899 resultados para Iterative eigensolvers


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In this work, we consider the numerical solution of a large eigenvalue problem resulting from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. We are interested in computing a few eigenpairs, with an iterative method, so a matrix representation that allows for fast matrix-vector products is required. Hierarchical matrices are appropriate for this setting, and also provide cheap LU decompositions required in the spectral transformation technique. We illustrate the use of freely available software tools to address the problem, in particular SLEPc for the eigensolvers and HLib for the construction of H-matrices. The numerical tests are performed using an astrophysics application. Results show the benefits of the data-sparse representation compared to standard storage schemes, in terms of computational cost as well as memory requirements.


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For decades scientists have attempted to use ideas of classical mechanics to choose basis functions for calculating spectra. The hope is that a classically-motivated basis set will be small because it covers only the dynamically important part of phase space. One popular idea is to use phase space localized (PSL) basis functions. This thesis improves on previous efforts to use PSL functions and examines the usefulness of these improvements. Because the overlap matrix, in the matrix eigenvalue problem obtained by using PSL functions with the variational method, is not an identity, it is costly to use iterative methods to solve the matrix eigenvalue problem. We show that it is possible to circumvent the orthogonality (overlap) problem and use iterative eigensolvers. We also present an altered method of calculating the matrix elements that improves the performance of the PSL basis functions, and also a new method which more efficiently chooses which PSL functions to include. These improvements are applied to a variety of single well molecules. We conclude that for single minimum molecules, the PSL functions are inferior to other basis functions. However, the ideas developed here can be applied to other types of basis functions, and PSL functions may be useful for multi-well systems.


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The present fundamental knowledge of fluid turbulence has been established primarily from hot- and cold-wire measurements. Unfortunately, however, these measurements necessarily suffer from contamination by noise since no certain method has previously been available to optimally filter noise from the measured signals. This limitation has impeded our progress of understanding turbulence profoundly. We address this limitation by presenting a simple, fast-convergent iterative scheme to digitally filter signals optimally and find Kolmogorov scales definitely. The great efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated by its application to the instantaneous velocity measured in a turbulent jet.


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A new method is presented to determine an accurate eigendecomposition of difficult low temperature unimolecular master equation problems. Based on a generalisation of the Nesbet method, the new method is capable of achieving complete spectral resolution of the master equation matrix with relative accuracy in the eigenvectors. The method is applied to a test case of the decomposition of ethane at 300 K from a microcanonical initial population with energy transfer modelled by both Ergodic Collision Theory and the exponential-down model. The fact that quadruple precision (16-byte) arithmetic is required irrespective of the eigensolution method used is demonstrated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sympatric individuals of Rattus fuscipes and Rattus leucopus, two Australian native rats from the tropical wet forests of north Queensland, are difficult to distinguish morphologically and are often confused in the field. When we started a study on fine-scale movements of these species, using microsatellite markers, we found that the species as identified in the field did not form coherent genetic groups. In this study, we examined the potential of an iterative process of genetic assignment to separate specimens from distinct (e.g. species, populations) natural groups. Five loci with extensive overlap in allele distributions between species were used for the iterative process. Samples were randomly distributed into two starting groups of equal size and then subjected to the test. At each iteration, misassigned samples switched groups, and the output groups from a given round of assignment formed the input groups for the next round. All samples were assigned correctly on the 10th iteration, in which two genetic groups were clearly separated. Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained from samples from each genetic group identified by assignment, together with those of museum voucher specimens, to assess which species corresponded to which genetic group. The iterative procedure was also used to resolve groups within species, adequately separating the genetically identified R. leucopus from our two sampling sites. These results show that the iterative assignment process can correctly differentiate samples into their appropriate natural groups when diagnostic genetic markers are not available, which allowed us to resolve accurately the two R. leucopus and R. fuscipes species. Our approach provides an analytical tool that may be applicable to a broad variety of situations where genetic groups need to be resolved.


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In this paper we propose a second linearly scalable method for solving large master equations arising in the context of gas-phase reactive systems. The new method is based on the well-known shift-invert Lanczos iteration using the GMRES iteration preconditioned using the diffusion approximation to the master equation to provide the inverse of the master equation matrix. In this way we avoid the cubic scaling of traditional master equation solution methods while maintaining the speed of a partial spectral decomposition. The method is tested using a master equation modeling the formation of propargyl from the reaction of singlet methylene with acetylene, proceeding through long-lived isomerizing intermediates. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we propose a novel fast and linearly scalable method for solving master equations arising in the context of gas-phase reactive systems, based on an existent stiff ordinary differential equation integrator. The required solution of a linear system involving the Jacobian matrix is achieved using the GMRES iteration preconditioned using the diffusion approximation to the master equation. In this way we avoid the cubic scaling of traditional master equation solution methods and maintain the low temperature robustness of numerical integration. The method is tested using a master equation modelling the formation of propargyl from the reaction of singlet methylene with acetylene, proceeding through long lived isomerizing intermediates. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We have recently developed a scaleable Artificial Boundary Inhomogeneity (ABI) method [Chem. Phys. Lett.366, 390–397 (2002)] based on the utilization of the Lanczos algorithm, and in this work explore an alternative iterative implementation based on the Chebyshev algorithm. Detailed comparisons between the two iterative methods have been made in terms of efficiency as well as convergence behavior. The Lanczos subspace ABI method was also further improved by the use of a simpler three-term backward recursion algorithm to solve the subspace linear system. The two different iterative methods are tested on the model collinear H+H2 reactive state-to-state scattering.


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A numerical comparison is performed between three methods of third order with the same structure, namely BSC, Halley’s and Euler–Chebyshev’s methods. As the behavior of an iterative method applied to a nonlinear equation can be highly sensitive to the starting points, the numerical comparison is carried out, allowing for complex starting points and for complex roots, on the basins of attraction in the complex plane. Several examples of algebraic and transcendental equations are presented.


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In distributed video coding, motion estimation is typically performed at the decoder to generate the side information, increasing the decoder complexity while providing low complexity encoding in comparison with predictive video coding. Motion estimation can be performed once to create the side information or several times to refine the side information quality along the decoding process. In this paper, motion estimation is performed at the decoder side to generate multiple side information hypotheses which are adaptively and dynamically combined, whenever additional decoded information is available. The proposed iterative side information creation algorithm is inspired in video denoising filters and requires some statistics of the virtual channel between each side information hypothesis and the original data. With the proposed denoising algorithm for side information creation, a RD performance gain up to 1.2 dB is obtained for the same bitrate.


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In heterogeneous environments, diversity of resources among the devices may affect their ability to perform services with specific QoS constraints, and drive peers to group themselves in a coalition for cooperative service execution. The dynamic selection of peers should be influenced by user’s QoS requirements as well as local computation availability, tailoring provided service to user’s specific needs. However, complex dynamic real-time scenarios may prevent the possibility of computing optimal service configurations before execution. An iterative refinement approach with the ability to trade off deliberation time for the quality of the solution is proposed. We state the importance of quickly finding a good initial solution and propose heuristic evaluation functions that optimise the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves as the algorithms have more time to run.


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Constrained and unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems often appear in many engineering areas. In some of these cases it is not possible to use derivative based optimization methods because the objective function is not known or it is too complex or the objective function is non-smooth. In these cases derivative based methods cannot be used and Direct Search Methods might be the most suitable optimization methods. An Application Programming Interface (API) including some of these methods was implemented using Java Technology. This API can be accessed either by applications running in the same computer where it is installed or, it can be remotely accessed through a LAN or the Internet, using webservices. From the engineering point of view, the information needed from the API is the solution for the provided problem. On the other hand, from the optimization methods researchers’ point of view, not only the solution for the problem is needed. Also additional information about the iterative process is useful, such as: the number of iterations; the value of the solution at each iteration; the stopping criteria, etc. In this paper are presented the features added to the API to allow users to access to the iterative process data.


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Objective: Summarize all relevant findings in published literature regarding the potential dose reduction related to image quality using Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) compared to Filtered Back Projection (FBP). Background: Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the most used radiographic modalities in clinical practice providing high spatial and contrast resolution. However it also delivers a relatively high radiation dose to the patient. Reconstructing raw-data using Iterative Reconstruction (IR) algorithms has the potential to iteratively reduce image noise while maintaining or improving image quality of low dose standard FBP reconstructions. Nevertheless, long reconstruction times made IR unpractical for clinical use until recently. Siemens Medical developed a new IR algorithm called SAFIRE, which uses up to 5 different strength levels, and poses an alternative to the conventional IR with a significant reconstruction time reduction. Methods: MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and CINAHL databases were used for gathering literature. Eleven articles were included in this review (from 2012 to July 2014). Discussion: This narrative review summarizes the results of eleven articles (using studies on both patients and phantoms) and describes SAFIRE strengths for noise reduction in low dose acquisitions while providing acceptable image quality. Conclusion: Even though the results differ slightly, the literature gathered for this review suggests that the dose in current CT protocols can be reduced at least 50% while maintaining or improving image quality. There is however a lack of literature concerning paediatric population (with increased radiation sensitivity). Further studies should also assess the impact of SAFIRE on diagnostic accuracy.


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Background: Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most used modalities for diagnostics in paediatric populations, which is a concern as it also delivers a high patient dose. Research has focused on developing computer algorithms that provide better image quality at lower dose. The iterative reconstruction algorithm Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) was introduced as a new technique that reduces noise to increase image quality. Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare SAFIRE with the current gold standard, Filtered Back Projection (FBP), and assess whether SAFIRE alone permits a reduction in dose while maintaining image quality in paediatric head CT. Methods: Images were collected using a paediatric head phantom using a SIEMENS SOMATOM PERSPECTIVE 128 modulated acquisition. 54 images were reconstructed using FBP and 5 different strengths of SAFIRE. Objective measures of image quality were determined by measuring SNR and CNR. Visual measures of image quality were determined by 17 observers with different radiographic experiences. Images were randomized and displayed using 2AFC; observers scored the images answering 5 questions using a Likert scale. Results: At different dose levels, SAFIRE significantly increased SNR (up to 54%) in the acquired images compared to FBP at 80kVp (5.2-8.4), 110kVp (8.2-12.3), 130kVp (8.8-13.1). Visual image quality was higher with increasing SAFIRE strength. The highest image quality was scored with SAFIRE level 3 and higher. Conclusion: The SAFIRE algorithm is suitable for image noise reduction in paediatric head CT. Our data demonstrates that SAFIRE enhances SNR while reducing noise with a possible reduction of dose of 68%.