9 resultados para J81
The Climatological Database for the World's Oceans: 1750-1854 (CLIWOC) project, which concluded in 2004, abstracted more than 280,000 daily weather observations from ships' logbooks from British, Dutch, French, and Spanish naval vessels engaged in imperial business in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These data, now compiled into a database, provide valuable information for the reconstruction of oceanic wind field patterns for this key period that precedes the time in which anthropogenic influences on climate became evident. These reconstructions, in turn, provide evidence for such phenomena as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Of equal importance is the finding that the CLIWOC database the first coordinated attempt to harness the scientific potential of this resource represents less than 10 percent of the volume of data currently known to reside in this important but hitherto neglected source.
An increasing number of bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements (or regional trade agreements: RTAs) include "labor clauses" that require or urge the signatory countries to commit to maintaining a certain level of labor standards. This paper performs an empirical analysis of the impacts of such labor clauses provided in RTAs on working conditions that laborers in the RTA signatory countries actually face, using macro-level data for a wide variety of countries. The paper first examines the texts of labor provisions in more than 220 effective RTAs and (re-)classifies "RTAs with labor clauses" according to two criteria: (i) the agreement urges or expects the signatory countries to harmonize their domestic labor standards with internationally recognized standards, and (ii) the agreement stipulates the procedures for consultations and/or dispute settlement on labor-condition issues between the signatory countries. Based on this labor-clause RTA classification, the paper estimates the impacts of RTA labor clauses on working conditions in countries with two empirical specifications using the sample covering 136 countries or economies and years from 1995 through 2011. The estimation is extended to takes into account possible lags in the labor-condition effects of labor clauses as well as to consider potential difference in the impacts for countries in different income levels. The empirical results for the four measures of labor conditions (mean monthly real earnings, mean weekly work hours per employee, fatal occupational injury rate, and the number of the ILO's Core Conventions ratified) find no evidence for possible pro-labor-condition effects of RTA labor clauses overall, which should be consistent with the view of economics literature that questions the relevance of linking trade policy with issues in the domestic labor standards.
El acoso laboral es una problemática que aqueja a la población laboral mundial y es uno de los principales riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo, pues no sólo afecta la productividad de los trabajadores, sino que también tiene un fuerte impacto en su salud mental. En Colombia se promulgó la Ley 1010 de 2006 con el fin de combatir este flagelo, sin embargo, se cuestiona la eficacia de esta ley y las resoluciones emanadas del Ministerio del Trabajo que crean los Comités de Convivencia Laboral. El acoso laboral, continúa siendo una de las principales problemáticas que viven los empleados en Colombia, situación que no es ajena en la Administración Municipal de Itagüí. La pregunta que orientó la presente investigación fue: ¿Genera credibilidad y confianza el Comité de Convivencia Laboral entre los funcionarios de la Administración Municipal de Itagüí frente a la solución de las problemáticas relacionadas con el acoso laboral? Los resultados obtenidos a partir de una encuesta realizada a 254 funcionarios y una entrevista con los miembros del Comité de Convivencia Laboral (CCL), permite concluir que el CCL de la Administración Municipal de Itagüí, presenta fallas en la gestión que viene realizando y que existe un clima de desconfianza y falta de credibilidad hacia el comité, lo que se traduce en que la Ley 1010 de 2006 pierda eficacia instrumental en la prevención del acoso laboral en la administración municipal de Itagüí.