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The hydromagnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability problem is studied for a three-layered system analytically by arriving at the marginal instability condition. As the magnetic field directions are taken to vary in the three regions, both the angle and finite thickness effects are seen on the instability criterion. When the relative flow speed of the plasmas on the two sides of the interfaces separating the inner and the surrounding layers is U < Uc, where Uc is the critical speed, the system is stable both for symmetric and asymmetric perturbations. However, unlike the case of the interface bounded by two semiinfinite media, Uc is no longer the minimum critical speed above which the system will be unstable for all wavenumbers; another critical speed U* > Uc is introduced due to the finiteness of the system. When Uc < U < U*, the instability can set in either through the symmetric or asymmetric mode, depending on the ratio of the plasma parameters and angle between the magnetic field directions across the boundaries. The instability arises for a finite range of wavenumbers, thus giving rise to the upper and lower cut-off frequencies for the spectra of hydromagnetic surface waves generated by the K-H instability mechanism. When U > U*, both the modes are unstable for short wavelengths. The results are finally used to explain some observational features of the dependence of hydromagnetic energy spectra in the magnetosphere on the interplanetary parameters.


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The Kelvin Helmholtz (KH) problem, with zero stratification, is examined as a limiting case of the Rayleigh model of a single shear layer whose width tends to zero. The transition of the Rayleigh modal dispersion relation to the KH one, as well as the disappearance of the supermodal transient growth in the KH limit, are both rationalized from the counterpropagating Rossby wave perspective.


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Using data obtained by the high-resolution CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument on the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope, we investigate the dynamics and stability of quiet-Sun chromospheric jets observed at the disk center. Small-scale features, such as rapid redshifted and blueshifted excursions, appearing as high-peed jets in the wings of the Hα line, are characterized by short lifetimes and rapid fading without any descending behavior. To study the theoretical aspects of their stability without considering their formation mechanism, we model chromospheric jets as twisted magnetic flux tubes moving along their axis, and use the ideal linear incompressible magnetohydrodynamic approximation to derive the governing dispersion equation. Analytical solutions of the dispersion equation indicate that this type of jet is unstable to Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI), with a very short (few seconds) instability growth time at high upflow speeds. The generated vortices and unresolved turbulent flows associated with the KHI could be observed as a broadening of chromospheric spectral lines. Analysis of the Hα line profiles shows that the detected structures have enhanced line widths with respect to the background. We also investigate the stability of a larger-scale Hα jet that was ejected along the line of sight. Vortex-like features, rapidly developing around the jet’s boundary, are considered as evidence of the KHI. The analysis of the energy equation in the partially ionized plasma shows that ion–neutral collisions may lead to fast heating of the KH vortices over timescales comparable to the lifetime of chromospheric jets.


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The turbulent drag reduction due to riblets is a function of their size and, for different configurations, collapses well with a length scale l+g=(A+g)1/2, based in the groove cross-section Ag. The initially linear drag reduction breaks down for l+g≈11, which agrees in our DNS with the previously reported appearance of quasi-two-dimensional spanwise rollers immediately above the riblets. They are similar to those found over porous surfaces and plant canopies, and can be traced to a Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability associated with the relaxation of the impermeability condition for the wall-normal velocity. The extra Reynolds stress associated with them accounts quantitatively for the drag degradation. An inviscid model for the instability confirms its nature, agreeing well with the observed perturbation wavelengths and shapes. The onset of the instability is determined by a length scale L+w that, for conventional riblet geometries, is proportional to l+g. The instability onset, L+w≥4, corresponds to the empirical breakdown point l+g≈11.


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The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stratified Boussinesq fluid in the presence of a rigid boundary is studied, A jump in the magnetic field is introduced at a level different from the velocity discontinuity. New unstable modes in addition to the Kelvin-Helmhottz mode are found. The wavelengths of these unstable modes are close to the wavelengths of internal Alfv6n gravity waves in the atmospher.


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Riblets are small surface protrusions aligned with the flow direction, which confer an anisotropic roughness to the surface [6]. We have recently reported that the transitional-roughness effect in riblets, which limits their performance, is due to a Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instability of the overlying mean flow [7]. According to our DNSs, the instability sets on as the Reynolds number based on the roughness size of the riblets increases, and coherent, elongated spanwise vortices begin to develop immediately above the riblet tips, causing the degradation of the drag-reduction effect. This is a very novel concept, since prior studies had proposed that the degradation was due to the interaction of riblets with the flow as independent units, either to the lodging of quasi-streamwise vortices in the surface grooves [2] or to the shedding of secondary streamwise vorticity at the riblet peaks [9]. We have proposed an approximate inviscid analysis for the instability, in which the presence of riblets is modelled through an average boundary condition for an overlying, spanwise-independent mean flow. This simplification lacks the accuracy of an exact analysis [4], but in turn applies to riblet surfaces in general. Our analysis succeeds in predicting the riblet size for the onset of the instability, while qualitatively reproducing the wavelengths and shapes of the spanwise structures observed in the DNSs. The analysis also connects the observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability of mixing layers. The fundamental riblet length scale for the onset of the instability is a ‘penetration length,’ which reflects how easily the perturbation flow moves through the riblet grooves. This result is in excellent agreement with the available experimental evidence, and has enabled the identification of the key geometric parameters to delay the breakdown. Although the appearance of elongated spanwise vortices was unexpected in the case of riblets, similar phenomena had already been observed over other rough [3], porous [1] and permeable [11] surfaces, as well as over plant [5,14] and urban [12] canopies, both in the transitional and in the fully-rough regimes. However, the theoretical analyses that support the connection of these observations with the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability are somewhat scarce [7, 11, 13]. It has been recently proposed that Kelvin–Helmholtz-like instabilities are a dominant feature common to “obstructed” shear flows [8]. It is interesting that the instability does not require an inflection point to develop, as is often claimed in the literature. The Kelvin-Helmholtz rollers are rather triggered by the apparent wall-normal-transpiration ability of the flow at the plane immediately above the obstructing elements [7,11]. Although both conditions are generally complementary, if wall-normal transpiration is not present the spanwise vortices may not develop, even if an inflection point exists within the roughness [10]. REFERENCES [1] Breugem, W. P., Boersma, B. J. & Uittenbogaard, R. E. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 562, 35–72. [2] Choi, H., Moin, P. & Kim, J. 1993 J. Fluid Mech. 255, 503–539. [3] Coceal, O., Dobre, A., Thomas, T. G. & Belcher, S. E. 2007 J. Fluid Mech. 589, 375–409. [4] Ehrenstein, U. 2009 Phys. Fluids 8, 3194–3196. [5] Finnigan, J. 2000 Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 32, 519–571. [6] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 1412–1427. [7] Garcia-Mayoral, R. & Jimenez, J. 2011 J. Fluid Mech. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2011.114. [8] Ghisalberti, M. 2009 J. Fluid Mech. 641, 51–61. [9] Goldstein, D. B. & Tuan, T. C. 1998 J. Fluid Mech. 363, 115–151. [10] Hahn, S., Je, J. & Choi, H. 2002 J. Fluid Mech. 450, 259–285. [11] Jimenez, J., Uhlman, M., Pinelli, A. & G., K. 2001 J. Fluid Mech. 442, 89–117. [12] Letzel, M. O., Krane, M. & Raasch, S. 2008 Atmos. Environ. 42, 8770–8784. [13] Py, C., de Langre, E. & Moulia, B. 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 568, 425–449. [14] Raupach, M. R., Finnigan, J. & Brunet, Y. 1996 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 78, 351–382.


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This is an experimental and theoretical Study of a laminar separation bubble and the associated linear stability mechanisms. Experiments were performed over a flat plate kept in a wind tunnel, with an imposed pressure gradient typical of an aerofoil that would involve a laminar separation bubble. The separation bubble was characterized by measurement of surface-pressure distribution and streamwise velocity using hot-wire anemometry. Single component hot-wire anemometry was also used for a detailed study of the transition dynamics. It was foundthat the so-called dead-air region in the front portion of the bubble corresponded to a region of small disturbance amplitudes, with the amplitude reaching a maximum value close to the reattachment point. An exponential growth rate of the disturbance was seen in the region upstream of the mean maximum height of the bubble, and this was indicative of a linear instability mechanism at work. An infinitesimal disturbance was impulsively introduced into the boundary layer upstream of separation location, and the wave packet was tracked (in an ensemble-averaged sense) while it was getting advected downstream. The disturbance was found to be convective in nature. Linear stability analyses (both the Orr-Sommerfeld and Rayleigh calculations) were performed for mean velocity profiles, starting from an attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer all the way up to the front portion of the separation-bubble region (i.e. up to the end of the dead-air region in which linear evolution of the disturbance could be expected). The conclusion from the present work is that the primary instability mechanism in a separation bubble is inflectional in nature, and its origin can be traced back to upstream of the separation location. In other words, the inviscid inflectional instability of the separated shear layer should be logically seen as an extension of the instability of the upstream attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer. This modifies the traditional view that pegs the origin of the instability in a separation bubble to the detached shear layer Outside the bubble, with its associated Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. We contendthat only when the separated shear layer has moved considerably away from the wall (and this happens near the maximum-height location of the mean bubble), a description by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability paradigm, with its associated scaling principles, Could become relevant. We also propose a new scaling for the most amplified frequency for a wall-bounded shear layer in terms of the inflection-point height and the vorticity thickness and show it to be universal.


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It is shown that Southwood's instability criterion for the onset of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause can be directly obtained from the marginal instability condition for the pure Alfven surface waves propagating along the interface between two incompressible media in the limit when the wave propagation direction is nearly perpendicular to the direction of the largest magnetic field. The phase velocity of the surface waves first excited at the onset of the instability depends on the angle between the interplanetary magnetic field and flow velocity in the solar wind in front of the bow shock.


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The nature of the neutral curves for the stability of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stratified, Boussinesq fluid in the presence of a uniform magnetic field for the cases (1) an infinite fluid (2) a semi-infinite fluid with a rigid boundary is discussed.


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<正> Tokamak中的一个重要问题是加热。中性束注入加热是加热的一个有效手段,它使美国PLT上的离子温度达到7.1KeV.但PLT上的中性束注入的不对称性引起等离子体的快速环向旋转,转速可达1×10~7厘米/秒。1979年5月Suckewer等在PLT上测量了速度分布。 在具有速度剪切进行旋转的等离子体中,会不会形成新的磁流体力学不稳定性?1980年


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Centred at the interface between the sea-breeze and the return flow aloft, Kelvin-Helmholtz billows (KHB) are an important feature of the turbulent structure of some sea-breeze circulations (SBCs). In other SBCs, there are no prominent KHBs observed. Factors governing the appearance of billows are determined from a database of 139 sea breezes, constructed from two years of summertime surface observations at a site on the south coast of England. Post-frontal oscillations occur in the surface data for some SBCs and are interpreted as indicating possible KHBs aloft. The SBCs are formed under a wide range of synoptic conditions, enabling various measures of possible billow occurrence to be related to properties of the large-scale, ambient flow. Consistent with laboratory experiments of density currents, KHBs are suppressed for propagation into a head wind and enhanced with a tail wind. They are also found to be enhanced for stronger ambient wind speeds, while large-scale coast-parallel flow is effective in suppressing the billows.


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We investigate the plasma environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target of the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission. Rosetta will rendezvous with the comet in 2014 at almost 3.5 AU and follow it all the way to and past perihelion at 1.3 AU. During its journey towards the inner solar system the comet's environment will significantly change. The interaction of the solar wind with a well developed neutral coma leads to the formation of an upstream bow shock and, closer to the comet, the inner shock separating the solar wind, with cometary pick-up ions mass-loaded, from the inner cometary ions which are dragged outward through abundant collisions and charge exchange with the expanding neutral gas. As a consequence the interplanetary magnetic field is prevented from penetrating the innermost region of the comet, the so-called magnetic cavity. We use our magnetohydrodynamics model BATSRUS (Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme) to simulate the solar wind - comet interaction. The model includes photoionization, ion-electron recombination, and charge exchange. Under certain conditions our model predicts an unstable plasma flow at the inner shock. We show that the plasma shear flow around the magnetic cavity can lead to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. We investigate the onset of this phenomenon with change of heliocentric distance and furthermore show that a previously stable magnetic cavity boundary can become unstable when the neutral gas is predominately released from the dayside of the comet.