187 resultados para Jaccard, F.
The objectives of this study were to quantify the components of genetic variance and the genetic effects, and to examine the genetic relationship of inbred lines extracted from various shrunken2(sh2) breeding populations. Ten diverse inbred lines developed from genetic background, were crossed in half diallel. Parents and their F1 hybrids were evaluated at three environments. The parents were genotyped using 20 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR). Agronomic and quality traits were analysed by a mixed linear model according to additive-dominance genetic model. Genetic effects were estimated using an adjusted unbiased prediction method. Additive variance was more important than dominance variance in the expression of traits related to ear aspects (husk ratio and percentage of ear filled) and eating quality (flavour and total soluble solids). For agronomic traits, however, dominance variance was more important than additive variance. The additive genetic correlation between flavour and tenderness was strong (r = 0.84, P <0.01). Flavour, tenderness and kernel colour additive genetic effects were not correlated with yield related traits. Genetic distance (GD), estimated from SSR profiles on the basis of Jaccard's similarity coefficient varied from 0.10 to 0.77 with an average of 0.56. Cluster analysis classified parents according to their pedigree relationships. In most studied traits, F1 performance was not associated with GD.
The DNA polymorphism among 22 isolates of Sclerospora graminicola, the causal agent of downy mildew disease of pearl millet was assessed using 20 inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers. The objective of the study was to examine the effectiveness of using ISSR markers for unravelling the extent and pattern of genetic diversity in 22 S. graminicola isolates collected from different host cultivars in different states of India. The 19 functional ISSR primers generated 410 polymorphic bands and revealed 89% polymorphism and were able to distinguish all the 22 isolates. Polymorphic bands used to construct an unweighted pair group method of averages (UPGMA) dendrogram based on Jaccard's co-efficient of similarity and principal coordinate analysis resulted in the formation of four major clusters of 22 isolates. The standardized Nei genetic distance among the 22 isolates ranged from 0.0050 to 0.0206. The UPGMA clustering using the standardized genetic distance matrix resulted in the identification of four clusters of the 22 isolates with bootstrap values ranging from 15 to 100. The 3D-scale data supported the UPGMA results, which resulted into four clusters amounting to 70% variation among each other. However, comparing the two methods show that sub clustering by dendrogram and multi dimensional scaling plot is slightly different. All the S. graminicola isolates had distinct ISSR genotypes and cluster analysis origin. The results of ISSR fingerprints revealed significant level of genetic diversity among the isolates and that ISSR markers could be a powerful tool for fingerprinting and diversity analysis in fungal pathogens.
In this work, we have explored the prospect of segmenting crowd flow in H. 264 compressed videos by merely using motion vectors. The motion vectors are extracted by partially decoding the corresponding video sequence in the H. 264 compressed domain. The region of interest ie., crowd flow region is extracted and the motion vectors that spans the region of interest is preprocessed and a collective representation of the motion vectors for the entire video is obtained. The obtained motion vectors for the corresponding video is then clustered by using EM algorithm. Finally, the clusters which converges to a single flow are merged together based on the bhattacharya distance measure between the histogram of the of the orientation of the motion vectors at the boundaries of the clusters. We had implemented our proposed approach on the complex crowd flow dataset provided by 1] and compared our results by using Jaccard measure. Since we are performing crowd flow segmentation in the compressed domain using only motion vectors, our proposed approach performs much faster compared to other pixel domain counterparts still retaining better accuracy.
Query suggestion is an important feature of the search engine with the explosive and diverse growth of web contents. Different kind of suggestions like query, image, movies, music and book etc. are used every day. Various types of data sources are used for the suggestions. If we model the data into various kinds of graphs then we can build a general method for any suggestions. In this paper, we have proposed a general method for query suggestion by combining two graphs: (1) query click graph which captures the relationship between queries frequently clicked on common URLs and (2) query text similarity graph which finds the similarity between two queries using Jaccard similarity. The proposed method provides literally as well as semantically relevant queries for users' need. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms heat diffusion method by providing more number of relevant queries. It can be used for recommendation tasks like query, image, and product suggestion.
Diversidad florística del bosque de galería en dos localidades del departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua
En las localidades Los Encuentros y Chacocente, en el departamento de Carazo, se realizó un estudio sobre la composición florísticas de las especies arbóreas en el bosque de galería. Los resultados corresponden a un inventario completo de los árboles de 1 O cm de diámetro a la altura del pecho (Dap) y regeneración natural en parcelas con área neta de muestreo de 1 hectárea en cada sitio, con sub-parcelas de 100 m2 para el muestreo de regeneración. Los bosques estudiados son Chacocente (360 msnm) y Los Encuentros (180 msnm). Ambos bosques son de galería y pertenecen a la zona de Vida Bosque Tropical Seco con transición a subtropical. , según el sistema de clasificación de Holdridge. En ambos bosques se encontraron un total 65 especies, pertenecientes a 39 familias y 53 géneros. En el bosque localizado en Los Encuentros, se encontraron 24 especies, siendo las mas frecuentes el Papaturro (Coccoloba caracasana), anona (Annona glabra) y Chaperno blanco (Lonchocarpus minimiflorus). En Chacocente se encontraron 41 especies, siendo las mas frecuentes Palo de piojo (Trichilia hirta), Naranjillo (Capparis odoratisima) y Melero (Thoudinium decandrum). La abundancia de árboles con Dap mayor de 10 cm fue de 333 en Chacocente y 379 en Los Encuentros. Los cocientes de mezcla obtenidos fueron 1:8 para el bosque del Refugio de Vida Silvestre, Chacocente y 1:15 para el de los Encuentros. En ambas comunidades difieren las familias mayormente representadas. Los valores de los coeficientes de Jaccard (4.4 %) y Sorensen (8.4 %) revelan poca similitud florística entre ambos sitios. La regeneración natural presentó en algunos aspectos el mismo comportamiento de la vegetación con Dap mayor o igual a los 10 cm, siendo la única diferencia los valores del coeficiente de mezcla que presentan al bosque de la comunidad Los Encuentros con mayor diversidad florística (l :50 en comparación con 1:16 de Chacocente). La abundancia de individuos de la regeneración natural fue de 242 individuos por hectárea en Los Encuentros y de 860 individuos por hectarea en Chacocente.
The 1912 Jaccard index modification led to the formulation of the Biocoenotic Stability Report (BSR). It is another similarity index based on the evaluation of two opposite ecological states affecting both compared biotopes.
The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used to classify two sets of planktonic copepod samples. This algorithm links the samples the distance of which is minimum, without doing a loop, so that the sum of the segment lengths is minimum. The authors estimated the distance between samples by 2 different ways: by a coefficient of association the Jaccard's index - and by the x2 distance. Jaccard's index is not retained but the use of the x2 distance allows comparison with the 'analyse factorielle des correspondances'. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.
结合野外生态调查与分子标记检测,本文探讨了显性遗传标记应用于居群遗传学研究时实验与数据分析需要注意的问题,并在此基础上对中国分布的疣粒野生稻(Oryza granulata Nees et Am. ex Watt.)居群遗传多样性与居群遗传结构进行了研究。然后从metapopulation结构动态、无性系生长和物种形成等角度研究了遗传结构的空间格局与生态学、系统学因素之间的相互作用,并将研究的空间尺度从聚群内(colony)、居群内、地区内推广到地区间和整个物种水平,反映了在不同空间等级上疣粒野生稻相异的进化模式。最后,综合上述结果,提出了保护疣粒野生稻的原则和策略。结果如下: 1.根据对分布于中国云南和海南33个分布点疣粒野生稻居群所做的野外生态学调查,该物种目前在中国的30个县(市)有分布,比1978-1982年全国野生稻普查时增加了3个县市(海南通什、云南思茅和勐腊)。疣粒野生稻具有较强的耐荫和抗旱能力,在群落总盖度为90-210%范围内生长良好。它是一种典型的适应中度干扰的物种,生长于有一定干扰的斑块状生境中。疣粒野生稻在群落内的分布格局为聚集型,其居群密度较小(1.13-2.95株/m2),依靠重力下落和动物传播种子。由于对热区资源的掠夺性开发,总计有12.9%的居群已因人为干扰而灭绝,83.9%的居群处于严重的危胁之下,处于濒危状态。对疣粒野生稻的破坏在不同地区间程度不同,生境恶化和放牧是造成其居群灭绝的最主要原因,对其进行保护已经迫在眉睫。在调查的基础上,本研究建立了含该物种34个居群共1109份个体样品的总DNA库,作为易位保护的一种措施,主要用于居群遗传学和保护生物学研究。 2.利用上述总DNA库中的材料,首先采用随机扩增多态(RAPD)对几类显性标记的居群遗传结构参数进行了比较。在衡量遗传多样性水平时,多态位点比率(PPB)会低估变异的程度,其价值不如Shannon多样性指数和Nei多样性指数。在计算个体之间的遗传关系时,Mantel检测表明17种相似性系数之间存在极显著的相关性。同时,基于Φst。遗传距离的分子方差分析(AMOVA)和基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡假设的Nei氏遗传距离分析的结果间具有显著的相关性,它们都适用于对疣粒野生稻居群遗传结构进行研究,且在使用后者时应对数据进行Lynch-Milligan矫正,剔除隐性基因型(0)频率小于3/N(N为样本总数)的条带数据,以矫正显性遗传方式对变异估计偏低的影响。此外,各类遗传结构分析参数之间的高度相关性也与疣粒野生稻居群内遗传多样性低,杂合体比率较低有密切关系。 利用RAPD和inter-简单重复序列(ISSR)对来自中国20个居群疣粒野生稻混合样品,以及海南(M5)和云南(M27)两个居群各20个植株的遗传多样性进行了检测。ISSR的实验稳定性优于RAPD,且总的来说它能检测到更多的遗传变异。前者与它在PCR反应时退火温度较高,引物.模板复合物较稳定有关;而后者则与其引物靶序列容易在细胞分裂中产生突变有关。Mantel检测结果表明,衡量样品间的遗传关系时,这两种标记的分析结果在物种水平存在极显著的相关性(r = 0.917, t = 12789),而在居群水平不相关(r < 0.200)。这不但与它们所扩增的相应基因组片断的变异方式及在居群内分辩率下降有关,同时也反映了疣粒野生稻居群内和居群间存在着不同的进化模式。 3.利用RAPD和ISSR标记,对中国20个居群疣粒野生稻混合样品的遗传多样性进行了研究。RAPD和ISSR分别扩增出209和122条PCR条带,其中各有64.1l%(134条带)和72.95%(89条带)为多态条带。基于Jaccard系数的UPGMA分析表明,同一地区内居群的遗传变异比较小。20个居群按来源聚为云南与海南两类,其间产生了一定程度的遗传分化。这种遗传多样性分布的特点可能与其起源、分布格局、交配系统和种子散布方式有关。此外,尽管混合取样会低估一定的遗传变异能力,也不能得到关于居群内的遗传结构情况,但它仍然是一种获取遗传多样性信息的高效方法,适用于对研究材料进行日常管理和评价。 4.按照居群取样的方法,利用RAPD对来自中国云南和海南的20个疣粒野生稻居群共396个植株进行了遗传结构分析。联合ISSR,对其中5个居群初步的分析表明该物种在居群内的遗传多样性水平很低,RAPD的多态位点比率(PPB)在居群内从4.52%到13.06%;而ISSR的PPB值在居群内从7.08%-26.55%。AMOVA分析表明,对于RAPD来说,云南与海南两地区之间遗传变异的量占总变异量的73.85%,地区之内占19.45%,而居群内仅占6.70%。对于ISSR,疣粒野生稻地区间,地区内和居群内遗传变异的分布比率分别为49.26%、38.070A和12.66%。UPGMA聚类将同一居群内的个体聚为一支,并将居群按来源分为云南和海南两类。由于疣粒野生稻在群落内的分布为典型的metapopulation格局,伴随各聚群(colony)在群落次生演替过程中周转(灭绝与定植)时发生的遗传漂变、建立者效应和居群内强烈的近交是造成其居群内遗传多样性极低的主要原因。 5.利用10个ISSR标记对中国4个疣粒野生稻居群内的无性系生长与基因型遗传多样性进行了分析。在小尺度取样(个体间隔1.0-1.5m)的情况下,所有居群中均检测到明显的无性系生长现象。参与无性系生长的个体百分比在各居群中从25%-60%不等,Simpson多样性指数表明疣粒野生稻居群内的基因型多样性保持在较高水平(0.837-0.958)。尽管如此,AMOVA对居群内遗传变异进行方差剖分的结果表明参与无性生长的个体所含有的变异量平均只占总变异量的16.7%。因此,疣粒野生稻居群内遗传变异的来源主要依靠有性生殖来维持。同时,处于人为中度干扰之下的疣粒野生稻居群不但个体密度较高,其居群遗传多样性也未因此而降低。 6.在假设RAPD在同一种及其近缘种内PCR产物同源性较高的前提下,利用该技术对来自世界的23份O. granulata和O. meyeriana样品进行了遗传多样性分析和系统学研究。在物种水平,O. granulata具有非常高的遗传多样性(多态位点比率达83.54%),表明该物种进化历史中存在大规模居群瓶颈效应的可能性较小。O.gramulata与O. meyeriana各居群的遗传分化与岛屿形成导致的地理隔离之间有密切的关系。基于Nei & Li遗传相似性系数,利用Neighbor-Joining和UPGMA聚类法构建的两个系统树并不完全一致。主坐标分析(PCoA)支持NJ法的结果:来自O.meyeriana的两个样品倾向于聚为一类,并获得bootstrap分析的支持,但它们的遗传变异范围并未超出O. granulata。因此,我们的结果支持将这两个种进行归并。 7.由于疣粒野生稻在物种水平的遗传多样性非常高,变异主要存在于各地区之间,因此要最大程度地维持该物种遗传多样性,使之不发生遗传侵蚀意味着保护应该针对整个物种的分布区进行。对于分布于中国的居群来说,一方面由于变异主要存在于云南和海南两地区之间,另一方面由于地区内和居群内的遗传多样性相对较低,因此,云南和海南应做为中国保护该物种的两个中心。此外,由于一定程度的人为干扰有利于为该物种创造适宜生境,增加其居群密度,且不会致使遗传变异能力下降,因此在实施就地保护时应充分考虑将其与当地的经济开发项目相结合,达到自然保护与地方经济可持续发展的目的。
在回顾中国淡水与土壤有壳肉足虫研究历史的基础上 ,根据最新分类系统修订了已报道淡水与土壤有壳肉足虫的分类 ,共计 3纲 3目 2 0科 38属 2 4 4种 (包括 5 2亚种 )。其中淡水种类 37属 2 33种及亚种 ,土壤种类 18属 6 4种及亚种 ,淡水与土壤共有 17属 5 3种及亚种。首次对中国淡水有壳肉足虫进行区系分析 ,用Jaccard共同系数分析西藏、贵州梵净山、湖南索溪峪、湖北东湖、江苏南京等 5个地区的淡水有壳肉足虫区系相似性 ,区系相似性系数在 0— 0 2 5或 0 2 5—
本文在广泛收集和系统整理长白植物区种子植物地理分布资料的基础上,采用综合系数、区系指数、特有水平、特有系数、特有综合系数、相似性系数等量化指标和植物区系谱分析、参数估计、系统聚类分析等方法,对长白植物区小兴安岭区、完达山及三江平原区、老爷岭区、吉林哈达岭区、长白山区、龙岗山区和张广才岭区等七个子区系的区系组成、丰富度、特有现象、区系相似性等方面进行了全面系统的比较研究。 通过对七个子区系科、属、种的植物区系谱的分析表明,长白植物区七个子区系均是以温带性质的成分为主,温带性强弱程度相差无几。随着纬度的升高,长白植物区种子植物区系的构成成分呈现温带性质成分渐多、热带性质成分渐少的趋势。 通过综合系数的计算来比较分析七个子区系的丰富度,结果显示,长白山种子植物的物种丰富度最高,宏观上,种子植物物种丰富度表现出纬度地带性,物种种类有从南到北逐渐减少的趋势。本方法具有计算简单、结果直观、一目了然等优点。 通过区系指数、参数估计的方法对长白植物区及其七个子区系成分重要性进行分析,结果表明,温带性质成分对长白植物区系性质影响较大,热带性质影响较小。属的分布区类型对七个子区系作用大小的排序与它们在属的植物区系谱中排序一致,说明该指数具有一定的应用价值。 首次引用特有现象量化指标对长白植物区七个子区系的特有现象进行研究,长白植物区中国特有种的分布中心在东北、东北-华北的区域,以长白山和龙岗山表现最为明显。长白山是特有种分布的关键地区。特有水平、特有现象综合指数均可对特有现象加以解释,而特有系数分析的结果不是很明显。 通过相似性系数分析、系统聚类分析对七个子区系的相似性做了比较研究,长白植物区七个子区系可分为四个子区系组合。选用Ochiar、Jaccard、Sprenson三个相似性系数研究长白植物区系的相似性,所得结论一致。应用系统聚类分析不同地区植物区系的亲缘关系方法简便。其结果用树状图来表示,比较直观,此手段在植物区系比较研究中具有重要的应用价值。
青稞,是我国藏区居民对裸大麦的称谓,它不仅是藏民的主要食粮、燃料和牲畜饲料,而且也是啤酒、医药和保健品生产的原料;青稞不仅为藏区人民的健康和经济发展做出了很大的贡献,而且对人类健康和社会经济的可持续发展都有重要的意义。青藏高原是我国及世界上青稞分布和种植面积最大的地区,资源极其丰富。虽然从经典遗传直到分子标记对我国大麦遗传多样性都有研究,但研究手段、数量仍然不够深入,对我国大麦资源遗传多样性研究的信息非常有限,不能很好地满足大麦遗传研究和育种应用的需要,尤其是对西藏栽培大麦的遗传多样性的研究还只是刚刚开始,关于栽培青稞多态性的研究报道很少。本研究采用SSR标记和蛋白质电泳两类技术,从SSR标记位点、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白和淀粉粒结合蛋白(SGP)等四个方面对我国青藏高原栽培青稞的遗传多样性进行了综合评价。 SSR标记具有基因组分布广泛、数量丰富、多态性高、容易检测、共显性、结果稳定可靠、实验重现性好、操作简单、经济、易于高通量分析等许多优点,被认为是用于遗传多样性、品种鉴定、物种的系统发育、亲缘关系及起源等研究的非常有效的分子标记。本研究采用SSR标记分析了64份青藏高原栽培青稞的遗传多样性,同时评估SSR标记在我国大麦育种和品种鉴定中的应用潜力。选择了30个已知作图位点SSR标记,其中25个标记与重要性状的控制位点连锁紧密。选择的30个SSR标记,5个未得到很好的扩增产物,3个无多态性。22个多态性SSR标记位点中,每位点检测出等位基因2~15个,共检测出等位基因132个,平均每位点6.0 个。各多态位点检测出基因型为2~11种,位点HVM33的基因型最多。各多态位点的多态信息指数为0.16~0.91, 平均为0.65。根据PIC值选择了13个SSR标记用于我国青藏高原栽培青稞基因型鉴定,这些标记的PIC值为0.6以上。结合PIC值和基因型差异,选择了8个多态信息含量高的SSR标记,构建了高效指纹图谱,此图谱能把64份材料完全区分。 贮藏蛋白电泳分析是研究相关编码蛋白基因多态性的非常有效的方法。大麦单体蛋白与小麦醇溶蛋白相对应,具有丰富的多态性,可用于大麦遗传多样性、品种鉴定和群体进化等研究。本研究通过A-PAGE电泳技术研究了84份青藏高原栽培青稞的单体醇溶蛋白多态性。大麦单体醇溶蛋白图谱与小麦醇溶蛋白电泳图谱类似,所分离的蛋白清晰地分为ω-,γ-,β-和α-四个部分。青藏高原栽培青稞单体醇溶蛋白具有丰富的多态性,84份青稞材料中存在43条不同的蛋白带,75种组合带谱;其中67种为单一材料所独有,另8种则分别包含了2-3份材料。每份材料中拥有醇溶蛋白带为6-16条,含有6-10条单体醇溶蛋白带材料较多。西藏和四川材料群体单体醇溶蛋白多态性不同,具有区域特异性。西藏材料中发现了40条不同蛋白带,3条特异带,46 种蛋白组合;四川材料中出现了40种不同蛋白带,26种条带组合, 3条特异带。基于单体蛋白多态性的聚类与材料的来源有一定的相关性。A-PAGE单体蛋白具有丰富的多态性,可作为遗传研究和品种鉴定的标记。 大麦醇溶蛋白(hordein)是大麦籽粒的主要贮藏蛋白,与大麦的营养品质和加工品质密切相关,而且具有丰富的多态性,广泛用于品种鉴定、种质筛选、遗传多样性和亲缘关系研究。B组醇溶蛋白是主要的醇溶蛋白组份,约占总醇溶蛋白的80%,而且具有丰富的多态性。本研究采用SDS-PAGE分析了72份青藏高原栽培青稞B组醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性。青藏高原栽培青稞B组醇溶蛋白具有丰富的多态性,72份青稞材料中存在15种蛋白带,30种组合带谱,其中15种为单一材料所独有,另15种则分别包含了2-10份材料。每份材料中B组醇溶蛋白条带数为4-8条,含5、6条的材料较常见。不同来源的群体材料间B组醇溶蛋白组成存在差异,西藏青稞含有26种蛋白组合带谱,其中有19种特异带谱;四川群体中共发现11种蛋白组合带型,其中有4种特有带谱。两群体中都存在稀有条带。聚类分析将材料分成三组,材料聚类与材料来源地没有明显的相关性。 淀粉粒蛋白(Starch granule proteins, SGPs)是一类与淀粉粒结合的微量蛋白,一些淀粉粒蛋白具有淀粉生化合成中主要的酶蛋白功能,其变异会影响淀粉含量和特性,从而影响淀粉的应用。关于我国大麦淀粉粒组成研究还未见报道。本实验首次开创了我国大麦淀粉粒结合蛋白的研究工作。采用SDS-PAGE电泳技术研究了青藏高原栽培青稞的SGP组成,并分析了不同SGP组合间淀粉含量的差异,初步探索了所分离的SGP蛋白与淀粉合成的关系。66份青稞材料中分离了10种主要的SGP,其表观分子量为40-100KD,低于60KD的SGP带有7条,共有16种组合带谱;各SGP蛋白和组合带谱出现的频率存在差异,青藏高原青稞的SGP组成存在多态性。西藏青稞和四川青稞的SGP组成有很大差异,SGP组成具有地域差异性,西藏青稞含有12种蛋白组合带谱,其中有9种特异带谱;四川群体中共发现7种蛋白组合带型,其中有4种特有带谱;两群体中仅有3种共同的蛋白组合带谱。SGP蛋白特性将66份青稞分为三组, 即Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ,材料聚类与材料来源具有一定的相关性。不同组合带谱材料间淀粉含量差异显著性检验结果显示,不同带谱间材料的总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量和支链淀粉含量有差异,带谱2(SGP1+3+7+9+10)和8(SGP1+2+4+6+8)的总淀粉含量及支链淀粉含量显著大于组合带谱3(SGP1+3+7+10)的总淀粉含量。组合带谱7(SGP1+2+6+8)的直链淀粉含量显著低于带谱11(SGP1+5+8)的直链淀粉。带谱SGP2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10可能参与淀粉合成,SGP9可能与高支链淀粉的合成相关。 SSR标记位点、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白、淀粉结合蛋白等四个方面的研究结果表明青藏高原SSR标记多态性、单体醇溶蛋白多态性、B组醇溶蛋白多态性和SGP多态性都非常丰富,与青藏高原是栽培青稞的多样性分布中心的观点一致。 青藏高原栽培青稞的SSR标记、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白和SGP多态性表现出很大差异。SSR标记覆盖了整个基因组,多态性非常高。单体蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白、SGP蛋白是育种中非常关注的性状,他们只是代表基因组中的某一区域或位点,多态性相对较低。但单体蛋白多态性很高,84份材料中检测出43条不同蛋白带,75种不同的组合带谱。SSR标记技术和单体蛋白技术都是遗传多样性研究的有力工具,但单体蛋白技术不仅多态性高,而且经济、操作简便,是种质鉴定的理想方法。 对不同标记的多态性材料数据进行聚类,聚类图能为我们提供各材料间的遗传相似信息,为材料选择提供参考。但材料聚类与材料来源的地理区域的相关性表现不一致。SSR聚类和B组醇溶蛋白聚类与材料的来源地无相关性,而单体醇溶蛋白和SGP聚类与材料来源地有一定相关性,即西藏群体和四川群体分别有集中类群,这可能是人为选择的附加效应。 不同来源的群体材料的遗传多样性不同,具有区域特异稀有基因,加强不同地区间资源的交换和配合使用,有利于增加群体遗传多样性和新品种培育。 青藏高原栽培青稞的麦芽浸提性状、淀粉性状、病虫及裸粒等重要农艺性状控制位点存在丰富的变异,遗传基础宽广,可能蕴藏着多种不同的等位基因,是研究重要性状遗传特性、基因资源挖掘和遗传育种的宝贵资源库。 Hulless barley, due to its favorable attributes such as high feed value, good human nutrition,rich dietary fiber and ease processing, attracts people,s attention . Hulless barley plays a very important role in Tibetan life, used as essential food crop, main animal feed and important fuel. In addition to tsampa (roasted barley flour), a main food for Tibetan, hulless barley is also made into cake, soup, porridge, recent naked barley liquor and cornmeal. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of a few areas which plant naked barley widely in the world and also has a long growing history. Genetic diversity of the cultivated hulless barley in this region , however, has not been documented. The study of genetic diversity existing within this population is of particular interest in germplasm identification, preservation, and new cultivar development. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of the cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet plateau through the study of SSR marker loci and monomeric prolamins, B-horden and starch granule proteins. SSRs are present abundantly in genomes of higher organisms and have become a popular marker system in plant studies. SSRs offer a number of advantages, such as the high level of polymorphisms, locus specificity, co-dominance, reproducibility, ease of use through PCRand random distribution throughout the genome. In barley, several hundred SSRs have been developed and genetically mapped and can therefore be selected from specific genomic regions. The genetic diversity of 64 cultivated naked barley from Tibet and Sichuan was studied with 30 SSRs of known map location.Among the selected SSR markers, PCR products of 5 SSR markers were not obtained and 3 SSR marker loci were monomeric. A total of 132 alleles were identified at 22 polyomeric SSR loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 15, with an average of 6.0. The polymorphism information content values for the SSRs ranged from 0.08 to 0.94, with an average of 0.65. 13 SSR markers with the PIC value >0.6 have been selected for discrimination of Qinghai-Tibet naked barley genotypews. A finger Print map was developed through 7 SSR markers with the high PIC value. It could be used as an efficient tool for gene discovery and identification of gernplasm. Hordeins, the main storage proteins of the barley seed, are composed of momomeric and polymeric prolamins and divided into -A, B, C and D groups in order of decreasing electrophoretic mobility. Hordeins show high inter-genotypic variation and have been extensively used as markers for cultivar identification and analyzing the genetic diversity. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of B-hordein in 72 naked barley from Qinqhai-Tibet Plateau. Extensive diversity was observed. A total of 15 different bands and 30 distinct patterns were found. Jaccard's coefficient of similarity was calculated, and the accessions were divided into three main groups by cluster analysis using UPGMA. Differentiation among the populations from different collecting regions based on the polymorphism of B-hordein was investigated. Monomeric prolamins show high inter-genotypic variation and have been used as molecular markers for cultivar identification, analyzing the genetic diversity in collections and investigating the evolution processes and structure of populations However, the cultivated hulless accessions from Qinghai-Tibet Pateau in China have never been examined with respect to monomeric prolamins. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of monomeric prolamins (protein fraction corresponding to wheat gliadins) using the Acid -PAGE technique in eighty-four cultivated hulless barley from Qinqhai-Tibet Plateau in China. Extensive diversity was observed. A total of 43 different bands were found, of which 21 different bands were in the region of ω group, 8 in the region of γ, 8 in the region of β, and 6 in the region of α group. Among the 86 accessions, 75 distinct patterns were identified. The number of bands ranged from 6 to 16, depending on the variety. Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity was calculated, and the lines were grouped by cluster analysis using UPGMA. A dendrogram was obtained from the analysis of the groups and five main clusters were identified. No relationship between the distribution in the dendrogram and growth habits and origins of the cultivars could be detected. Starch is the major constituent of the cereal endosperm, comprising approximately 65% of the dry weight of the mature wheat grain. The starch formed in all organs of plants is packaged into starch granules, which vary widely between species and cultivars in size and shape. Wheat endosperm starch granules contain about corresponding to the main biosynthase of starch. This report firstly dealed with intraspecific variation of the major SGPs in cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet plateau. A total of 10 major SGPs were observed in the range of 40KD-100KD and 16 types of patterns were found. Based on the variation of SGPs, accessions studied were classified into 3 groups. A geographical cline of electrophoregram was observed. In addition, significance test of the difference of starch content among groups and types of patterns were done, and the results indicated those SGPs could be related to the content of starch. Diagram obtained through cluster analysis exhibited a structuration of diversity and genetic relationship among cultivated hulless accessions. In breeding program, parents with genetically distant relationship for hybridization will increase genetic diversity of progenies. In conclusion, cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China presents a high variability with respect to monomeric prolamins,SSR markers , B- hordeins and SGPs. The result of this study supports Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the center of cultivated hulless barley and the cultivated naked barley is considered to be a gene pool with large diversity and could be applied to breeding for cereal.
大丽花经兰州重离子加速器提供的80MeV/u12C6+离子束辐照后产生矮化突变体,用随机扩增多态性(Random Amplified Polymorphic,RAPD)DNA技术对野生型和突变体进行检测分析。结果表明,在所用的25条引物中,1.80×108/cm2剂量辐照后有18条引物扩增出现多态性片断,扩增条带多态率19.57%;1.08×108/cm2剂量辐照后仅有6条引物扩增出现多态性片断,扩增条带多态率5.76%。用Jaccard公式对扩增产物进行统计分析,结果表明,两种剂量C6+辐照后与对照相似性系数分别为0.65和0.92。高剂量辐射后DNA易发生突变,在品种改良和诱变育种中相对较高剂量的选择可能更为有效。
群落间各生活型土壤动物科及所有土壤动物科的共有度,一定程度上反映了群落间的相关性及沿环境梯度的物种替代关系.应用梯度格局法在长白山北坡海拔550~2 650 m地段,每隔100 m海拔高度设置一块样地,共计22块样地,并应用Jaccard指数,对各海拔不同土壤动物群落问物种共有度的海拔梯度变化进行了分析.结果表明,不同海拔土壤动物群落间物种的共有度,无论以哪一生活层的土壤动物科来表达,基本都以与其最相邻的群落间为最高.群落间物种共有度峰值与谷点反映了群落类型随海拔具有间断性变化.线虫、甲螨、弹尾等各生活型土壤动物的共有度以及所有土壤动物科的共有度,均随着海拔差的增加呈下降趋势,但并非与植被情况完全吻合.