, and total body length. Keys are provided to separate the eggs and nymphal instars of six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai species complex. Copyright ©2009 Magnolia Press.


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The Capão Bonito Granitic Massif is situated in the south portion of the São Paulo State and represents an elongate body with general direction NE-SW, intrusive in epimetamorphic rocks of Açungui Group (Votuverava Formation), and in granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex. It is partially covered by sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin (Itararé Group). As the chief type we have red sienogranite, holo to leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, inequigranular with medium to coarse grains to porphiritic and isotropic to slightly cataclastic textures of marginal zones. This granite was analyzed for petrographics (composition, structure and texture), chemical composition (major elements), physical and mechanical (water absorption, resistance to abrasion, impact of hard body and efforts of compression and traction) and chemical attack aspects. The results were compared to suggested values for granitic rocks used for ornamental purposes. The whole massif shows compositional, textural, structural (related to isotropy) and chemical (major elements) characteristics very homogeneous. The varieties of sienogranite named commercially as Capão Bonito or Rubi Red Granite showed results very similar to each other, with some variations in the physical and mechanical resistance resulting of the penetrative brittle deformation of regional occurrence, evidenced by differences in the microfissural index.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Canned tuna is one of the most widespread and recognizable fish commodities in the world. Over all oceans 80% of the total tuna catches are caught by purse seine fishery and in tropical waters their target species are: yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). Even if this fishing gear is claimed to be very selective, there are high levels of by-catch especially when operating under Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). The main problem is underestimation of by-catch data. In order to solve this problem the scientific community has developed many specific programs (e.g. Observe Program) to collect data about both target species and by-catch with observers onboard. The purposes of this study are to estimate the quantity and composition of target species and by-catch by tuna purse seiner fishery operating in tropical waters and to underline a possible seasonal variability in the by-catch ratio (tunas versus by-catch). Data were collected with the French scientific program ”Observe” on board of the French tuna purse seiner “Via Avenir” during a fishing trip in the Gulf of Guinea (C-E Atlantic) from August to September 2012. Furthermore some by-catch specimens have been sampled to obtain more information about size class composition. In order to achieve those purposes we have shared our data with the French Institute of Research for the Development (IRD), which has data collected by observers onboard in the same study area. Yellowfin tuna results to be the main specie caught in all trips considered (around 71% of the total catches) especially on free swimming schools (FSC) sets. Instead skipjack tuna is the main specie caught under FADs. Different percentages of by-catch with the two fishing modes are observed: the by-catch incidence is higher on FADs sets (96.5% of total by-catch) than on FSC sets (3.5%) and the main category of by-catch is little-tuna (73%). When pooling data for both fishing sets used in purse seine fishery the overall by-catch/catch ratio is 5%, a lower level than in other fishing gears like long-lining and trawling.