992 resultados para Isaacs, Jorge, 1837-1895.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Vocabulario de los provincialismos mas notables que ocurren en esta obra": p. [427]-430.


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En este texto el autor se propone cotejar la historia de Nay y Sinar incluida en la novela María, de Jorge Isaacs (1867), con la de Bernabé en Sab (publicada en Madrid en 1841), de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. Esta exploración busca, por un lado, crear un contrapunto de ambos textos, por otro lado, se propone pasar revista a temas como la construcción de lo masculino en los dos textos, la posición antiesclavista de las mismas y Madre Natura como antagonista y coadyuvante de los protagonistas. Para cerrar este trabajo el autor aplicará un par de ideas de Benedict Anderson intentando explicar lo siguiente: los personajes de Isaacs y Gómez de Avellaneda provienen de una comunidad imaginada perdida y se ven en la imposibilidad de reproducir en un contexto diferente los límites de ese reino que ya no existe o que quizá no existió, por ser parte de la imaginación comunitaria.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This assignment aims to do a critical and interpretative review of the masterpiece Tempo e Eternidade, published by the Brazilian poets Jorge de Lima and Murilo Mendes in 1935. It is a result of a project called Restaurando a poesia em Cristo, created by many different Brazilian poets as Tristão de Ataíde, Augusto Schimdt, and others. It is worth highlighting the importance of these poems, because of the period when they were published and for the modern proposal, as the theme, which the poets denounce the bad aspects of modernity of the century through the Holly Bible, as also for the new esthetics. In the 30s, Brazil was passing through many changes; in aspects of history - the transition between the governments of Oligarchy to the New State, in governance of Getúlio Vargas; and in the literary context, it was the beginning of the second phase of Modernism, from 1930 to 1945. This period remains the consolidation of the literary movement, in terms of esthetics, since the major proposal of Modernism is freedom of the verse and, in this second phase, the search for a renovation of the language and the enlargement of the themes in poetry, such in the religious aspect or the social-political' themes. In this perspective, it aims to show the importance of the masterpiece for the history of Brazilian literature, coated as part of a turning point between the first and second phase of Modernism, also for the thematic renovation in religious poetry and esthetics, with a new proposal of esthetics. The methodology for the analyses of the poems will be through Antonio Candido's proposal, in O estudo analítico do poema, based on interpretation and comments. Therefore it intends showing through the analyses the relevance of the masterpiece written by the Brazilian poets, to the area of religious poetry and for the literary movement of that time


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Fil: Prevedello, Fanny. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Esta investigaci?n surge en el marco de la pr?ctica docente realizada para optar al t?tulo de Licenciada en lenguas extranjeras, en la Universidad del Valle. Dicha instituci?n permiti? un acercamiento al colegio INEM de la ciudad de Cali, con el fin de apoyar como ?docente practicante? la clase de franc?s en los grupos de grado d?cimo, que hac?an parte de la modalidad de idiomas del colegio .As?, se evidenci? que las actividades propuestas para la ense?anza del Franc?s como lengua extranjera (FLE) requer?an de un mayor ?nfasis en los ejercicios que destacaran el desarrollo de las competencias ling??sticas1 en el aula. La presente investigaci?n muestra el dise?o, implementaci?n y evaluaci?n de una secuencia did?ctica para fomentar el desarrollo de la pronunciaci?n de FLE en el aula. El trabajo se realiz? en dos etapas: la primera, de observaci?n y ayudant?a, permiti? evidenciar el desconocimiento de algunos sonidos del franc?s por parte de los estudiantes; la segunda, de dise?o e implementaci?n de la propuesta did?ctica, demostr? el desarrollo de la competencia ling??stica en los estudiantes, por medio de la pronunciaci?n correcta de algunos fonemas que representaban dificultad en los principiantes. Dada la complejidad fon?tica de la lengua francesa, es indispensable que los profesores de franc?s dise?en programas de ense?anza y aprendizaje que contribuyan a desarrollar Efectivamente las competencias ling??sticas de los estudiantes de bachillerato sin descuidar los aspectos fon?ticos fundamentales del FLE. Es, pues, ?se el enfoque que este trabajo propone en tanto que fruto de la investigaci?n orientada a la acci?n2 en el aula con estudiantes de d?cimo grado de un colegio p?blico de Cali.


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Henry Haight Collier, was born in Howard, Steuben County, N. Y., November 28, 1818. His father, Richard Collier, was from Green County, in the same State. His grandfather, Isaac Collier, and his great-grandfather were originally from England. His mother, Mary Haight, was of Dutch origin. In 1835, Henry went to St. Catharines, where his elder brother, Richard Collier, resided. He spent two years at Grantham Academy, and then returned to Steuben County, to read law in Bath, with Edward Howell, and subsequently with Hammond and Campbell. Mr. Collier never opened a law office. He studied law for two years and in 1839 he went to Texas where he was connected with the State and Treasury Departments. In 1845 Mr. Collier returned to St. Catharines and opened a general store called St. Catharines Agricultural Works with his brother. The store remained open until May, 1877. He added the manufacturing of lumber in 1850, and manufacturing of agricultural implements in 1869. He built one of the first saw mills on the canal, on Lock No. 5, in St. Catharines. In July, 1877, he was appointed Collector of Customs. He became a Village Councilor for St. Paul’s Ward in 1859, and held that office from fifteen to twenty years. He was Deputy Reeve and member of the County Council for two terms. He was the Mayor of St. Catharines in 1872 and 1873. He was also Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners of the city, during the time that the works were being built. He was a Justice of the Peace for twenty years or more. Mr. Collier was affiliated with the Reform Party and he was a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity and an Odd Fellow. He was also active in the Methodist Church. On June 1, 1858, he married Cornelia, daughter of Moses Cook, of "Westchester Place," St. Catharines, and had a daughter and son. Mary J. (married name: Mrs. Frank Camp) was a graduate of the Female Seminary at Hamilton, and Henry Herbert was a student in the University of Toronto. Henry H. Collier died on July 15, 1895 and is buried in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, Ontario. Sources: www.accessgeneology.com "Historical Profiles from Victoria Lawn Cemetery" by Paul E. Lewis "Sincerely Lamented St. Catharines Obituaries 1817-1918" by Paul Hutchison