249 resultados para Jameson, Fredric
La labor principal del presente trabajo de investigación consiste en el análisis de dos relatos del “posmodernismo mexicano” de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Para ello, y en primer lugar, se parte de la acotación y definición de términos y nociones ligados a la “posmodernidad”, el “posmodernismo” y “lo posmoderno”. En segundo lugar, se lleva a cabo una lectura crítica de propuestas teóricas de autores como Fredric Jameson y Lauro Zavala, destinadas a describir fenómenos y prácticas relacionadas con la posmodernidad como forma discursiva y del relato posmoderno mexicano, respectivamente. En último término, se analizan los relatos mencionados bajo dos aspectos principales de experimentación: la intertextualidad y la metaficcionalidad y de los cuales se desprenden fenómenos privilegiados como “la hibridación genérica”, “el uso del pastiche”, “la superposición de códigos narrativos”, “la fragmentación del tiempo”, así como toda una serie de estrategias discursivas destinadas a expandir las fronteras del género relato en el contexto de enunciación mencionado.
Describe y analiza las relaciones políticas y literarias, centrándose en las semejanzas y diferencias, entre el movimiento y discurso político que lideró Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, y la narrativa y la trayectoria como intelectual de José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo. El escritor y el político aparecen dentro de un campo intelectual y político que dejó ver sus efectos en la vida de ambos, haciéndolos converger en causas comunes así como separándolos en diferentes momentos de la historia del país entre finales de los años veinte y el desenlace del Bogotazo.
Tendo como pano de fundo a confessionalidade da rede adventista de educação presente de maneira marcante no espaço escolar e a intensa diversidade religiosa discente, esta pesquisa analisa a relação de possíveis tensões entre a confessionalidade escolar e a diversidade religiosa presente neste espaço. Leva em consideração o processo de modernidade causadora de importantes transformações na educação, na religião e na forma dos dois institutos se relacionarem. Levou-se em consideração o perfil socioeconômico e religioso dos alunos e possíveis tensões na recepção do religioso no espaço escolar adventista por parte dos discentes, inclusive por aqueles que se declaram adventistas. O espaço escolhido para esta pesquisa foi o de colégios adventistas localizadas no contexto do ABCD Paulista, que ofertam o Ensino Médio. Estas unidades escolares estão situadas nas cidades de Diadema, Santo André e São Caetano do Sul, cidades localizadas na mesma microrregião, mas com distintas realidades socioeconômicas
Colonialism, political unconscious and cognitive mapping in the space of the film "Captain Phillips"
The purpose of this article has been made through a Marxist analysis of the US film "Captain Phillips" (PaulGreengrass, 2013), based on a true story. I have found how the evolution of capitalism in the West continuesto consolidate the belief reified in a historical and geographical superiority of the political and socioeconomicwestern models regarding Africa and Asia lowers models. At the same time, through categories like dialecticalmaterialism, criticism of diffusionist theory and application of cognitive mapping to large geopoliticalspaces located in most poor areas of the world, I have realized a remark about currently being articulatingthe political unconscious of working class in rich countries and the poor in poor countries, establishing arelationship between the ideological representation that takes an individual from his historical reality (ona scale that moves from local to global), and how he has developed a mental ability to escape of the responsibilityto make a critical review of what's happening around him in all areas. Finally, through physicalspace captured in the film, I have realized a materialist critique of globalized business process that takesplace through the carriage of goods, outlining spatial and cognitively limits of the mentality of our time, bothamong "winners"as among the "losers", based on the spatial movement of capital.
Many critics of Doctorow have classified him as a postmodernist writer, acknowledging that a wide number of thematic and stylistic features of his early fiction emanate from the postmodern context in which he took his first steps as a writer. Yet, these novels have an eminently social and ethical scope that may be best perceived in their intellectual engagement and support of feminist concerns. This is certainly the case of Doctorow’s fourth and most successful novel, Ragtime. The purpose of this paper will be two-fold. I will explore Ragtime’s indebtedness to postmodern aesthetics and themes, but also its feminist elements. Thus, on the one hand, I will focus on issues of uncertainty, indeterminacy of meaning, plurality and decentering of subjectivity; on the other hand, I will examine the novel’s attitude towards gender oppression, violence and objectification, its denunciation of hegemonic gender configurations and its voicing of certain feminist demands. This analysis will lead to an examination of the problematic collusion of the mostly white, male, patriarchal aesthetics of postmodernism and feminist politics in the novel. I will attempt to establish how these two traditionally conflicting modes coexist and interact in Ragtime.
La lectura de La estética de la resistencia nos permite detectar una serie de operaciones que, durante el proceso de escritura, Peter Weiss pone en marcha y queencontraremos reflejadas a su vez en algunos cineastas contemporáneos en la aproximación al tratamiento de la Historia. La novela nos da pie a intentar sacar a la luz sus costuras: el entrecruzamiento de temporalidades como forma de hacer saltarel presente; la recuperación del archivo personal que permitirá el tratamiento de laHistoria en primera persona; la evolución desde la incorporación del registro enbruto a la escenificación de las discusiones entre partes; la descripción exhaustiva deacontecimientos y obras de arte y su continua puesta en relación con la vidacotidiana de los personajes, que configurará lo que Fredric Jameson entiende comouna “pedagogía del subalterno” y que coincide plenamente con la “emancipaciónintelectual” que propone Jacques Rancière.
Dedicated to: Hans Maj:t Konungen.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Esta investigación se acerca a un corpus de poemarios que se enmarcan dentro de la épica de lo cotidiano, y pretende una aproximación a la poética de su autor, Fernando Nieto Cadena. En cuanto a esta lectura, he seguido categorías de Fredric Jameson y Terry Eagleton, en lo concerniente a ese sesgo ideológico que estos poemas demuestran. Pero me he inclinado por un marco que atienda esta poesía como fenómeno. También deseo despejar la pregunta acerca de las categorías precisas para acometer cierto movimiento en esta poesía, e inquirir sobre su caótico flujo. Quiero desentrañar la manera en que se construye esta lírica, poblada de elementos cercanos a los pobladores de la costa ecuatoriana, con mucho de influencia caribeña: son ellos quienes, al acercarse a esta poesía, podrán leer/se. A esto se añade una lectura que confirme los elementos que caracterizan el decir poético de Nieto Cadena. He hecho un recorrido a través de los títulos de Nieto para descubrir la tensión entre el elemento semántico y el fonético del texto, en pos de revisar los ritmos que este lenguaje ofrece.
El presente trabajo busca indagar en las literaturas latinoamericanas en nuestros tiempos, sobre todo cuando una tendencia posmoderna, de amplia conceptualización desde los países industrializados, instaura la nostalgia y el desencanto como características de narrativas que se observan a sí mismas frene a la realidad y a las representaciones de sujetos y espacios que se han gestado, sobre todo, durante el siglo XX. Por ello, una de las preocupaciones fundamentales del trabajo radica en observar el proceso de revisión epistemológica en la conformación de las representaciones sobre Latinoamérica, su contexto y sus sujetos. Según este marco, he querido abordar dos narrativas distantes entre sí, no tanto en tiempo, sino por su caracterización y postura frente al mundo: por un lado, he abordado las dos últimas novelas de Leonardo Valencia (Guayaquil, 1969), autor que propone la biblioteca como la patria del escritor y se distancia de la categoría de lo “latinoamericano”; y por otro lado, tres obras de Roberto Bolaño (Santiago de Chile, 1953-Barcelona, 2003), cuya obra problematiza las representaciones literarias, históricas y culturales del continente, desde la nostalgia y el desengaño contrapuestos al boom. ¿Cuáles son los resultados de estos dos mundos narrativos frente a los discursos de la historia, los referentes socio-culturales y literarios? Este trabajo es un primer paso hacia la comprensión de la heterogeneidad y de la tendencia posmoderna en nuestros contextos, que cuestiona los relatos totales. Por ello, los tres capítulos de esta tesis esbozan un contexto teórico acerca de la posmodernidad y el contexto latinoamericano, en el que he buscado dialogar con diversos autores e investigadores, como Linda Hutcheon, Fredric Jameson, Bolívar Echeverría, José María Pozuelo Yvancos, Eliseo Diego, Jorge Velasco Mckenzie, Gabriel García Márquez, Alejo Carpentier, entre otros.
This work is an attempt to show that the ideological conflict that has been developed by the hegemony of the 1930 Revolution historical events in Paraíba, conceptually turned into an insoluble social contradiction. It ocurred due to imaginary or formal resolutions of the literature that ended up by altering the epistemological rules of the relation between fiction and reality. The present work is based on The unconscious politics: a narrative as a socially symbolic act , book in which all the literary or cultural texts can and should be read as symbolic resolutions to insoluble social contradictions. From string to contemporary literature this phenomenon has been registered by the several ways of textual production turning the 1930 Revolution into one of the main elements which guides the political scene of Paraíba. The ideological groups still centered on the political resentment and committed to a political conflict forged the existence of two historical truths: one which suits the liberais , the winners, and another is of the 1930 conflict. This work argues in favour of the unconscious politics of the 1930 Revolution. This thesis considers necessarily the relation that the Paraibana society maintains with its past and how this past reaches in the present the liberation of a hidden and repressed truth through its narrativization. Beyond that, how the ideological partiality generated the political resentment through the way of thinking of the rivals under the perspective of the good and evil reveals its insoluble social contradiction. Process which comprehends varied narrative forms of the mass culture products and literary production, as in the methodological perspective pointed by Fredric Jameson that all literary or cultural texts can and shall be read as symbolic resolutions of true political and social contradictions. In the case of Paraiba we will have resolutions that search for the reasons which caused the death of João Pessoa: forgery and publicity of love letters, dispute over the official version of suicide commited by João Dantas, the man who assassinated João Pessoa
This paper adopts the assumption that religion continues to be a major highlight in the dimension of the contemporary world - characterized by pluralism, the ideas of tolerance and freedom. But for certain streams of Christianity, the postmodern culture seems to be characterized as a highly damaging to their doctrines and principles, since this religious matrix carries a truth claim that would support all its significance, its definition values and their dissemination effort ( evangelism ). This is not to say that Christianity is the only religion that claims to the truth, which would be a gross mistake. Now, religion has been reputed as a phenomenon doomed to disappear, according to the " ideology " of Modernity, given the idea that scientific development would lead us inevitably to the statement that religion was merely a social institution based in the superstition, in fantasy, the imaginary and therefore had nothing "real " unless its existence as an institution capable of aggregating society (give it cohesion), provide values and meaning to different ontological anxieties and doubts of humankind. In the contemporary scenario - seeded by modernity - as Christian ideas, doctrines and principles are in harmony or conflict with postmodernity? These are our starting questions and issues that we intend to stop and reflect. From the assumption that the religious phenomenon has great force in the present day, this research aims to perform central analysis of how religious education, a Protestant denomination specific, harmonizes or clashes with the ideology or ideas more general and emphatic that we can observe in the western world is presented to us from the diagnoses made by the contemporary authors who debate about postmodernism and postmodernity, notably David Harvey, Jean - François Lyotard, Bauman Zygmunt and Fredric Jameson
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)