1000 resultados para Juniperus navicularis


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Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation. 


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Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Como corolário de vários estudos geobotânicos realizados, no sudoeste Ibérico, no âmbito do seminário internacional Gestão e Conservação da Biodiversidade VIII, apresentou-se uma conferência sobre as principais séries de vegetação prioritárias para a conservação no centro e sul de Portugal continental. Assim, neste trabalho, após uma breve introdução apresenta-se uma súmula da caracterização biofísica deste território e um conjunto de séries singulares destas superfícies. Assim, selecionaram-se as séries de vegetação potencial climatófilas, edafoxerófilas e edafo-higrófilas que possuem, do ponto de vista corológico ou florístico, maior originalidade. Dentro destas, com elevado valor conservacionista, destacam-se quatro séries de sobreirais de Quercus suber, seis carvalhais de folha marcescente (três de Quercus broteroi, uma de Quercus canariensis, uma de Quercus marianaica e uma de Quercus pyrenaica), seis de zimbrais (quatro de Juniperus turbinata, uma de Juniperus navicularis e uma de Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. lagunae), um carrascal arbóreo (Quercus rivasmartinezii), um zambujal (Olea europaea var. sylvestris), um salgueiral (Salix salviifolia subsp. australis) e duas comunidades arborescentes de cursos de água torrenciais (Nerium oleander e Flueggea tinctoria). Porém, algumas destas séries encerram o seu volar, particularmente nas suas etapas seriais, essencialmente devido à presença de plantas endémicas e/ou com estatuto de proteção legal. Neste sentido, salienta-se ainda ao nível da série, a sinecologia, a sincorologia e a sinestrutura. Contudo, a revisão da dinâmica serial e os trabalhos de campo efectuados recentemente, permitiram a identificação de uma nova associação vegetal descrita no presente trabalho, no âmbito das séries de Aro neglecti-Querco suberis sigmetum. Finalmente expõem-se alguns dados relativos ao estado de conservação das etapas seriais mais próximas do clímax, apresentando-se sugestões que visam a recuperação e valorização destes habitats boscosos, tendo em vista a criação e consolidação de uma estratégia nacional de conservação.


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Juniperus przewalskii (Cupressaceae) is a dominant tree species endemic to the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. This species plays an important role in maintaining the arid ecosystem in this region. However, natural distributions of this species have been declined. In order to develop effective conservation methods, it is important to know the distribution of the genetic diversity within and among populations. In this study, we developed nine new microsatellite loci for this species. We used the combining biotin capture method to enrich AG/CT/AC/GGT microsatellites. The polymorphisms of each locus were further assessed in 12 individuals from four geographically distant populations. The number of alleles per locus varied from three to six and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.58 to 0.70. These loci together provide a useful tool to investigate the genetic diversity of this species. In addition, all markers have been crossly checked in the other four congeneric species.


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The composition of the leaf oils from seven populations of J. sabina L., one population of Juniperus sabina var. arenaria (E. H. Wilson) Farjon were examined for their geographic variation. In addition, the leaf oils of J. chinensis L. and J. davurica Pall. were compared to J. sabina. Juniperus sabina var. arenarla, the sand loving juniper, oil was found to be very similar to that of J. davurica, Mongolia, and J. sabina, on sand dunes in Mongolia. This suggests that J. sabina var. arenaria might be conspecific with J. davurica. Farjon's move (2001) of J. sabina var. arenaria out of J. chinensis is supported. Considerable differentiation was found in populations of J. sabina from the Iberian peninsula. Cedrol, citronellol, safrole, trans-sabinyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol and beta-thujone were found to be polymorphic in several populations.


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The vegetation of the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is dominated by alpine meadow and desert-steppe with sparse forests scattered within it. To obtain a better understanding of the phylogeography of one constituent species of the forests in this region, we examined chloroplast trnT-trnF and trnS-trnG sequence variation within Juniperus przewalskii, a key endemic tree species. Sequence data were obtained from 392 trees in 20 populations covering the entire distribution range of the species. Six cpDNA haplotypes were identified. Significant population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.772, N-ST = 0.834), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow among populations and significant phylogeographic structure (N-ST > G(ST), P < 0.05). Eight of the nine disjunct populations surveyed on the high-elevation northeast plateau were fixed for a single haplotype (A), while the remaining, more westerly population, contained the same haplotype at high frequency together with two low frequency haplotypes (C and F). In contrast, most populations that occurred at lower altitudes at the plateau edge were fixed or nearly fixed for one of two haplotypes, A or E. However, two plateau edge populations had haplotype compositions different from the rest. In one, four haplotypes (A, B, D and E) were present at approximately equivalent frequencies, which might reflect a larger refugium in the area of this population during the last glacial period. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the most widely distributed haplotype A is not ancestral to other haplotypes. The contrasting phylogeographic structures of the haplotype-rich plateau edge area and the almost haplotype-uniform plateau platform region indicate that the plateau platform was recolonized by J. przewalskii during the most recent postglacial period. This is supported by the findings of a nested clade analysis, which inferred that postglacial range expansion from the plateau edge followed by recent fragmentation is largely responsible for the present-day spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes within the species.


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Se ha realizado un estudio fitosociológico de las comunidades de Juniperus phoenicea L. s.l. en el sector Rondeño. Como resultado del mismo se señala la presencia de Juniperus turbinata subsp. turbinata en territorios interiores de este sector y se describen dos nuevos sintáxones: Asparaqo horridi-Juniperetum turbinatae y Rhamno myrtifoliae-Juniperetum phoeniceae subass. rhamnetosum oleoides.


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Les formations a genévrier thurifère des Alpes françcaises du sud, présentent un intérêt biogeographique et historique de première importance. Les auteurs étudient les structures de végétation que le genevrier organise dans les étages supraméditerranéen et montagnards.


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Se describe una nueva asociación (Rhamno myrtifoli-Juniperetum phoeniceae) de la alianza Rhamno-Quercion cocciferae distribuida en el sector Malacitano-Almijarense (provincia corológica Bética).


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Los sabinares albares, debido a su carácter abierto y a la gran amplitud ecológica de Juniperus thurifera L. presentan problemas para un encuadre fitogeográfico preciso. En este trabajo se pretende un enfoque sintético del estudio de la vegetación y el medio basado en un proceso de inventariación extendido a los sabinares de la porción meridional del Sistema Ibérico (Albarracin, Gúdar. Javalambre) y apoyado en técnicas de análisis fitoecológico. Se trata esencialmente de mostrar que el reparto de los grupos ecológicos, definidos previamente por comparación de inventarios fitosociológicos y ecológicos, puede explicarse por las variaciones dle los factores medioambientales. incluyendo la intervención humana. Como resultado final se ha establecido una tipificación de estos sabinares fundamentada en análisis dc componentes principales y análisis factorial de correspondencias.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry


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Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar) is encroaching into mesic prairies of the southern Great Plains, USA, and is altering the hydrologic cycle. We used the thermal dissipation technique to quantify daily water use of J. virginiana into a mesic prairie by measuring 19 trees of different sizes from different density stands located in north-central Oklahoma during 2011. We took the additional step to calibrate our measurements by comparing thermal dissipation technique estimates to volumetric water use for a subset of trees. Except for days with maximum air temperature below -3 degrees C, J. virginiana trees used water year round, reached a peak in late May, and exhibited reduced water use in summer when soil water availability was low. Overall daily average water use was 24 l (+/- 21.81 s.d.) per tree. Trees in low density stands used more water than trees with similar diameters from denser stands. However, there was no difference in water use between trees in different density stands when expressed on a canopy area basis. Approximately 50% of variation in water use that remained after accounting for the factors site, tree, and day was explained using a physiologically-based model that included daily potential evapotranspiration, maximum vapour pressure deficit, maximum temperature, solar radiation, and soil water storage between 0 and 10 cm. Our model suggested that a J. virginiana woodland with a closed canopy is capable of transpiring almost all precipitation reaching the soil in years with normal precipitation, indicating the potential for encroachment to reduce water yield for streamflow and groundwater recharge. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.