199 resultados para Kale leafworm


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The relationship between food security and sustainable land use is considered to be of the uttermost importance to increase yields without having to increase the agricultural land area over which crops are grown. In the present study nitrogen concentration (25 and 85 kg ha-1) and planting density (6.7, 10 and 25 plants m-2) were investigated for their effect on whole plant physiology and pod seed yield in kale (Brassica oleracea), to determine if the fruit (pod) yield could be manipulated agronomically. Nitrogen concentration did not significantly affect seed yield and it is therefore recommended that the lower concentration be used commercially. Conversely planting density did have a significant effect with increases in seed yield observed at the highest planting density of 25 plants m-2, therefore this high planting density would be recommended commercially to maximise area efficiency, highlighting that simple agronomic changes are capable of increasing crop yields over a set area.


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The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronomico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65 degrees C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga 1-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.


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The bioavailability of calcium from the kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) consumed as a complement of a basal rice and bean diet was studied. Three groups of diets, two controls and one experimental were fed to Wistar female rats. The protein source of the first control was casein and of the second, a mixture of bean and rice. To both groups, graded levels of CaCO3 were added. The experimental diet was similar to the second control, except that CaCO3 was substituted for kale supplying the same amount of calcio. At 35 days of experimental period, they were killed and the calcium and phosphorus were determined in the right femur. The results indicated that the calcium from the kale is better utilized than that of the CaCO3. There was no significant difference in the concentration of calcium in the soft tissues studied among three dietary groups. Considering the high concentration and availability of calcium from the kale its consumption as a complement of the basal rice and bean diet may be recommended as a cheap and good source of this mineral.


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In this paper we present the first report of the occurrence of a binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. causing hypocotyl and root rot in kale in Brazil. Rhizoctonia spp. were isolated from kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) with symptoms of hypocotyl and root rot. The isolates, characterized as binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., did not show an anastomosis reaction with any of the binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. testers used. The pathogenicity of the isolates was tested under greenhouse conditions; all isolates were pathogenic and showed different symptom severities on kale. The ITS-5.8S rDNA sequences of kale isolates and 50 testers (25 binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. and 25 Rhizoctonia solani) were compared in order to characterize the genetic identity of Rhizoctonia spp. infecting kale. The kale isolates showed genetic identities ranging from 99.3 to 99.8% and were phylogenetically closely related to CAG 7 (AF354084), with identities of 98.5 and 98.7%. It is suggested that the binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. causing hypocotyl and root rot on kale Brazil comprises a new AG not yet described.


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Natural predation first instar larvae of the cotton leafworm (CLW) A. argillacea was studied in cotton fields in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during 1986. The presence of naturally occurring arthropod predators showed a first instar larvae predation rate of 78.6 and 88.9% after 24 h and 48 h of exposure, respectively. A predator prey ratio of 1 : 1 (1 CLW key predator per 1 prey/plant) maintained a level of no more than 1 CLW small larvae per plant. The most evident arthropod predators in the studied fields were: beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), ants Pheidole sp. and Conomyrma sp.; Dermaptera Doru lineare (Eschs); Hemiptera Geocoris sp., and Orius insidiosus Say; and the spiders Theridion volubile, Chrysso pulcherrima, Misumenops sp., Chiracanthium sp., and Oxyopes salticus Hentz.


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The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65°C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. Of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga I-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). Of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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No. 26 in vol. with each item stamped "Property of Herman Spielberg, New York."


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Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are selectively taken up into the macula of the eye, where they are thought to protect against the development of age-related macular degeneration. They are obtained from dietary sources, with the highest concentrations found in dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach. In this Review, compositional variations due to variety/cultivar, stage of maturity, climate or season, farming practice, storage, and processing effects are highlighted. Only data from studies which report on lutein and zeaxanthin content in foods are reported. The main focus is kale; however, other predominantly xanthophyll containing vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are included. A small amount of data about exotic fruits is also referenced for comparison. The qualitative and quantitative composition of carotenoids in fruits and vegetables is known to vary with multiple factors. In kale, lutein and zeaxanthin levels are affected by pre-harvest effects such as maturity, climate, and farming practice. Further research is needed to determine the post-harvest processing and storage effects of lutein and zeaxanthin in kale; this will enable precise suggestions for increasing retinal levels of these nutrients.