873 resultados para KEY REGULATOR


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde


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Ants live in organized societies with a marked division of labor among workers, but little is known about how this division of labor is generated. We used a tracking system to continuously monitor individually tagged workers in six colonies of the ant Camponotus fellah over 41 days. Network analyses of more than 9 million interactions revealed three distinct groups that differ in behavioral repertoires. Each group represents a functional behavioral unit with workers moving from one group to the next as they age. The rate of interactions was much higher within groups than between groups. The precise information on spatial and temporal distribution of all individuals allowed us to calculate the expected rates of within- and between-group interactions. These values suggest that the network of interaction within colonies is primarily mediated by age-induced changes in the spatial location of workers.


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Mononuclear phagocytes are designed to neutralize systemic bacterial and fungal infections. However, the exact regulation of these functions are largely unknown. CARD9 was first identified as an immune-specific adaptor protein of unclear function. Here, we have found that Card9 is specifically expressed in monocyte-origin cell populations. To better understand the biological function of Card9, we have generated Card9-deficient (Card9-/-) mice. Hematologic profiling and histological analysis of Card9-/- mice revealed a decreased leukocyte/myeloid cell count, delayed monocyte maturation in bone marrow as well as monocyte counts in the peripheral blood. Upon M-CSF stimulation, Card9-/- macrophages further exhibit a partial loss in IKK phosphorylation. As a consequence, in vivo challenge with Listeria monocytogenes in Card9-/- mice results in a higher susceptibility to infection-associated inflammation and fatality. Collectively, these data suggest that CARD9 is required for monocyte development and function. ^ At the cellular level, Card9-/- macrophages are defective in killing Listeria and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Molecular characterizations have further demonstrated that CARD9 inducibly interacts with NOD2, controls p38 MAPK activation, and regulates ROS production during Listeria infections. Cytotrap screening showed that CARD9 could physically associate with various g&barbelow;uanine e&barbelow;xchange f&barbelow;actor (GEF) proteins that are essential for regulating ROS production. In summary, we have first identified and provided genetic evidence that CARD9 functions as a novel regulator during monocyte development and serves as an essential protein adaptor for p38 MAPK activation during bacterial clearance processes in macrophages. ^


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Chronic infection by alginate-producing (mucoid) Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the leading cause of mortality among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. During the course of sustained infection, the production of an alginate capsule protects the bacteria and allows them to persist in the CF lung. One of the key regulators of alginate synthesis is the algT (algU) gene encoding a putative alternative sigma factor (sigma E). AlgT was hyperproduced and purified from Escherichia coli. The N-terminal sequence of the purified protein matched perfectly with that predicted from the DNA sequence. The purified protein, in the presence of E. coli RNA polymerase core enzyme, was able to initiate transcription of an algT promoter. Deletion of the -35 region of this promoter abolished this activity in vitro as well as in vivo. These data indicate that the algT gene encodes a sigma factor that is autoregulatory.


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Obesity, with its related problems, is recognized as the fastest growing disease epidemic facing the world, yet we still have limited insight into the regulation of adipose tissue mass in humans. We have previously shown that adipose-derived microvascular endothelial cells (MVECs) secrete a factor(s) that increases proliferation of human preadipocytes. We now demonstrate that coculture of human preadipocytes with MVECs significantly increases preadipocyte differentiation, evidenced by dramatically increased triacylglycerol accumulation and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity compared with controls. Subsequent analysis identified fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1 as an adipogenic factor produced by MVECs. Expression of FGF-1 was demonstrated in MVECs but not in preadipocytes, while preadipocytes were shown to express FGF receptors 1-4. The proliferative effect of MVECs on human preadipocytes was blocked using a neutralizing antibody specific for FGF-1. Pharmacological inhibition of FGF-1 signaling at multiple steps inhibits preadipocyte replication and differentiation, supporting the key adipogenic role of FGF-1. We also show that 3T3-L1 cells, a highly efficient murine model of adipogenesis, express FGF-1 and, unlike human preadipocytes, display no increased differentiation potential in response to exogenous FGF-1. Conversely, FGF-1-treated human preadipocytes proliferate rapidly and differentiate with high efficiency in a manner characteristic of 3T3-L1 cells. We therefore suggest that FGF-1 is a key human adipogenic factor, and these data expand our understanding of human fat tissue growth and have significant potential for development of novel therapeutic strategies in the prevention and management of human obesity.


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Obestatin is a 23-amino acid C-terminally amidated gastrointestinal peptide derived from preproghrelin and which forms an alpha helix. Although obestatin has a short biological half-life and is rapidly degraded, it is proposed to exert wide-ranging pathophysiological actions. Whilst the precise nature of many of its effects is unclear, accumulating evidence supports positive actions on both metabolism and cardiovascular function. For example, obestatin has been reported to inhibit food and water intake, body weight gain, and gastrointestinal motility, and to also mediate promotion of cell survival and prevention of apoptosis. Obestatin-induced increases in β-cell mass, enhanced adipogenesis and improved lipid metabolism have been noted along with upregulation of genes associated with β-cell regeneration, insulin production and adipogenesis. Furthermore, human circulating obestatin levels generally demonstrate an inverse association with obesity and diabetes, whilst the peptide has been shown to confer protective metabolic effects in experimental diabetes, suggesting that it may hold therapeutic potential in this setting. Obestatin also appears to be involved in blood pressure regulation and to exert beneficial effects on endothelial function, with experimental studies indicating that it may also promote cardioprotective actions against, for example, ischaemia-reperfusion injury. This review will present a critical appraisal of the expanding obestatin research area and discuss the emerging therapeutic potential of this peptide for both metabolic and cardiovascular complications of diabetes. 


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Abstract : Transcriptional regulation is the result of a combination of positive and negative effectors, such as transcription factors, cofactors and chromatin modifiers. During my thesis project I studied chromatin association, and transcriptional and cell cycle regulatory functions of dHCF, the Drosophila homologue of the human protein HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). The human and Drosophila HCF proteins are synthesized as large polypeptides that are cleaved into two subunits (HCFN and HCFC), which remain associated with one another by non covalent interactions. Studies in mammalian cells over the past 20 years have been devoted to understanding the cellular functions of HCF-1 and have revealed that it is a key regulator of transcription and cell cycle regulation. In human cells, HCF-1 interacts with the histone methyltransferase Set1/Ash2 and MLL/Ash2 complexes and the histone deacetylase Sin3 complex, which are involved in transcriptional activation and repression, respectively. HCF-1 is also recruited to promoters to regulate G1 -to-S phase progression during the cell cycle by the activator transcription factors E2F1 and E2F3, and by the repressor transcription factor E2F4. HCF-1 protein structure and these interactions between HCP-1 and E2F transcriptional regulator proteins are also conserved in Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis, I use proliferating Drosophila SL2 cells to study both the genomic-binding sites of dHCF, using a combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation and ultra high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis, and dHCF regulated genes, employing RNAi and microarray expression analysis. I show that dHCF is bound to over 7500 chromosomal sites in proliferating SL2 cells, and is located at +-200 bp relative to the transcriptional start sites of about 30% of Drosophila genes. There is also a direct relationship between dHCF promoter association and promoter- associated transcriptional activity. Thus, dHCF binding levels at promoters correlated directly with transcriptional activity. In contrast, expression studies showed that dHCF appears to be involved in both transcriptional activation and repression. Analysis of dHCF-binding sites identified nine dHCF-associated motifs, four of them linked dHCF to (i) two insulator proteins, GAGA and BEAF, (ii) the E-box motif, and (iii) a degenerated TATA-box. The dHCF-associated motifs allowed the organization of the dHCF-bound genes into five biological processes: differentiation, cell cycle and gene expression, regulation of endocytosis, and cellular localization. I further show that different mechanisms regulate dHCF association with chromatin. Despite that after dHCF cleavage the dHCFN and dHCFC subunits remain associated, the two subunits showed different affinities for chromatin and differential binding to a set of tested promoters, suggesting that dHCF could target specific promoters through each of the two subunits. Moreover, in addition to the interaction between dHCF and E2F transcription factors, the dHCF binding pattern is correlated with dE2F2 genomic 4 distribution. I show that dE2F factors are necessary for recruitment of dHCF to the promoter of a set of dHCF regulated genes. Therefore dHCF, as in mammals, is involved in regulation of G1 to S phase progression in collaboration with the dE2Fs transcription factors. In addition, gene expression arrays reveal that dHCF could indirectly regulate cell cycle progression by promoting expression of genes involved in gene expression and protein synthesis, and inhibiting expression of genes involved in cell-cell adhesion. Therefore, dHCF is an evolutionary conserved protein, which binds to many specific sites of the Drosophila genome via interaction with DNA of chromatin-binding proteins to regulate the expression of genes involved in many different cellular functions. Résumé : La regulation de la transcription est le résultat des effets positifs et négatifs des facteurs de transcription, cofacteurs et protéines effectrices qui modifient la chromatine. Pendant mon projet de thèse, j'ai étudié l'association a la chromatine, ainsi que la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire par dHCF, l'homologue chez la drosophile de la protéine humaine HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). Chez 1'humain et la V drosophile, les deux protéines HCF sont synthétisées sous la forme d'un long polypeptide, qui est ensuite coupé en deux sous-unités au centre de la protéine. Les deux sous-unités restent associées ensemble grâce a des interactions non-covalentes. Des études réalisées pendant les 20 dernières années ont permit d'établir que HCF-l et un facteur clé dans la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire. Dans les cellules humaines, HCF-1 active et réprime la transcription en interagissant avec des complexes de protéines qui activent la transcription en méthylant les histones (HMT), comme par Set1/Ash2 et MLL/Ash2, et d'autres complexes qui répriment la transcription et sont responsables de la déacétylation des histones (HDAC) comme la protéine Sin3. HCF-l est aussi recruté aux promoteurs par les activateurs de la transcription E2F l et E2F3a, et par le répresseur de la transcription E2F4 pour réguler la transition entre les phases G1 et S du cycle cellulaire. La structure de HCF-1 et les interactions entre HCF-l et les régulateurs de la transcription sont conservées chez la drosophile. Pendant ma these j'ai utilisé les cellules de la drosophile, SL2 en culture, pour étudier les endroits de liaisons de HCF-l à la chromatine, grâce a immunoprecipitation de la chromatine et du séquençage de l'ADN massif ainsi que les gènes régulés par dHCF 3 grâce a la technique de RNAi et des microarrays. Mes résultats on montré que dHCF se lie à environ 7565 endroits, et estimé a 1200 paire de bases autour des sites d'initiation de la transcription de 30% des gènes de la drosophile. J 'ai observe une relation entre dHCF et le niveau de la transcription. En effet, le niveau de liaison dHCF au promoteur corrèle avec l'activité de la transcription. Cependant, mes études d'expression ont montré que dHCF est implique dans le processus d'activation et mais aussi de répression de la transcription. L'analyse des séquences d'ADN liées par dHCF a révèle neuf motifs, quatre de ces motifs ont permis d'associer dl-ICF a deux protéines isolatrices GAGA et BEAF, au motif pour les E-boxes et a une TATA-box dégénérée. Les neuf motifs associes à dHCF ont permis d'associer les gènes lies par dHCF au promoteur a cinq processus biologiques: différentiation, cycle cellulaire, expression de gènes, régulation de l'endocytosis et la localisation cellulaire, J 'ai aussi montré qu'il y a plusieurs mécanismes qui régulent l'association de dHCF a la chromatine, malgré qu'après clivage, les deux sous-unites dHCFN and dHCFC, restent associées, elles montrent différentes affinités pour la chromatine et lient différemment un group de promoteurs, les résultats suggèrent que dHCF peut se lier aux promoteurs en utilisant chacune de ses sous-unitées. En plus de l'association de dHCF avec les facteurs de transcription dE2F s, la distribution de dHCF sur le génome corrèle avec celle du facteur de transcription dE2F2. J'ai aussi montré que les dE2Fs sont nécessaires pour le recrutement de dHCF aux promoteurs d'un sous-groupe de gènes régules par dHCF. Mes résultats ont aussi montré que chez la drosophile comme chez les humains, dl-ICF est implique dans la régulation de la progression de la phase G1 a la phase S du cycle cellulaire en collaboration avec dE2Fs. D'ailleurs, les arrays d'expression ont suggéré que dHCF pourrait réguler le cycle cellulaire de façon indirecte en activant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'expression génique et la synthèse de protéines, et en inhibant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'adhésion cellulaire. En conclusion, dHCF est une protéine, conservée dans l'évolution, qui se lie spécifiquement a beaucoup d'endroits du génome de Drosophile, grâce à l'interaction avec d'autres protéines, pour réguler l'expression des gènes impliqués dans plusieurs fonctions cellulaires.


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Das lrhA-Gen von E. coli kodiert für einen Transkriptionsregulator der LysR-Familie. Die Funktion von LrhA war ungeklärt und sollte durch Vergleich der Gesamt-mRNA aus einem E. coli-Wildtyp und einer isogenen lrhA-Mutante mit Hilfe von Genomanalysen untersucht werden. In der lrhA-Mutante war der mRNA-Gehalt vieler Gene um den Faktor 3 bis 80 erhöht. Es handelt sich um Flagellen-, Motilitäts- und Chemotaxisgene, bzw. um Gene der Typ 1 Fimbrien. Diese Ergebnisse wurden in Expressionsmessungen bestätigt. LrhA war in der Lage an den Promotor von flhDC zu binden, aber nicht an die Promotoren der übrigen Gene für Motilität und Chemotaxis. FlhDC kodiert für den übergeordneten Regulator FlhD2C2 der Fagellensynthese.LrhA war außerdem in der Lage an die Promotoren der Gene für Typ 1 Fimbrien fimA und fimE zu binden. Typ 1 Fimbrien stellen in E. coli Virulenzfaktoren dar. Eine Regulation weiterer Virulenzfaktoren durch LrhA konnte in DNA-Pathoarrays ausgeschlossen werden.LrhA ist damit ein wichtiger Transkriptionsregulator, der die Expression der Gene für Flagellen, Motilität, Chemotaxis und Typ 1 Fimbrien reguliert. FlhDC, fimA und fimE stellen dabei direkte Zielgene von LrhA dar. Außerdem konnte eine positive Autoregulation von LrhA nachgewiesen werden.


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The apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata transforms infected host cells, inducing uncontrolled proliferation and clonal expansion of the parasitized cell population. Shortly after sporozoite entry into the target cell, the surrounding host cell membrane is dissolved and an array of host cell microtubules (MTs) surrounds the parasite, which develops into the transforming schizont. The latter does not egress to invade and transform other cells. Instead, it remains tethered to host cell MTs and, during mitosis and cytokinesis, engages the cell's astral and central spindle MTs to secure its distribution between the two daughter cells. The molecular mechanism by which the schizont recruits and stabilizes host cell MTs is not known. MT minus ends are mostly anchored in the MT organizing center, while the plus ends explore the cellular space, switching constantly between phases of growth and shrinkage (called dynamic instability). Assuming the plus ends of growing MTs provide the first point of contact with the parasite, we focused on the complex protein machinery associated with these structures. We now report how the schizont recruits end-binding protein 1 (EB1), a central component of the MT plus end protein interaction network and key regulator of host cell MT dynamics. Using a range of in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that T. annulata p104, a polymorphic antigen expressed on the schizont surface, functions as a genuine EB1-binding protein and can recruit EB1 in the absence of any other parasite proteins. Binding strictly depends on a consensus SxIP motif located in a highly disordered C-terminal region of p104. We further show that parasite interaction with host cell EB1 is cell cycle regulated. This is the first description of a pathogen-encoded protein to interact with EB1 via a bona-fide SxIP motif. Our findings provide important new insight into the mode of interaction between Theileria and the host cell cytoskeleton.


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Mucoid strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients produce large amounts of the exopolysaccharide alginate. AlgR has long been considered a key regulator of alginate production, but its cognate sensor has not been identified. Here we show that AlgR is required for twitching motility, which is a form of bacterial surface translocation mediated by type 4 fimbriae. Adjacent to algR we have identified a sensor gene (fimS), which is also required for twitching motility. However, FimS does not appear to be required for alginate production in mucoid strains. FimS and AlgR are representative of a new subclass of two-component transmitter-receiver regulatory systems. The alternative sigma factor AlgU also affects both alginate production and twitching motility. Therefore, these two virulence determinants appear to be closely associated and coordinately regulated.


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The plasmalemmal Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (PMCA) is a key regulator of Ca2+ efflux in vascular smooth muscle. In these studies are developed a realtime reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay for assessing PMCA1 mRNA levels in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes. This assay detected fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA (relative to 18S rRNA) 4, 8, and 24 h after stimulation. Early fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA were insensitive to the Ca2+ channel blockers nifedipine, flunarizine, and SKF-96365. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of real-time RT-PCR to assess mRNA levels of PMCA1 and illustrate dynamic regulation of this Ca2+ pump isoform in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes, (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Within steroid receptor heterocomplexes the large tetraticopeptide repeat-containing immunophilins, cyclophilin 40 (CyP40), FKBP51, and FKBP52, target a common interaction site in heat shock protein 90 (HspSO) and act coordinately with HspSO to modulate receptor activity. The reversible nature of the interaction between the immunophilins and HspSO suggests that relative cellular abundance might be a key determinant of the immunophilin component within steroid receptor complexes. To investigate CyP40 gene regulation, we have isolated a fi-kilobase (kb) 5 ' -flanking region of the human gene and demonstrated that a similar to 50 base pair (bp) sequence adjacent to the transcription start site is essential for CyP40 basal expression. Three tandemly arranged Ets sites within this critical region were identified as binding elements for the multimeric Ets-related transcription factor, GA binding protein (GABP). Functional studies of this proximal promoter sequence, in combination with mutational analysis, confirmed these sites to be crucial for basal promoter function. Furthermore, overexpression of both GABP alpha and GABP beta subunits in Cos1 cells resulted in increased endogenous CyP40 mRNA levels. Significantly, a parallel increase in FKBP52 mRNA expression was not observed, highlighting an important difference in the mode of regulation of the CyP40 and FKBP52 genes. Our results identify GABP as a key regulator of CyP40 expression. GAFF is a common target of mitogen and stress-activated pathways and may integrate these diverse extracellular signals to regulate CyP40 gene expression.


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Background: Few studies have addressed small airway (SA) histopathological changes and their possible role in the remodeling process in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Objectives: To study morphological, morphometrical and immunohistochemical features of SA in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (usual interstitial pneumonia, UIP) and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP). Methods: We analyzed SA pathology in lung biopsies from 29 patients with UIP and 8 with NSIP. Biopsies were compared with lung tissue from 13 patients with constrictive bronchiolitis (CB) as positive controls and 10 normal autopsied control lungs. We semi-quantitatively analyzed SA structure, inflammation, architectural features and the bronchiolar epithelial immunohistochemical expression of TGF-beta, MMP-2, 7, 9, and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1, 2). Results: Compared to controls, patients with UIP, NSIP and CB presented increased bronchiolar inflammation, peribronchiolar inflammation and fibrosis and decreased luminal areas. UIP patients had thicker walls due to an increase in most airway compartments. NSIP patients presented increased epithelial areas, whereas patients with CB had larger inner wall areas. All of the groups studied presented increased bronchiolar expression of MMP-7 and MMP-9, compared to the controls. Conclusion: We conclude that SAs are pathologically altered and may take part in the lung-remodeling process in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump is a key regulator of cytosolic free Ca2+. Recent studies have demonstrated the dynamic expression of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in a variety of cell types. Furthermore, alterations in plasma membrane calcium pump activity have now been implicated in human disease. In this study, the development of a technique to quantitatively assess mRNA expression of the human plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA1) isoform of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, using a real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay in a human breast epithelial cell line (MCF-7) is described. The sequences of the PMCA1 primers and probe for real-time RT-PCR are presented. The results also indicate that PMCA1 mRNA can be normalized to both 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) and human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (hGAPDH) in MCF-7 cells. Real-time RT-PCR will be most useful in assessing PMCA1 mRNA expression in cases where only low amounts of RNA are available and/or when numerous samples must be assessed simultaneously. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.