994 resultados para Java (Linguagem de programação de computador)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the universities, before the start of each school year, is held the distribution of classes among available teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the maximum workweek for each teacher and their preferences for each discipline, to prevent a teacher to give lessons in two separate locations at the same time and to avoid some teachers to become overloaded while others with large clearance. This process, manually performed, is time consuming and does not allow the visualization of other combinations of assignment of teachers to classes, besides being liable to error. This work aims to develop a decision support tool for the problem of assigning teachers to classes in college. The project encompasses the development of a computer program using the concepts of object orientation and a tree search algorithm of a combinatorial nature called Beam Search. The programming language used is Java and the program has a graphical interface for entering and manipulating data of the problem. Once obtained the schedule data of classes and teachers is possible, by means of the tool, perform various simulations and manual adjustments to achieve the final result. It is an efficient method of class scheduling, considering the speed of task execution and the fact that it generates only feasible results
In the two last decades of the past century, following the consolidation of the Internet as the world-wide computer network, applications generating more robust data flows started to appear. The increasing use of videoconferencing stimulated the creation of a new form of point-to-multipoint transmission called IP Multicast. All companies working in the area of software and the hardware development for network videoconferencing have adjusted their products as well as developed new solutionsfor the use of multicast. However the configuration of such different solutions is not easy done, moreover when changes in the operational system are also requirede. Besides, the existing free tools have limited functions, and the current comercial solutions are heavily dependent on specific platforms. Along with the maturity of IP Multicast technology and with its inclusion in all the current operational systems, the object-oriented programming languages had developed classes able to handle multicast traflic. So, with the help of Java APIs for network, data bases and hipertext, it became possible to the develop an Integrated Environment able to handle multicast traffic, which is the major objective of this work. This document describes the implementation of the above mentioned environment, which provides many functions to use and manage multicast traffic, functions which existed only in a limited way and just in few tools, normally the comercial ones. This environment is useful to different kinds of users, so that it can be used by common users, who want to join multimedia Internet sessions, as well as more advenced users such engineers and network administrators who may need to monitor and handle multicast traffic
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Manipulação remota de um braço mecânico (Scorbot ER - III) utilizando a rede mundial de computadores
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
One problem that has been happening frequently in port terminals is the poor planning of the loading and unloading of containers. The reason of this problem is the lack of an efficient method that provides the best means of these operations. The main goal of this work is, to implement a method that provides the best ways to perform the loading and unloading of containers, at each port and thus bring a great saving for these terminals, since the number of moves is directly proportional to cost. To carry out this program was used the idea that the containers are placed in vertical stacks, where the access can be done only by the top of the stack, so the ship was treated as an matrix and to fill it, two rules were created for loading and two for unloading. To obtain the best sequence of rules was used Beam Search method, which is an enumeration type implicit method that analyzes only the best solution of the tree generated. Thus, the program developed in the Java language, provides the best way to perform the loading and unloading ports and the way as the ship leaves each port using a graphical interface
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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1
In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1
Neste estudo são discutidos alguns aspectos relacionados à escolha da primeira linguagem de programação em currículos de ciência da computação, com interesse especial em Pascal e Java. A primeira linguagem é amplamente adotada para ensinar programação aos novatos, enquanto a segunda está ganhando popularidade como uma linguagem moderna e abrangente, que pode ser usada em muitas disicplinas ao longo de um curso degraduação em computação como ferramenta para ensinar desde recursos básicos de programação até tópicos mais avançados. Embora vários problemas quanto ao ensino de Java, com a primeira linguagem de programação, possam ser apontadas, consideramosque Java é uma boa escolha, visto que (a) oferece apoio a importantes questões conceituais e tecnológicos e, (b) é possível contornar algumas complexidades da linguagem e da plataforma Java para torná-las mais adequadas à alunos iniciantes. Além disso, considerando a grande popularidade de Pascal nos currículos de cursos de computação, uma eventual adoção de Java conduz à outro problema: a falta de professores aptos a lecionar programação orientada a objetos. Sugerimos que este problema de migração de Pascal para Java seja enfrentado através de smplificação do ambiente de desenvolvimento de programas, uso de um pacote com classes que facilitam a entrada e saída, e o desenvolvimento de um catálogo comparativo de programas implementados em ambas as linguagens. Neste estudo também é apresentado o JEduc, um IDE muito simples com o objetivo de dar suporte ao ensino da linguagem de programação orientada a objetos Java aos novatos. Oferece componentes desenvolvidos em Java que integram edição, compilação e execução de programas Java. Além das funcionalidades comuns a um IDE, JEduc foi desenvolvido para gir como uma ferramente pedagógica: simplifica a maioria das mensagens do compilador e erros da JRE, permite a inserção de esqueletos de comandos, e incorpora pacotes especiais para esconder alguns detalhes sintáticos e semânticos indesejáveis.