993 resultados para Johnnie Walker
RESUMOEm meio a um cenário em que o consumo determina identidades, a marca revela-se um importante signo social, por meio do qual as pessoas podem se expressar. Por outro lado, com os avanços tecnológicos, os ambientes virtuais têm contribuído para a reunião de pessoas diferentes em torno de interesses comuns, como ocorre nas comunidades virtuais de marcas. Assume-se a noção de identidade como uma posição caracterizada por um conjunto de significados que insere os indivíduos em um sistema cultural, no qual as marcas desempenham um papel central nas interações sociais nele ocorridas. Com isso em vista, na pesquisa aqui relatada teve-se por objetivo, a partir da comunidade virtual brasileira da marca Johnnie Walker, analisar como os signos marcários são utilizados nas interações dos consumidores, de modo a estabelecer as identidades dos seus participantes. Para isso, realizou-se uma netnografia da comunicação sob a perspectiva interpretativista. As interações publicadas nas comunidades foram coletadas como corpus da pesquisa e escrutinadas por meio de análise de discurso funcional. Os resultados apresentaram 16 identidades, que foram organizadas em três grupos identitários mais amplos, denominados Boêmios, Uncools e Carismáticos. Os achados contribuem para o conhecimento e a gestão de marketing ao proverem uma perspectiva diferente da tradicional acerca de como as pessoas se relacionam entre si e com as marcas.
A vida nas grandes cidades distancia cada vez mais o ser humano e a natureza, e a necessidade de parques e áreas verdes dentro das grandes zonas urbanas nunca foi tão evidente. Nesse cenário, o papel dos jardins botânicos deixa de ser meramente científico, para assumir também um lado mais voltado à educação ambiental. Vários exemplos espalhados pelo mundo, inclusive no Brasil, confirmam esta afirmação. A proposta de um Jardim Botânico para Paranapiacaba, famosa pela frequente neblina, se deve ao fato de ser ela uma vila histórica, cravada no que ainda resta da Mata Atlântica, em São Paulo. Seu conjunto arquitetônico de edificações em estilo inglês – no qual se destacam a reconstituição da estação ferroviária, utilizada atualmente para o turismo ferroviário, bem como seu original relógio londrino – e o entroncamento ferroviário são dos mais significativos exemplos da arquitetura e da engenharia ferroviária inglesa dos fins do século XIX. Por isso, Imagem 1 – O relógio Johnnie Walker Benson foi construído em Londres no século 19 e é o símbolo da Vila de Paranapiacaba Foto: Henrique Granado, disponível em: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24325448 Jardim Botânico em Paranapiacaba 7 em 1987, a vila foi tombada pelo Patrimônio Estadual (CONDEPHAAT); em 2000, pelo World Monument Fund, como Tesouro Cultural Mundial; em 2002, pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – IPHAN e, em 2003, pelo Patrimônio Municipal (COMDEPHAAPASA). Apesar de o local carecer de investimentos em uma série de segmentos, é viável um projeto que alie a preservação da mata nativa com o turismo ecológico crescente na região. Assim, um Jardim Botânico em Paranapiacaba é um projeto viável e o objetivo deste trabalho
This study describes the sperm morphology of the mayfly Hexagenia (Pseudeatonica) albivitta (Ephemeroptera). Its spermatozoon measures approximately 30 μm of which 9 μm corresponds to the head. The head is composed of an approximately round acrosomal vesicle and a cylindrical nucleus. The nucleus has two concavities, one in the anterior tip, where the acrosomal vesicle is inserted and a deeper one at its base, where the flagellum components are inserted. The flagellum is composed of an axoneme, a mitochondrion and a dense rod adjacent to the mitochondrion. A centriolar adjunct is also observed surrounding the axoneme in the initial portion of the flagellum and extends along the flagellum for at least 2 μm, surrounding the axoneme in a half-moon shape. The axoneme is the longest component of the flagellum, and it follows the 9+9+0 pattern, with no central pair of microtubules. At the posterior region of the flagellum, the mitochondrion has a dumb-bell shape in cross sections that, together with the rectangular mitochondrial-associated rod, is responsible for the flattened shape of the flagellum. An internal membrane is observed surrounding both mitochondrion and its associated structure.
A síndrome do X Frágil é a causa mais frequente de deficiência intelectual hereditária. A variante de Dandy-Walker trata-se de uma constelação específica de achados neurorradiológicos. Este estudo relata achados da comunicação oral e escrita de um menino de 15 anos com diagnóstico clínico e molecular da síndrome do X-Frágil e achados de neuroimagem do encéfalo compatíveis com variante de Dandy-Walker. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio da Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo, aplicação do ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil - Fonologia, Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Teste Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas, avaliação do sistema estomatognático e avaliação audiológica. Observou-se: alteração de linguagem oral quanto às habilidades fonológicas, semânticas, pragmáticas e morfossintáticas; déficits nas habilidades psicolinguísticas (recepção auditiva, expressão verbal, combinação de sons, memória sequencial auditiva e visual, closura auditiva, associação auditiva e visual); e alterações morfológicas e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Na leitura verificou-se dificuldades na decodificação dos símbolos gráficos e na escrita havia omissões, aglutinações e representações múltiplas com o uso predominante de vogais e dificuldades na organização viso-espacial. Em matemática, apesar do reconhecimento numérico, não realizou operações aritméticas. Não foram observadas alterações na avaliação audiológica periférica. A constelação de sintomas comportamentais, cognitivos, linguísticos e perceptivos, previstos na síndrome do X-Frágil, somada às alterações estruturais do sistema nervoso central, pertencentes à variante de Dandy-Walker, trouxeram interferências marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas, no aprendizado da leitura e escrita e na integração social do indivíduo.
The amount of injury to rice caused by white stem borer Sciryophaga innotata depends on cultivar, and stage of plant and insect development, as well as insect abundance. Of the cultivars tested, IR64, IR42, Cisadane and Ketan. IR64 were the most susceptible and Ketan the least susceptible to feeding damage. Third and fourth instars consumed more stem dry matter than other stages, although yield reduction depended on the number of tillers injured. On the wider stemmed Ketan, fewer tillers were injured than the narrower IR64. Larvae are more likely to move among tillers in the third instar stage, which tends to coincide with maximum tillering and may result in more tillers injured and in yield reduction. Later instar larvae burrow downwards to the internode where they pupate. Larvae appear to move less among tillers in 'resistant' cultivars. Management strategies should target this pest at third instar and when its abundance in the field warrants control. Fewer than 10% of the neonates establish successfully on stems, and this mortality needs to be taken into account when deciding on control, as does the ability of rice plants to compensate for injury. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of increasing population density on the formation of pits, their size and spatial distribution, and on levels of mortality was examined in the antlion Myrmeleon acer Walker. Antlions were kept at densities ranging from 0.4 to 12.8 individuals per 100 cm(2). The distribution of pits was regular or uniform across all densities, but antlions constructed proportionally fewer and smaller pits as density increased. Mortality through cannibalism was very low and only occurred at densities greater than five individuals per 100 cm(2). Antlions in artificially crowded situations frequently relocated their pits and when more space became available, individuals became more dispersed with time. Redistribution of this species results from active avoidance of other antlions and sand throwing associated with pit construction and maintenance, rather than any attempt to optimise prey capture per se.
Reactive oxygen species oxidize proteins and modulate the proteasomal system in muscle-wasting cancer cachexia. On day 5 (D5), day 10 (D10), and day 14 (D14) after tumor implantation, skeletal muscle was evaluated. Carbonylated proteins and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were measured. Chemiluminescence was employed for lipid hydroperoxide estimation. Glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and total radical antioxidant capacity were evaluated. The proteasomal system was assessed by mRNA atrogin-1 expression. Increased muscle wasting, lipid hydroperoxide, and superoxide dismutase, and decreased glutathione levels and total radical antioxidant capacity, were found on D5 in accordance with increased mRNA atrogin-1 expression. All parameters were significantly modified in animals treated with alpha-tocopherol. The elevation in aldehylde levels and carbonylated proteins observed on D10 were reversed by cc-tocopherol treatment. Oxidative stress may trigger signal transduction of the proteasomal system and cause protein oxidation. These pathways may be associated with the mechanism of muscle wasting that occurs in cancer cachexia. Muscle Nerve 42: 950-958, 2010
We previously reported a Vietnamese-American family with isolated autosomal dominant occipital cephalocele. Upon further neuroimaging studies, we have recharacterized this condition as autosomal dominant Dandy-Walker with occipital cephalocele (ADDWOC). A similar ADDWOC family from Brazil was also recently described. To determine the genetic etiology of ADDWOC, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis on members of the Vietnamese-American and Brazilian pedigrees. Linkage analysis of the Vietnamese-American family identified the ADDWOC causative locus on chromosome 2q36.1 with a multipoint parametric LOD score of 3.3, while haplotype analysis refined the locus to 1.1 Mb. Sequencing of the five known genes in this locus did not identify any protein-altering mutations. However, a terminal deletion of chromosome 2 in a patient with an isolated case of Dandy-Walker malformation also encompassed the 2q36.1 chromosomal region. The Brazilian pedigree did not show linkage to this 2q36.1 region. Taken together, these results demonstrate a locus for ADDWOC on 2q36.1 and also suggest locus heterogeneity for ADDWOC.
Third-instar nymphs of the Australian assassin bug, Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker), were released into cotton plots at two release densities and two crop growth stages to test their biological control potential. Release rates of 2 and 5 nymphs per metre row resulted in field populations of 0.51 and 1.38 nymphs per metre row, respectively, indicating that over 70% of nymphs died or emigrated within two weeks of release. Effective release rates of 1.38 nymphs per metre row reduced the number of Helicoverpa spp. larvae in the plots for a 7-week period. Crop yields were significantly greater in the plots to which P. plagipennis nymphs were released, with the effective release rate of 1.38 nymphs per metre row providing equivalent yields as insecticide treated plots. The data suggest that P. plagipennis has the capacity to reduce Helicoverpa spp. larvae densities in cotton crops when augmented through inundative release.
A problem with augmenting predatory bugs through mass release is the logistical difficulty of delivering nymphs onto the foliage of field crops. In this paper we examine postrelease establishment and dispersal of the nymphs of the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis on soybean, cotton and sunflower in an effort to devise an appropriate strategy for field release. The effects of predator stadia and release rates on field establishment and within-crop-canopy dispersal after hand release were recorded in soybean, cotton and sunflower. Field establishment improved with the release of more-developed nymphs, with third instars providing the most appropriate compromise between field hardiness and rearing cost. Increased nymphal density at the point of release had little effect on nymphal dispersal throughout the crop canopy. The patterns of nymphal dispersal observed on the three crops suggest that crop-canopy architecture may have an effect on the ability of nymphs to spread out postrelease, as nymphs dispersed poorly in cotton and sunflower compared to soybean. To overcome poor dispersal of nymphs after release, a mechanical release method, where nymphs were mixed with vermiculite and delivered onto a target crop through a spinning disk fertiliser spreader, was tested, and provided similar nymph establishment rates and dispersal patterns as releasing nymphs individually by hand. The implications of nymph dispersal and field hardiness in regard to inundative field release techniques are discussed.
Habitat instability associated with seasonal crop succession in broad-acre farming systems presents a problem for the conservation and utilisation of beneficial insects in annual field crops. The present paper describes two experiments used to measure the potential of seven plant species to be utilised as winter refuges to support and conserve the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker). In the first experiment, replicated plots of canola (Brassica napus ), red salvia (Salvia coccinea ), niger (Guizotia abyssinica ), linseed (Linum usitatissimum ), lupins (Lupinus angustifolius ), and lucerne (Medicago falcata ) were planted in a randomized experiment during Autumn 1998. Upon crop establishment, adults and nymphs of P. plagipennis were released into treatment plots and their numbers were assessed, along with those of their potential prey, throughout the ensuing winter months. Post-release sampling suggested that canola and niger retained a proportion of adult P. plagipennis , while niger, lucerne and canola retained some nymphs. The other plant species failed to support P. plagipennis nymphs and adults postrelease. In the second experiment, niger was compared with two lines of sunflower (Helianthus annus ). Both sunflower lines harboured significantly higher (P < 0.05) densities of P. plagipennis nymphs than did niger. The more successful refuge treatments (sunflower, niger and canola) had an abundance of yellow flowers that were attractive to pollinating insects, which served as supplementary prey on which P. plagipennis were observed to feed. Sunflower and niger also supported high densities of the prey insect Creontiades dilutus (Stal) and provided protective leafy canopies which supplied shelter during the winter months. The potential and limitations for using each plant species as a winter refuge to retain P. plagipennis during winter are discussed.
RESUMO A buva (Conyza sumatrensis), uma das principais plantas daninhas já identificadas no sul do Brasil, vem apresentando controle insatisfatório, em resposta à aplicação dos herbicidas chlorimuron-ethyl e glyphosate. Por esta razão, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar herbicidas alternativos, visando ao controle de biótipos de C. sumatrensis, com resistência de nível baixo ao herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl e resistentes ao herbicida glyphosate. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, entre abril e agosto de 2012, no município de Passo Fundo, RS. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, sendo avaliados 15 tratamentos com herbicidas, além de uma testemunha sem aplicação. As variáveis consideradas foram controle percentual, aos 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos (DAT) e a matéria seca da parte aérea, aos 28 DAT. Como resultados, observou-se que os biótipos foram 100% controlados, aos 28 DAT, pelos tratamentos alternativos de paraquat + diuron; ammonium glufosinate; glyphosate + 2,4-D; glyphosate + ammonium glufosinate; 2,4-D; tembotrione e tembotrione + atrazine. O biótipo 17 evidenciou menor sensibilidade aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e os biótipos 05, 17 e 20 não foram controlados pelo herbicida glyphosate.