980 resultados para Jefferson Lab


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High precision measurements of the differential cross sections for pi(0) photoproduction at forward angles for two nuclei, (12)C and (208)Pb, have been performed for incident photon energies of 4.9-5.5 GeV to extract the pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width. The experiment was done at Jefferson Lab using the Hall B photon tagger and a high-resolution multichannel calorimeter. The pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width was extracted by fitting the measured cross sections using recently updated theoretical models for the process. The resulting value for the decay width is Gamma(pi(0) -> gamma gamma) = 7.82 +/- 0.14(stat) +/- 0.17(syst) eV. With the 2.8% total uncertainty, this result is a factor of 2.5 more precise than the current Particle Data Group average of this fundamental quantity, and it is consistent with current theoretical predictions.


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Studies of the structure of excited baryons are key factors to the N* program at Jefferson Lab (JLab). Within the first year of data taking with the Hall B CLAS12 detector following the 12 GeV upgrade, a dedicated experiment will aim to extract the N* electrocouplings at high photon virtualities Q 2. This experiment will allow exploration of the structure of N* resonances at the highest photon virtualities ever achieved, with a kinematic reach up to Q2 = 12 GeV2. This high-Q 2 reach will make it possible to probe the excited nucleon structures at distance scales ranging from where effective degrees of freedom, such as constituent quarks, are dominant through the transition to where nearly massless bare-quark degrees of freedom are relevant. In this document, we present a detailed description of the physics that can be addressed through N* structure studies in exclusive meson electroproduction. The discussion includes recent advances in reaction theory for extracting N* electrocouplings from meson electroproduction off protons, along with Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)-based approaches to the theoretical interpretation of these fundamental quantities. This program will afford access to the dynamics of the nonperturbative strong interaction responsible for resonance formation, and will be crucial in understanding the nature of confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in baryons, and how excited nucleons emerge from QCD. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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This thesis is concerned with the calculation of virtual Compton scattering (VCS) in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in the momentum and quark-mass expansion. In the one-photon-exchange approximation, the VCS process is experimentally accessible in photon electro-production and has been measured at the MAMI facility in Mainz, at MIT-Bates, and at Jefferson Lab. Through VCS one gains new information on the nucleon structure beyond its static properties, such as charge, magnetic moments, or form factors. The nucleon response to an incident electromagnetic field is parameterized in terms of 2 spin-independent (scalar) and 4 spin-dependent (vector) generalized polarizabilities (GP). In analogy to classical electrodynamics the two scalar GPs represent the induced electric and magnetic dipole polarizability of a medium. For the vector GPs, a classical interpretation is less straightforward. They are derived from a multipole expansion of the VCS amplitude. This thesis describes the first calculation of all GPs within the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. Because of the comparatively large number of diagrams - 100 one-loop diagrams need to be calculated - several computer programs were developed dealing with different aspects of Feynman diagram calculations. One can distinguish between two areas of development, the first concerning the algebraic manipulations of large expressions, and the second dealing with numerical instabilities in the calculation of one-loop integrals. In this thesis we describe our approach using Mathematica and FORM for algebraic tasks, and C for the numerical evaluations. We use our results for real Compton scattering to fix the two unknown low-energy constants emerging at fourth order. Furthermore, we present the results for the differential cross sections and the generalized polarizabilities of VCS off the proton.


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The single spin asymmetry, ALT ′, and the polarized structure function, σ LT′, for the p( e&ar; , e′K +)Λ reaction in the resonance region have been measured and extracted using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at an electron beam energy of 2.567 GeV. The large acceptance of CLAS allows for full azimuthal angle coverage over a large range of center-of-mass scattering angles. Results were obtained that span a range in Q 2 from 0.5 to 1.3 GeV2 and W from threshold up to 2.1 GeV and were compared to existing theoretical calculations. The polarized structure function is sensitive to the interferences between various resonant amplitudes, as well as to resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This measurement is essential for understanding the structure of nucleons and searching for previously undetected nucleon excited states (resonances) predicted by quark models. The W dependence of the σ LT′ in the kinematic regions dominated by s and u channel exchange (cos qcmk = −0.50, −0.167, 0.167) indicated possible resonance structures not predicted by theoretical calculations. The σLT ′ behavior around W = 1.875 GeV could be the signature of a resonance predicted by the quark models and possibly seen in photoproduction. In the very forward angles where the reaction is dominated by the t-channel, the average σLT ′ was zero. There was no indication of the interference between resonances or resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This might be indicating the dominance of a single t-channel exchange. Study of the sensitivity of the fifth structure function data to the resonance around 1900 MeV showed that these data were highly sensitive to the various assumptions of the models for the quantum number of this resonance. This project was part of a larger CLAS program to measure cross sections and polarization observables for kaon electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region. ^


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The kaon electroproduction reaction H(e, e ′K+)Λ was studied as a function of the four momentum transfer, Q2, for different values of the virtual photon polarization parameter. Electrons and kaons were detected in coincidence in two High Resolution Spectrometers (HRS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at electron beam energies ranging from 3.4006 to 5.7544 GeV. The kaons were identified using combined time of flight information and two Aerogel Čerenkov detectors used for particle identification. For different values of Q2 ranging from 1.90 to 2.35 GeV/c2 the center of mass cross sections for the Λ hyperon were determined for 20 kinematics and the longitudinal, σ L, and transverse, σT, terms were separated using the Rosenbluth separation technique. ^ Comparisons between available models and data have been studied. The comparison supports the t-channel dominance behavior for kaon electroproduction. All models seem to underpredict the transverse cross section. An estimate of the kaon form factor has been explored by determining the sensitivity of the separated cross sections to variations of the kaon EM form factor. From comparison between models and data we can conclude that interpreting the data using the Regge model is quite sensitive to a particular choice for the EM form factors. The data from the E98-108 experiment extends the range of the available kaon electroproduction cross section data to an unexplored region of Q2 where no separations have ever been performed. ^


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QCD predicts Color Transparency (CT), which refers to nuclear medium becoming transparent to a small color neutral object produced in high momentum transfer reactions, due to reduced strong interaction. Despite several studies at BNL, SLAC, FNAL, DESY and Jefferson Lab, a definitive signal for CT still remains elusive. In this dissertation, we present the results of a new study at Jefferson Lab motivated by theoretical calculations that suggest fully exclusive measurement of coherent rho meson electroproduction off the deuteron is a favorable channel for studying CT. Vector meson production has a large cross section at high energies, and the deuteron is the best understood and simplest nuclear system. Exclusivity allows the production and propagation to be controlled separately by controlling Q 2, lf (formation length), lc (coherence length) and t. This control is important as the rapid expansion of small objects increases their interaction probability and masks CT. The CT signal is investigated in a ratio of cross sections at high t (where re-scattering is significant) to low t (where single nucleon reactions dominate). The results are presented over a Q2 range of 1 to 3 GeV2 based on the data taken with beam energy of 6 GeV.


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We have obtained total and differential cross sections for the strangeness changing charged current weak reaction ν L + p → Λ(Σ0) + L+ using standard dipole form factors, where L stands for an electron, muon, or tau lepton, and L + stands for an positron, anti-muon or anti-tau lepton. We calculated these reactions from near threshold few hundred MeV to 8 GeV of incoming neutrino energy and obtained the contributions of the various form factors to the total and differential cross sections. We did this in support of possible experiments which might be carried out by the MINERνA collaboration at Fermilab. The calculation is phenomenologically based and makes use of SU(3) relations to obtain the standard vector current form factors and data from Λ beta decay to obtain the axial current form factor. We also made estimates for the contributions of the pseudoscalar form factor and for the F E and FS form factors to the total and differential cross sections. We discuss our results and consider under what circumstances we might extract the various form factors. In particular we wish to test the SU(3) assumptions made in determining all the form factors over a range of q2 values. Recently new form factors were obtained from recoil proton measurements in electron-proton electromagnetic scattering at Jefferson Lab. We thus calculated the contributions of the individual form factors to the total and differential cross sections for this new set of form factors. We found that the differential and total cross sections for Λ production change only slightly between the two sets of form factors but that the differential and total cross sections change substantially for Σ 0 production. We discuss the possibility of distinguishing between the two cases for the experiments planned by the MINERνA Collaboration. We also undertook the calculation for the inverse reaction e − + p → Λ + νe for a polarized outgoing Λ which might be performed at Jefferson Lab, and provided additional analysis of the contributions of the individual form factors to the differential cross sections for this case. ^


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A Partial Waves Analysis (PWA) of γp → Δ ++X → pπ+ π - (η) data taken with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab is presented in this work. This reaction is of interest because the Δ++ restricts the isospin of the possible X states, leaving the PWA with a smaller combination of partial waves, making it ideal to look for exotic mesons. It was proposed by Isgur and Paton that photoproduction is a plausible source for the Jpc=1–+ state through flux tube excitation. The π1(1400) is such a state that has been produced with the use of hadron production but it has yet to be seen in photoproduction. A mass independent amplitude analysis of this channel was performed, followed by a mass dependent fit to extract the resonance parameters. The procedure used an event-based maximum likelihood method to maintain all correlations in the kinematics. The intensity and phase motion is mapped out for the contributing signals without requiring assumptions about the underlying processes. The strength of the PWA is in the analysis of the phase motion, which for resonance behavior is well defined. In the data presented, the ηπ– invariant mass spectrum shows contributions from the a0(980) and a2(1320) partial waves. No π1 was observed under a clear a2 signal after the angular distributions of the decay products were analyzed using an amplitude analysis. In addition, this dissertation discusses trends in the data, along with the implemented techniques.


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The electromagnetic form factors are the most fundamental observables that encode information about the internal structure of the nucleon. The electric (GE) and the magnetic ( GM) form factors contain information about the spatial distribution of the charge and magnetization inside the nucleon. A significant discrepancy exists between the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer measurements of the electromagnetic form factors of the proton. One possible explanation for the discrepancy is the contributions of two-photon exchange (TPE) effects. Theoretical calculations estimating the magnitude of the TPE effect are highly model dependent, and limited experimental evidence for such effects exists. Experimentally, the TPE effect can be measured by comparing the ratio of positron-proton elastic scattering cross section to that of the electron-proton [R = σ(e +p)/σ(e+p)]. The ratio R was measured over a wide range of kinematics, utilizing a 5.6 GeV primary electron beam produced by the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. This dissertation explored dependence of R on kinematic variables such as squared four-momentum transfer (Q2) and the virtual photon polarization parameter (&epsis;). A mixed electron-positron beam was produced from the primary electron beam in experimental Hall B. The mixed beam was scattered from a liquid hydrogen (LH2) target. Both the scattered lepton and the recoil proton were detected by the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). The elastic events were then identified by using elastic scattering kinematics. This work extracted the Q2 dependence of R at high &epsis;(&epsis; > 0.8) and the $&epsis; dependence of R at ⟨Q 2⟩ approx 0.85 GeV2. In these kinematics, our data confirm the validity of the hadronic calculations of the TPE effect by Blunden, Melnitchouk, and Tjon. This hadronic TPE effect, with additional corrections contributed by higher excitations of the intermediate state nucleon, largely reconciles the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer measurements of the electromagnetic form factors.


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The parity violating weak decay of hyperons offers a valuable means of measuring their polarization, providing insight into the production of strange quarks and the matter they compose. Jefferson Lab's CLAS collaboration has utilized this property of hyperons, publishing the most precise polarization measurements for the Λ and Σ in both photoproduction and electroproduction to date. In contrast, cascades, which contain two strange quarks, can only be produced through indirect processes and as a result, exhibit low cross sections thus remaining experimentally elusive.^ At present, there are two aspects in cascade physics where progress has been minimal: characterizing their production mechanism, which lacks theoretical and experimental developments, and observation of the numerous excited cascade resonances that are required to exist by flavor SU(3) F symmetry. However, CLAS data were collected in 2008 with a luminosity of 68 pb−1 using a circularly polarized photon beam with energies up to 5.45 GeV, incident on a liquid hydrogen target. This dataset is, at present, the world's largest for meson photoproduction in its energy range and provides a unique opportunity to study cascade physics with polarization measurements.^ The current analysis explores hyperon production through the γ p → K+K +Ξ− reaction by providing the first ever determination of spin observables P, Cx and Cz for the cascade. Three of our primary goals are to test the only cascade photoproduction model in existence, examine the underlying processes that give rise to hyperon polarization, and to stimulate future theoretical developments while providing constraints for their parameters. Our research is part of a broader program to understand the production of strange quarks and hadrons with strangeness. The remainder of this document discusses the motivation behind such research, the method of data collection, details of their analysis, and the significance of our results.^


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This dissertation presents a study of the D( e, e′p)n reaction carried out at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) for a set of fixed values of four-momentum transfer Q 2 = 2.1 and 0.8 (GeV/c)2 and for missing momenta pm ranging from pm = 0.03 to pm = 0.65 GeV/c. The analysis resulted in the determination of absolute D(e,e′ p)n cross sections as a function of the recoiling neutron momentum and it's scattering angle with respect to the momentum transfer [vector] q. The angular distribution was compared to various modern theoretical predictions that also included final state interactions. The data confirmed the theoretical prediction of a strong anisotropy of final state interaction contributions at Q2 of 2.1 (GeV/c)2 while at the lower Q2 value, the anisotropy was much less pronounced. At Q2 of 0.8 (GeV/c)2, theories show a large disagreement with the experimental results. The experimental momentum distribution of the bound proton inside the deuteron has been determined for the first time at a set of fixed neutron recoil angles. The momentum distribution is directly related to the ground state wave function of the deuteron in momentum space. The high momentum part of this wave function plays a crucial role in understanding the short-range part of the nucleon-nucleon force. At Q2 = 2.1 (GeV/c)2, the momentum distribution determined at small neutron recoil angles is much less affected by FSI compared to a recoil angle of 75°. In contrast, at Q2 = 0.8 (GeV/c)2 there seems to be no region with reduced FSI for larger missing momenta. Besides the statistical errors, systematic errors of about 5–6 % were included in the final results in order to account for normalization uncertainties and uncertainties in the determi- nation of kinematic veriables. The measurements were carried out using an electron beam energy of 2.8 and 4.7 GeV with beam currents between 10 to 100 &mgr; A. The scattered electrons and the ejected protons originated from a 15cm long liquid deuterium target, and were detected in conicidence with the two high resolution spectrometers of Hall A at Jefferson Lab.^


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Experiments at Jefferson Lab have been conducted to extract the nucleon spin-dependent structure functions over a wide kinematic range. Higher moments of these quantities provide tests of QCD sum rules and predictions of chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT). While precise measurements of $g_{1}^n$, $g_{2}^n$, and $g_1^p$ have been extensively performed, the data of $g_2^p$ remain scarce. Discrepancies were found between existing data related to $g_2$ and theoretical predictions. Results on the proton at large $Q^2$ show a significant deviation from the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule, while results for the neutron generally follow this sum rule. The next-to-leading order $\chi$PT calculations exhibit discrepancy with data on the longitudinal-transverse polarizability $\delta_{LT}^n$. Further measurements of the proton spin structure function $g_2^p$ are desired to understand these discrepancies.

Experiment E08-027 (g2p) was conducted at Jefferson Lab in experimental Hall A in 2012. Inclusive measurements were performed with polarized electron beam and a polarized ammonia target to obtain the proton spin-dependent structure function $g_2^p$ at low Q$^2$ region (0.02$<$Q$^2$$<$0.2 GeV$^2$) for the first time. The results can be used to test the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule, and also allow us to extract the longitudinal-transverse spin polarizability of the proton, which will provide a benchmark test of $\chi$PT calculations. This thesis will present and discuss the very preliminary results of the transverse asymmetry and the spin-dependent structure functions $g_1^p$ and $g_2^p$ from the data analysis of the g2p experiment .


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The electromagnetic form factors are the most fundamental observables that encode information about the internal structure of the nucleon. The electric ($G_{E}$) and the magnetic ($G_{M}$) form factors contain information about the spatial distribution of the charge and magnetization inside the nucleon. A significant discrepancy exists between the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer measurements of the electromagnetic form factors of the proton. One possible explanation for the discrepancy is the contributions of two-photon exchange (TPE) effects. Theoretical calculations estimating the magnitude of the TPE effect are highly model dependent, and limited experimental evidence for such effects exists. Experimentally, the TPE effect can be measured by comparing the ratio of positron-proton elastic scattering cross section to that of the electron-proton $\large(R = \frac{\sigma (e^{+}p)}{\sigma (e^{-}p)}\large)$. The ratio $R$ was measured over a wide range of kinematics, utilizing a 5.6 GeV primary electron beam produced by the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab. This dissertation explored dependence of $R$ on kinematic variables such as squared four-momentum transfer ($Q^{2}$) and the virtual photon polarization parameter ($\varepsilon$). A mixed electron-positron beam was produced from the primary electron beam in experimental Hall B. The mixed beam was scattered from a liquid hydrogen (LH$_{2}$) target. Both the scattered lepton and the recoil proton were detected by the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). The elastic events were then identified by using elastic scattering kinematics. This work extracted the $Q^{2}$ dependence of $R$ at high $\varepsilon$ ($\varepsilon > $ 0.8) and the $\varepsilon$ dependence of $R$ at $\langle Q^{2} \rangle \approx 0.85$ GeV$^{2}$. In these kinematics, our data confirm the validity of the hadronic calculations of the TPE effect by Blunden, Melnitchouk, and Tjon. This hadronic TPE effect, with additional corrections contributed by higher excitations of the intermediate state nucleon, largely reconciles the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer measurements of the electromagnetic form factors.


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I raggi cosmici sono una fonte naturale di particelle ad alta energia di origine galattica e extragalattica. I prodotti della loro interazione con l’atmosfera terrestre giungono fino alla superficie terrestre, dove vengono rilevati dagli esperimenti di fisica delle particelle. Si vuole quindi identificare e rimuovere questo segnale. Gli apparati sperimentali usati in fisica delle particelle prevedono dei sistemi di selezione dei segnali in ingresso (detti trigger) per rigettare segnali sotto una certa soglia di energia. Il progredire delle prestazioni dei calcolatori permette oggi di sostituire l’elettronica dei sistemi di trigger con implementazioni software (triggerless) in grado di selezionare i dati secondo criteri più complessi. TriDAS (Triggerless Data Acquisition System) è un sistema di acquisizione triggerless sviluppato per l’esperimento KM3NeT e utilizzato recentemente per gestire l’acquisizione di esperimenti di collisione di fascio ai Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA). Il presente lavoro ha come scopo la definizione di un algoritmo di selezione di eventi generati da raggi cosmici e la sua implementazione come trigger software all’interno di TriDAS. Quindi si mostrano alcuni strumenti software sviluppati per costruire un ambiente di test del suddetto algoritmo e analizzare i dati prodotti da TriDAS.