12 resultados para K252a
A wealth of evidence suggests a role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) in the aetiology of depression and in the mode of action of antidepressant drugs. Less clear is the involvement of this neurotrophin in other stress-related pathologies such as anxiety disorders. The dorsal periaqueductal grey matter (DPAG), a midbrain area rich in BDNF and TrkB receptor mRNAs and proteins, has been considered a key structure in the pathophysiology of panic disorder. In this study we investigated the effect of intra-DPAG injection of BDNF in a proposed animal model of panic: the escape response evoked by the electrical stimulation of the same midbrain area. To this end, the intensity of electrical current that needed to be applied to DPAG to evoke escape behaviour was measured before and after microinjection of BDNF. We also assessed whether 5-HT- or GABA-related mechanisms may account for the putative behavioural/autonomic effects of the neurotrophin. BDNF (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 ng) dose-dependently inhibited escape performance, suggesting a panicolytic-like effect. Local microinjection of K252a, an antagonist of TrkB receptors, or bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, blocked this effect. Intra-DPAG administration of WAY-100635 or ketanserin, respectively 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2A/2c) receptor antagonists, did not alter BDNF`s effects on escape. Bicuculline also blocked the inhibitory effect of BDNF on mean arterial pressure increase caused by electrical stimulation of DPAG. Therefore, in the DPAG, BDNF-TrkB signalling interacts with the GABAergic system to cause a panicolytic-like effect.
We determined NGF involvement in MMCs and colonic motor alterations in an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced gut dysfunction model in rats. Animals received OVA (6 weeks), with/without simultaneous K252a (TrkA antagonist) treatment. MMCs, rat mast cell protease II (RMCPII) levels and colonic contractility in vitro were assessed. OVA increased MMC density and RMCPII concentration. Spontaneous contractility was similar in both groups and inhibited by K252a. Carbachol responses were increased by OVA in a K252a-independent manner. NO-synthase inhibition increased spontaneous activity in OVA-treated animals in a K252a-dependent manner. These observations support an involvement of NGF in the functional changes observed in this model.
Intrahippocampal administration of kainic acid (KA) induces synaptic release of neurotrophins, mainly brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which contributes to the acute neuronal excitation produced by the toxin. Two protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors, herbimycin A and K252a, were administered intracerebroventricularly, in a single dose, to attenuate neurotrophin signaling during the acute effects of KA, and their role in epileptogenesis was evaluated in adult, male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g. The latency for the first Racine stage V seizure was 90 ± 8 min in saline controls (N = 4) which increased to 369 ± 71 and 322 ± 63 min in animals receiving herbimycin A (1.74 nmol, N = 4) and K252a (10 pmol, N = 4), respectively. Behavioral alterations were accompanied by diminished duration of EEG paroxysms in herbimycin A- and K252a-treated animals. Notwithstanding the reduction in seizure severity, cell death (60-90% of cell loss in KA-treated animals) in limbic regions was unchanged by herbimycin A and K252a. However, aberrant mossy fiber sprouting was significantly reduced in the ipsilateral dorsal hippocampus of K252a-treated animals. In this model of temporal lobe epilepsy, both protein kinase inhibitors diminished the acute epileptic activity triggered by KA and the ensuing morphological alterations in the dentate gyrus without diminishing cell loss. Our current data indicating that K252a, but not herbimycin, has an influence over KA-induced mossy fiber sprouting further suggest that protein tyrosine kinase receptors are not the only factors which control this plasticity. Further experiments are necessary to elucidate the exact signaling systems associated with this K252a effect.
Die Neurotrophine aus Säugetiere BDNF und NT-3 sind von Neuronen sekretierte Wachstumsfaktoren. Ferner sind Neurotrophine in verschiedene Formen der aktivitätsabhängigen synaptische Plastizität involviert. Obwohl die Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine aus Synapsen beschrieben worden ist, sind die intrazellulären Signalkaskaden, die die synaptische Ausschüttung von Neurotrophine regulieren, bei weitem nicht verstanden. Deswegen ist die Analyse der Sekretion von Neurotrophine auf subzellulärer Ebene erforderlich, um die genaue Rolle von präsynaptische und postsynaptische NT-Sekretion in der synaptischen Plastizität aufzudecken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Kulturen von dissoziierten hippocampalen Neuronen aus Ratten mit grün fluoreszierenden Protein-markierten Konstrukten von BDNF und NT-3 transfiziert und Neurotrophine-enthaltenden Vesikeln durch die Colokalisierung mit dem cotransfizierten postsynaptischen Marker PSD-95-DsRed an glutamatergen Synapsen identifiziert. Depolarisationsinduzierte Sekretion von BDNF und NT-3 wurde per Direktaufnahme am Fluoreszenzmikroskop beobachtet. Die unvermittelte postsynaptische Depolarisation mit erhöhtem Kalium, in Gegenwart von Inhibitoren der synaptischen Transmission, erlaubte die Untersuchung der Signalwege, die am postsynaptischen Sekretionsprozess der Neurotrophinvesikel beteiligt sind. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die depolarisationsinduzierte postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine durch Calcium-Einstrom ausgelöst wird, entweder über L-Typ-spannungsabhängige Calcium-Kanäle oder über NMDA-Rezeptoren. Eine anschließende Freisetzung von Calcium aus intrazellulären Speichern über Ryanodin-Rezeptoren ist für den Sekretionsprozess erforderlich. Die postsynaptische Neurotrophinausschüttung wird durch KN-62 und KN-93 gehemmt, was auf eine unmittelbare Abhängigkeit von aktiver alpha-Calcium-Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinase II (CaMKII) hinweist. Der Inhibitor der cAMP/Proteinkinase A (PKA), Rp-cAMP-S, sowie der NO-Donor, SNP, minderten die Neurotrophinausschüttung. Hingegen blieben die Erhöhung des intrazellulären cAMP und der NO-Synthase-Inhibitor L-NMMA ohne Wirkung. Mit dem Trk-Inhibitor K252a konnte gezeigt werden, dass autokrine Neurotrophin-induzierte Neurotrophinausschüttung nicht an der synaptischen Freisetzung der Neurotrophine beiträgt und, dass BDNF seine eigene postsynaptische Sekretion nicht auslöst. Freisetzungsexperimente mit dem Fluoreszenz-Quencher Bromphenolblau konnten den Nachweis erbringen, dass asynchrone und anhaltende Fusionsporenöffnung von Neurotrophinvesikeln während der Sekretion stattfindet. Wegen der im Vergleich zum komplexen Sekretionsprozess schnellen Fusionsporenöffnung, scheint die Freisetzungsgeschwindigkeit von Neurotrophine durch ihre Diffusion aus dem Vesikel begrenzt. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse eine starke Abhängigkeit der aktivitätsabhängigen postsynaptischen Neurotrophinausschüttung vom Calcium-Einstrom, von der Freisetzung von Calcium aus internen Speichern, von der Aktivierung der CaMKII und einem intakten Funktion der PKA, während der Trk-Signalweg, die Aktivierung von Natrium-Kanäle und NO-Signale nicht erforderlich sind.
The amino acid glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter for the CNS and is responsible for the majority of fast synaptic transmission. Glutamate receptors have been shown to be involved in multiple forms of synaptic plasticity such as LTP, LTD, and the formation of specific synaptic connections during development. In addition to contributing to the plasticity of the CNS, glutamate receptors also are involved in, at least in part, various pathological conditions such as epilepsy, ischemic damage due to stroke, and Huntington's chorea. The regulation of glutamate receptors, particularly the ionotropic NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors is therefore of great interest. In this body of work, glutamate receptor function and regulation by kinase activity was examined using the Xenopus oocyte which is a convenient and faithful expression system for exogenous proteins. Glutamate receptor responses were measured using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in oocytes injected with rat total forebrain RNA. NMDA elicited currents that were glycine-dependent, subject to block by Mg$\sp{2+}$ in a voltage-dependent manner and sensitive to the specific NMDA antagonist APV in a manner consistent with those types of responses found in neural tissue. Similarly, KA-evoked currents were sensitive to the specific AMPA/KA antagonist CNQX and exhibited current voltage relationships consistent with the calcium permeable type II KA receptors found in the hippocampus. There is evidence to indicate that NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors are regulated by protein kinase A (PKA). We explored this by examining the effects of activators of PKA (forskolin, 1-isobutyl-3-methylxanthine (IBMX) and 8-Br-cAMP) on NMDA and KA currents in the oocyte. In buffer where Ca$\sp{2+}$ was replaced by 2 mM Ba$\sp{2+},$ forskolin plus IBMX and 8-Br-cAMP augmented currents due to NMDA application but not KA. This augmentation was abolished by pretreating the oocytes in the kinase inhibitor K252A. The use of chloride channel blockers resulted in attenuation of this effect indicating that Ba$\sp{2+}$ influx through the NMDA channel was activating the endogenous calcium-activated chloride current and that the cAMP mediated augmentation was at the level of the chloride channel and not the NMDA channel. This was confirmed by (1) the finding that 8-Br-cAMP increased chloride currents elicited via calcium channel activation while having no effect on the calcium channels themselves and (2) the fact that lowering the Ba$\sp{2+}$ concentration to 200 $\mu$M abolished the augmentation NMDA currents by 8-Br-cAMP. Thus PKA does not appear to modulate ionotropic glutamate receptors in our preparation. Another kinase also implicated in the regulation of NMDA receptors, calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC), was examined for its effects on the NMDA receptor under low Ba$\sp{2+}$ (200 $\mu$M) conditions. Phorbol esters, activators of PKC, induced a robust potentiation of NMDA currents that was blockable by the kinase inhibitor K252A. Furthermore activation of metabotropic receptors by the selective agonist trans-ACPD, also potentiated NMDA albeit more modestly. These results indicate that neither NMDA nor KA-activated glutamate receptors are modulated by PKA in Xenopus oocytes whereas NMDA receptors appear to be augmented by PKC. Furthermore, the endogenous chloride current of the oocyte was found to be responsive to Ba$\sp{2+}$ and in addition is enhanced by PKA. Both of these latter findings are novel. In conclusion, the Xenopus oocyte is a useful expression system for the analysis of ligand-gated channel activity and the regulation of those channels by phosphorylation. ^
The translocation of specific mRNAs to dendrites and their potential for locally regulated translation are likely to serve as an effector in neuronal plasticity. Whether translation in dendrites is regulated by delivery of the RNA to sites of plasticity or a stationary pool of localized RNA undergoes enhanced translational efficiency is not clear. We show that RNA can translocate into dendrites in response to NT-3. RNA granules were visualized in cultured rat cortical neurons using the dye SYTO 14, which labels poly-ribosome complexes. Long before the morphological effects of NT-3 appeared, there was increased distal translocation of labeled complexes. This effect was blocked by K252a, a potent inhibitor of tyrosine kinase receptors. Therefore, neurons can utilize extracellular signals to alter the distribution of protein synthetic machinery via the active transport of RNA granules.
Neurotrophins regulate neuronal cell survival and synaptic plasticity through activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases. Binding of neurotrophins to Trk receptors results in receptor autophosphorylation and downstream phosphorylation cascades. Here, we describe an approach to use small molecule agonists to transactivate Trk neurotrophin receptors. Activation of TrkA receptors in PC12 cells and TrkB in hippocampal neurons was observed after treatment with adenosine, a neuromodulator that acts through G protein-coupled receptors. These effects were reproduced by using the adenosine agonist CGS 21680 and were counteracted with the antagonist ZM 241385, indicating that this transactivation event by adenosine involves adenosine 2A receptors. The increase in Trk activity could be inhibited by the use of the Src family-specific inhibitor, PP1, or K252a, an inhibitor of Trk receptors. In contrast to other G protein-coupled receptor transactivation events, adenosine used Trk receptor signaling with a longer time course. Moreover, adenosine activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt through a Trk-dependent mechanism that resulted in increased cell survival after nerve growth factor or brain-derived neurotrophic factor withdrawal. Therefore, adenosine acting through the A2A receptors exerts a trophic effect through the engagement of Trk receptors. These results provide an explanation for neuroprotective actions of adenosine through a unique signaling mechanism and raise the possibility that small molecules may be used to elicit neurotrophic effects for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
The chloroplast gene psbD encodes D2, a chlorophyll-binding protein located in the photosystem II reaction center. Transcription of psbD in higher plants involves at least three promoters, one of which is regulated by blue light. The psbD blue-light-regulated promoter (BLRP) consists of a −10 promoter element and an activating complex, AGF, that binds immediately upstream of −35. A second sequence-specific DNA-binding complex, PGTF, binds upstream of AGF between −71 and −100 in the barley (Hordeum vulgare) psbD BLRP. In this study we report that ADP-dependent phosphorylation selectively inhibits the binding of PGTF to the barley psbD BLRP. ATP at high concentrations (1–5 mm) inhibits PGTF binding, but in the presence of phosphocreatine and phosphocreatine kinase, this capacity is lost, presumably due to scavenging of ADP. ADP inhibits PGTF binding at relatively low concentrations (0.1 mm), whereas other nucleotides are unable to mediate this response. ADP-mediated inhibition of PGTF binding is reduced in the presence of the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. This and other results suggest that ADP-dependent phosphorylation of PGTF (or some associated protein) inhibits binding of PGTF to the psbD BLRP and reduces transcription. ADP-dependent phosphorylation is expected to increase in darkness in parallel with the rise in ADP levels in chloroplasts. ADP-dependent phosphorylation in chloroplasts may, therefore, in coordination, inactivate enzymes involved in carbon assimilation, protein synthesis, and transcription during diurnal light/dark cycles.
Treatment of soybean (Glycine max L. cv Williams 82) cell-suspension cultures with Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinea (Psg) harboring an avirulence gene (avrA) or with yeast elicitor resulted in an oxidative burst characterized by the accumulation of H2O2. This burst, and the resultant induction of glutathione S-transferase transcripts, occurred more rapidly and was more prolonged if cells were simultaneously treated with serine protease inhibitors such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) or diisopropylfluorophosphate. PMSF and diisopropylfluorophosphate potentiate a large oxidative burst in cells exposed to Psg harboring the avrC avirulence gene, which is not recognized by the soybean cultivar used in this study. The potentiated burst was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, and by the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. PMSF treatment of elicited cells or cells exposed to Psg:avrA caused a large increase in the accumulation of the isoflavonoid phytoalexin glyceollin; however, this was not associated with increased levels of transcripts encoding key phytoalexin biosynthetic enzymes. Glyceollin accumulation was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium; however, the oxidative burst in cells treated with Psg:avrC and PMSF was not followed by phytoalexin accumulation. We conclude that active oxygen species from the oxidative burst are necessary but not sufficient for inducing isoflavonoid phytoalexin accumulation in soybean cells.
Auxin is transported across the plasma membrane of plant cells by diffusion and by two carriers operating in opposite directions, the influx and efflux carriers. Both carriers most likely play an important role in controlling auxin concentration and distribution in plants but little is known regarding their regulation. We describe the influence of modifications of the transmembrane pH gradient and the effect of agents interfering with protein synthesis, protein traffic, and protein phosphorylation on the activity of the auxin carriers in suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells. Carrier-mediated influx and efflux were monitored independently by measuring the accumulation of [14C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and [3H]naphthylacetic acid, respectively. The activity of the influx carrier decreased on increasing external pH and on decreasing internal pH, whereas that of the efflux carrier was only impaired on internal acidification. The efflux carrier activity was inhibited by cycloheximide, brefeldin A, and the protein kinase inhibitors staurosporine and K252a, as shown by the increased capability of treated cells to accumulate [3H]naphthylacetic acid. Kinetics and reversibility of the effect of brefeldin A were consistent with one or several components of the efflux system being turned over at the plasma membrane with a half-time of less than 10 min. Inhibition of efflux by protein kinase inhibitors suggested that protein phosphorylation was essential to sustain the activity of the efflux carrier. On the contrary, the pharmacological agents used in this study failed to inhibit [14C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid accumulation, suggesting that rapidly turned-over proteins or proteins activated by phosphorylation are not essential to carrier-mediated auxin influx. Our data support the idea that the efflux carrier in plants constitutes a complex system regulated at multiple levels, in marked contrast with the influx carrier. Physiological implications of the kinetic features of this regulation are discussed.
The induction of a high-affinity state of the CO2-concentration mechanism was investigated in two cyanobacterial species, Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7002 and Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7942. Cells grown at high CO2 concentrations were resuspended in low-CO2 buffer and illuminated in the presence of carbonic anhydrase for 4 to 10 min until the inorganic C compensation point was reached. Thereafter, more than 95% of a high-affinity CO2-concentration mechanism was induced in both species. Mass-spectrometric analysis of CO2 and HCO3− fluxes indicated that only the affinity of HCO3− transport increased during the fast-induction period, whereas maximum transport activities were not affected. The kinetic characteristics of CO2 uptake remained unchanged. Fast induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport was not inhibited by chloramphenicol, cantharidin, or okadaic acid. In contrast, fast induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport did not occur in the presence of K252a, staurosporine, or genistein, which are known inhibitors of protein kinases. These results show that induction of high-affinity HCO3− transport can occur within minutes of exposure to low-inorganic-C conditions and that fast induction may involve posttranslational phosphorylation of existing proteins rather than de novo synthesis of new protein components.
Neurotrophins can directly modulate the function of diverse types of central nervous system synapses. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) might be released by nociceptors onto spinal neurons and mediate central sensitization associated with chronic pain. We have studied the role of BDNF and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), both ligands of the trkB tyrosine kinase receptor, in synaptic transmission and reflex plasticity in the mouse spinal cord. We used an in vitro spinal cord preparation to measure monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes evoked by primary afferents in BDNF- and NT-4-deficient mice. In situ hybridization studies show that both these neurotrophins are synthesized by sensory neurons, and NT-4, but not BDNF, also is expressed by spinal neurons. BDNF null mutants display selective deficits in the ventral root potential (VRP) evoked by stimulating nociceptive primary afferents whereas the non-nociceptive portion of the VRP remained unaltered. In addition, activity-dependent plasticity of the VRP evoked by repetitive (1 Hz) stimulation of nociceptive primary afferents (termed wind-up) was substantially reduced in BDNF-deficient mice. This plasticity also was reduced in a reversible manner by the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. Although the trkB ligand NT-4 is normally present, reflex properties in NT-4 null mutant mice were normal. Pharmacological studies also indicated that spinal N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor function was unaltered in BDNF-deficient mice. Using immunocytochemistry for markers of nociceptive neurons we found no evidence that their number or connectivity was substantially altered in BDNF-deficient mice. Our data therefore are consistent with a direct role for presynaptic BDNF release from sensory neurons in the modulation of pain-related neurotransmission.