833 resultados para Islamic Fundamentalism
Featuring a brand new examination of Islamic fundamentalism in the wake of the Arab Spring, this fully revised and updated second edition of Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 analyzes the roots and emergence of Islamic movements in the modern world and the main thinkers that inspired them.
Providing a much-needed historical overview of a fast-changing socio-political landscape, the main facets of Islamic fundamentalism are put in a global context, with a thematic debate of issues such as:
- the effects of colonialism on Islam
- secularism and the Islamic reaction
- Islam and violence in the 9/11 era
- globalization and transnational Islamist movements
- Islam in the wake of the Arab Awakening
Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 provides an authoritative account of the causes and diversity of Islamic fundamentalism, a modern phenomenon which has grabbed the headlines as a grave threat to the West and a potentially revolutionary trend in the Middle East. It is a valuable resource for students and those interested in the history, effects and consequences of these Islamic movements
Threats linked to Islamic fundamentalism have been hanging over Central Asia for almost two decades. Many believe that militant Islam has played a significant part in each major political crisis in the region, and Central Asia is perceived as an almost perfect environment for its further development. Such a picture of this region is a result of serious abuses and manipulations. The real threat posed by militant Islam seems to be rather limited, and its roots lie outside Central Asia. This region is unlikely to become a key front of global jihad. Nevertheless, this does not guarantee peace and safety in Central Asia, as the Islamic threat remains an element of the geopolitical rivalry in the region – the ‘New Great Game’.
This thesis’ goal is to study the relationship between the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, notably the hypotheses that the Islamic State derives from Al-Qaeda. The topic to be developed in the following pages is based in reliable sources so that we can obtain the most accurate possible conclusions. In preparation of this report, several quotes were used in order to present correct settings and make logical deductions based on documents. It aims to be a modest contribution to a reflection on the theme, which is addressed in a very general way. Concepts of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism are addressed in the thesis. Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the response to terrorism are presented, with the aim of understanding the degree of complexity underlying the Islamic State.
En el siglo XX, surgen agrupaciones y movimientos que buscan volver a las antiguas tradiciones, rechazando cualquier influencia externa que pueda amenazar su base religiosa. Uno de los componentes más importantes de este fenómeno es el hecho de mezclar sentimientos nacionalistas con una lucha en nombre de Dios.
Desde la declaración de independencia del territorio autónomo de Chechenia en 1991, el conflicto Checheno- Ruso se ha tornado cada vez más complejo. Este enfrentamiento que comenzó como una reivindicación nacionalista, con el paso de los años se ha convertido en un conflicto étnico y religioso que pone cada vez más en riesgo esta volátil región. Su alta complejidad se debe a que convergen múltiples factores de carácter cultural, histórico, geográfico, político, económico y social que comprometen no sólo los intereses de Rusia como Estado-Nación y de la nación chechena, sino el de una gran variedad de actores internacionales que tiene sus ojos puestos en la importante región del Cáucaso. Aunque Rusia ha finalizado sus acciones anti-insurgentes en el año 2009 con la declaración de fin de la guerra, los cada vez más sangrientos ataques terroristas perpetrados en el territorio ruso, la participación activa del fundamentalismo islámico y la creación del llamado Emirato del Cáucaso, hacen pensar que el conflicto en Chechenia está lejos de llegar a su fin. El presente estudio busca analizar las causas, el desarrollo y las perspectivas a futuro del conflicto Checheno Ruso, permitiendo entender de una manera más clara la situación en esta región tan importante para los intereses económicos y geoestratégicos de uno de los países más influyentes en el sistema internacional, como lo es la Federación Rusa.
Los hechos ocurridos durante el 11 de septiembre de 2001 se constituyeron como un momento fundamental en los intentos de conceptualización del terrorismo internacional dentro de la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales. A raíz del 9/11 tuvo lugar la resemantización del concepto de terrorismo internacional en función del terrorismo religioso y del fundamentalismo islámico. Lo anterior, marco una ruptura en el campo de experiencia y en el horizonte de expectativas del concepto mismo, pues este último adquirió un nuevo uso discursivo, y por ende, político. Por eso, ante la necesidad de emprender un análisis discursivo de los usos del concepto de terrorismo internacional, se evidencia cómo al estar inmersos en determinados juegos del lenguaje, el uso discursivo de este concepto termina por convertirse en una herramienta de acción política que promueve una forma de vida.
The Southern Caucasus and Central Asia are priority areas for the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. Russia mainly sees its influence in both regions as an important factor determining its international stature, and as a precondition for reinforcing its position as a world power. The Caucasus and Central Asia are also important for Russia from the points of view of economy, especially because of those area's natural resource wealth, and security, as both regions generate serious potential threats to the Russian Federation, including Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, the drugs trade and illegal migration.
Using the Hofstede-Gray Framework to Argue Normatively for an Extension of Islamic Corporate Reports
Why Fundamentalism? was an exhibition proposal and critical writing project developed from concept phase through to detailed proposal. It included an edited video document that lay out its core ideas and presented the diverse voices of each collaborator. A number of key themes were engaged around the hot-button (and much misunderstood) concept of Fundamentalism. The proposal included an exhibition layout, developed test imagery, ideas and animations, proposed forms for future works and a process whereby design briefs would lead to subsequent commissions. Two major grant applications were submitted to the Australia Council and Arts Queensland, with the support of State Library of Queensland, the University of Adelaide and numerous others. The project remains at the developed proposal stage awaiting suitable funding----- Critically the show became an active vehicle for drawing and exploring a line of distinction between ideas of ‘what is fundamental’ and ‘fundamentalism’ as it rested in the popular imagination, as well as in political and philosophical debates. It teased out and engaged with a number of key questions that included The Problem of Ungroundedness, A Politics of Finitude, The Post-modern/Pluralist Problem, Silent Fundamentalisms (Voices of Reason and Neo-con Religions), Fundamentalism as a Media Construct, The Pre and Post Cold-war Other, The Pressing Need for Foundations in the West and Islam as Foundationalism (rather than fundamentalism).
Infertility is a social onus for women in Iran, who are expected to produce children early within marriage. With its estimated 1.5 million infertile couples, Iran is the only Muslim country in which assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) using donor gametes and embryos have been legitimized by religious authorities and passed into law. Th is has placed Iran, a Shia-dominant country, in a unique position vis-à-vis the Sunni Islamic world, where all forms of gamete donation are strictly prohibited. In this article, we first examine the “Iranian ART revolution” that has allowed donor technologies to be admitted as a form of assisted reproduction. Then we examine the response of Iranian women to their infertility and the profound social pressures they face. We argue that the experience of infertility and its treatment are mediated by women’s socioeconomic position within Iranian society. Many women lack economic access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) technologies and fear the moral consequences of gamete donation. Thus, the benefits of the Iranian ART revolution are mixed: although many Iranian women have been able to overcome their infertility through ARTs, not all women’s lives are improved by these technologies.