164 resultados para Isotypes


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With a view toward investigating the feeding behavior of Culicidae mosquitoes from an area of epizootic yellow fever transmission in the municipalities of Garruchos and Santo Antônio das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, specimens were collected by aspiration from September 2005 to April 2007. The engorged females were submitted to blood meal identification by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A total of 142 blood-engorged samples were examined for human or monkey blood through species-specific IgG. Additional tests for specificity utilizing isotypes IgG1 and IgG4 of human monoclonal antibodies showed that only anti-human IgG1 was effective in recognizing blood meals of human origin. The results indicated a significant difference (p = 0.027) in detection patterns in samples of Haemagogus leucocelaenus recorded from human blood meals at Santo Antônio das Missões, which suggests some degree of exposure, since it was an area where epizootic outbreaks have been reported.


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Antibody isotypic responses (IgE, IgA, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4) to Schistosoma japonicum antigens-adult worm (AWA), soluble egg (SEA) and the recombinant proteins TEG (22.6-kDa tegumental antigen, Sj22) and PMY (paramyosin, Sj97)-were measured (in 1998) in a cohort of 179 Chinese subjects 2 years post-treatment. Subjects in the highest intensity re-infection group (> 100 eggs per gram faeces) had significantly higher levels of IgG1 and IgG4 against AWA. Analysis of IgG4/IgE ratios for AWA and SEA linked IgG4 excess to re-infection and IgE excess to non-re-infection. Two years after chemotherapeutic cure, 29 subjects, who were re-infected or never infected but highly water-exposed, were classified as epidemiologically susceptible (n = 15) or epidemiologically insusceptible to infection (n = 14). IgG4 levels against native antigens (AWA and SEA) were higher in susceptibles and IgE levels were higher in insusceptibles but antibody responses to the recombinant proteins (PMY and TEG) showed no clear pattern or difference between susceptibility groups. These and earlier findings provide evidence that immunity develops against schistosomiasis japonica in China and that susceptibility/resistance correlates with antibody isotypes against native schistosome antigens.


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Antibodies to a number of parasite antigens are found in schistosomiasis patients, and antibodies to early developmental stages were demonstrated to be efficient immunologic markers for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. In the present study, decay patterns of IgM and IgG antibodies against cercariae and schistosomula were investigated, in comparison to antibodies against worms and eggs in schistosomiasis patients after chemotherapy, for an investigation of seroepidemiologic aspects. Data obtained in the study of 359 serum samples from patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection, noninfected individuals, and patients followed-up for a period of 12 to 15 months after treatment provided the basis to postulate a general pattern for the kinetics of antibody decay. Before treatment, the antibody pattern was represented by a unimodal curve, which shifted to a bimodal curve after treatment, and ended with a unimodal curve similar to that for the noninfected group. Different types of antibodies were classified into four categories according to their decay features, and anti-schistosomulum IgM was classified into the moderate-decay caterogy, whereas other antibodies to early parasite stages were classified into the slow-decay category. The present methodology permits the identification of the most suitable antibodies to be detected in field control programs for schistosomiasis or other parasitoses


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An ELISA test was developed to detect Paragonimus-specific antibodies, including IgG subclasses, using P. mexicanus crude water-soluble antigens. The test was standardized to detect antibodies in sera of Ecuadorian patients with pulmonary paragonimiasis and negative controls from the endemic area. The detected mean levels of IgG (0.753, SEM: 0.074) and IgM (0.303, SEM: 0.033) were significantly elevated (P<0.05). Within the IgG subclasses, IgG4 showed the highest detected mean level (0.365, SEM: 0.116) and the other three subclasses showed considerably lower mean levels (IgG1, 0.186 SEM: 0.06; IgG2, 0.046 SEM: 0.01; IgG3, 0.123 SEM: 0.047). The number of P. mexicanus eggs found in sputum of infected individuals showed a positive correlation with the level of antibodies detected for IgM, IgG and its subclasses (P<0.001). The relevance of these findings in Ecuadorian patients suffering from pulmonary paragonimiasis is discussed.


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Les récepteurs nucléaires font partie d'une superfamille de facteurs de transcription qui regroupe en particulier les récepteurs des hormones stéroïdes et thyroïdiennes, de la vitamine D3 et des rétinoïdes [1]. Ces facteurs de transcription sont impliqués dans de nombreuses fonctions cellulaires comme le développement embryonnaire, la différenciation cellulaire et le contrôle du métabolisme. Ce sont des protéines importantes en recherche médicale puisque un grand nombre d'entre elles sont impliquées dans des pathologies telles que le cancer, le diabète ou les syndromes de résistance aux hormones. À ce jour, cette superfamille comprend différents membres, dont l'activité est modulée par la présence de ligands spécifiques. Néanmoins, pour nombre d'entre eux, aucun ligand endogène spécifique n'a encore été identifié. Ceux-là sont appelés récepteurs orphelins. Orphelins lors de leur découverte il y a dix ans, les PPARs (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors) ont été particulièrement étudiés depuis, permettant de leur attribuer des ligands et des fonctions qui les placent au coeur de nombreuses régulations métaboliques.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are fatty acid and eicosanoid inducible nuclear receptors, which occur in three different isotypes. Upon activator binding, they modulate the expression of various target genes implicated in several important physiological pathways. During the past few years, the identification of both PPAR ligands, natural and synthetic, and PPAR targets and their associated functions has been one of the most important achievements in the field. It underscores the potential therapeutic application of PPAR-specific compounds on the one side, and the crucial biological roles of endogenous PPAR ligands on the other.


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The availability of isotype specific antisera for $\beta$-tubulin, coupled with genetic and biochemical analysis, has allowed the determination of $\beta$-tubulin isotype expression and distribution in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Using genetic manipulations involving selection for colcemid resistance followed by reversion and reselection for drug resistance, we have succeeded in isolating cell lines that exhibit three major and one minor $\beta$-tubulin spots by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In concert with isotype specific antibodies, analysis of these mutants demonstrates that CHO cells express two copies of isotype I, at least one copy of isotype IV, and very small amounts of isotype V. Their stoichiometry is approximately 1:1:0.7:0.2. All three isotypes assemble into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules, and are similar in their responses to cold, colcemid, and calcium induced depolymerization. They have comparable turnover rates and are equally sensitive to depression of synthesis upon colchicine treatment. These results suggest that $\beta$-tubulin isotypes are used interchangeably to assemble microtubule structures in CHO cells. However, of 18 colcemid resistant mutants with a demonstrable alteration in $\beta$-tubulin, all were found to have the alteration in isotype I, thus leaving open the possibility that subtle differences in isotype properties may exist. Under various conditions of the cell growth, the relative proportion of each expressed isotype does not significantly seem to change except in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. At this time the synthesis of isotype V increases more than two fold relative to isotype I and IV, while at the same time, total $\beta$-tubulin synthesis is decreased about 60-70%. ^


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Mammalian cells express 7 β-tubulin isotypes in a tissue specific manner. This has long fueled the speculation that different isotypes carry out different functions. To provide direct evidence for their functional significance, class III, IVa, and VI β-tubulin cDNAs were cloned into a tetracycline regulated expression vector and stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing different levels of ectopic β-tubulin were compared for effects on microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and sensitivity to antimitotic drugs. It was found that all three isotypes coassembled with endogenous β-tubulin. βVI expression caused distinct microtubule rearrangements including microtubule dissociation from the centrosome and accumulation at the cell periphery; whereas expression of βIII and βVIa caused no observable changes in the interphase microtubule network. Overexpression of all 3 isotypes caused spindle malformation and mitotic defects. Both βIII and βIVa disrupted microtubule assembly in proportion to their abundance and thereby conferred supersensitivity to microtubule depolymerizing drugs. In contrast, βVI stabilized microtubules at low stoichiometry and thus conferred resistance to many microtubule destabilizing drugs but not vinblastine. The 3 isotypes caused differing responses to microtubule stabilizing drugs. Expression of βIII conferred paclitaxel resistance while βVI did not. Low expression of βIVa caused supersensitivity to paclitaxel, whereas higher expression resulted in the loss of supersensitivity. The results suggest that βIVa may possess an enhanced ability to bind paclitaxel that increases sensitivity to the drug and acts substoichiometrically. At high levels of βVIa expression, however, microtubule disruptive effects counteract the assembly promoting pressure exerted by increased paclitaxel binding, and drug supersensitivity is lost. From this study, I concluded that β-tubulin isotypes behave differently from each other in terms of microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and dynamics, and antimitotic drug sensitivity. The isotype composition of cell can impart subtle to dramatic effects on the properties of microtubules leading to potential functional consequences and opening the opportunity to exploit differences in microtubule isotype composition for therapeutic gain. ^


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To explore the role of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms during mouse gametogenesis, fertilization, and early development, localization and microinjection studies were performed using monospecific antibodies to myosin IIA and IIB isotypes. Each myosin II antibody recognizes a 205-kDa protein in oocytes, but not mature sperm. Myosin IIA and IIB demonstrate differential expression during meiotic maturation and following fertilization: only the IIA isoform detects metaphase spindles or accumulates in the mitotic cleavage furrow. In the unfertilized oocyte, both myosin isoforms are polarized in the cortex directly overlying the metaphase-arrested second meiotic spindle. Cortical polarization is altered after spindle disassembly with Colcemid: the scattered meiotic chromosomes initiate myosin IIA and microfilament assemble in the vicinity of each chromosome mass. During sperm incorporation, both myosin II isotypes concentrate in the second polar body cleavage furrow and the sperm incorporation cone. In functional experiments, the microinjection of myosin IIA antibody disrupts meiotic maturation to metaphase II arrest, probably through depletion of spindle-associated myosin IIA protein and antibody binding to chromosome surfaces. Conversely, the microinjection of myosin IIB antibody blocks microfilament-directed chromosome scattering in Colcemid-treated mature oocytes, suggesting a role in mediating chromosome–cortical actomyosin interactions. Neither myosin II antibody, alone or coinjected, blocks second polar body formation, in vitro fertilization, or cytokinesis. Finally, microinjection of a nonphosphorylatable 20-kDa regulatory myosin light chain specifically blocks sperm incorporation cone disassembly and impedes cell cycle progression, suggesting that interference with myosin II phosphorylation influences fertilization. Thus, conventional myosins break cortical symmetry in oocytes by participating in eccentric meiotic spindle positioning, sperm incorporation cone dynamics, and cytokinesis. Although murine sperm do not express myosin II, different myosin II isotypes may have distinct roles during early embryonic development.


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Com o objetivo de monitorar a imunidade passiva em bezerros alimentados com colostro de vacas imunizadas e não imunizadas com vacina contra rotavírus, foram determinados títulos de anticorpos em amostras de sangue e colostro de 26 vacas da raça Holandesa no dia do parto e de seus bezerros, à zero, às 24, 48 horas e aos sete, 14, 21, 28 dias de idade, pelo ensaio imunoenzimático. Tanto no soro sangüíneo como no colostro, os títulos dos isótipos IgG, IgG1 e IgG2 foram mais elevados no grupo dos animais vacinados, porém somente no colostro o aumento foi significativo. Os bezerros alimentados com o colostro das vacas vacinadas apresentaram títulos mais altos dos isótipos IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgA e IgM, após a ingestão do colostro, sendo constatado aumento significativo apenas para os títulos do isótipo IgG2. Amostras positivas para rotavírus foram detectadas nos dois grupos experimentais a partir dos sete dias de idade. A vacinação materna não protegeu efetivamente os bezerros das infecções naturais por rotavírus, pois, apesar de aumentar os títulos séricos de anticorpos anti-rotavírus nos animais vacinados, não foi capaz de impedir a ocorrência da rotavirose nos bezerros alimentados com o colostro das vacas imunizadas.


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A conformationally biased decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin (YSFKPMPLaR) was used as a molecular adjuvant in stimulating Ab responses against peptide epitopes derived from human MUC1 glycoprotein and the human mu and kappa opioid receptors. C57BL6 mice were immunized with the MUC1 epitope (YKQGGFLGL); the C5a agonist (YSFKPMPLaR); YSFKPMPLaR and YKQGGFLGL together, but unconjugated; a C5a-active, MUC1 epitope construct (YKQGGFLGLYSFKPMPLaR); and a C5a-inactive, reversed moiety construct (YSFKPMPLaRYKQGGFLGL). High Ab titers specific for the MUC1 epitope were observed Only in mice immunized with the C5a-active epitope construct. Similar results were obtained in BALB/c mice immunized with the C5a-active, MUC1 epitope construct, Abs from the sera of the C57BL6 mice were predominately of the IgG2a, IgC2b, and IgM isotypes and were reactive against human recombinant MUC1 and MUC1 expressed by the Panc-1 M1F.15 pancreatic cell line, When compared with the corresponding KLH-epitope conjugates in C57BL6 mice, the epitope-C5a agonist constructs produced titers of specific IgG Abs of isotypes distinct from those generated by the keyhole limpet hemocyanin-epitope conjugates, Rabbits immunized with a mu opioid receptor epitope-C5a agonist construct (GDLSDPCGNRTNLGGRDSLYSFKPMPLaR) or a kappa opioid receptor epitope-C5a agonist construct (FPGWAEPDSNGSEDAQLYSFKPMPLaR) generated high titer, epitope-specific Ab responses, Ab titers generated in response to the opioid epitope-C5a agonist constructs were comparable to those generated by the opioid KLH-epitope conjugates, The results of this study are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms by which the conformationally biased C5a agonist serves as a molecular adjuvant.


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Fogo selvagern (FS) and pemphigus foliaceus (PF) possess pathogenic IgG anti-desmoglein 1-(Dsg1) autoantibodies. Although PF occurs sporadically, FS is endemic in Limao Verde (LV), Brazil (3.4% prevalence). IgM anti-Dsg1 were detected in 58% FS LV patients (n=31), 19% of FS patients from Hospital-Campo Grande (n=57), 19% from Hospital-Goiania (n=42), 12% from Hospital-Sao Paulo (n=56), 10% of PF patients from United States (n=20), and 0% of PF patients from Japan (n=20). Pemphigus vulgaris (n=40, USA and Japan), bullous pemphigoid (n=40, USA), and healthy donors (n=55, USA) showed negligible percentages of positive sera. High percentages of positive IgM anti-Dsg1 were found in healthy donors from four rural Amerindian populations (42% of 243) as compared with urban donors (14% of 81; P<0.001). More than 50% of healthy donors from LV (n=99, age 5-20 years) possess IgM anti-Dsg1 across ages, whereas IgG-anti-Dsg1 was detected in 2.9% (age 5-10 years), 7.3% (age 11-15 years), and 29% of donors above age 16. IgM anti-Dsg1 epitopes are Ca2+ and carbohydrate-independent. We propose that IgM anti-Dsg1 are common in FS patients in their native environment and uncommon in other pemphigus phenotypes and in FS patients who migrate to urban hospitals. Recurrent environmental antigenic exposure may lead to IgM and IgG responses that trigger TS.


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Background: Periodontal wound healing and regeneration require that new matrix be synthesized, creating an environment into which cells can migrate. One agent which has been described as promoting periodontal regeneration is an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD). Since no specific growth factors have been identified in EMD preparations, it is postulated that EMD acts as a matrix enhancement factor. This study was designed to investigate the effect of EMD in vitro on matrix synthesis by cultured periodontal fibroblasts. Methods: The matrix response of the cells was evaluated by determination of the total proteoglycan synthesis, glycosaminoglycan profile, and hyaluronan synthesis by the uptake of radiolabeled precursors. The response of the individual proteoglycans, versican, decorin, and biglycan were examined at the mRNA level by Northern blot analysis. Hyaluronan synthesis was probed by identifying the isotypes of hyaluronan synthase (HAS) expressed in periodontal fibroblasts as HAS-2 and HAS-3 and the effect of EMD on the levels of mRNA for each enzyme was monitored by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Comparisons were made between gingival fibroblast (GF) cells and periodontal ligament (PDLF) cells. Results: EMD was found to significantly affect the synthesis of the mRNAs for the matrix proteoglycans versican, biglycan, and decorin, producing a response similar to, but potentially greater than, mitogenic cytokines. EMD also stimulated hyaluronan synthesis in both GF and PDLF cells. Although mRNA for HAS-2 was elevated in GF after exposure to EMD, the PDLF did not show a similar response. Therefore, the point at which the stimulation of hyaluronan becomes effective may not be at the level of stimulation of the mRNA for hyaluronan synthase, but, rather, at a later point in the pathway of regulation of hyaluronan synthesis. In all cases, GF cells appeared to be more responsive to EMD than PDLF cells in vitro. Conclusions: EMD has the potential to significantly modulate matrix synthesis in a manner consistent with early regenerative events.