19 resultados para Kamau Brathwaite


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This study concerns the representation of space in Caribbean literature, both francophone and Anglophone and, in particular, but not only, in the martinican literature, in the works of the authors born in the island. The analysis focus on the second half of the last century, a period in which the martinican production of novels and romances increased considerably, and where the representation and the rule of space had a relevant place. So, the thesis explores the literary modalities of this representation. The work is constituted of 5 chapters and the critical and methodological approaches are both of an analytical and comparative type. The first chapter “The caribbean space: geography, history and society” presents the geographic context, through an analysis of the historical and political major events occurred in the Caribbean archipelago, in particular of the French Antilles, from the first colonization until the départementalisation. The first paragraph “The colonized space: historical-political excursus” the explores the history of the European colonization that marked forever the theatre of the relationship between Europe, Africa and the New World. This social situation take a long and complex process of “Re-appropriation and renegotiation of the space”, (second paragraph) always the space of the Other, that interest both the Antillean society and the writers’ universe. So, a series of questions take place in the third paragraph “Landscape and identity”: what is the function of space in the process of identity construction? What are the literary forms and representations of space in the Caribbean context? Could the writing be a tool of cultural identity definition, both individual and collective? The second chapter “The literary representation of the Antillean space” is a methodological analysis of the notions of literary space and descriptive gender. The first paragraph “The literary space of and in the novel” is an excursus of the theory of such critics like Blanchot, Bachelard, Genette and Greimas, and in particular the recent innovation of the 20th century; the second one “Space of the Antilles, space of the writing” is an attempt to apply this theory to the Antillean literary space. Finally the last paragraph “Signs on the page: the symbolic places of the antillean novel landscape” presents an inventory of the most recurrent antillean places (mornes, ravines, traces, cachots, En-ville,…), symbols of the history and the past, described in literary works, but according to new modalities of representation. The third chapter, the core of the thesis, “Re-drawing the map of the French Antilles” focused the study of space representation on francophone literature, in particular on a selected works of four martinican writers, like Roland Brival, Édouard Glissant, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant. Through this section, a spatial evolution comes out step by step, from the first to the second paragraph, whose titles are linked together “The novel space evolution: from the forest of the morne… to the jungle of the ville”. The virgin and uncontaminated space of the Antilles, prior to the colonisation, where the Indios lived in harmony with the nature, find a representation in both works of Brival (Le sang du roucou, Le dernier des Aloukous) and of Glissant (Le Quatrième siècle, Ormerod). The arrival of the European colonizer brings a violent and sudden metamorphosis of the originary space and landscape, together with the traditions and culture of the Caraïbes population. These radical changes are visible in the works of Chamoiseau (Chronique des sept misères, Texaco, L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse, Livret des villes du deuxième monde, Un dimanche au cachot) and Confiant (Le Nègre et l’Amiral, Eau de Café, Ravines du devant-jour, Nègre marron) that explore the urban space of the creole En-ville. The fourth chapter represents the “2nd step: the Anglophone novel space” in the exploration of literary representation of space, through an analytical study of the works of three Anglophone writers, the 19th century Lafcadio Hearn (A Midsummer Trip To the West Indies, Two Years in the French West Indies, Youma) and the contemporary authors Derek Walcott (Omeros, Map of the New World, What the Twilight says) and Edward Kamau Brathwaite (The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy). The Anglophone voice of the Caribbean archipelago brings a very interesting contribution to the critical idea of a spatial evolution in the literary representation of space, started with francophone production: “The spatial evolution goes on: from the Martiniques Sketches of Hearn… to the modern bards of Caribbean archipelago” is the new linked title of the two paragraphs. The fifth chapter “Extended look, space shared: the Caribbean archipelago” is a comparative analysis of the results achieved in the prior sections, through a dialogue between all the texts in the first paragraph “Francophone and Anglophone representation of space compared: differences and analogies”. The last paragraph instead is an attempt of re-negotiate the conventional notions of space and place, from a geographical and physical meaning, to the new concept of “commonplace”, not synonym of prejudice, but “common place” of sharing and dialogue. The question sets in the last paragraph “The “commonplaces” of the physical and mental map of the Caribbean archipelago: toward a non-place?” contains the critical idea of the entire thesis.


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El Caribe ha sido reconocido por considerarse una pluralidad de espacios que simultáneamente son solo uno. Contrario al contexto de su fragmentada geografía, su segregada historia colonial y su diversidad racial y lingüística, los intelectuales caribeños han establecido puentes de unidad cultural con la intención de configurar una identidad pan-caribeña. Por consiguiente, los ensayistas del siglo XX se enfrentan a la necesidad de examinar críticamente los factores que formulan sus respectivas identidades, en contraste con aquellas tradicionalmente impuestas bajo el discurso colonial y metropolitano. Desde el tercer cuarto del siglo, pensadores como Aimé Césaire (1913-2008), Fernando Ortiz (1881-1969), Fidel Castro (1926-), George Lamming (1927-), Kamau Brathwaite (1930-), Juan I. Jiménes-Grullón (1903-1983), Hubert Devonish (1953-), Edouard Glissant (1928-2011), Antonio Benítez-Rojo (1931-2005), Arcadio Díaz Quiñones y Maryse Condé (1937-), entre otros, cuestionan el sistema colonial, los procesos étnicos y las propuestas lingüísticas, relacionándolos con conceptos tales como la hibridez, el sincretismo, la transculturación y la heterogeneidad. Estas teorías culturales, de alguna manera, reescriben ideas antecedentes en reacción a discursos hegemónicos previos como consecuencia de los cambios políticos que trajeron las guerras de independencia en América Latina durante el siglo XIX. En mi tesis demuestro que estos planteamientos delinean un mapa de modelos epistemológicos de la cultura del Caribe. Para indicar que estas propuestas constituyen metáforas que muestran una consciencia cultural, las proposiciones acerca de la cultura de Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) y Hayden White (1928-) sirven como marco teórico apropiado. Así, a través de las representaciones literarias ensayísticas de los modelos metafóricos de la cultura caribeña, este trabajo redefine algunos aspectos importantes de la identidad cultural vis a vis la mirada parcial que usualmente se utiliza para estudiar el archipiélago antillano. Igualmente, incluso aunque estos modelos proponen una representación metafórica de la cultura pan-caribeña, la construcción de un modelo del Caribe puede ser utilizado en otras regiones y espacios culturales en el contexto de la globalización, ya que elucida una gnoseología cultural que sirve para describir distintas realidades globales.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have excellent electrical, mechanical and electromechanical properties. When CNTs are incorporated into polymers, electrically conductive composites with high electrical conductivity at very low CNT content (often below 1% wt CNT) result. Due to the change in electrical properties under mechanical load, carbon nanotube/polymer composites have attracted significant research interest especially due to their potential for application in in-situ monitoring of stress distribution and active control of strain sensing in composite structures or as strain sensors. To sucessfully develop novel devices for such applications, some of the major challenges that need to be overcome include; in-depth understanding of structure-electrical conductivity relationships, response of the composites under changing environmental conditions and piezoresistivity of different types of carbon nanotube/polymer sensing devices. In this thesis, direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) conductivity of CNT-epoxy composites was investigated. Details of microstructure obtained by scanning electron microscopy were used to link observed electrical properties with structure using equivalent circuit modeling. The role of polymer coatings on macro and micro level electrical conductivity was investigated using atomic force microscopy. Thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy were used to evaluate the heat flow and deformation of carbon nanotubes embedded in the epoxy, respectively, and related to temperature induced resistivity changes. A comparative assessment of piezoresistivity was conducted using randomly mixed carbon nanotube/epoxy composites, and new concept epoxy- and polyurethane-coated carbon nanotube films. The results indicate that equivalent circuit modelling is a reliable technique for estimating values of the resistance and capacitive components in linear, low aspect ratio-epoxy composites. Using this approach, the dominant role of tunneling resistance in determining the electrical conductivity was confirmed, a result further verified using conductive-atomic force microscopy analysis. Randomly mixed CNT-epoxy composites were found to be highly sensitive to mechanical strain and temperature variation compared to polymer-coated CNT films. In the vicinity of the glass transition temperature, the CNT-epoxy composites exhibited pronounced resistivity peaks. Thermal and Raman spectroscopy analyses indicated that this phenomenon can be attributed to physical aging of the epoxy matrix phase and structural rearrangement of the conductive network induced by matrix expansion. The resistivity of polymercoated CNT composites was mainly dominated by the intrinsic resistivity of CNTs and the CNT junctions, and their linear, weakly temperature sensitive response can be described by a modified Luttinger liquid model. Piezoresistivity of the polymer coated sensors was dominated by break up of the conducting carbon nanotube network and the consequent degradation of nanotube-nanotube contacts while that of the randomly mixed CNT-epoxy composites was determined by tunnelling resistance between neighbouring CNTs. This thesis has demonstrated that it is possible to use microstructure information to develop equivalent circuit models that are capable of representing the electrical conductivity of CNT/epoxy composites accurately. New designs of carbon nanotube based sensing devices, utilising carbon nanotube films as the key functional element, can be used to overcome the high temperature sensitivity of randomly mixed CNT/polymer composites without compromising on desired high strain sensitivity. This concept can be extended to develop large area intelligent CNT based coatings and targeted weak-point specific strain sensors for use in structural health monitoring.


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More problematic than his avoidance of recent geographic scholarship is his treatment of indigenous, ethnographic and postcolonial perspectives on island life. Not only is much of this scholarship absent, the bits that are there are mostly derided. He slams Kamau Braithwaite and his concept of ‘tidalectics’ as ‘unpackable’ (p. 20) and also claims that Greg Dening’s approach to islands as having ‘permeable cultural boundaries’ has ‘intellectual costs’ (p. 23). In a section of the book on ‘Naming and Sovereignty’, instead of an in-depth examination of the processes of decoding and recoding that goes on in indigenous island landscapes under colonialism (as could be discussed at length if Shell chose to examine Aotearoa, Hawaii, or hundreds of other places) we are instead presented a vignette about his childhood street fights with other kids over the naming of a hometown island in Canada, as well as ruminations about what Herman Melville and Ellen Semple thought of islands in the nineteenth century. In short, if you want to know what dead Caucasians like Shakespeare, Melville, Kant, Mackinder, More, and ancient Athenians thought about islands, then this book is a good resource. If, however, you are looking for information about what islands are like today – and what they mean to the people who live on and interact with them – then you will have to look elsewhere.


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This thesis considers the three works of fiction of the Jamaican author Claude McKay (1889-1948) as a coherent transnational trilogy which dramatises the semi-autobiographical complexities of diasporic exile and return in the period of the 1920s and 1930s. Chapter One explores McKay’s urban North American novel, Home to Harlem (1928). I suggest that we need to ‘reworld’ conceptions of McKay’s writing in order to release him from his canonical confinement in the Harlem Renaissance. Querying the problematics of the city space, of sexuality and of race as they emerge in the novel, this chapter considers McKay’s percipient understanding of the need to reconfigure diasporic identity beyond the limits set by American nationalism. Chapter Two engages with McKay’s novel of portside Marseilles, Banjo (1929), and considers the homosocial interactions of the vagabond collective. A comparison of North America and France as supposed exemplars of individual liberty highlights the unsuitability of nationalistic prerogatives to an internally diverse black diaspora. Paul Gilroy’s Black Atlantic construct provides a suggestive space in which to re-imagine the possibilities of affiliation in the port. The latter section of the chapter examines McKay’s particular influence on, and relationship, to the Négritude movement and Pan-African philosophies. Chapter Three focuses on McKay’s third novel, Banana Bottom (1933). I suggest here that the three novels comprise a coherent New World Trilogy comparable to Edward (Kamau) Brathwaite’s trilogy, The Arrivants. This chapter considers both the Caribbean and the transnational dimensions to McKay’s work.


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It is now well established that some patients who are diagnosed as being in a vegetative state or a minimally conscious state show reliable signs of volition that may only be detected by measuring neural responses. A pertinent question is whether these patients are also capable of logical thought. Here, we validate an fMRI paradigm that can detect the neural fingerprint of reasoning processes and moreover, can confirm whether a participant derives logical answers. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach in a physically non-communicative patient who had been shown to engage in mental imagery in response to simple audi- tory instructions. Our results demonstrate that this individual retains a remarkable capacity for higher cogni- tion, engaging in the reasoning task and deducing logical answers. We suggest that this approach is suitable for detecting residual reasoning ability using neural responses and could readily be adapted to assess other aspects of cognition.


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Introducción: Las vacunas clásicamente han representado un método económico y eficaz para el control y prevención de múltiples enfermedades infecciosas. En los últimos años se han introducido nuevas vacunas contra neumococo a precios elevados, y los diferentes análisis económicos a nivel mundial de estas vacunas no muestran tendencias. El objetivo de este trabajo era resumir la evidencia existente a través de los diferentes estudios económicos evaluando las dos vacunas de segunda generación contra neumococo en la población a riesgo. Metodología: En este trabajo se realizo una revisión sistemática de la literatura en 8 bases de datos localizadas en diferentes partes del mundo y también que tuvieran literatura gris. Los artículos fueron inicialmente evaluados acorde a su titulo y resumen, posteriormente los elegidos se analizaron en su totalidad. Resultados: Se encontraron 404 artículos, de los cuales 20 fueron incluidos en el análisis final. Se encontró que la mayoría de los estudios se realizaron en áreas donde la enfermedad tiene una carga baja, como es Norte América y Europa, mientras que en los lugares del mundo donde la carga es mas alta, se realizaron pocos estudios. De igual manera se observo que la mayoría de los estudios mostraron por los menos ser costo efectivos respecto a la no vacunación, y en su totalidad las dos vacunas de segunda generación mostraron costo efectividad respecto a la vacunación con PCV-7. Los resultados de los estudios son muy heterogéneos, hasta dentro del mismo país, señalando la necesidad de guías para la conducción de este tipo de estudios. De igual manera, la mayoría de los estudios fueron financiados por farmacéuticas, mientras en un numero muy reducido por entes gubernamentales. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los estudios económicos sobre las vacunas de segunda generación contra neumococo han sido realizados en países con un alto índice de desarrollo económico y patrocinados por farmacéuticas. Dado que la mayoría de la carga de la enfermedad se encuentran en regiones con un menor nivel de desarrollo económico se deberían realizar mas en estas zonas. De igual manera, al ser la vacunación un asunto de salud publica y con un importante impacto económico los gobiernos deberían estar mas involucrados en los mismos.


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Working outward from Edward Kamau Brathwaite’s landmark 1974 essay, “The African Presence in Caribbean Literature,” this article explores the fuller history of the idea of Africa in anglophone Caribbean critical and literary works from the 1930s to the 2000s. It demonstrates that earlier, now forgotten Caribbean critics drew on imperfect and incomplete Caribbean literary imaginings of Africa to frame a counter-colonial politics of identity. The essay also brings back into view writings by Una Marson, Victor Stafford Reid, and Derek Walcott that expressed a different politics of solidarity based on the shared experience of colonial violence. Readings of recent literary works by Charlotte Williams and Nalo Hopkinson reveal the contemporary crafting of this relation around a heightened awareness of both presence and loss, history and imagination. Importantly, this gathering of sources and perspectives allows for an appreciation of the role that a reach toward Africa has played in articulations of Caribbeanness and its complex patterning of cultural co-belonging.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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This documentary is about the internal displacement of ethnic minorities brought about by politically instigated post-election violence towards ethnic minorities in all eight provinces, namely, Coast, Rift Valley, Western, Eastern, North Eastern, Central Kenya, Nairobi, and Nyanza. During the years of 1991 to 1996, over 15,000 people died and almost 300,000 were displaced in the Rift Valley, Central, Nyanza and Western provinces. Before the 1997 elections, violence erupted. Again, following the disputed presidential elections in December 2007 politically and ethnically instigated displacements resulted in human rights violations against 600,000 people in 8 provinces of Kenya.