996 resultados para Isolated carbonate platforms
Isolated carbonate platforms occur throughout the geologic record, from Archean to present. Although the respective roles of tectonics, sediment supply and sea-level changes in the stratigraphical architecture of these systems are relatively well constrained, the details of the nature and controls on the variability of sedimentological patterns between and within individual geomorphologic units on platforms have been barely investigated. This study aims at describing and comparing geomorphological and sedimentological features of surficial sediments and fossil reefs from three isolated carbonate platforms located in the SW Indian Ocean (Glorieuses, Juan de Nova and Europa). These carbonate platforms are relatively small and lack continuous reef margins, which have developed only on windward sides. Field observations, petrographic characterization and grain-size analyses are used to illustrate the spatial patterns of sediment accumulation on these platforms. The internal parts of both Glorieuses and Juan de Nova platforms are blanketed by sand dunes with medium to coarse sands with numerous reef pinnacles. Skeletal components including coral, green algae, and benthic foraminifera fragments prevail in these sediments. Europa platform exhibits a similar skeletal assemblage dominated by coral fragments, with the absence of wave-driven sedimentary bodies. Fossil reefs from the Last interglacial (125,000 years BP) occur on the three platforms. At Glorieuses, a succession of drowned terraces detected on seismic lines is interpreted as reflecting the last deglacial sea-level rise initiated 20,000 years ago. These findings highlight the high potential of these platforms to study past sea-level changes and the related reef response, which remain poorly documented in the SW Indian Ocean.
The study of modern carbonate systems is commonly helps in improving facies interpretation in fossil reefs and in providing analogues of sediment distribution depending on the specific platform configuration (i.e. rimmed shelves and isolated carbonate platforms). This paper deals with a geomorphological and sedimentological study of the Glorieuses Archipelago, an isolated carbonate platform located between the northern tip of Madagascar and Mayotte. The dataset consists of Digital Terrain Model, satellite imagery, and box-sediment samples. Analyses of grain-size and composition of carbonate grains are used to characterize the distribution and heterogeneity of sediment accumulated on the isolated platform. Main results show that the Glorieuses Archipelago is organized in distinctive morphological units, including a reef flat developed along the windward side, an apron, and a semi-enclosed (< 12 m water depth) to open lagoon (> 12 m and up to 15 m water depth). The lack of carbonate mud in sediments deposited on the archipelago can be explained by the direct connection between the lagoon and the open ocean. The main carbonate grains include Halimeda segments, coral fragments, large benthic foraminifers, red algae, and molluscs. According to the shape and the position of intertidal sandwaves, the current arrangement of moderately sorted fine to medium sands appears to be strongly influenced by tidal currents. The in-situ sediment production, accumulation and transport on the platform finally contribute to carbonate sand export to distinct deep marine areas depending on wind regimes and currents.
In this paper we present first results of the study of planktonic Foraminifera, large benthic Foraminifera and carbonate facies of La Désirade, aiming at a definition of the age and depositional environments of the Neogene carbonates of this island. The study of planktonic Foraminifera from the Detrital Offshore Limestones (DOL) of the Anciènne Carrière allows to constrain the biochronology of this formation to the lower Zone N19 and indicates a latest Miocene to early Pliocene (5.48 - 4.52 Ma) age. Large benthic Foraminifera were studied both as isolated and often naturally split specimens from the DOL, and in thin sections of limestones from the DOL and the Limestone Table (LT). The assemblages of Foraminifera include Nummulitidae, Amphisteginidae, Asterigerinidae, Peneroplidae, Soritidae, Rotalidae (Globigerinidae: Globigerinoides, Sphaeroidenellopsis, Orbulina) and incrusting Foraminifera (Homotrema and Sporadotrema). The genera Amphistegina, Archaias and Operculina are discussed. Concerning the Nummulitidae we include both "Paraspiroclypeus" chawneri and "Nummulites" cojimarensis, as well as a newly described species, Operculina desiradensis new species, in the genus Operculina, because the differences between these 3 species are rather on the specific than the generic level, while their morphology, studied by SEM, is compatible with the definition of the genus Operculina (D'Orbigny1826, emend. Hottinger 1977). The three species can be easily distinguished on the basis of their differences in spiral growth: while O. desiradensis has an overall logarithmic spiral growth, O. cojimarensis and especially O. chawneri show a tighter and more geometric spiral growth. O. cojimarensis and O. chawneri were originally described from Cuba in outcrops originally dated as Oligocene and later redated as early Pliocene. Therefore, O. chawneri was considered until now as restricted to the early Pliocene. However, in the absence of a detailed morphometric and biostratigraphic study of the Caribbean Neogene nummulitids, it is difficult to evaluate the biochronologic range of these species.The history of the carbonates begins with the initial tectonic uplift and erosion of the Jurassic igneous basement of La Désirade, that must have occurred at latest in late Miocene times, when sea-level oscillated around a long term stable mean. The rhythmic deposition of the Désirade Limestone Table (LT) can be explained by synsedimentary subsidence in a context of rapidly oscillating sea-level due to precession-driven (19-21 kyr) glacio-eustatic sea-level changes during the latest Miocene- Pliocene. Except for a thin reef cap present at the eastern edge of the LT, no other in-place reefal constructions have been observed in the LT. The DOL of western Désirade are interpreted as below wave base gravity deposits that accumulated beneath a steep fore-reef slope. They document the mobilisation of carbonate material (including Larger Foraminifera) from an adjacent carbonate platform by storms and their gravitational emplacement as debris and grain flows. The provenance of both the reefal carbonate debris and the tuffaceous components redeposited in the carbonates of La Désirade must be to the west, i. e. the carbonate platforms of Marie Galante and Grande Terre.
The Middle and Upper Jurassique limestones investigated were sub-divided into nine microfacies (MF) types. The firsts four represent Bathonian sediments with shallow water characteristics typical for carbonate platforms. They are comparable with Wilson's facies zones 6 to 8. Reef and reef debris, near-shore clastic-dominated limestones are not present. These MF-types are reiterated several times without cyclicity. The vertical development of the differentiated facies units indicates a close interfingering. The microfacies data are typical of inter to shallow subtidal environments; both authigenous quartz and low faunal and floral diversity of several layers point to temporary restricted conditions. The occurrence of Dictyoconus cayeuxi LUCAS and Callovian ammonites from the above lying strata argue for a Bathonian age. The MF-types 5-9 (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) show completely different sedimentation conditions. Fully marine nearshore recifal limestones alternate with pelagic sediments formed at deeper shelf areas. The pelagic micritic limestones of Oxfordian age are characterized by allodapic intercalations whereas the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian limestones with tuberolithic fabrics often show intensive silifications. Only initial patch reef growth-stages were reached during the development of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian shallow water limestones.
Herein we report an analysis of an Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) paleoreef located in the Swiss Jura Mountains. The paleoreef is located in a Middle Oxfordian transitional interval in which sedimentation switched from marl-dominated to carbonate-dominated deposits. The paleoecosystem is composed of four successive fossil communities characterized by microsolenid corals and organisms that specialized in suspension feeding. Carbon isotopes measured from echinoid spine carbonates exhibit a positive trend from similar to 1.0 parts per thousand to 2.5 parts per thousand in delta(13)C values from the base to the top of the paleoreef. Comparison of delta(13)C curves with organic matter and belemnites shows different patterns not compatible with a global variation of the carbon cycle. Similar fossil assemblages and stratigraphic sequences identical in age are found along the continental margin of the Tethys-Atlantic Ocean. This biolithostratigraphic succession corresponds to increasing delta(13)C values of marine and biogenic carbonates, to the transition from marl-dominated to carbonate-dominated deposits, and to the development of carbonate platforms, which together suggest a change in the carbon cycling regime within the Tethys-Atlantic Ocean system.
A suite of deeper-water hiatal (DWH) stromatolites has been identified in the phosphatic and glauconitic sediments of Aptian to Cenomanian age in the alpine Helvetic thrust-and-fold belt, which represents the former northern Tethyan margin. The most important occurrences date from the latest Early to Late Aptian, the late Early to early middle Albian, and the Early Cenomanian. They are invariably associated with condensed phosphatic beds and occur preferentially on top of hardgrounds or on reworked pebbles and fossils. The zone of optimal stromatolite growth and preservation coincides with the zone of maximal sedimentary condensation, in the deeper parts of phosphogenic areas. The DWH stromatolites show variable morphologies, ranging from isolated laminae ("films") to internally laminated columns and crusts. They reach thicknesses of maximal 10 cm and are either preserved in phosphate or micrite. In the latter case, they may show peripheral impregnations of phosphate or iron oxyhydroxides. The quasi-complete lack of macroscopic sessile organisms suggests that the DWH stromatolites grew close to the upper boundary of an oxygen-minimum zone. Electron-scanning microscopic images show that the Early Cenomanian examples preserved in micrite consist of filamentous structures, which form spaghetti-like assemblages. They are. interpreted as the remains of poikiloaerobic, heterotrophic microbes. Coeval DWH stromatolites are known from the entire European segment of the northern Tethyan margin, and shallow-water counterparts are commonplace on Tethyan carbonate platforms. This indicates that, in general, paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions were appropriate for stromatolite growth and preservation. The here-described DWH stromatolites proliferated especially in time windows, which followed upon the oceanic anoxic periods OAE la (Early Aptian), lb (latest Aptian and earliest Albian), and Id (latest Albian). They may represent pioneer ecosystems, which thrived during the recovery phases following the "mid"-Cretaceous OAEs.
The carbon isotopic signature of carbonates depends on secular variations of organic carbon and carbonate carbon production/burial rates. A decrease in carbonate productivity makes the organic/carbonate carbon ratio unstable up to the point that even minor variations in the organic carbon reservoirs can provoke carbon isotopic shifts. The delta(13)C positive shifts of the middle Carixian (early Pliensbachian) and the early Bajocian recorded in the Umbria-Marche-Sabina domain represent a good example of this mechanism. Both sedimentology and lithostratigraphy of pelagic platform-basin carbonate systems in this area show that important changes in the source of carbonates correspond to the observed isotopic shifts. The middle Carixian event is in fact well correlatable to the drastic reduction of benthic carbonate production on rift-related intrabasinal highs, which then became pelagic carbonate platforms. The early Bajocian event is concomitant with the beginning of a long hiatus on the pelagic carbonate platforms and with a drop of the biodiversity of calcareous organisms followed by the onset of biosiliceous sedimentation in basins. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Shedding of shallow carbonate material toward the deep slopes and basin floors is clearly tied to the position of the carbonate bank tops relative to the photic zone. The onset of bank shedding in periplatform sediments can record either the flooding of the bank tops within the photic zone during a rise in sea level following a period of exposure, referred to in the literature as the "highstand shedding" scenario, or the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a lowering of sea level following a period of drowning, referred to as the "lowstand shedding" scenario. Results from Leg 133 post-cruise research on the Pliocene sequences, drilled in six sites within different slope settings of the Queensland Plateau, seem to point out that the latter "lowstand shedding" scenario can be applied to this particular carbonate system. At the Queensland Plateau sites, the early Pliocene (5.2-3.5 Ma) and the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma) age sequences were characterized, especially in the ôdeepö Sites 811 and 817, by pelagic sediments (foraminifers and coccoliths) and by typically pelagic sedimentation rates not exceeding 20 mm/k.y. The earliest part of the late Pliocene age section was characterized by well-developed hardgrounds in the "shallow" Sites 812 and 814 and by normal pelagic sediments mixed with reworked phosphatized planktonic foraminifers in Site 813. Finally, the early part of the late Pliocene (2.9-2.4 Ma) section was characterized by high sedimentation rates, related to the shedding and admixture into the pelagic sediments of bank-derived materials. These bank-derived materials consist of either diagenetically unaltered fine aragonite with traces of dolomite in Site 818 or micritic calcite resulting from seafloor and/or shallow burial alteration in the deepest Sites 817 and 811. The highest sedimentation rates (163 mm/k.y.) were recorded in Site 818, drilled nearest the modern carbonate bank of Tregrosse Reef. The sedimentation rates decrease with increasing distance from Tregrosse Reef - 120 mm/k.y. in Site 817 and 47.5 mm/k.y. in Site 811. The initial appearance of fine aragonite in Site 818, corresponding to the transition from pelagic to periplatform sedimentation rates, has been dated at 2.9 Ma. This Pliocene sediment pattern on the Queensland Plateau is different from the pattern observed in sediments from two earlier ODP legs (i.e., Leg 101 in the Bahamas and in Leg 115 in the Maldives), where aragonite-rich sediments, characterized by high periplatform sedimentation rates, were observed in the lower Pliocene section (5.2-3.5 Ma), whereas the upper Pliocene (3.5-1.6 Ma) sediments are more pelagic in nature and are characterized by low sedimentation rates or major hiatuses. These Pliocene periplatform sequences in the Bahamas and in the Maldives and late Quaternary age periplatform sequences worldwide have pointed out that "highstand shedding" was the typical response of carbonate platforms to fluctuations in sea level, just opposite to a "lowstand shedding" response to sea-level fluctuations, typical of siliciclastic shelves. Assuming that the envelope of Haq et al.'s (1987) sea-level curve, showing a well-defined lowering of sea level between 3.5 and 2.9 Ma, can also be applied to the southwest Pacific Ocean, based on a high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau recently published by Jansen et al. (1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.028.1993), the Pliocene periplatform sequences on the Queensland Plateau would have recorded the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a general lowering of sea level, following an interval characterized by high sea level, during which the shallow carbonate system on the Queensland Plateau was drowned. The early Pliocene age (5.2-3.5 Ma) sediments deposited on the Queensland Plateau, an established interval of eustatic sea-level highstand, are typically pelagic in character. In addition, relatively cold surface temperatures (estimated to have ranged from 18° to 20°C by Isern et al. [this volume]) might have also stressed the reefs during early Pliocene time and contributed to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau carbonate system during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. Differential and relatively high subsidence rates, inferred by variations in paleodepth of water (based upon benthic foraminifer assemblages; Katz and Miller, this volume) may also have influenced the drowning of the carbonate bank tops on the Queensland Plateau during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. The sediments of early late Pliocene age (2.9-2.4 Ma), a well-established interval of lowering of sea level, are clearly periplatform and cyclic in nature. High-frequency (~40 k.y.) aragonite cycles, well-developed between 2.9 and 2.45 Ma, correlate with the planktonic high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau, a good sea-level proxy (Jansen et al., in press). Contrary to late Quaternary age aragonite cycles from the Bahamas, the Nicaragua Rise, the Maldives, and the Queensland Plateau, the late Pliocene aragonite cycles in Hole 818B display high levels of aragonite during glacial stages and, therefore, lowstands of sea level. In addition, sediments deposited during the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma), transition between the early Pliocene highstand and the late Pliocene lowering in sea level, have recorded the first evidence of a fall in sea level, by (1) the occurrence of synchronous submarine hardgrounds in the two shallowest sites (Sites 812 and 814), (2) the deposition of reworked material from the shallower part of the slope into the intermediate Sites 813 and 818, and (3) the deposition of pelagic sediments in the deepest Sites 817 and 817. In summary, contrary to previous findings, the Pliocene periplatform sediments on the Queensland Plateau appear to have recorded a regional shedding of shallow carbonate bank tops during an interval of sea-level lowering, a good illustration of the "carbonate lowstand shedding" scenario, occurring during the reentry of previously drowned carbonate bank tops into the photic zone related to a decrease in sea level.
Triassic turbidites of the Nanpanjiang basin of south China represent the most expansive and voluminous siliciclastic turbidite accumulation in south China. The Nanpanjiang basin occurs at a critical junction between the southern margin of the south China plate and the Indochina, Siamo and Sibumasu plates to the south and southwest. The Triassic Yangtze carbonate shelf and isolated carbonated platforms in the basin have been extensively studied, but silicilastic turbidites in the basin have received relatively little attention. Deciphering the facies, paleocurrent indicators and provenance of the Triassic turbidites is important for several reasons: it promises to help resolve the timing of plate collisions along suture zones bordering the basin to the south and southwest, it will enable evaluation of which suture zones and Precambrian massifs were source areas, and it will allow an evaluation of the impact of the siliciclastic flux on carbonate platform evolution within the basin. Turbidites in the basin include the Early Triassic Shipao Formation and the Middle-Late Triassic Baifeng, Xinyuan, Lanmu Bianyang and Laishike formations. Each ranges upward of 700 m and the thickest is nearly 3 km. The turbidites contain very-fine sand in the northern part of the basin whereas the central and southern parts of the basin also commonly contain fine and rarely medium sand size. Coarser sand sizes occur where paleocurrents are from the south, and in this area some turbidites exhibit complete bouma sequences with graded A divisions. Successions contain numerous alternations between mud-rich and sand-rich intervals with thickness trends corresponding to proximal/ distal fan components. Spectacularly preserved sedimentary structures enable robust evaluation of turbidite systems and paleocurrent analyses. Analysis of paleocurrent measurements indicates two major directions of sediment fill. The northern part of the basin was sourced primarily by the Jiangnan massif in the northeast, and the central and southern parts of the basin were sourced primarily from suture zones and the Yunkai massif to the south and southeast respectively. Sandstones of the Lower Triassic Shipao Fm. have volcaniclastic composition including embayed quartz and glass shards. Middle Triassic sandstones are moderately mature, matrix-rich, lithic wackes. The average QFL ratio from all point count samples is 54.1/18.1/27.8% and the QmFLt ratio is 37.8/ 18.1/ 44.1%. Lithic fragments are dominantly claystone and siltstone clasts and metasedimentary clasts such as quartz mica tectonite. Volcanic lithics are rare. Most samples fall in the recycled orogen field of QmFLt plots, indicating a relatively quartz and lithic rich composition consistent with derivation from Precambrian massifs such as the Jiangnan, and Yunkai. A few samples from the southwest part of the basin fall into the dissected arc field, indicating a somewhat more lithic and feldspar-rich composition consistent with derivation from a suture zone Analysis of detrial zircon populations from 17 samples collected across the basin indicate: (1) Several samples contain zircons with concordant ages greater than 3000 Ma, (2) there are widespread peaks across the basin at 1800 Ma and 2500, (3) a widespread 900 Ma population, (3) a widespread population of zircons at 440 Ma, and (5) a larger population of younger zircons about 250 Ma in the southwestern part which is replaced to the north and northwest by a somewhat older population around 260-290 Ma. The 900 Ma provenance fits derivation from the Jiangnan Massif, the 2500, 1800, and 440 Ma provenance fits the Yunkai massif, and the 250 Ma is consistent with convergence and arc development in suture zones bordering the basin on the south or southwest. Early siliciclastic turbidite flux, proximal to source areas impacted carbonate platform evolution by infilling the basin, reducing accommodation space, stabilizing carbonate platform margins and promoting margin progradation. Late arrival, in areas far from source areas caused margin aggradation over a starved basin, development of high relief aggradational escarpments and unstable scalloped margins.
Pure limestones beneath the paleosols on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, contain strong positive magnetic susceptibility anomalies, although the iron content is generally very low. These magnetic phenomena differ from those associated with disconformities, which are marked by accumulation of paramagnetic airborne dust deposits with relatively high iron content. The strength and characters of the magnetic response in these subsurface zones correspond to the presence of magnetite, particularly small single-domain magnetite crystals of microbial origin. These crystals are not present elsewhere in the intergranular rock pores or microvugs. They are preferentially concentrated in capillary microborings, which developed concurrently with formation of calcite cements that have soil-related C and O isotope compositions. These magnetic zones occur several meters below the overlying soil horizons. Very thin and long linear microborings may be attributable to cyanobacterial microborers. The single-domain magnetites in these micrometer-size tunnels plugged by calcite appear to result from later occupation of these tiny holes by magnetotactic bacteria. Inorganic origin of the magnetite seems unlikely. Numerous traces that suggest subsurface microbial activity provide evidence that may be used to develop possible scenarios for subsequent biological studies of the precise bacteria involved.
Several vertebrae of a sauropterygian specimen have been recovered in Fuencaliente de Medinaceli (Soria Province, Castilla y León, Spain). The remains come from Middle–Upper Triassic Muschelkalk Facies. This finding represents the first documented evidence of a Triassic tetrapod in Castilla y León. The vertebrae belong to Nothosaurus, a sauropterygian genus found in Europe, Middle East, North of Africa and China. This genus is poorly-known in the Iberian record. The new remains constitute the first evidence of the species Nothosaurus giganteus, or a related taxon, in the Iberian Peninsula. This study reveals the occurrence of at least two species of the sauropterygian Nothosaurus in the Spanish record.
Guadalupian reefs occur locally in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and Western Zhejiang, South China. Two types of Guadalupian reefs can be recognized, one is developed in carbonate platforms, e.g. those in the juncture areas of Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou; the other occurs in a littoral clastic shelf. The Lengwu reef in Western Zhejiang is a representative of the latter type, which is a major topic of this paper. Lengwu algae-sponge reef, more than one hundred meters in thickness, are composed mainly of sponges, hydrozoans, algae, bryozoans, microbes and lime mud. Reef limestones sit on the mudstone interbedded with fine sandstone of the proximal prodelta facies and are overlain by coarse clasts of the delta front sediments. Lengwu reef displays a lens-shaped relief, dipping and thinning from the reef core, which is remarkably different from the surrounding sediments, showing a protruding relief. Sponges and microbe/algae form bafflestone, bindstone and framestone of the reef core facies. Fore-reef facies is characterized by lithoclastic rudstone and bioclastic packstone. Reef limestone sequence is composed of three cycles and controlled by sea level changes and sediment influx. Such reef is unique among the Guadalupian reefs in South China, but seems similar in some aspects to lwaizaki reef limestones of south Kitakami in Japan. Algae and microbes growing around sponges to form rigid structure in Lengwu reef are a typical feature, which is distinctly different to Guadalupian reefs in a stable platform facies of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, South China.
Il y a environ 125 millions d'années, au Crétacé inférieur, la position des continents et le climat terrestre étaient bien différents de ce que l'on connait aujourd'hui. Le Sud-Est de la France, secteur de cette étude, était alors recouvert d'eau, sous un climat chaud et humide. Sur la bordure de cette étendue d'eau (appelée bassin Vocontien), qui correspond aujourd'hui aux régions de la Provence, du Vaucluse, du Gard, de l'Ardèche et du Vercors, des plateformes carbonatées, (telles que les Bahamas), se développaient. Le calcaire, formé à partir des sédiments accumulés sur ces plateformes, est appelé Urgonien. L'objectif de cette étude est de définir les facteurs qui ont influencé le développement de cette plateforme carbonatée dite « urgonienne » et dans quelle mesure. Plusieurs missions de terrain ont permis de récolter de nombreux échantillons de roche en 52 lieux répartis sur l'ensemble du Sud-Est de la France. Les observations réalisées sur le terrain ainsi que les données acquises en laboratoire (microfaune, microfacies et données géo-chimiques) ont permis, de subdiviser chacune des 52 séries urgoniennes en séquences stratigraphiques et cortèges sédimentaires. La comparaison des épaisseurs et des faciès de chaque cortège sédimentaire permet de concevoir la géométrie et l'évolution paléogéographique de la plateforme urgonienne. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que son organisation est principalement dirigée par des failles qui ont jouées pendant le dépôt des sédiments. Sur la bordure nord du bassin Vocontien, trois failles subméridiennes contrôlent la géométrie et la répartition des environnements de dépôt. Sur sa bordure sud, ces failles synsédimentaires d'orientation N30° et N110° délimitent des blocs basculés. En tête de bloc, des séries d'épaisseurs réduites à faciès de lagon interne se sont déposées alors que les pieds de blocs sont caractérisés par des épaisseurs importantes et la présence de faciès plus externes. Ces concepts ont ensuite été testés en construisant un modèle numérique en trois dimensions de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France. Sa cohérence avec les données acquises tout au long de cette étude d'une part, et sa cohérence géométrique d'autre part, valide les théories avancées. Des formations équivalentes à l'Urgonien sont réparties dans le monde entier et notamment au Moyen-Orient où elles constituent les réservoirs pétroliers les plus importants. Etre capable de caractériser les facteurs ayant influencé son architecture permet par la suite une meilleure exploitation de ses ressources énergétiques. -- Au Crétacé inférieur, l'intense activité magmatique due à la dislocation du super-continent Pangée influence fortement les conditions environnementales globales. Au Barrémien terminal et Aptien basal, période géologique dont fait l'objet cette étude, le bassin Vocontien, puis Bédoulien, recouvre le Sud-Est de la France, sous un climat chaud et humide. Sur les bordures de ces bassins, des plateformes carbonatées se mettent en place. Les sédiments qui se déposent sur ces plateformes sont à l'origine de la formation urgonienne. Afin d'étudier cette formation, une charte biostratigraphique, principalement basée sur les Orbitolinidés, et un modèle de faciès ont été développés. Les assemblages faunistiques, la succession des faciès, les observations de terrain ainsi que l'étude de signaux géochimiques ont permis le découpage séquentiel de la série urgonienne le long de 54 coupes et puis, répartis sur l'ensemble du Sud-Est de la France. Les corrélations induites par cette étude stratigraphique ont mis en évidence d'importantes variations d'épaisseur et d'environnements de dépôt au sein même de la plateforme urgonienne. Ces variations sont expliquées par le jeu de failles syn-sédimentaires qui ont compartimentées la plateforme urgonienne en blocs. Sur la bordure sud du bassin Vocontien, ces failles d'orientation N30° et N110° délimitent six blocs basculés. Au sommet du Barrémien terminal, la subsidence des blocs situés le plus au sud s'amplifie jusqu'à provoquer l'ouverture du bassin de la Bédoule au sud du secteur d'étude. Cette théorie d'évolution a ensuite été testée par l'élaboration d'un modèle numérique en trois dimensions de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France. Sa cohérence avec les données acquises tout au long de cette étude d'une part, et sa cohérence géométrique d'autre part, valide les théories avancées. Des analogues de l'Urgonien sont répartis dans le monde entier et notamment au Moyen-Orient où ils représentent d'importants réservoirs pétroliers. Être capable de caractériser les facteurs ayant influencé l'architecture de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France permet par la suite une meilleure exploitation de ses ressources énergétiques. -- During the Early Cretaceous epoch, intensive magmatic activity due to the dislocation of the super-continent Pangaea, highly influenced global environmental conditions, which were characterized by a warm and generally humic climate. In this context, carbonate platforms were important in tropical and subtropical shallow-water regions, and especially during the late Barremian and early Aptian, platform carbonates of so-called Urgonian affinity are widespread. In southeastern France, the Urgonian platform was part of the northern Tethyan margin and bordered the Vocontian and the Bedoulian basins. The goal of this thesis was the systematic study of the Urgonian Formation in this region, and in order to achieve this goal, a biostratigraphic chart and a facies model were developed. The faunistic assemblages, the facies succession, the field observations and the study of geochemical signals lead to a sequential subdivision of the Urgonian series along 54 sections and wells allocated in five different regions in southeastern France (Gard, Ardèche, Vercors, Vaucluse and Provence). Correlations from this stratigraphic study highlight important variations in thickness and depositional environments of the Urgonian series. These variations are explained by relative movements induced by syn-sedimentary faults, which divided the Urgonian platforms into blocks. On the southern border of the Vocontian basin, these faults, oriented N30° and N110°, delineate six tilted blocks. At the top of the upper Barremian carbonates, subsidence of the two southern blocks accelerated leading to the opening of the Bedoulian basin. The reconstruction of the sequence-stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Urgonian platforms was then tested by the construction of a 3D numerical model of the Urgonian formation of southeastern France. Firstly, its consistency with the data collected during this study, and secondly, its geometrical coherence validate the proposed theory. Urgonian analogs exist all over the world and particularly in Middle East where they constitute important oil reservoirs. The exact reconstruction of the major factors, which influenced the architecture of these formations, will allow for a better exploitation of these energy resources.
Early Cretaceous life and the environment were strongly influenced by the accelerated break up of Pangaea, which was associated with the formation of a multitude of rift basins, intensified spreading, and important volcanic activity on land and in the sea. These processes likely interacted with greenhouse conditions, and Early Cretaceous climate oscillated between "normal" greenhouse, predominantly arid conditions, and intensified greenhouse, predominantly humid conditions. Arid conditions were important during the latest Jurassic and early Berriasian, the late Barremian, and partly also during the late Aptian. Humid conditions were particularly intense and widespread during shorter episodes of environmental change (EECs): the Valanginian Weissert, the latest Hauterivian Faraoni, the latest Barremian earliest Aptian Taxy, the early Aptian Selli, the early late Aptian Fallot and the late Aptian-early Albian Paquier episodes. Arid conditions were associated with evaporation, low biogeochemical weathering rates, low nutrient fluxes, and partly stratified oceans, leading to oxygen depletion and enhanced preservation of laminated, organic-rich mud (LOM). Humid conditions enabled elevated biogeochemical weathering rates and nutrient fluxes, important runoff and the buildup of freshwater lids in proximal basins, intensified oceanic and atmospheric circulation, widespread upwelling and phosphogenesis, important primary productivity and enhanced preservation of LOM in expanded oxygen-minimum zones. The transition of arid to humid climates may have been associated with the net transfer of water to the continent owing to the infill of dried-out groundwater reservoirs in internally drained inland basins. This resulted in shorter-term sea-level fall, which was followed by sea-level rise. These sea-level changes and the influx of freshwater into the ocean may have influenced oxygen-isotope signatures. Climate change preceding and during the Early Cretaceous EECs may have been rapid, but in general, the EECs had a "pre"-history, during which the stage was set for environmental change. Negative feedback on the climate through increased marine LOM preservation was unlikely, because of the low overall organic-carbon accumulation rates during these episodes. Life and climate co-evolved during the Early Cretaceous. Arid conditions may have affected continental life, such as across the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary. Humid conditions and the corresponding tendency to develop dys- to anaerobic conditions in deeper ocean waters led to phases of accelerated extinction in oceans, but may have led to more luxuriant vegetation cover on continents, such as during the Valanginian, to the benefit of herbivores. During Early Cretaceous EECs, reef systems and carbonate platforms in general were particularly vulnerable. They were the first to disappear and the last to recover, often only after several million years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.