991 resultados para JNI(Java Native Interface)


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Linguagem de programação Java. Java native interface (JNI). Ferramenta ServCLIPS:um exemplo de uso da JNI.


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随着社会的进步和发展,人们不断追求舒适和安逸的生活,不愿意从事一些枯燥甚至不安全的工作,因此,能够代替人类完成简单工作并可以与人进行沟通的家庭服务机器人越来越受到人们的青睐,有着非常好的应用前景。 家庭服务机器人服务的对象是普通人群,不仅需要为用户提供一种友好、自然的人机交互手段,更为重要的是需要为不同位置、不同环境的人们提供所需求的服务。因此,本文研究的重点在于通过网络和机器人技术开发能够满足人们目前生活要求的基于网络的机器人控制系统。 本文以新松机器人股份有限公司的“家庭服务机器人项目”为背景,在对传统的机器人网络控制技术分析的基础上,主要从控制和视频两大部分展开研究。在控制部分,如何既能实现机器人的网络控制又能实现本地控制是本部分的主要研究内容。为此,本文采用模块化设计思想,分别对客户端模块、服务器端模块、机器人控制端模块进行了详细分析与设计,并且采用JNI(Java Native Interface)技术解决了不同语言的接口问题。针对如何实现代码的复用性以及扩展性问题上,本文提出了一种Applet-Servlet-Win32DLL-MFCDLL(Dynamic Link Library)模式的新型控制架构,实现了机器人的网络控制和本地控制。在视频部分,如何实现视频图像的实时传输是视频方面研究的重点。本文采用JMF(Java Media Frame)技术及RTP(Real Transport Protocol)/RTCP(Real Transport Control Protocol)协议,分别从视频发送模块、视频接收与播放模块进行了设计,达到了很好的实时效果。并且采用双缓冲、多线程技术解决了视频传输过程存在的闪烁、抖动等问题,通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。 最后,本文对机器人网络控制系统进行了实验验证,运行效果良好,并且在对本课题研究的基础上,对网络时延进行了分析及实验测试,简要分析了解决方案。


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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MPJ Express is our implementation of MPI-like bindings for Java. In this paper we discuss our intermediate buffering layer that makes use of the so-called direct byte buffers introduced in the Java New I/O package. The purpose of this layer is to support the implementation of derived datatypes. MPJ Express is the first Java messaging library that implements this feature using pure Java. In addition, this buffering layer allows efficient implementation of communication devices based on proprietary networks such as Myrinet. In this paper we evaluate the performance of our buffering layer and demonstrate the usefulness of direct byte buffers. Also, we evaluate the performance of MPJ Express against other messaging systems using Myrinet and show that our buffering layer has made it possible to avoid the overheads suffered by other Java systems such as mpiJava that relies on the Java Native Interface.


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MPJ Express is our implementation of MPI-like bindings for Java. In this paper we discuss our intermediate buffering layer that makes use of the so-called direct byte buffers introduced in the Java New I/O package. The purpose of this layer is to support the implementation of derived datatypes. MPJ Express is the first Java messaging library that implements this feature using pure Java. In addition, this buffering layer allows efficient implementation of communication devices based on proprietary networks such as Myrinet. In this paper we evaluate the performance of our buffering layer and demonstrate the usefulness of direct byte buffers. Also, we evaluate the performance of MPJ Express against other messaging systems using Myrinet and show that our buffering layer has made it possible to avoid the overheads suffered by other Java systems such as mpiJava that relies on the Java Native Interface.


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L'argomento di questa tesi è l'architettura di rete Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN), progettata per operare nelle reti “challenged”, dove la suite di protocolli TCP/IP risulta inefficace a causa di lunghi ritardi di propagazione del segnale, interruzioni e disturbi di canale, ecc. Esempi di reti “challenged” variano dalle reti interplanetarie alle Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Le principali implementazioni dell'architettura DTN sono DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION, sviluppata da NASA JPL per applicazioni spaziali. Una grande differenza tra reti spaziali e terrestri è che nello spazio i movimenti dei nodi sono deterministici, mentre non lo sono per i nodi mobili terrestri, i quali generalmente non conoscono la topologia della rete. Questo ha portato allo sviluppo di diversi algoritmi di routing: deterministici per le reti spaziali e opportunistici per quelle terrestri. NASA JPL ha recentemente deciso di estendere l'ambito di applicazione di ION per supportare anche scenari non deterministici. Durante la tesi, svolta presso NASA JPL, mi sono occupato di argomenti diversi, tutti finalizzati a questo obiettivo. Inizialmente ho testato la nuova implementazione dell'algoritmo IP Neighbor Discovery (IPND) di ION, corretti i bug e prodotta la documentazione ufficiale. Quindi ho contribuito ad integrare il Contact Graph Routing (CGR) di ION nel simulatore DTN “ONE” utilizzando la Java Native Interface (JNI) come ponte tra il codice Java di ONE e il codice C di ION. In particolare ho adattato tutte le librerie di ION necessarie per far funzionare CGR all'interno dell'ambiente di ONE. Infine, dopo aver analizzato un dataset di tracce reali di nodi mobili, ho contribuito a progettare e a sviluppare OCGR, estensione opportunistica del CGR, quindi ne ho curato l'integrazione in ONE. I risultati preliminari sembrano confermare la validità di OCGR che, una volta messo a punto, può diventare un valido concorrente ai più rinomati algoritmi opportunistici.


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This paper describes the process of wrapping existing scientific codes in the domain of plasma physics simulations through the use of the Sun’s Java Native Interface. We have created a Java front-end for a particular functionality, offered by legacy native libraries, in order to achieve reusability and interoperability without having to rewrite these libraries. The technique, introduced in this paper, includes two approaches – the one-to-one mapping for wrapping a number of native functions, and using peer classes for wrapping native data structures.


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Finding the optimal value for a problem is usual in many areas of knowledge where in many cases it is needed to solve Nonlinear Optimization Problems. For some of those problems it is not possible to determine the expression for its objective function and/or its constraints, they are the result of experimental procedures, might be non-smooth, among other reasons. To solve such problems it was implemented an API contained methods to solve both constrained and unconstrained problems. This API was developed to be used either locally on the computer where the application is being executed or remotely on a server. To obtain the maximum flexibility both from the programmers’ and users’ points of view, problems can be defined as a Java class (because this API was developed in Java) or as a simple text input that is sent to the API. For this last one to be possible it was also implemented on the API an expression evaluator. One of the drawbacks of this expression evaluator is that it is slower than the Java native code. In this paper it is presented a solution that combines both options: the problem can be expressed at run-time as a string of chars that are converted to Java code, compiled and loaded dynamically. To wide the target audience of the API, this new expression evaluator is also compatible with the AMPL format.


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This work presents JFLoat, a software implementation of IEEE-754 standard for binary floating point arithmetic. JFloat was built to provide some features not implemented in Java, specifically directed rounding support. That feature is important for Java-XSC, a project developed in this Department. Also, Java programs should have same portability when using floating point operations, mainly because IEEE-754 specifies that programs should have exactly same behavior on every configuration. However, it was noted that programs using Java native floating point types may be machine and operating system dependent. Also, JFloat is a possible solution to that problem


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The study of associations between two biomolecules is the key to understanding molecular function and recognition. Molecular function is often thought to be determined by underlying structures. Here, combining a single-molecule study of protein binding with an energy-landscape-inspired microscopic model, we found strong evidence that biomolecular recognition is determined by flexibilities in addition to structures. Our model is based on coarse-grained molecular dynamics on the residue level with the energy function biased toward the native binding structure ( the Go model). With our model, the underlying free-energy landscape of the binding can be explored. There are two distinct conformational states at the free-energy minimum, one with partial folding of CBD itself and significant interface binding of CBD to Cdc42, and the other with native folding of CBD itself and native interface binding of CBD to Cdc42. This shows that the binding process proceeds with a significant interface binding of CBD with Cdc42 first, without a complete folding of CBD itself, and that binding and folding are then coupled to reach the native binding state.


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Smartphones get increasingly popular where more and more smartphone platforms emerge. Special attention was gained by the open source platform Android which was presented by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) hosting members like Google, Motorola, and HTC. Android uses a Linux kernel and a stripped-down userland with a custom Java VM set on top. The resulting system joins the advantages of both environments, while third-parties are intended to develop only Java applications at the moment. In this work, we present the benefit of using native applications in Android. Android includes a fully functional Linux, and using it for heavy computational tasks when developing applications can bring in substantional performance increase. We present how to develop native applications and software components, as well as how to let Linux applications and components communicate with Java programs. Additionally, we present performance measurements of native and Java applications executing identical tasks. The results show that native C applications can be up to 30 times as fast as an identical algorithm running in Dalvik VM. Java applications can become a speed-up of up to 10 times if utilizing JNI.


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The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) is a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers and is essential for viral entry. The gp41 subunit in native, prefusion trimeric Env exists in a metastable conformation and attains a stable six-helix bundle (6-HB) conformation comprised of a trimer of N-heptad repeat (NHR) and C-heptad repeat (CHR) heterodimers, that drives the fusion of viral and cellular membranes. We attempted to stabilize native Env trimers by incorporation of mutations at the NHR-CHR interface that disrupt the postfusion 6-HB of gp41. The mutations V570D and I573D stabilize native Env of the HIV-1 JRFL strain and occlude nonneutralizing epitopes to a greater extent than the previously identified I559P mutation that is at the interface of the NHR trimers in the 6-HB. The mutations prevent soluble-CD4 (sCD4)-induced gp120 shedding and 6-HB formation. In the context of cell surface-expressed JRFL Env, introduction of a previously reported additional disulfide between residues A501 and T605 perturbs the native conformation, though this effect is partially alleviated by furin coexpression. The data suggest that positions 570 and 573 are surface proximal in native Env and that the NHR homotrimeric coiled coil in native Env terminates before or close to residue 573. Aspartic acid substitutions at these positions stabilize native trimers through destabilization of the postfusion 6-HB conformation. These mutations can be used to stabilize Env in a DNA vaccine format. IMPORTANCE The major protein on the surface of HIV-1 is the envelope (Env) glycoprotein. Env is a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers. gp120 is involved in receptor/coreceptor binding and gp41 in the fusion of viral and cellular membranes. Like many other viral fusion proteins, the gp41 subunit in native trimeric Env exists in a metastable conformation. gp41 readily forms a stable six-helix bundle (6-HB) conformation comprised of a trimer of N-heptad repeat (NHR) and C-heptad repeat (CHR) heterodimers that drives fusion of viral and cellular membranes. While it is expected that native Env is a good immunogen, its metastability results in exposure of immunodominant nonneutralizing epitopes. In the present study, we stabilize native Env trimers by incorporation of a number of different mutations at the NHR-CHR interface that disrupt the postfusion 6-HB of gp41. The stabilized constructs described here can be incorporated into DNA vaccine candidates.


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Esta investigación pretende alcanzar dos objetivos. Cubrir el vacío existente en los estudios de las funciones comunicativas del habla de profesores, en este caso de inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE) destinado a nivel preescolar, y configurar una interfaz discurso-gramática de las funciones reguladoras del lenguaje.. En primer lugar, para lograr un análisis discursivo-semántico, en este trabajo se diseña la Red Sistémica de Funciones Reguladoras, RSFR, una herramienta que resume las diferentes opciones discursivo-semánticas de los contextos de las funciones reguladoras. A continuación, se analizan los datos en el estrato léxico-gramatical para facilitar conclusiones sobre la relación función-realización formal. Por último se exponen las similitudes y diferencias en la producción lingüística de las funciones reguladoras entre profesores nativos y no nativos.. Las aportaciones más destacadas de esta investigación son cuatro: hacer posible un estudio sistemático del significado mediante el diseño de una herramienta; la propuesta de una taxonomía de funciones reguladoras; el análisis de la dependencia entre las funciones reguladoras, y sus realizaciones lingüísticas; y las diferencias encontradas en la comparación del discurso del profesor nativo y no-nativo..


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The present study examines knowledge of the discourse-appropriateness of Clitic Right Dislocation (CLRD) in a population of Heritage (HS) and Spanish-dominant Native Speakers in order to test the predictions of the Interface Hypothesis (IH; Sorace 2011). The IH predicts that speakers in language contact situations will experience difficulties with integrating information involving the interface of syntax and discourse modules. CLRD relates a dislocated constituent to a discourse antecedent, requiring integration of syntax and pragmatics. Results from an acceptability judgment task did not support the predictions of the IH. No statistical differences between the HSs’ performance and that of L1-dominant native speakers were evidenced when participants were presented with an offline task. Thus, our study did not find any evidence of “incomplete acquisition” (Montrul 2008) as it pertains to this specific linguistic structure.