997 resultados para Isolated condition
Mon projet de thèse démontre le rôle essentiel que tient la mélancolie dans les comédies de Shakespeare. J’analyse sa présence au travers de multiples pièces, des farces initiales, en passant par les comédies romantiques, jusqu’aux tragicomédies qui ponctuent les dernières années de sa carrière. Je dénote ainsi sa métamorphose au sein du genre comique, passant d’une représentation individuelle se rapportant à la théorie des humeurs, à un spectre émotionnel se greffant aux structures théâtrales dans lesquelles il évolue. Je suggère que cette progression s’apparent au cycle de joie et de tristesse qui forme la façon par laquelle Shakespeare dépeint l’émotion sur scène. Ma thèse délaisse donc les théories sur la mélancolie se rapportant aux humeurs et à la psychanalyse, afin de repositionner celle-ci dans un créneau shakespearien, comique, et historique, où le mot « mélancolie » évoque maintes définitions sur un plan social, scientifique, et surtout théâtrale. Suite à un bref aperçu de sa prévalence en Angleterre durant la Renaissance lors de mon introduction, les chapitres suivants démontrent la surabondance de mélancolie dans les comédies de Shakespeare. A priori, j’explore les façons par lesquelles elle est développée au travers de La Comedie des Erreurs et Peines d’Amour Perdues. Les efforts infructueux des deux pièces à se débarrasser de leur mélancolie par l’entremise de couplage hétérosexuels indique le malaise que celle-ci transmet au style comique de Shakespere et ce, dès ces premiers efforts de la sorte. Le troisième chapitre soutient que Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien et Le Marchand de Venise offrent des exemples parangons du phénomène par lequel des personnages mélancoliques refusent de tempérer leurs comportements afin de se joindre aux célébrations qui clouent chaque pièce. La mélancolie que l’on retrouve ici génère une ambiguïté émotionnelle qui complique sa présence au sein du genre comique. Le chapitre suivant identifie Comme il vous plaira et La Nuit des Rois comme l’apogée du traitement comique de la mélancolie entrepris par Shakespeare. Je suggère que ces pièces démontrent l’instant où les caractérisations corporelles de la mélancolie ne sont plus de mise pour le style dramatique vers lequel Shakespeare se tourne progressivement. Le dernier chapitre analyse donc Périclès, prince de Tyr et Le Conte d’Hiver afin de démontrer que, dans la dernière phase de sa carrière théâtrale, Shakespeare a recours aux taxonomies comiques élucidées ultérieurement afin de créer une mélancolie spectrale qui s’attardent au-delà des pièces qu’elle hante. Cette caractérisation se rapporte aux principes de l’art impressionniste, puisqu’elle promeut l’abandon de la précision au niveau du texte pour favoriser les réponses émotionnelles que les pièces véhiculent. Finalement, ma conclusion démontre que Les Deux Nobles Cousins représente la culmination du développement de la mélancolie dans les comédies de Shakespeare, où l’incarnation spectrale du chapitre précèdent atteint son paroxysme. La nature collaborative de la pièce suggère également un certain rituel transitif entre la mélancolie dite Shakespearienne et celle développée par John Fletcher à l’intérieure de la même pièce.
Os dois tipos de stress fisiológico e psicológico constituem, a meu ver, um único fenômeno, embora, do ponto de vista didático, faça-se necessária esta divisão. Neste estudo ambos os tipos foram abordados teoricamente, mas o mesmo se propõe a analisar a influência dos fatores de personalidade - extroversão, introversão e dogmatismo- na vulnerabilidade ao stress. Os determinantes cognitivos foram considerados como mediadores desta relação. O instrumental utilizado para a verificação empírica foi composto dos seguintes testes: 16 PF de Cattell e Eber, Fator P de Toulouse-Pieron, Escala de Dogmatismo de Rokeach e o Sorting-Test, adaptado para esse estudo. Esses instrumentos foram utilizados para testar as hipóteses; o introvertido e o não-dogmático, tanto na condição isolada quanto em combinação, apresentam vulnerabilidade ao stress maior do que o extrovertido e o dogmático nas mesmas condições. A análise da regressão múltipla demonstrou que nenhuma diferença quanto à vulnerabilidade ao stress foi observada em relação aos tipos extrovertido, introvertido, dogmátlco e não-dogmático, quer isoladamente, quer nas combinações extrovertido-dogmático e introvertido-não-dogmático. É provável que algumas circunstâncias possam explicar esse fenômeno. Em primeiro lugar é possível que a vulnerabilidade ao stress esteja mais relacionada com traço de personalidade do que com tipo. Em segundo lugar, pode ser que o instrumento utilizado para medir extroversão-introversão não forneça uma medida válida: uma vez que o conceito se baseia nas primeiras formulações da teoria da ativação. Poderíamos, ainda, acrescentar uma outra relação na influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress . Esta relação pode ser estudada sob os dois aspectos do stress: a especificidade e a não-especificidade. Assim sendo, poder-se-ia conjecturar que tanto os fatores de personalidade quanto os determinantes cognitivos estariam mais relacionados com a especificidade do que com a não-especificidade. Esta última estaria mais vinculada aos aspectos fisiológicos. Esta última proposição poderia servir de um esquema para uma diferente análise teórica e empírica da influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress, enfatizando mais a especificidade do que a não-especificidade.
Objective: The study aims to investigate a possible correlation between the main clinical and ophthalmological characteristics, age and Robin sequence in patients with the Stickler syndrome. Introduction: The Stickler syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, characterised by ocular, orofacial and skeletal anomalies and/or auditory loss. Patients with Robin sequence features and respiratory complications are frequently diagnosed with the Stickler syndrome. The heterogeneous phenotypic manifestations may present a challenge for early clinical diagnosis. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of the 98 patients with the Stickler syndrome, between November 1995 and June 2009. The data were compared to investigate their ocular alterations and association with the Robin sequence. To be included, patients had to present with the following triad: cleft palate, facial features (hypoplastic midface, micrognathia and prominent eyes) and ocular anomalies (myopia and/or abnormalities of the retina). Results: Fifty-one percent of the patients presenting with Robin sequence features had been diagnosed with the Stickler syndrome. Ocular alterations were found in 50% of the patients. Discussion: The Robin sequence may appear as an isolated condition or associated with other features, or else as part of other known syndromes. Currently, the diagnosis of the Stickler syndrome is based on clinical signs. Affected individuals eventually develop hearing loss, retinal detachment and blindness. The ophthalmological complications associated are usually progressive and can lead to blindness.
Crowding is defined as the negative effect obtained by adding visual distractors around a central target which has to be identified. Some studies have suggested the presence of a marked crowding effect in developmental dyslexia (e.g. Atkinson, 1991; Spinelli et al., 2002). Inspired by Spinelli’s (2002) experimental design, we explored the hypothesis that the crowding effect may affect dyslexics’ response times (RTs) and accuracy in identification tasks dealing with words, pseudowords, illegal non-words and symbolstrings. Moreover, our study aimed to clarify the relationship between the crowding phenomenon and the word-reading process, in an inter-language comparison perspective. For this purpose we studied twenty-two French dyslexics and twenty-two Italian dyslexics (total forty-four dyslexics), compared to forty-four subjects matched for reading level (22 French and 22 Italians) and forty-four chronological age-matched subjects (22 French and 22 Italians). Children were all tested on reading and cognitive abilities. Results showed no differences between French and Italian participants suggesting that performances were homogenous. Dyslexic children were all significantly impaired in words and pseudowords reading compared to their normal reading controls. Regarding the identification task with which we assessed crowding effect, both accuracy and RTs showed a lexicality effect which meant that the recognition of words was more accurate and faster in words than pseudowords, non-words and symbolstrings. Moreover, compared to normal readers, dyslexics’ RTs and accuracy were impaired only for verbal materials but not for non-verbal material; these results are in line with the phonological hypothesis (Griffiths & Snowling, 2002; Snowling, 2000; 2006) . RTs revealed a general crowding effect (RTs in the crowding condition were slower than those recorded in the isolated condition) affecting all the subjects’ performances. This effect, however, emerged to be not specific for dyslexics. Data didn’t reveal a significant effect of language, allowing the generalization of the obtained results. We also analyzed the performance of two subgroups of dyslexics, categorized according to their reading abilities. The two subgroups produced different results regarding the crowding effect and type of material, suggesting that it is meaningful to take into account also the heterogeneity of the dyslexia disorder. Finally, we also analyzed the relationship of the identification task with both reading and cognitive abilities. In conclusion, this study points out the importance of comparing visual tasks performances of dyslexic participants with those of their reading level-matched controls. This approach may improve our comprehension of the potential causal link between crowding and reading (Goswami, 2003).
Background Chronic respiratory illnesses are the most common group of childhood chronic health conditions and are overrepresented in socially isolated groups. Objective To conduct a randomized controlled pilot trial to evaluate the efficacy of Breathe Easier Online (BEO), an Internet-based problem-solving program with minimal facilitator involvement to improve psychosocial well-being in children and adolescents with a chronic respiratory condition. Methods We randomly assigned 42 socially isolated children and adolescents (18 males), aged between 10 and 17 years to either a BEO (final n = 19) or a wait-list control (final n = 20) condition. In total, 3 participants (2 from BEO and 1 from control) did not complete the intervention. Psychosocial well-being was operationalized through self-reported scores on depression symptoms and social problem solving. Secondary outcome measures included self-reported attitudes toward their illness and spirometry results. Paper-and-pencil questionnaires were completed at the hospital when participants attended a briefing session at baseline (time 1) and in their homes after the intervention for the BEO group or a matched 9-week time period for the wait-list group (time 2). Results The two groups were comparable at baseline across all demographic measures (all F < 1). For the primary outcome measures, there were no significant group differences on depression (P = .17) or social problem solving (P = .61). However, following the online intervention, those in the BEO group reported significantly lower depression (P = .04), less impulsive/careless problem solving (P = .01), and an improvement in positive attitude toward their illness (P = .04) compared with baseline. The wait-list group did not show these differences. Children in the BEO group and their parents rated the online modules very favorably. Conclusions Although there were no significant group differences on primary outcome measures, our pilot data provide tentative support for the feasibility (acceptability and user satisfaction) and initial efficacy of an Internet-based intervention for improving well-being in children and adolescents with a chronic respiratory condition. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry number: ACTRN12610000214033;
A model has been developed to predict heat transfer rates and sizes of bubbles generated during nucleate pool boiling. This model assumes conduction and a natural convective heat transfer mechanism through the liquid layer under the bubble and transient conduction from the bulk liquid. The temperature of the bulk liquid in the vicinity of the bubble is obtained by assuming a turbulent natural convection process from the hot plate to the liquid bulk. The shape of the bubble is obtained by equilibrium analysis. The bubble departure condition is predicted by a force balance equation. Good agreement has been found between the bubble radii predicted by the present theory and the ones obtained experimentally.
This paper extends two-dimensional model of symmetric magnetostatic flux arches confined in stratified atmospheres (Zhang and Hu, 1992, 1993) to asymmetric models. Numerical results show that the flux structure is influenced greatly by the boundary condition of magnetic field, the force-free factor, the atmospheric pressure distribution and the position of footpoints (especially the width ratio of outlet to entrance, which differs from symmetric case).
In the present paper, an isolated axisymmetric flux tube is discussed for slender magnetic configuration. The magnetostatic model and the stratified atmospheric model are applied, respectively, to the regions inside and outside the flux tube. The problem is described mathematically by the nonlinear partial differential equations under the nonlinear boundary condition at the free boundary of flux tube. According to the approximation of a small expansive angle, the solutions of series expressions are obtained formally. The model of polytropic plasma is discussed in detail especially. The results show the distributions of thermodynamic quantities and magnetic field extending from the high β region to the low β region, and the flux tube may be either divergent or convergent according to the pressure difference outside and inside the flux tube.
The magnetic flux tube concentrating strong magnetic field is the basic configuration of magneticfield in the solar atmosphere. In the present paper, the equilibrium of isolated magnetic flux tube inthe solar atmosphere is discussed. In the viewpoint of mathematics, the boundary condition is nonlinearand the position of boundary needs to be determined by the physical condition although the equation ofmagnetic potential is linear for the linear force-free field. Analytical solutions to the arches of bothuniform circular cross-section and non-uniform cross section have been obtained. The results show thatthe nonlinear problem may have or not have any solution according to different azimuthal components of the magnetic field; the number of solutions to the nonlinear problem is four at most, and two in some cases. In the present paper, the analytical solutions to the approximations of both fat and slender arches are given in detail, and the general features of magnetic arch structure are shown.
Spreading depression (SD) is a phenomenon observed in several sections of vertebrate central nervous system. It can occur spontaneously or be evoked by a variety of stimuli, and consists of a wave of depression of the normal electrical activity of the nervous tissue which spreads slowly in all directions in the tissue. This wave of depression is accompanied by several concomitants including ion movements. All the concomitants of SD can be explained by an increase in the sodium permeability of the plasma membranes of cellular elements involved in this phenomenon.
In the chicken retina, SD is accompanied by a transparency change which can be detected with the naked eye. The isolated retina is a thin (0.1 mm) membrane in which the extracellular fluid quickly and completely equilibrates with the incubation solutions. This preparation was therefore used to study the ion movements during SD by measuring and comparing the ion contents and the extracellular space (ECS) of retinas incubated in various solutions of which some inhibited SD, whereas others allowed this phenomenon to occur.
The present study has shown that during SD there is a shift of extracellular sodium into the intracellular compartment of the retina, a release of intracellular K and a decrease in the magnitude of ECS. These results are in agreement with previous postulates about SD, although the in vitro experimental condition makes the ion movements appear larger and the loss of ECS smaller than observed in the intact cortical tissue. The movements of Na and K, in opposite directions, are reversible. The development and magnitudes of SD is very little affected by deprivation of the oxygen supply.
It was established that the inward sodium shift is not a consequence of an arrest of the Na-pump. It can be prevented, together with SD by the membrane stabilizers, magnesium and procaine. Spreading depression and the ion movements are incompletely inhibited by tetrodotoxin, which blocks the sodium influx into nerve fibers during the action potential. The replacement of Na in the bathing solution by Li does not prevent SD, which is accompanied by Li accumulation in the intracellular compartment. From these experiments and others it was concluded that the mechanism underlying SD and the ion shifts is an increase in the sodium permeability of cell membranes.
Variations of cellular total lipid, total carbohydrate and total protein content of two dominant bloom-forming species (Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense) isolated from the Yangtze River Estuary were examined under six different nutrient conditions in batch cultures. Daily samples were collected to estimate the cell growth, nutrient concentration and three biochemical compositions content during 7 days for S. costatum and the same sampling procedure was done every other day during 10 days for P. donghaiense. Results showed that for S. costatum, cellular total lipid content increased under phosphorus (P) limitation, but not for nitrogen (N) limitation; cellular carbohydrate were accumulated under both N and P limitation: cellular total protein content of low nutrient concentration treatments were significantly lower than that of high nutrient concentration treatments. For P. donghaiense, both cellular total lipid content and total carbohydrate content were greatly elevated as a result of N and P exhaustion, but cellular total protein content had no significant changes under nutrient limitation. In addition, the capability of accumulation of three biochemical constituents of P. donghaiense was much stronger than that of S. costatum. Pearson correlation showed that for both species, the biochemical composition of three constituents (lipid, carbohydrate and protein) had no significant relationship with extracellular N concentration, but had positive correlation with extracellular and intracellular P concentration. The capability of two species to accumulate cellular total lipid and carbohydrate under nutrient limitation may help them accommodate the fluctuating nutrient condition of the Yangtze River Estuary. The different responses of two species of cellular biochemical compositions content under different nutrient conditions may provide some evidence to explain the temporal characteristic of blooms Caused by two species in the Yangtze River Estuary. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The relationship between Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, one of red-tide alga, and two strains of marine bacteria, Bacillius megaterium(S-7) and B. halmapulus(S-10) isolated from Xiamen Western Sea, was investigated by evaluating the growth state of A. tamarense and the variation of P-glucosidase activity in co-culture system. The results showed the growth and multiplication of the alga were related with the concentration, genus speciality of the bacteria, and growth stage of the alga itself. The growth of A. tamarense was obviously inhibited by S7 and S, at high concentration. Either inhibition or promotion contributed much more clearly in earlier than in later stage of the growth of the alga. Furthermore, there was a roughly similar variation trend of the activity of extra-cellular enzyme, beta-glucosidase, in the water of the separately co-cultured bacteria S-7 and S-10 with the alga. The beta-glucosidase activity (beta-GlcA) rapidly increased during the later algal growth accompanying the increase of the lysis of the alga cells. The obvious inhibition of A. tamarense by marine bacteria at high concentration and evident increase of beta-GlcA in co-colture system would help us in better understanding the relationship between red-tide alga and bacteria, and also enlightened us the possible use of bacteria in the bio-control of red-tide.
Given M(r; f) =maxjzj=r (jf(z)j) , curves belonging to the set of points M = fz : jf(z)j = M(jzj; f)g were de�ned by Hardy to be maximum curves. Clunie asked the question as to whether the set M could also contain isolated points. This paper shows that maximum curves consist of analytic arcs and determines a necessary condition for such curves to intersect. Given two entire functions f1(z) and f2(z), if the maximum curve of f1(z) is the real axis, conditions are found so that the real axis is also a maximum curve for the product function f1(z)f2(z). By means of these results an entire function of in�nite order is constructed for which the set M has an in�nite number of isolated points. A polynomial is also constructed with an isolated point.
This paper presents an innovative sensor system, created specifically for new civil engineering structural monitoring applications, allowing specially packaged fiber grating-based sensors to be used in harsh, in-the-field measurement conditions for accurate strain measurement with full temperature compensation. The sensor consists of two fiber Bragg gratings that are protected within a polypropylene package, with one of the fiber gratings isolated from the influence of strain and thus responding only to temperature variations, while the other is sensitive to both strain and temperature. To achieve this, the temperature-monitoring fiber grating is slightly bent and enclosed in a metal envelope to isolate it effectively from the strain. Through an appropriate calibration process, both the strain and temperature coefficients of each individual grating component when incorporated in the sensor system can be thus obtained. By using these calibrated coefficients in the operation of the sensor, both strain and temperature can be accurately determined. The specific application for which these sensors have been designed is seen when installed on an innovative small-scale flexi-arch bridge where they are used for real-time strain measurements during the critical installation stage (lifting) and loading. These sensors have demonstrated enhanced resilience when embedded in or surface-mounted on such concrete structures, providing accurate and consistent strain measurements not only during installation but subsequently during use. This offers an inexpensive and highly effective monitoring system tailored for the new, rapid method of the installation of small-scale bridges for a variety of civil engineering applications.