45 resultados para JSF


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Este proyecto está centrado en investigar la utilización de los frameworks de Java Spring,Hibernate y JSF en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para poder analizar sus ventajas e inconvenientes, he realizado un caso práctico, una aplicación web llamada “Votación de Product Box”. Las primeras dos secciones de este proyecto son este resumen del proyecto y un abstract, es decir, este mismo resumen, en inglés. En la introducción (sección tercera), definiré los objetivos del proyecto, luego en la cuarta sección explicaré las características principales de cada framework, destacando sus ventajas. Una vez presentados los frameworks, paso a explicar el caso práctico, definiendo los requisitos de la aplicación Web y sus casos de uso en la quinta sección. Describo el entorno de desarrollo, las herramientas utilizadas y la razón por las cuales las he elegido en la sexta sección. Ahora explico cómo he realizado la integración de los tres frameworks en la aplicación (sección séptima) y la relaciono por medio de diagramas de clase y de entidad-relación (sección octava). Por último he realizado un tutorial de uso de la aplicación Web (sección novena), he sacado las conclusiones de haber trabajado con estos frameworks, qué ventajas e inconvenientes he encontrado y qué he aprendido a lo largo de este proyecto (sección décima),y he referenciado una bibliografía por si se quiere profundizar en el estudio de estos frameworks (sección undécima). ABSTRACT This project focuses on investigating the use of Java frameworks Spring, JSF and Hibernate on the development of Web applications. To analyze their advantages and disadvantages, I have made a practical example, a website called “Votación de Product Box”. The first two sections of this project are the project summary and abstract (the same summary in English). In the introduction (section three), I define the project goals, and then, in the fourth section, I explain the main features of each framework, emphasizing on its advantages. After introducing the frameworks, I explain the study case, I gather requirements and I make use cases in the fifth section. I describe the development environment, the tools used and the reason why I have chosen them in the sixth section. So I can explain how I made the integration of the three frameworks in the application (section seventh) and relate through class diagrams and entity relationship (section eight). Finally I make a tutorial to use the Web application (Section ninth), I draw to the conclusions of working with these frameworks, which advantages and disadvantages I have found, and I what things I learned through this project (tenth section) and I have a referenced bibliography just in case you want to find out some more about these frameworks (section eleven).


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Principal Topic: Project structures are often created by entrepreneurs and large corporate organizations to develop new products. Since new product development projects (NPDP) are more often situated within a larger organization, intrapreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship plays an important role in bringing these projects to fruition. Since NPDP often involves the development of a new product using immature technology, we describe development of an immature technology. The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) F-35 aircraft is being developed by the U.S. Department of Defense and eight allied nations. In 2001 Lockheed Martin won a $19 billion contract to develop an affordable, stealthy and supersonic all-weather strike fighter designed to replace a wide range of aging fighter aircraft. In this research we define a complex project as one that demonstrates a number of sources of uncertainty to a degree, or level of severity, that makes it extremely difficult to predict project outcomes, to control or manage project (Remington & Zolin, Forthcoming). Project complexity has been conceptualized by Remington and Pollock (2007) in terms of four major sources of complexity; temporal, directional, structural and technological complexity (See Figure 1). Temporal complexity exists when projects experience significant environmental change outside the direct influence or control of the project. The Global Economic Crisis of 2008 - 2009 is a good example of the type of environmental change that can make a project complex as, for example in the JSF project, where project managers attempt to respond to changes in interest rates, international currency exchange rates and commodity prices etc. Directional complexity exists in a project where stakeholders' goals are unclear or undefined, where progress is hindered by unknown political agendas, or where stakeholders disagree or misunderstand project goals. In the JSF project all the services and all non countries have to agree to the specifications of the three variants of the aircraft; Conventional Take Off and Landing (CTOL), Short Take Off/Vertical Landing (STOVL) and the Carrier Variant (CV). Because the Navy requires a plane that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier, that required a special variant of the aircraft design, adding complexity to the project. Technical complexity occurs in a project using technology that is immature or where design characteristics are unknown or untried. Developing a plane that can take off on a very short runway and land vertically created may highly interdependent technological challenges to correctly locate, direct and balance the lift fans, modulate the airflow and provide equivalent amount of thrust from the downward vectored rear exhaust to lift the aircraft and at the same time control engine temperatures. These technological challenges make costing and scheduling equally challenging. Structural complexity in a project comes from the sheer numbers of elements such as the number of people, teams or organizations involved, ambiguity regarding the elements, and the massive degree of interconnectedness between them. While Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor, they are assisted in major aspects of the JSF development by Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Pratt & Whitney and GE/Rolls-Royce Fighter Engineer Team and innumerable subcontractors. In addition to identifying opportunities to achieve project goals, complex projects also need to identify and exploit opportunities to increase agility in response to changing stakeholder demands or to reduce project risks. Complexity Leadership Theory contends that in complex environments adaptive and enabling leadership are needed (Uhl-Bien, Marion and McKelvey, 2007). Adaptive leadership facilitates creativity, learning and adaptability, while enabling leadership handles the conflicts that inevitably arise between adaptive leadership and traditional administrative leadership (Uhl-Bien and Marion, 2007). Hence, adaptive leadership involves the recognition and opportunities to adapt, while and enabling leadership involves the exploitation of these opportunities. Our research questions revolve around the type or source of complexity and its relationship to opportunity recognition and exploitation. For example, is it only external environmental complexity that creates the need for the entrepreneurial behaviours, such as opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation? Do the internal dimensions of project complexity, such as technological and structural complexity, also create the need for opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation? The Kropp, Zolin and Lindsay model (2009) describes a relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), opportunity recognition (OR), and opportunity exploitation (OX) in complex projects, with environmental and organizational contextual variables as moderators. We extend their model by defining the affects of external complexity and internal complexity on OR and OX. ---------- Methodology/Key Propositions: When the environment complex EO is more likely to result in OR because project members will be actively looking for solutions to problems created by environmental change. But in projects that are technologically or structurally complex project leaders and members may try to make the minimum changes possible to reduce the risk of creating new problems due to delays or schedule changes. In projects with environmental or technological complexity project leaders who encourage the innovativeness dimension of EO will increase OR in complex projects. But projects with technical or structural complexity innovativeness will not necessarily result in the recognition and exploitation of opportunities due to the over-riding importance of maintaining stability in the highly intricate and interconnected project structure. We propose that in projects with environmental complexity creating the need for change and innovation project leaders, who are willing to accept and manage risk, are more likely to identify opportunities to increase project effectiveness and efficiency. In contrast in projects with internal complexity a much higher willingness to accept risk will be necessary to trigger opportunity recognition. In structurally complex projects we predict it will be less likely to find a relationship between risk taking and OP. When the environment is complex, and a project has autonomy, they will be motivated to execute opportunities to improve the project's performance. In contrast, when the project has high internal complexity, they will be more cautious in execution. When a project experiences high competitive aggressiveness and their environment is complex, project leaders will be motivated to execute opportunities to improve the project's performance. In contrast, when the project has high internal complexity, they will be more cautious in execution. This paper reports the first stage of a three year study into the behaviours of managers, leaders and team members of complex projects. We conduct a qualitative study involving a Group Discussion with experienced project leaders. The objective is to determine how leaders of large and potentially complex projects perceive that external and internal complexity will influence the affects of EO on OR. ---------- Results and Implications: These results will help identify and distinguish the impact of external and internal complexity on entrepreneurial behaviours in NPDP. Project managers will be better able to quickly decide how and when to respond to changes in the environment and internal project events.


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To remove the right of prisoners to vote does many things. … It signals that whatever the prisoner says is not of interest to those at the top, that you are not interested in talking to them or even listening to them, that you want to exclude them and that you have no interest in knowing about them. INTRODUCTION In June 2006, Australia passed legislation disenfranchising all prisoners serving full-time custodial sentences from voting in federal elections. This followed a succession of changes dating from 1983 that alternately extended and restricted the prisoner franchise. In 1989 and 1995, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) federal government prepared draft legislation removing any restrictions on prisoner voting rights in federal elections; the measures were defeated and withdrawn. With the 2006 legislation, the Howard Coalition government (composed of the Liberal and National parties) successfully achieved the total disenfranchisement it first sought in 1998. This chapter examines the politics and legality of the 2006 disenfranchisement. This will be approached, first, by briefly outlining the key provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, offering a short legislative history of prisoner franchise, and examining some of the key constitutional issues. Second, the 2006 disenfranchisement introduced in the Electoral and Referendum (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Act 2006 will be examined in greater detail, particularly in terms of the manner in which it was achieved and the arguments that were mobilized both in support of and against the change.


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Early on Christmas morning 1974, tropical cyclone Tracy devastated the city of Darwin leaving only 6 per cent of the city’s housing habitable and instigating the evacuation of 75 per cent of its population. The systematic failure of so much of Darwin’s building stock led to a humanitarian disaster that proved the impetus for an upheaval of building regulatory and construction practices throughout Australia. Indeed, some of the most enduring legacies of Tracy have been the engineering and regulatory steps taken to ensure the extent of damage would not be repeated. This chapter explores these steps and highlights lessons that have led to a national building framework and practice at the fore of wind-resistant design internationally.


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The present invention relates to recombinant cells, particularly recombinant plant cells, which are capable of producing dihydrosterculic acid and/or derivatives thereof. The present invention also relates to methods of producing oil comprising dihydrosterculic acid and/or derivatives thereof.


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The present invention relates to genetically modified cells that are capable of optimal transgene expression by co-expressing a silencing suppressor whilst at the same time are also capable of silencing a gene, such as a naturally occurring gene of the cell. The present invention also relates to methods of producing the modified cells, as well as relates to processes for obtaining a genetically modified cell with a desired property.


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我国牡丹资源丰富、药用历史悠久,但长期以来,资源与药效关系不清严重阻碍着丹皮的产业化发展。建立一套综合评价体系,比较不同牡丹资源间的差异,科学评价、准确定位各地不同品种的利用价值,对稳定我国丹皮质量、可持续、集约化发展丹皮产业具有重要的意义。 本实验以我国丰富的药用牡丹资源为材料,从观赏和药用价值两方面首先探讨综合评价牡丹资源的体系。在观赏价值考察中重点比较了花型、花色、花期等性状;药用价值则从根的产量、重金属含量以及七种主要药效成分含量三方面来比较;重金属含量以原子分光光度法检测,药效成分则以高效液相色谱和质谱进行分离鉴定和定性、定量检测。利用建立的综合评价体系对野生种、各地药用品种进行了评价,对丹皮生产相关环节的问题进行了讨论,并初步探讨了药效成分的遗传规律。结果如下: 1、引种的野生牡丹药用价值不比栽培品种高,建议作为育种材料。 2、不同品种间药效成分含量存在显著差异,综合比较‘JSF’、‘CKL’、‘凤丹’适于药用栽培,‘赵粉’、‘朱砂垒’、‘首案红’等品种适宜观赏栽培,‘太平红’、‘JPH’等可花药兼用。 3、不同的土壤、气候环境对丹皮药效成分含量有明显的影响,丹皮中重金属含量主要与土壤环境关系密切。 4、根的粗细程度与药效成分含量关系不大,建议市场药材分级时充分考虑。 5、丹皮的药效成分含量与株龄、采收期、储藏时期关系密切;建议采收、应用根据各地的品种、气候条件及市场情况而定,在保证较高药效成分含量的前提下,尽量缩短生产、流通周期。 6、催花、嫁接对一些牡丹品种的药用价值影响不大,可合理开发利用。 7、药效成分的遗传有一定的规律,86%的子代丹皮酚含量高于父母本或亲本之一;丹皮酚原苷和没食子酰羟基芍药苷含量受父本影响较大,而芍药苷、苯甲酰芍药苷、丹皮酚新苷、没食子酰丹皮酚苷含量受母本影响较大。


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门户提供了对信息资源的单一访问入口, 将各种异构应用和数据资源集成到同一用户界面下,并根据用户或角色的不同,形成个性化访问页面,进而实现信息的有效传递和共享。 企业为了满足自身业务的需求而不断推出不同的业务系统,如电子商务系统、办公自动化系统、企业资源管理和财务管理系统。但是由于各个系统之间互相孤立,数据分散,形成了一个个“信息孤岛”。集成现有的应用系统成为门户中间件平台的一个重要目标。 门户中现有的集成方式,如首页集成、工作流集成,可以将已有的应用集成到门户中。但是这些方式不够灵活,表现在对于 Web 应用,不能将已有的业务逻辑和界面表现同时方便地集成到门户中。虽然JCP社区提出了 JSR 301规范,支持 JSF 框架的 Portlet 桥接,将 JSF 应用集成到门户中,但是对集成的应用系统类型有很大的限制。面对企业中不同类型的应用系统,缺少一种较为通用的解决方法。 本文针对MVC Web 框架的特性以及门户中应用集成的实际需求,提出了一种面向MVC Web 框架的 Portlet 桥接,一方面支持多种 Web 框架;另一方面在不改变原有应用系统的前提下,将该系统集成到门户环境中。通过分析和比较MVC Web 框架和Portlet 之间的工作原理以及运行环境,总结出桥接过程中必须 解决的三个关键问题:请求处理、URL 地址改写以及运行环境上下文的适配。为解决以上问题,本文设计了两阶段的请求处理方式,定义了 URL 地址的改写规则以及设计了上下文的适配器。在此基础之上,给出了 Portlet 桥接的分析与设计。 基于本文给出的 Portlet 桥接设计,在自主研发的企业门户 OncePortal 中实现了 JSF、Struts 两种具体桥接,并通过应用实例验证 Portlet 桥接的有效性,实现对 Web 应用系统的无缝集成。


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文章提出了一种新型远程作业管理系统框架.该框架基于JMX架构,融合了基于企业权限映射模型的安全机制、JSF(Java Server Face)的可视化框架等多项技术,有效地改进了传统的作业管理系统的可扩展性差、安全机制不足和缺乏统一、完善的系统管理三点不足.并基于该框架实现了国家863项目“远程作业管理系统”,实现了灵活的系统组件动态配置,基于企业权限映射模型的高安全和可视化管理界面,比较了实现系统和传统系统的优点,讨论了其中涉及到的关键技术.


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Studies on the flora and fauna of the Canary Islands show that this Archipelago is one of the planet’s diversity hot spots. However, an analysis of the differences in the phytogeographic characteristics of each of the islands that make up this Archipelago is lacking. This article focuses on the phytogeographic characterization of the island of Gran Canaria. This island exhibits geological and climatic characteristics resulting in a rich vascular flora, including endemic species and genera that are significantly different from the other islands of the Archipelago. These differences are verified through statistical analysis of the existing similarity between the floras of the members of the Canary Islands. This study also analyses the subdivision of Gran Canaria Island, indicating that there are three well-differentiated areas on the island itself. Finally, this study argues that these areas, themselves, should be considered biogeographic sectors.


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Este trabajo de grado es el resultado de un diagnóstico de gestión ambiental realizado a Inversiones Rustiplast, una fábrica de pinturas que a pesar de tener acercamientos empíricos en este tema requería de un método juicioso que le permitiera establecer lineamientos y procedimientos en la implementación de estrategias de producción más limpia. Es allí donde surgió la necesidad de realizar un estudio de impactos y aspectos ambientales de los procesos de producción más importantes de la empresa, que permitió proponer programas que mitigan aquellos impactos negativos al ambiente dándole una importancia primordial a la normatividad que debe cumplir la compañía para poder desenvolverse en cada uno de ellos.