993 resultados para Kaluza-Klein


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We generalize the results of arXiv : 1212.1875 and arXiv : 1212.6919 on attraction basins and their boundaries to the case of a specific class of rotating black holes,namely the ergo-free branch of extremal black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory. We find that exact solutions that span the attraction basin can be found even in the rotating case by appealing to certain symmetries of the equations of motion. They are characterized by two asymptotic parameters that generalize those of the non-rotating case, and the boundaries of the basin are spinning versions of the (generalized) subtractor geometry. We also give examples to illustrate that the shape of the attraction basin can drastically change depending on the theory.


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Kaluza-Klein teorien planteamendu orokorra aurkezten da, bai ezaugarri onak zein arazoak aipatuz.


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We extend the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence to examine the dual conformal field theory of four-dimensional Kaluza-Klein black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory. For the extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole, the central charge and temperature of the dual conformal field are calculated following the approach of Guica, Hartman, Song and Strominger. Meanwhile, we show that the microscopic entropy given by the Cardy formula agrees with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole. For the non-extremal case, by studying the near-region wave equation of a neutral massless scalar field, we investigate the hidden conformal symmetry of Kaluza-Klein black hole, and find the left and right temperatures of the dual conformal field theory. Furthermore, we find that the entropy of non-extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole is reproduced by Cardy formula. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the equivalence between a gauge theory for the translation group and general relativity, a teleparallel version of the non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein theory is constructed. In this theory, only the fiber-space turns out to be higher dimensional, spacetime being kept always four dimensional. The resulting model is a gauge theory that unifies, in the Kaluza-Klein sense, gravitational and gauge fields. In contrast with the ordinary Kaluza-Klein models, this theory defines a natural length scale for the compact submanifold of the fiber space, which is shown to be of the order of the Planck length.


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Relying upon the equivalence between a gauge theory for the translation group and general relativity, a teleparallel version of the original Kaluza-Klein theory is developed. In this model, only the internal space (fiber) turns out to be five dimensional, spacetime being kept always four dimensional. A five-dimensional translational gauge theory is obtained which unifies, in the sense of Kaluza-Klein theories, gravitational and electromagnetic interactions. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Neste trabalho investigamos soluções solitônicas em modelos de Kaluza-Klein com um número arbitrário de espaços internos toroidais, que descrevem o campo gravitacional de um objeto massivo compacto. Cada toro di-dimensional possui um fator de escala independente Ci, i = 1, ..., N, que é caracterizado pelo parâmetro ᵞi. Destacamos a solução fisicamente interessante correspondente à massa puntual. Para a solução geral obtemos equações de estado nos espaços externo e interno. Estas equações demonstram que a massa pontual solitônica possui equações de estado tipo poeira em todos os espaços. Obtemos também os parâmetros pósnewtonianos que nos possibilitam encontrar as fórmulas da precessão do periélio, do desvio da luz e do atraso no tempo de ecos de radar. Além disso, os experimentos gravitacionais levam a uma forte limitação nos parâmetros do modelo: T = ƩNi=1 diYi = −(2, 1±2, 3)×10−5. A solução para massa pontual com Y1 = . . . = YN = (1+ƩNi=1 di)−1 contradiz esta restrição. A imposição T = 0 satisfaz essa limitação experimental e define uma nova classe de soluções que são indistinguíveis para a relatividade geral. Chamamos estas soluções de sólitons latentes. Cordas negras e membranas negras com Yi = 0 pertencem a esta classe. Além disso, a condição de estabilidade dos espaços internos destaca cordas/membranas negras de sólitons latentes, conduzindo exclusivamente para as equações de estado de corda/membrana negra pi = −ε/2, i = 1, . . . ,N, nos espaços internos e ao número de dimensões externas d0 = 3. As investigações do fluido perfeito multidimensional estático e esfericamente simétrico com equação de estado tipo poeira no espaço externo confirmam os resultados acima.


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In this graduate work we will perform the dimensional reduction of particles of spin s=0, s=1 and s=2 via Kaluza Klein mechanism. The method of Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction is introduced by the dimensional reduction from D to D


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Una teoria di unificazione ha il notevole compito di fornire un modello in grado di unificare le forze fondamentali della natura in una sola. Storicamente uno dei primi tentativi è rappresentato dal modello di Kaluza, che propone una formulazione unificata di gravità ed elettromagnetismo. In 4 dimensioni il campo gravitazionale e il campo elettromagnetico sono entità nettamente separate. Tale dualismo può essere superato estendendo la teoria della Relatività Generale ad uno spaziotempo a 5 dimensioni. Se alle consuete 4 si aggiunge una quinta dimensione spaziale, allora si dimostra che la gravità e l’elettromagnetismo possono essere visti come la manifestazione di un unico campo di forza, che è interpretabile in termini della geometria dello spaziotempo a 5 dimensioni. Nonostante i suoi intrinseci limiti, il modello di Kaluza rappresenta comunque un punto di partenza per molte altre teorie di campo unificato più moderne e a più di 5 dimensioni. L'obiettivo è di sviluppare le linee fondamentali del modello di Kaluza. Preliminarmente si riportano i risultati principali dell'elettromagnetismo e della Relatività Generale, dato che il modello si formula a partire da questi. Si stabilisce la condizione di cilindro, secondo cui le quantità fisiche non subiscono variazioni nella quinta dimensione. Si ipotizza un ansatz per il tensore metrico 5D e si scrivono le equazioni di campo unitario e della geodetica, come estensioni a 5 dimensioni di quelle in 4. Si dimostra che il campo unitario in 4 dimensioni si separa nel campo scalare costante, nel campo elettromagnetico e nel campo gravitazionale. Le componenti quadridimensionali della geodetica 5D riconducono a quella 4D e alle leggi del moto 4D in presenza dei campi gravitazionale ed elettromagnetico. Inoltre si interpreta la carica elettrica come la quinta componente della velocità covariante 5D.


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We present a search for high-mass neutral resonances using dimuon data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb$^{-1}$ collected in {$p\bar p$} collisions at {$\sqrt{s}$ = 1.96 TeV} by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. No significant excess above the standard model expectation is observed in the dimuon invariant-mass spectrum. We set 95% confidence level upper limits on $\sigma \cdot BR (p \bar{p} \to X \to \mu \bar{\mu})$, where $X$ is a boson with spin 0, 1, or 2. Using these cross section limits, we determine lower mass limits on sneutrinos in R-parity-violating supersymmetric models, $Z'$ bosons, and Kaluza-Klein gravitons in the Randall-Sundrum model.


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Lepton masses and mixing angles via localization of 5-dimensional fields in the bulk are revisited in the context of Randall-Sundrum models. The Higgs is assumed to be localized on the IR brane. Three cases for neutrino masses are considered: (a) The higher-dimensional neutrino mass operator (LH.LH), (b) Dirac masses, and (c) Type I seesaw with bulk Majorana mass terms. Neutrino masses and mixing as well as charged lepton masses are fit in the first two cases using chi(2) minimization for the bulk mass parameters, while varying the O(1) Yukawa couplings between 0.1 and 4. Lepton flavor violation is studied for all the three cases. It is shown that large negative bulk mass parameters are required for the right-handed fields to fit the data in the LH.LH case. This case is characterized by a very large Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum and relatively weak flavor-violating constraints at leading order. The zero modes for the charged singlets are composite in this case, and their corresponding effective 4-dimensional Yukawa couplings to the KK modes could be large. For the Dirac case, good fits can be obtained for the bulk mass parameters, c(i), lying between 0 and 1. However, most of the ``best-fit regions'' are ruled out from flavor-violating constraints. In the bulk Majorana terms case, we have solved the profile equations numerically. We give example points for inverted hierarchy and normal hierarchy of neutrino masses. Lepton flavor violating rates are large for these points. We then discuss various minimal flavor violation schemes for Dirac and bulk Majorana cases. In the Dirac case with minimal-flavor-violation hypothesis, it is possible to simultaneously fit leptonic masses and mixing angles and alleviate lepton flavor violating constraints for KK modes with masses of around 3 TeV. Similar examples are also provided in the Majorana case.


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The intersection of the conifold z(1)(2) + z(2)(2) + z(3)(2) = 0 and S-5 is a compact 3-dimensional manifold X-3. We review the description of X-3 as a principal U(1) bundle over S-2 and construct the associated monopole line bundles. These monopoles can have only even integers as their charge. We also show the Kaluza-Klein reduction of X-3 to S-2 provides an easy construction of these monopoles. Using the analogue of the Jordan-Schwinger map, our techniques are readily adapted to give the fuzzy version of the fibration X-3 -> S-2 and the associated line bundles. This is an alternative new realization of the fuzzy sphere S-F(2) and monopoles OH it.


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We present up-to-date electroweak fits of various Randall-Sundrum (RS) models. We consider the bulk RS, deformed RS, and the custodial RS models. For the bulk RS case we find the lightest Kaluza-Klein (KK) mode of the gauge boson to be similar to 8 TeV, while for the custodial case it is similar to 3 TeV. The deformed model is the least fine-tuned of all which can give a good fit for KK masses < 2 TeV depending on the choice of the model parameters. We also comment on the fine-tuning in each case.


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A search for dielectron decays of heavy neutral resonances has been performed using proton-proton collision data collected at √s = 7 TeV by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2011. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb−1. The dielectron mass distribution is consistent with Standard Model (SM) predictions. An upper limit on the ratio of the cross section times branching fraction of new bosons, normalized to the cross section times branching fraction of the Z boson, is set at the 95 % confidence level. This result is translated into limits on the mass of new neutral particles at the level of 2120 GeV for the Z′ in the Sequential Standard Model, 1810 GeV for the superstring-inspired Z′ψ resonance, and 1940 (1640) GeV for Kaluza-Klein gravitons with the coupling parameter k/MPl of 0.10 (0.05).