17 resultados para Jaguars


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La selva es el hogar de más de la mitad de los animales del mundo desde los diminutos insectos a los grandes mamíferos. Se pretende enseñar a los niños el ciclo de vida del jaguar y la forma en que interactúa con su entorno, sus hábitos, su estilo de vida y las amenazas a los que se enfrenta por la actuación de los hombres al modificar las condiciones ambientales. La obra contiene un mapa de distribución del hábitat del jaguar, glosario y bibliografía.


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Conflicts between humans and big cats have been known for centuries throughout the world, but have intensified in recent decades. Recently, attacks by Panthera onca on humans in Brazil have been brought to the forefront through exposure in the press and because of the severity of the attacks. We report 3 cases of patients attacked by jaguars in provoked and predatory situations. Two patients survived the attacks and one died. Attack mechanisms and lesions in victims are discussed. The attacks demonstrate a real risk of accidents from jaguars in certain regions, such as the Pantanal and the Amazon. © 2011 Wilderness Medical Society.


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We collected and analyzed blood samples from 12 free-ranging jaguars (Panthera onca). Clinical examinations, hematolog, and serum chemistry indicate the jaguars were in good overall health. Results may help as values for free-ranging jaguars under the same handling conditions.


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This research is set in the context of today’s societies, in which the corporate visual symbology of a business, corporation or institution constitutes an essential way to transmit its corporate image. Traditional discursive procedures can be discovered in the development of these signs. The rhetorical strategies developed by the great classical authors appear in the logo-symbols expressing the corporate values of today’s companies. Thus, rhetoric is emerging once again in the sense it had many centuries ago: A repertory of rules that, paradoxically, standardizes the deviations of language and whose control is synonymous with power. The main objective of this study is to substantiate the rhetorical construction of logos using as a model of analysis the classical process of creating discourse. This involves understanding logos as persuasive discourses addressed to a modern audience. Our findings show that the rhetorical paradigm can be considered as a creative model for the con­struction of an original logo consistent with a company’s image.


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Habitat conversion and environmental degradation have reached alarming levels in the Pantanal, endangering all its biodiversity. This scenario is complicated by the fact that the biome relies on only a few protected areas, which combined do not exceed 10% of the territory. Felids, as predators, play a vital role in the maintenance of this ecosystem, but require large areas, have low population densities and, typically, are very sensitive to environmental disturbances. Amolar Mountain Ridge is considered an area of extreme importance and high priority for conservation within the biome. There are four species of felids in this region: the jaguar (Panthera onca), the puma (Puma concolor), the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi). However, little is known about the ecology of these species in this region or the magnitude of interaction between the communities living around the protected areas and the animals. The goal of this study was to increase our knowledge about these felids and understand how people interact with them in order to contribute to their conservation in the network of parks within Amolar. Camera trapping surveys were carried out in two areas of the network, covering approximately 83,000 hectares, in order to identify the species of mammals occurring in the region, those that may be potential prey for the felids, and to obtain basic ecological data about both felids and prey. In addition, we conducted surveys in three riverside schools in order to assess the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of schoolchildren regarding the four focal felids, and surveys among the adult population to assess their perceptions and attitudes towards the jaguar. We recorded a total of 33 species of mammals from both study areas. The large cats were cathemeral, reflecting the temporal activity of larger prey, whereas the ocelot was nocturnal, mirroring the activity of smaller prey. Jaguar occupancy was influenced by prey abundance, while puma occupancy was influenced by patch density in drier dense forest. Jaguars and pumas may be competitors over temporal and spatial scales, while no resource overlap was found for ocelots. Overall, both adults and children tended to have negative perceptions about the cats, which were related to the fear of being attacked. To increase awareness about the species and to maximize the effectiveness of protective measures in the network of reserves, it is recommended to develop and implement an Environmental Educational Program in the medium- to long-term in order to minimize the fear of these felids and to counsel locals on the role of felids in the maintenance of the Pantanal’s biodiversity.


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Foi atendida, no Hospital Veterinário Governador Laudo Natel da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinária - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal, uma onça (Panthera onca) apresentando quadro de piometrite com cérvix fechada, confirmado através de radiografia abdominal. O animal foi submetido a ovarioisterectomia por celiotomia na linha mediana, sob anestesia dissociativa com manutenção através de anestesia geral inalatória. O pós-operatório foi baseado em curativos locais e antibioticoterapia, sendo a recuperação rápida, em torno de 10 dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Between January and December 1996, the food habits of a relict population of jaguars were studied in 220 km(2) Linhares Forest Preserve, which comprises much of the remaining old-growth Atlantic Forest of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Fecal analysis indicated opportunistic feeding on 24 prey species (N = 101 scats). Mammals represented 87 percent of the total items, followed by reptiles (9.8%) and birds (2.8%). Considering prey weight, 23.4 percent of the items weighed 1-3 kg, 40.5 percent were 3-10 kg, and 27.7 percent weighed more than 10 kg. Analysis of relative prey frequency and biomass indicated that the diet was concentrated in two prey types: long-nosed armadillo and white-lipped peccary. Literature data suggest that forest jaguars rely on the same mammal prey over their entire geographic range.


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A toxoplasmose, uma das zoonoses mais difundidas no mundo, é causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii, um protozoário que tem os felídeos como únicos hospedeiros definitivos. Avaliou-se 21 animais de quatro espécies, gato-mourisco (Herpailurus yaguarondi), jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis), gato-maracajá (Leopardus wiedii), onça-pintada e preta (Panthera onca) a fim de averiguar a situação da toxoplasmose em dois municípios do estado do Pará, utilizando dois testes sorológicos, a hemaglutinação indireta (HAI) e aglutinação direta modificada (MAT), além de exame coproparasitológico. Dos animais testados, 18 (85,72%) foram positivos. Doze (57,14%) animais foram soropositivos pela técnica HAI e, 14 (66,66%) pela técnica MAT. Não houve diferença estatística entre a soropositividade e os gêneros, nas duas técnicas utilizadas. No gênero Herpailurus encontrou-se 4,6% de soropositividade em ambos os testes; no Leopardus, 19,05% na HAI e 28,57% na MAT; e, no Panthera, 33,33% nas duas técnicas. Foi constatado resultado coincidente em 11 animais. Comparando-se as duas técnicas, não houve diferença estatística. A titulação mais alta foi verificada em um gato-maracajá (1024), na MAT. Não foi encontrado oocisto de T. gondii nas fezes de nenhum dos animais estudados. Verificou-se que há uma alta ocorrência da toxoplasmose nos municípios estudados e que ambas as técnicas utilizadas são eficazes no diagnóstico sorológico desta doença.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coexistence of sympatric species is mediated by resource partitioning. Pumas occur sympatrically with jaguars throughout most of the jaguar's range but few studies have investigated space partitioning between both species. Here, camera trapping and occupancy models accounting for imperfect detection were employed in a Bayesian framework to investigate space partitioning between the jaguar and puma in Emas National Park (ENP), central Brazil. Jaguars were estimated to occupy 54.1% and pumas 39.3% of the sample sites. Jaguar occupancy was negatively correlated with distance to water and positively correlated with the amount of dense habitat surrounding the camera trap. Puma occupancy only showed a weak negative correlation with distance to water and with jaguar presence. Both species were less often present at the same site than expected under independent distributions. Jaguars had a significantly higher detection probability at cameras on roads than at off-road locations. For pumas, detection was similar on and off-road. Results indicate that both differences in habitat use and active avoidance shape space partitioning between jaguars and pumas in ENP. Considering its size, the jaguar is likely the competitively dominant of the two species. Owing to its habitat preferences, suitable jaguar habitat outside the park is probably sparse. Consequently, the jaguar population is likely largely confined to the park, while the puma population is known to extend into ENP's surroundings. (C) 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Faeces provide relevant biological information which includes, with the application of genetic techniques, the sex and identity of individuals that defecated, thus providing potentially useful data on the behaviour and ecology of individuals, as well as the dynamics and structure of populations. This paper presents estimates of the sex ratio of different felid species (jaguar, Panthera onca; puma, Puma concolor; and ocelot/margay, Leopardus pardalis/Leopardus wiedi) as observed in field collected faeces, and proposes several hypotheses that could explain the strikingly high proportion of faeces from male jaguars. The proportion of male and female faeces was estimated using a non-invasive faecal sampling method in 14 study areas in Mexico and Brazil. Faecal samples were genetically analysed to identify the species, the sex and the individual (the latter only for samples identified as belonging to jaguars). Considering the three species, 72.6% of faeces (n = 493) were from males; however, there were significant differences among them, with the proportion from males being higher for jaguars than for pumas and ocelots/margays. A male-bias was consistently observed in all study areas for jaguar faeces, but not for the other species. For jaguars the trend was the same when considering the number of individuals identified (n = 68), with an average of 4.2 +/- 0.56 faeces per male and 2.0 +/- 0.36 per female. The observed faecal marking patterns might be related to the behaviour of female jaguars directed toward protecting litters from males, and in both male and female pumas, to prevent interspecific aggressions from male jaguars. The hypothesis that there are effectively more males than females in jaguar populations cannot be discarded, which could be due to the fact that females are territorial and males are not, or a tendency for males to disperse into suboptimal areas for the species.


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Tungiasis is an ectoparasitic disease caused by fleas of the genus Tunga. The disease is reported to occur mostly in human populations. In wildlife, however, the occurrence and impact of this disease remains uncertain. We captured and examined 12 free-ranging jaguars for the presence of Tunga penetrans in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. Tungiasis prevalence was 100% in the population; lesions were confined to the jaguar's paws. T. penetrans was identified based on the characteristics of the embedded fleas and the morphological identification of a collected free-living flea. The intensity and stage of infestation varied between individual animals. However, in general, all captured jaguars were in good health. The 100% prevalence of tungiasis may be related to the fact that all captures were performed during the dry season. Their high ecological requirements for space make jaguars potential disseminators of T. penetrans in the Pantanal region. Because cattle ranching and ecotourism are the main economic activities in the Pantanal, further studies should evaluate the risks of tungiasis to human and animal health. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of tungiasis in jaguars.