940 resultados para Juvenile Spondyloarthritides
We describe the progress towards developing a patient rated toxicity index that meets all of the patient-important attributes defined by the OMERACT Drug Safety Working Party, These attributes are frequency, severity. importance to patient, importance to the clinician, impact on economics, impact on activities, and integration of adverse effects with benefits. The Stanford Toxicity Index (STI) has been revised to collect all attributes with the exception of impact on activities. However, since the STI is a part of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). impact on activities is collected by the HAQ. In particular, a new question asks patients to rate overall satisfaction, taking into consideration both benefits and adverse effects. The nest step in the development of this tool is to ensure that the STI meets the OMERACT filter of truth, discrimination, and feasibility. Although truth and feasibility have been confirmed by comparisons within the ARAMIS database, discrimination needs to be assessed in clinical trials.
Few studies have evaluated the profile of use of disease modifying drugs (DMD) in Brazilian patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). A common research protocol was applied prospectively in 1505 patients classified as SpA by criteria of the European Spondyloarthropathies Study Group (ESSG), followed at 29 referral centers in Rheumatology in Brazil. Demographic and clinical variables were obtained and evaluated, by analyzing their correlation with the use of DMDs methotrexate (MTX) and sulfasalazine (SSZ). At least one DMD was used by 73.6% of patients: MTX by 29.2% and SSZ by 21.7%, while 22.7% used both drugs. The use of MTX was significantly associated with peripheral involvement, and SSZ was associated with axial involvement, and the two drugs were more administered, separately or in combination, in the mixed involvement (p < 0.001). The use of a DMD was significantly associated with Caucasian ethnicity (MTX , p = 0.014), inflammatory back pain (SSZ, p = 0.002) , buttock pain (SSZ, p = 0.030), neck pain (MTX, p = 0.042), arthritis of the lower limbs (MTX, p < 0.001), arthritis of the upper limbs (MTX, p < 0.001), enthesitis (p = 0.007), dactylitis (MTX, p < 0.001), inflammatory bowel disease (SSZ, p < 0.001) and nail involvement (MTX, p < 0.001). The use of at least one DMD was reported by more than 70% of patients in a large cohort of Brazilian patients with SpA, with MTX use more associated with peripheral involvement and the use of SSZ more associated with axial involvement.
This study intended to compare the circadian rhythm and circadian profile between patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We enrolled 16 patients with JME and 37 patients with TLE from the Outpatient Clinic of UNICAMP. We applied a questionnaire about sleep-wake cycle and circadian profile. Fourteen (87%) out of 16 patients with JME, and 22 out of 37 (59%) patients with TLE reported that they would sleep after seizure (p < 0.05). Three (19%) patients with JME, and 17 (46%) reported to be in better state before 10:00 AM (p < 0.05). There is no clear distinct profile and circadian pattern in patients with JME in comparison to TLE patients. However, our data suggest that most JME patients do not feel in better shape early in the day.
PURPOSE: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has unknown etiology, and the involvement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is rare in the early phase of the disease. The present article describes the use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) images for the diagnosis of affected TMJ in JIA. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 12-year-old, female, Caucasian patient, with systemic rheumathoid arthritis and involvement of multiple joints was referred to the Imaging Center for TMJ assessment. The patient reported TMJ pain and limited opening of the mouth. The helical CT examination of the TMJ region showed asymmetric mandibular condyles, erosion of the right condyle and osteophyte-like formation. The MRI examination showed erosion of the right mandibular condyle, osteophytes, displacement without reduction and disruption of the articular disc. CONCLUSION: The disorders of the TMJ as a consequence of JIA must be carefully assessed by modern imaging methods such as CT and MRI. CT is very useful for the evaluation of discrete bone changes, which are not identified by conventional radiographs in the early phase of JIA. MRI allows the evaluation of soft tissues, the identification of acute articular inflammation and the differentiation between pannus and synovial hypertrophy.
Sea biscuits and sand dollars diverged from other irregular echinoids approximately 55 million years ago and rapidly dispersed to oceans worldwide. A series of morphological changes were associated with the occupation of sand beds such as flattening of the body, shortening of primary spines, multiplication of podia, and retention of the lantern of Aristotle into adulthood. To investigate the developmental basis of such morphological changes we documented the ontogeny of Clypeaster subdepressus. We obtained gametes from adult specimens by KCl injection and raised the embryos at 26 degrees C. Ciliated blastulae hatched 7.5 h after sperm entry. During gastrulation the archenteron elongated continuously while ectodermal red-pigmented cells migrated synchronously to the apical plate. Pluteus larvae began to feed in 3 d and were similar to 20 d old at metamorphosis; starved larvae died 17 d after fertilization. Postlarval juveniles had neither mouth nor anus nor plates on the aboral side, except for the remnants of larval spicules, but their bilateral symmetry became evident after the resorption of larval tissues. Ossicles of the lantern were present and organized in 5 groups. Each group had 1 tooth, 2 demipyramids, and 2 epiphyses with a rotula in between. Early appendages consisted of 15 spines, 15 podia (2 types), and 5 sphaeridia. Podial types were distributed in accordance to Loven's rule and the first podium of each ambulacrum was not encircled by the skeleton. Seven days after metamorphosis juveniles began to feed by rasping sand grains with the lantern. Juveniles survived in laboratory cultures for similar to 9 months and died with <500 mu m wide, a single open sphaeridium per ambulacrum, aboral anus, and no differentiated food grooves or petaloids. Tracking the morphogenesis of early juveniles is a necessary step to elucidate the developmental mechanisms of echinoid growth and important groundwork to clarify homologies between irregular urchins.
Background: Patients with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) often present strong exercise intolerance and muscle weakness. However, the role of exercise training in this disease has not been investigated. Purpose: this longitudinal case study reports on the effects of exercise training on a 7-year-old patient with JDM and on her unaffected monozygotic twin sister, who served as a control. Methods: Both the patient who was diagnosed with JDM as well as her healthy twin underwent a 16-week exercise training program comprising aerobic and strengthening exercises. We assessed one repetition-maximum (1-RM) leg-press and bench-press strength, balance, mobility and muscle function, blood markers of inflammation and muscle enzymes, aerobic conditioning, and disease activity scores. As a result, the healthy child had an overall greater absolute strength, muscle function and aerobic conditioning compared to her JDM twin pair at baseline and after the trial. However, the twins presented comparable relative improvements in 1-RM bench press, 1-RM leg press, VO(2peak), and time-to-exhaustion. The healthy child had greater relative increments in low-back strength and handgrip, whereas the child with JDM presented a higher relative increase in ventilatory anaerobic threshold parameters and functional tests. Quality of life, inflammation, muscle damage and disease activity scores remained unchanged. Results and Conclusion: this was the first report to describe the training response of a patient with non-active JDM following an exercise training regimen. The child with JDM exhibited improved strength, muscle function and aerobic conditioning without presenting an exacerbation of the disease.
The gamitana is a species of socio-economic importance in the Peruvian Amazon, often intensively produced locally for human consumption. Because of this, more studies concerning parasite populations affecting this species culture are necessary. In this study, a heavy copepod infestation of Perulernaea gamitanae is reported in a managed culture of gamitana. The prevalence of infection was 100% and mortality of the fish population was complete. The average intensity and abundance of the parasite was 268.8 parasites per individual.
Post-settlement processes are a major focus in the study of the dynamics of marine populations and communities. Post-settlement movement of juveniles is an important, but often ignored, process which affects local predator-prey and competitive interactions. We used benthic suction sampling and pitfall traps to examine density and locomotory activity of Carcinus maenas juveniles in different intertidal habitat types in the Rio Mira Estuary, Portugal, to better understand intra-specific interactions in a system where density-dependent processes are known to regulate population dynamics. As expected, significantly higher densities of juvenile shore crabs were found from bare mud compared to densely vegetated habitats. At the time of sampling, small and intermediate stages together outnumbered by far the larger juveniles. Conversely, larger crabs were much more frequent than smaller ones in traps. A locomotory index (LI), i.e. the ratio between crab catch in pitfall traps and their density within their moving range, is proposed as a measure of movement. LI analyses indicated that: (1) movement is an order of magnitude higher in large than small juveniles and much higher in sparse than dense vegetation cover; (2) activity of small juveniles is mostly crepuscular, regardless of vegetation cover; and (3) movement of large juveniles is very limited in dense Zostera patches, but very high in sparsely vegetated areas, during the day and night. These results suggest that small juveniles are relatively protected under dense vegetation cover due to lower mobility of larger crabs, and provide evidence of temporal segregation of activity windows between juvenile crabs of different sizes, which may be a key mechanism to reduce cannibalism and therefore increase the carrying capacity of nursery habitats. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To describe onset features, classification and treatment of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) and juvenile polymyositis (JPM) from a multicentre registry. Methods Inclusion criteria were onset age lower than 18 years and a diagnosis of any idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) by attending physician. Bohan & Peter (1975) criteria categorisation was established by a scoring algorithm to define JDM and JPM based oil clinical protocol data. Results Of the 189 cases included, 178 were classified as JDM, 9 as JPM (19.8: 1) and 2 did not fit the criteria; 6.9% had features of chronic arthritis and connective tissue disease overlap. Diagnosis classification agreement occurred in 66.1%. Medial? onset age was 7 years, median follow-up duration was 3.6 years. Malignancy was described in 2 (1.1%) cases. Muscle weakness occurred in 95.8%; heliotrope rash 83.5%; Gottron plaques 83.1%; 92% had at least one abnormal muscle enzyme result. Muscle biopsy performed in 74.6% was abnormal in 91.5% and electromyogram performed in 39.2% resulted abnormal in 93.2%. Logistic regression analysis was done in 66 cases with all parameters assessed and only aldolase resulted significant, as independent variable for definite JDM (OR=5.4, 95%CI 1.2-24.4, p=0.03). Regarding treatment, 97.9% received steroids; 72% had in addition at least one: methotrexate (75.7%), hydroxychloroquine (64.7%), cyclosporine A (20.6%), IV immunoglobulin (20.6%), azathioprine (10.3%) or cyclophosphamide (9.6%). In this series 24.3% developed calcinosis and mortality rate was 4.2%. Conclusion Evaluation of predefined criteria set for a valid diagnosis indicated aldolase as the most important parameter associated with de, methotrexate combination, was the most indicated treatment.
Diseases outbreaks are a major concern in intensive fish farming because fish are exposed to stressors which may negatively affect their physiology. This study set out to determine effects of dietary levamisole (Levamisole HCl; SIGMA (R)) on performance and hematology of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, juveniles. Fish (55.94 g) were stocked into 24 plastic aquaria (500 L; 15 fish per aquarium) and fed for 30 d with a commercial diet with 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg levamisole, and for an extra 15 d, with a control diet in a totally randomized design trial (n = 4). Biometrical and hematological data were collected. No significant differences in growth parameters were recorded for either control or supplemented diets. Hematological parameters, such as hemoglobin, plasma glucose, white blood count (WBC), and differential leukocyte count were influenced (P < 0.05) levamisole. WBC, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and special granulocytic cell numbers decreased significantly after 15 d. Dietary levamisole at 100 mg/kg diet for 15 d increased leukocyte production in juvenile pacu. However, levamisole administration for more than 15 d presented toxicity to lymphopoietic tissues. Information about long-period administration, mode of action in weight gain, effects on hematology of levamisole in freshwater fish nutrition are scarce and necessary for its safe use in aquaculture.
Lysine is the reference essential amino acid in fish feeds and usually the most limiting amino acid in feedstuffs. The dietary lysine requirement of juvenile pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (4.3 g) was determined using five isonitrogenous (32% CP) test diets containing graded levels of lysine (0.9, 1.17, 1.44, 1.69 and 1.96% of dry diet) fed three times a day to four groups of 18 fish for 74 days. Growth, body composition, nutrient retention and hematological parameters of pacu were analyzed. Analysis of variance showed that all growth performance parameters were significantly affected by dietary treatments. The lysine requirements estimated using regression analysis for maximum weight gain and feed efficiency were 1.45 and 1.51% of dry diet, respectively. Nitrogen retention efficiency increased with increasing levels of dietary lysine up to 1.43% (p<0.05). Whole-body protein increased (p<0.05) and whole-body lipid decreased (p<0.05) with increasing dietary lysine level. Thus, the lysine requirement of juvenile pacu was estimated as being 1.4-1.5% of dry diet or 4.4-4.7% of dietary protein. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Impaired immune system by environmental stressors can lead fishes to be more susceptible to diseases that limit the economic development of aquaculture systems. This study was set out to determine the effect of six levels of mannan oligosaccharides (MOS; ActiveMOS((R)); Biorigin, Lencois Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil) on the performance index and hematology of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus juveniles. Fish (13.62 g) were randomly distributed into 18 plastic aquaria (300 L; 20 fishes per aquarium) and fed during 45 d with a commercial diet supplemented with 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1% dietary MOS, in a totally randomized design trial (n = 3); biometrical and hematological data were collected and analyzed. There were no significant differences in hematological parameters between fish fed control and MOS supplementation diets, and daily feed consumption (FC) decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing levels of dietary MOS. Dietary MOS did not increase leukocyte count and presented negative effects on FC of Nile tilapia. At 0.4% MOS supplementation, the individual weight gain was higher in absolute values but not different (P > 0.05) compared to control diet.
Nile tilapia social position (Oreochromis niloticus) can be mediated by multiple channels, including chemical communication. Absence of chemical cues in the environment prevents hierarchical settlement among pairs, and enhances time spent in confrontations. The aim of this study was to test the effect of continuously renewed water flow on the establishment of hierarchical dominance in Nile tilapia juveniles. In this condition, a high frequency of attacks and disruption on hierarchical stability were expected because chemical cues for hierarchy maintenance could be washed out. After 3 days in isolation, the fish were paired by standard size but not by sex, and submitted to two conditions: continuously renewed water flow (RENEWED, n = 7) and non-renewed water flow (NONRENEWED n = 8). The paired fish were placed in an aquarium (40 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm) for 3 h; four 10-min sessions were video-recorded: the first, immediately after the fish were paired and the others 1, 2, and 3 h after pairing. Hierarchy was identified by a dominance index (DI = given attacks/received + given attacks) For each fish. The hierarchical stability was achieved by analyzing the difference between dominant DI and subordinate DI (DI-D). Hierarchy was established in both groups after second session because the DI was significantly higher for one fish of the pair. The frequency of attacks of the dominant fish in RENEWED and NONRENEWED conditions was similar in all observation sessions. The attack frequency by subordinate fish was also similar during the first three sessions (2-h pairing). However, the frequency of attacks by subordinate fish in the RENEWED condition was higher than in the NONRENEWED situation at the fourth observation session (means +/- S.E.: RENEWED = 2.83 +/- 0.94 x 10 min(-1) and NONRENEWED = 0.25 +/- 0.16 x 10 min(-1); Mann-Whitney, p = 0.04). At this point, a significant reduction of the DI-D was observed (means +/- S.E.: RENEWED = 0.70 +/- 0.11 and NONRENEWED = 1,00 +/- 0.002; Mann-Whitney, p = 0.04). The changes in DI-D were related to more frequent attacks by the subordinated fish in renewed water flow. According to our results, the unsteady agonistic interaction under renewed water flow leads to social instability. Thus, continuous water renewing can wash out relevant chemical substances and therefore disturb the dominance recognition by subordinate fish. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite the importance of Eucalyptus spp. in the pulp and paper industry, functional genomic approaches have only recently been applied to understand wood formation in this genus. We attempted to establish a global view of gene expression in the juvenile cambial region of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden. The expression profile was obtained from serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) library data produced from 3- and 6-year-old trees. Fourteen-base expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were searched against public Eucalyptus ESTs and annotated with GenBank. Altogether 43,304 tags were generated producing 3066 unigenes with three or more copies each, 445 with a putative identity, 215 with unknown function and 2406 without an EST match. The expression profile of the juvenile cambial region revealed the presence of highly frequent transcripts related to general metabolism and energy metabolism, cellular processes, transport, structural components and information pathways. We made a quantitative analysis of a large number of genes involved in the biosynthesis of cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose and lignin. Our findings provide insight into the expression of functionally related genes involved in juvenile wood formation in young fast-growing E. grandis trees.
Photoinhibition, as measured by the dark-adapted chlorophyll a fluorescence ratio F-v/F-m, was assessed in Syzygium moorei, a species with dark green juvenile leaves, Syzygium corynanthum, which has light green juvenile leaves, and two species with pink-red juvenile leaves (Syzygium wilsonii and Syzygium luehmannii). All plants were glasshouse-grown (maximum PPFD 1500 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) under optimum nutrition and water. When measured at midday, dark-adapted F-v/F-m ratios of juvenile leaves gradually increased in art species as percentage of full leaf expansion (% FLE) increased. Fluorescence measurement 3 h after sunset or pre-dawn also showed a developmental effect on F-v/F-m, with juvenile leaves of S, luehmannii and S. wilsonii showing much lower F-v/F-m at all stages of development. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m values in both juvenile and mature leaves generally never exceeded 0.8 at any stage in any of the species. Courses of F-v/F-m on sunny days showed greater diurnal photoinhibition in green juvenile (c, 50% FLE) leaves of S, moorei (24%) and S, corynanthum (36%) than in mature leaves of the previous flush in these species (<10%), Diurnal photoinhibition was statistically similar (18-24%) in pink-red juvenile and green mature leaves of S, luehmannii and S, wilsonii. Re-positioning juvenile leaves of S, wilsonii horizontally increased diurnal photoinhibition, Exposure of leaves to a standard mild photoinhibitory right treatment (30 min at 1000 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) showed that juvenile leaves of air species had a lower percentage of high energy state quenching (qE) and a higher percentage of photoinhibitory quenching (ql) than mature leaves.