978 resultados para Itu granite province


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The 590-580 Ma Itu Granite Province (IGP) is a roughly linear belt of post-orogenic granite plutons similar to 60 km wide extending for some 350 km along the southern edge of the Apia-Guaxupe Terrane in southeastern Brazil. Typical components are subalkaline A-type granites (some with rapakivi texture) that crystallized at varied, but mostly strongly oxidizing conditions, and contrast with a coeval association of also oxidized high-K calc-alkaline granites in terms of major (e. g., lower Ca/Fe) and trace elements (higher Nb, Y, Zr). Mantle-derived magmas (such as those forming the LILE-rich Piracaia Monzodiorite, with epsilon(Nd(t)) = -7 to -10, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((t)) = 0.7045-0.7055) are inferred to derive from enriched subcontinental lithosphere modified during previous subduction, and may have played a role in the generation of the A-type granites, adding melts or fluids or both to the lower crust from which the latter were generated. The IGP is interpreted as a reflection of crust uplift and increased heat flux during ascent of hot, less dense asthenosphere after continental collision, probably reflecting breakoff of an oceanic slab coeval to the right-lateral accretion of a terrane related to the Mantiqueira Orogenic System.


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This paper describes the chemical variability of the Late Precambrian Itu Rapakivi Province (IRP), State of São Paulo, SE Brazil, based on 187 selected analyses from the Itu, São Francisco, Sorocaba, Campina do Veado and Sguario/ Correa granites. The IRP has an almost uniform petrographic character conferred by the overall dominance of subalkaline biotite granites. Monzogranites (adamellites), granodiorites, quartz syenites, quartz monzonites are rare to very rare rock types and tonalites and quartz diorites are almost restricted to enclaves. Typical chemical features are the high FeO*/MgO ratio, a clustering of the K2O values between 4.5 and 6.0 wt.% and K2O/Na2O ratios which define the IRP as mildly potassic although more potassic rocks also occur. The overal Peacock Alkalinity Index is 54 defining the Province as alkali-calcic. In the Shand diagram the data cluster near the metaluminous/peraluminous boundary. Relationships between Nb, Rb and Y stress the within plate character of the IRP and the relationships between Rb, Ba and Sr reveal the importance of feldspar fractionation in magma evolution. The data also show an interbody and an intrabody chemical variability due to the variation in the composition of the crustal magma protoliths, as assigned by K/Rb relations. The presence of several magmatic cycles which built up the major intrusions reflects a magma ascent from collecting chambers successively drained and recharged, a feature in agreement with the clear link between the bodies and long lived, successively reactivated, transcurrent faults. Most of the chemical features of the IRP correspond to those of the classical Finnish rapakivi granites.


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Tin-polymetallic greisen-type deposits in the Itu Rapakivi Province and Rondonia Tin Province, Brazil are associated with late-stage rapakivi fluorine-rich peraluminous alkali-feldspar granites. These granites contain topaz and/or muscovite or zinnwaldite and have geochemical characteristics comparable to the low-P sub-type topaz-bearing granites. Stockworks and veins are common in Oriente Novo (Rondonia Tin Province) and Correas (Itu Rapakivi Province) deposits, but in the Santa Barbara deposit (Rondonia Tin Province) a preserved cupola with associated bed-like greisen is predominant. The contrasting mineralization styles reflect different depths of formation, spatial relationship to tin granites, and different wall rock/fluid proportions. The deposits contain a similar rare-metal suite that includes Sri (+/-W, +/-Ta, +/-Nb), and base-metal suite (Zn-Cu-Pb) is present only in Correas deposit. The early fluid inclusions of the Correas and Oriente Novo deposits are (1) low to moderate-salinity (0-19 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-bearing aqueous fluids homogenizing at 245-450 degreesC, and (2) aqueous solutions with low CO2, low to moderate salinity (0-14 wt.% NaCl eq.), which homogenize between 100 and 340 T. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the early inclusions are represented by (1) low-salinity (5-12 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with variable CO2 contents, homogenizing at 340 to 390 T, and (2) low-salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluid inclusions, which homogenize at 320380 degreesC. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite-tantalite, scheelite, and sulfide assemblages accompany these fluids. The late fluid in the Oriente Novo and Correas deposit was a low-salinity (0-6 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-free aqueous solution, which homogenizes at (100-260 degreesC) and characterizes the sulfide fluorite-sericite association in the Correas deposit. The late fluid in the Santa Barbara deposit has lower salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) and characterizes the late-barren-quartz, muscovite and kaolinite veins. Oxygen isotope thermometry coupled with fluid inclusion data suggest hydrothermal activity at 240-450 degreesC, and 1,0-2.6 kbar fluid pressure at Correas and Oriente Novo. The hydrogen isotope composition of breccia-greisen, stockwork, and vein fluids (delta(18)O quartz from 9.9parts per thousand to 10.9parts per thousand, deltaDH(2)O from 4.13parts per thousand to 6.95parts per thousand) is consistent with a fluid that was in equilibrium with granite at temperatures from 450 to 240 degreesC. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the inferred temperatures for quartz-pods and bed-like greisens are much higher (570 and 500 degreesC, respectively), and that for the cassiterite-quartz-veins is 415 degreesC. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of greisen and quartz-pods fluids (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=5.5-6.1parts per thousand) indicate that the fluid equilibrated with the albite granite, consistent with a magmatic origin. The values for mica (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=33-9.8parts per thousand) suggest mixing with meteoric water. Late muscovite veins (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=-6.4parts per thousand) and late quartz (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=-3.8parts per thousand) indicate involvement of a meteoric fluid. Overall, the stable isotope and fluid inclusion data imply three fluid types: (1) an early orthomagmatic fluid, which equilibrated with granite; (2) a mixed orthomagmatic-meteoric fluid; and (3) a late hydrothermal meteoric fluid. The first two were responsible for cassiterite, wolframite, and minor coluChange in the redox conditions related to mixing-of magmatic and meteoric fluids favored important sulfide mineralization in the Correas deposit. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used the fabrics of two granite plutons and U/Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages to constrain the tectonic evolution of the E-trending Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil). The pre-tectonic Teixeira batholith consists of an amphibole leucogranite locally with aegirine-augite. Zircons from a syenogranite yielded crystallization ages of 591 +/- 5 Ma. The batholith fabrics were determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and mineral shape preferred orientation. The fabrics support pre-transcurrent batholith emplacement, as evidenced by: (i) magmatic/magnetic fabrics in low susceptibility (<0.35 mSI) leucogranites highly discordant to the regional host rock structure, and (ii) concordant magnetic fabrics restricted to high susceptibility (>1 mSI) corridors connected to shear zones branching off from Patos. One of these satellite shear zones controlled the syntectonic emplacement of the Serra Redonda pluton, which yields a crystallization age of 576 +/- 3 Ma. This late shearing event marks the peak regional deformation that, south of Patos, was coupled to crustal shortening nearly perpendicular to the shear belt. The chronology of the deformational events indicates that the major shear zones of the eastern Borborema are late structures active after the crustal blocks amalgamated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Petrografia, suscetibilidade magnética e geoquímica do Granito Rio Branco, Província Carajás, sudeste do Pará, Brazil. O Granito Rio Branco é um stock paleoproterozoico intrusivo no biotita-monzogranito arqueano Cruzadão. Ocorre a oeste da cidade de Canaã dos Carajás, nas proximidades da mina de cobre do Sossego na Província Carajás. É constituído por sienogranitos não deformados e isotrópicos, hololeucocráticos, em geral de granulação média. A mineralogia é formada por feldspato alcalino pertítico, quartzo e plagioclásio. A biotita, intensamente cloritizada, é a principal fase máfica, acompanhada por flluorita, allanita, zircão, pirita e calcopirita como minerais acessórios. Albitização e, com menor intensidade greisenização, afetaram o granito, sendo a mineralogia secundária albita, fluorita, topázio, clorita, muscovita, siderofilita e óxidos e/ou hidróxidos de ferro. O Granito Rio Branco apresenta valores sistematicamente baixos de suscetibilidade magnética (SM) variando de 1,3 x 10-5 a 6,96 x 10-4 (SI). Geoquimicamente, é metaluminoso a peraluminoso, possui altas razões FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) e mostra afinidades com granitos ferrosos, tipo-A do subtipo A2. Os padrões dos ETR revelam um ligeiro enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação ao ETR pesados e anomalia negativa acentuada de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,08 - 0,13), resultando feição em "gaivota", característica de granitos evoluídos. O conjunto de dados obtidos demonstra o caráter evoluído do Granito Rio Branco e sua derivação a partir de líquidos reduzidos e enriquecidos em voláteis, causadores das transformações hidrotermais tardias. O estudo comparativo deste corpo com aqueles das suítes anorogênicas da Província Carajás sugere que o Granito Rio Branco possui maior afinidade com os granitos das suítes Velho Guilherme e, em menor grau, Serra dos Carajás. Por outro lado, é claramente distinto da Suíte Jamon. Embora apresente características similares às dos granitos especializados em estanho, não há mineralizações desta natureza associadas ao corpo.


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Este trabalho apresenta dados geológicos, petrográficos e mineralógicos referentes ao granito que hospeda o depósito aurífero Tocantinzinho e objetivou contribuir ao entendimento dos processos hidrotermais associados à sua gênese. O depósito ocorre em biotita monzogranito tardi a pós-tectônico, do subtipo oxidado da série ilmenita, que foi alojado a profundidades de 6 - 9 km. Esse granitoide encontra-se bastante fraturado e localmente brechado, tendo experimentado processos hidrotermais de grau fraco a moderado, os quais geraram duas principais variedades (salame e smoky) sem diferenças mineralógicas ou químicas importantes, porém macroscopicamente muito distintas. Vários tipos de alteração hidrotermal foram reconhecidos nas rochas granitoides, sendo representados principalmente por vênulas e pela substituição de minerais primários. A história hidrotermal teve início com a microclinização, durante a qual o protólito granítico foi em parte transformado na variedade salame. A temperaturas em torno de 330 oC ocorreu a cloritização, que produziu chamosita com XFe na faixa de 0,55 - 0,70. Seguiu-se a sericitização, durante a qual os fluidos mineralizadores precipitaram pirita, calcopirita, esfalerita, galena e ouro. À medida que a alteração progrediu, as soluções se saturaram em sílica e precipitaram quartzo em vênulas. No estágio mais tardio (carbonatação), provavelmente houve mistura entre fluidos aquosos e aquocarbônicos, de que teria resultado a reação entre Ca2+ e CO2 e formação de calcita. A maioria dos sulfetos encontra-se em vênulas, algumas em trama stockwork. O ouro é normalmente muito fino e ocorre principalmente como inclusões submicroscópicas ou ao longo de microfraturas em pirita e quartzo. O depósito Tocantinzinho é muito similar aos depósitos Batalha, Palito e São Jorge, e aos do campo Cuiú-Cuiú. Tipologicamente poderia ser classificado como depósito relacionado a intrusões.


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Epidote-group minerals, together with albite, quartz, fluorite, Al-poor and Fe-rich phyllosilicates, zircon, and minor oxides and sulphides, are typical hydrothermal phases in peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites from the Corupá Pluton, Graciosa Province, South Brazil. The epidote-group minerals occur as single crystals and as aggregates filling in rock interstices and miarolitic cavities. They display complex recurrent zoning patterns with an internal zone of ferriallanite-(Ce), followed by allanite-(Ce), then epidote-ferriepidote, and an external zone with allanite-(Ce), with sharp limits, as shown in BSE and X-ray images. REE patterns show decreasing fractionation degrees of LREE over HREE from ferriallanite to epidote. The most external allanite is enriched in MREE. LA-ICP-MS data indicate that ferriallanite is enriched (>10-fold) in Ti, Sr and Ga, and depleted in Mg, Rb, Th and Zr relative to the host granite. Allanite has lower Ga and Mn and higher Zr, Nb and U contents as compared to ferriallanite, while epidote is enriched in Sr, U and depleted in Pb, Zr, Hf, Ti and Ga. The formation of these minerals is related to the variable concentrations of HFSE, Ca, Al, Fe and F in fluids remaining from magmatic crystallization, in an oxidizing environment, close to the HM buffer. L-MREE were in part released by the alteration of chevkinite, their main primary repository in the host rocks.


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Several I- and A-type granite, syenite plutons and spatially associated, giant Fe–Ti–V deposit-bearing mafic ultramafic layered intrusions occur in the Pan–Xi(Panzhihua–Xichang) area within the inner zone of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP). These complexes are interpreted to be related to the Emeishan mantle plume. We present LA-ICP-MS and SIMS zircon U–Pb ages and Hf–Nd isotopic compositions for the gabbros, syenites and granites from these complexes. The dating shows that the age of the felsic intrusive magmatism (256.2 ± 3.0–259.8 ± 1.6 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of the mafic intrusive magmatism (255.4 ± 3.1–259.5 ± 2.7 Ma) and represents the final phase of a continuous magmatic episode that lasted no more than 10 Myr. The upper gabbros in the mafic–ultramafic intrusions are generally more isotopically enriched (lower eNd and eHf) than the middle and lower gabbros, suggesting that the upper gabbros have experienced a higher level of crustal contamination than the lower gabbros. The significantly positive eHf(t) values of the A-type granites and syenites (+4.9 to +10.8) are higher than those of the upper gabbros of the associated mafic intrusion, which shows that they cannot be derived by fractional crystallization of these bodies. They are however identical to those of the mafic enclaves (+7.0 to +11.4) and middle and lower gabbros, implying that they are cogenetic. We suggest that they were generated by fractionation of large-volume, plume-related basaltic magmas that ponded deep in the crust. The deep-seated magma chamber erupted in two stages: the first near a density minimum in the basaltic fractionation trend and the second during the final stage of fractionation when the magma was a low density Fe-poor, Si-rich felsic magma. The basaltic magmas emplaced in the shallowlevel magma chambers differentiated to form mafic–ultramafic layered intrusions accompanied by a small amount of crustal assimilation through roof melting. Evolved A-type granites (synenites and syenodiorites) were produced dominantly by crystallization in the deep crustal magma chamber. In contrast, the I-type granites have negative eNd(t) [-6.3 to -7.5] and eHf(t) [-1.3 to -6.7] values, with the Nd model ages (T Nd DM2) of 1.63-1.67 Ga and Hf model ages (T Hf DM2) of 1.56-1.58 Ga, suggesting that they were mainly derived from partial melting of Mesoproterozoic crust. In combination with previous studies, this study also shows that plume activity not only gave rise to reworking of ancient crust, but also significant growth of juvenile crust in the center of the ELIP.


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The paper presents data on petrology, bulk rock and mineral compositions, and textural classification of the Middle Jurassic Jericho kimberlite (Slave craton, Canada). The kimberlite was emplaced as three steep-sided pipes in granite that was overlain by limestones and minor soft sediments. The pipes are infilled with hypabyssal and pyroclastic kimberlites and connected to a satellite pipe by a dyke. The Jericho kimberlite is classified as a Group Ia, lacking groundmass tetraferriphlogopite and containing monticellite pseudomorphs. The kimberlite formed, during several consecutive emplacement events of compositionally different batches of kimberlite magma. Core-logging and thin-section observations identified at least two phases of hypabyssal kimberlites and three phases of pyroclastic kimberlites. Hypabyssal kimberlites intruded as a main dyke (HK1) and as late small-volume aphanitic and vesicular dykes. Massive pyroclastic kimberlite (MPK1) predominantly filled the northern and southern lobes of the pipe and formed from magma different from the HK1 magma. The MPK1 magma crystallized Ti-, Fe-, and Cr-rich phlogopite without rims of barian phlogopite, and clinopyroxene and spinel without atoll structures. MPK1 textures, superficially reminiscent of tuffisitic kimberlite, are caused by pervasive contamination by granite xenoliths. The next explosive events filled the central lobe with two varieties of pyroclastic kimberlite: (1) massive and (2) weakly bedded, normally graded pyroclastic kimberlite. The geology of the Jericho pipe differs from the geology of South African or the Prairie kimberlites, but may resemble Lac de Gras pipes, in which deeper erosion removed upper fades of resedimented kimberlites.


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New U-Pb (SHRIMP) and (40)Ar/(39)Ar isotopic data of igneous rocks and mylonites of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil) show that a wide range of tectonothermal events affected the province during the transition from the Precambrian to the Cambrian. Concordant zircon U-Pb data constrained the crystallization age of mafic stocks, mafic to felsic dikes and granite batholiths between 548 and 533 Ma. These bodies were emplaced in a regional strain field combining extension and dextral shearing. The ductile shear deformation overprinted an older basement fabric to develop a low- to medium metamorphic grade vertical mylonite belt that cut the province in the E-W direction. Magnetic fabrics of the Cambrian batholiths determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility are consistent with syntectonic emplacement. The magmatic pulses and shear deformation would have supplied enough heat to reset the synkinematic micas of mylonites to yield (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau cooling ages between ca. 550 and 510 Ma. These results provide evidence that emplacement of Early Cambrian mafic and felsic magmas were accompanied by regional-scale shear deformations, probably in the consequence of late collisions along the West Gondwana margin. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province (1.56-1.30 Ga) is a composite orogen created through successive accretion of arcs, ocean basin closure and final oblique microcontinent-continent collision. The effects of the collision are well preserved mostly in the Paragua Terrane (Bolivia and Mato Grosso regions) and in the Alto Guapore Belt and the Rio Negro-Juruena Province (Rondonia region), considering that the province was affected by later collision-related deformation and metamorphism during the Sunsas Orogeny (1.25-1.00 Ga). The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province comprises: (1) the Jauru Terrane (1.78-1.42 Ga) that hosts Paleoproterozoic basement (1.78-1.72 Ga), and the Cachoeirinha (1.56-1.52 Ga) and the Santa Helena (1.48-1.42 Ga) accretionary orogens, both developed in an Andean-type magmatic arc; (2) the Paragua Terrane (1.74-1.32 Ga) that hosts pre-San Ignacio units (>1640 Ma: Chiquitania Gneiss Complex, San Ignacio Schist Group and Lomas Manechis Granulitic Complex) and the Pensamiento Granitoid Complex (1.37-1.34 Ga) developed in an Andean-type magmatic arc; (3) the Rio Alegre Terrane (1.51-1.38 Ga) that includes units generated in a mid-ocean ridge and an intra-oceanic magmatic arc environments; and (4) the Alto Guapore Belt (<1.42-1.34 Ga) that hosts units developed in passive marginal basin and intra-oceanic arc settings. The collisional stage (1.34-1.32 Ga) is characterized by deformation, high-grade metamorphism, and partial melting during the metamorphic peak, which affected primarily the Chiquitania Gneiss Complex and Lomas Manechis Granulitic Complex in the Paragua Terrane, and the Colorado Complex and the Nova Mamore Metamorphic Suite in the Alto Guapore Belt. The Paragua Block is here considered as a crustal fragment probably displaced from its Rio Negro-Juruena crustal counterpart between 1.50 and 1.40 Ga. This period is characterized by extensive A-type and intra-plate granite magmatism represented by the Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (ca. 1.50 Ga), Santo Antonio Intrusive Suite (1.40-1.36 Ga), and the Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1.38 Ga). Magmatism of these types also occur at the end of the Rondonian-San Ignacio Orogeny, and are represented by the Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (1.34-1.36 Ga), and the Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suite (1.31-1.30 Ga). The cratonization of the province occurred between 1.30 and 1.25 Ga. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Turkestanite, a rare Th- and REE-bearing cyclosilicate in the ekanite-steacyite group was found in evolved peralkaline granites from the Morro Redondo Complex, south Brazil. It occurs with quartz, alkali feldspar and an unnamed Y-bearing silicate. Electron microprobe analysis indicates relatively homogeneous compositions with maximum ThO(2), Na(2)O and K(2)O contents of 22.4%, 2.93% and 3.15 wt.%, respectively, and significant REE(2)O(3) abundances (5.21 to 11.04 wt.%). The REE patterns show enrichment of LREE over HREE, a strong negative Eu anomaly and positive Ce anomaly, the latter in the most transformed crystals. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry trace element patterns display considerable depletions in Nb, Zr, Hf, Ti and Li relative to whole-rock sample compositions. Observed compositional variations suggest the influence of coupled substitution mechanisms involving steacyite, a Na-dominant analogue of turkestanite, iraqite, a REE-bearing end-member in the ekanite-steacyite group, ekanite and some theoretical end-members. Turkestanite crystals were interpreted as having precipitated during post-magmatic stages in the presence of residual HFSE-rich fluids carrying Ca, the circulation of which was enhanced by deformational events.


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Rapakivi granites and associated mafic and ultramafic rocks in the Rondonia Tin Province, southwestern Amazonian craton, Brazil were emplaced during six discrete episodes of magmatism between ca 1600 and 970 Ma. The seven rapakivi granite suites emplaced at this time were the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1606 and 1532 Ma); Santo Antonio Intrusive Suite(U-Pb age 1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (U-Pb age 1387 Ma); Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1346 and 1338 Ma); Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1314 and 1309 Ma); Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (U-Pb ages between 1082 and 1074 Ma); and Younger Granites of Rondonia (U-Pb ages between 998 and 974 Ma). The Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite intruded the Paleoproterozoic (1.80 to 1.70 Ga) Rio Negro-Juruena crust whereas the other suites were emplaced into the 1.50 to 1.30 Ga Rondonia-San Ignacio crust. Their intrusion was contemporaneous with orogenic activity in other parts of the southwestern Amazonian craton, except for the oldest, Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite. Orogenic events coeval with emplacement of the Serra da Providencia Intrusive Suite are not clearly recognized in the region. The Santo Antonio, Teotonio, Alto Candeias and Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suites are interpreted to represent extensional anorogenic magmatism associated with the terminal stages of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. At least the Sao Lourenco-Caripunas rapakivi granites and coeval intra-continental rift sedimentary rocks may, in contrast, represent the products of extensional tectonics and rifting preceding the Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny (1.25 to 1.0 Ga). The two youngest rapakivi suites, the Santa Clara Intrusive Suite and Younger Granites of Rondonia, seemingly represent inboard magmatism in the Rondonian-San Ignacio Province during a younger episode of reworking in the Rio Negro-Juruena Province during the waning stages of the collisional 1.1 to 1.0 Ga Sunsas/Aguapei orogeny. The six intra-plate rapakivi granite episodes in the southwestern part of the Amazonian craton form three broad periods of anorogenic magmatism that have age-correlative events composed of similar rocks and geologic environments in eastern Laurentia and Baltica, although the exact timing of magmatism appears slightly different. Recognition of lithologic and chronological correlations between various cratons provide important constraints to models explaining the interplay between rapakivi granite magmatism and deep crustal evolution of an early Mesoproterozoic supercontinent. They are, furthermore, important to plate tectonic models for the assembly, dispersal and reassembly of Amazonia, Laurentia and Baltica in the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.