951 resultados para Isa Brown


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Los trabajos previos en los que se han estudiado las recomendaciones de metionina+cistina para gallinas ponedoras son muy numerosos, pero los resultados obtenidos presentan una gran variabilidad y, en algunos casos, son contradictorios. Esta variabilidad se explica por las condiciones en las que se ha realizado el estudio, la edad de las gallinas, la genética y el parámetro a optimizar. En este sentido, Novak et al. (2004) observaron que las necesidades totales de metionina+cistina eran mayores para maximizar el peso del huevo que para optimizar la producción de huevos o la eficacia alimenticia. Estas diferencias fueron menos importantes entre las 20 y 43 semanas (8%), que de las 44 a las 63 semanas de edad (16%). Además, las recomendaciones para optimizar la producción y el peso del huevo fueron un 17% y 11% mayores, respectivamente, en el primer periodo con respecto al segundo. Por el contrario, Waldroup y Hellwig (1995) encontraron que las necesidades totales de metionina+cistina para optimizar la producción y masa de huevo fueron más elevadas (12 y 10%, respectivamente) de 51 a 71 semanas de edad que de 25 a 45. Cuando las recomendaciones se expresan en unidades digestibles, el rango de necesidades de metionina+cistina digestibles con respecto a lisina digestible varía desde un 81 a un 107% (81%: Coon and Zhang, 1999; 90%: FEDNA, 2008; 91%: Rostagno et al., 2005; 93%: CVB, 1996; 94%: Bregendahl et al., 2008; 99%: Brumano et al., 2010a; 100%: Cupertino et al., 2009; Brumano et al., 2010a; 101%: Brumano et al., 2010b; 107%: Schmidt et al., 2009). Como consecuencia de esta alta variabilidad, es necesario seguir investigando sobre cuál sería el ratio óptimo metionina+cistina/lisina digestible para optimizar los rendimientos de gallinas ponedoras. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las necesidades óptimas de metionina+cistina digestibles con respecto a lisina digestible de gallinas Isa Brown desde las 34 a las 42 semanas de edad


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Los trabajos previos en los que se han estudiado las recomendaciones de metionina+cistina para gallinas ponedoras son muy numerosos, pero los resultados obtenidos presentan una gran variabilidad y, en algunos casos, son contradictorios. Esta variabilidad se explica por las condiciones en las que se ha realizado el estudio, la edad de las gallinas, la genética y el parámetro a optimizar.


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1. A total of 240 Shaver White and 240 ISA Brown pullets that had been reared in multi-bird cages on a 10-h photoperiod, and maintained at a light intensity of 3 or 25 lux, or changed from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 9 or 16 weeks of age, were moved into individual-bird cages at 20 weeks and transferred to 15-h photoperiods at 25 lux. 2. In both breeds, birds transferred from 3 to 25 lux at 16 or 20 weeks laid significantly more eggs than birds maintained on the brighter intensity from one day or increased to it at 9 weeks. 3. Mean egg weight, shell deformation, albumen height, feed intake and body weight gain in lay were not significantly affected by the light intensity treatments during the rearing period. There was, however, a small, but significant, negative correlation of egg numbers with mean egg weight, although this only partially explained the difference in egg numbers. The differences in egg production were unrelated to rate of sexual maturation.


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1. Shaver White and ISA Brown pullets were reared to 140 d in groups of 8 in cages on a 10-h photoperiod of incandescent light and maintained at an illuminance of 3 or 25 lux, or transferred from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 63 or 112 d of age. 2. There was no significant difference in sexual maturity, measured as eggs per 100 bird.d at 139 and 140 d, for ISA Brown maintained on 3 or 25 lux, but Shaver White pullets exposed to constant 3 lux matured significantly later than those maintained on 25 lux. 3. In Shaver Whites, sexual maturity was significantly delayed by an increase from 3 to 25 lux at 63 and 112 d, and advanced by a decrease from 25 to 3 lux at 112 d. Sexual maturity of ISA Browns was not significantly affected by a change in illuminance at 63 or 112 d, though responses were in the same direction as for Shaver Whites. 4. In both breeds, total feed consumed to 112 d was higher for birds on 3 lux than 25 lux, but lower between 112 d and 140 d when birds on 25 lux underwent rapid sexual development. In both breeds, body weight at 63 d was higher for birds exposed to 3 lux than 25 lux, but body weight gain thereafter was similar for the two light intensities. 5. In both breeds, plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentration at 63 and 112 d was lower in birds maintained on 3 lux than 25 lux. At 63 and 112 d, transfers from 25 to 3 lux depressed, whereas transfers from 3 to 25 lux at 63 d, but not at 112 d, increased plasma LH. 6. Advances or delays in sexual maturity induced by changes in illuminance were not correlated with differences in feed intake, body weight gain, or with changes in plasma LH. 7. One possible explanation for the inverse relationship between the direction of change in illuminance at 63 and 112 d in pullets exposed to a 10-h photoperiod and the age at which they became sexually mature is that changes in light intensity and/or spectral composition affect the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of photoinducibility, to effect a phase shift in the photoinducible phase and/or the responsiveness of phototransduction pathways.


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Desenvolveu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de ácidos orgânicos adicionados à dieta de aves de postura. Foram utilizadas 75 frangas Isa Brown de 4 meses de idade, divididas em três grupos experimentais (I, II e III) de 25 aves cada e avaliadas por um período de 8 semanas. O grupo I recebeu ração tratada com ácidos orgânicos por quatro semanas, enquanto que o grupo II recebeu ração com ácidos orgânicos por oito semanas, permanecendo o grupo III sem a suplementação de ácidos orgânicos durante todo o período experimental, sendo definido como grupo controle. Ao final do experimento, foram observados dados de produção de ovos, peso das aves, qualidade e peso de ovos. Os resultados demonstraram que a produção de ovos foi melhor nas aves tratadas com o aditivo acidificante (grupos I e II), sendo que os acidificantes também proporcionaram um melhor peso corporal nas aves (P<0,05). A qualidade e o peso dos ovos não foram afetados pela suplementação desses aditivos.


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This study was designed to evaluate the effects of different fat sources on the performance, egg quality, and lipid profile of the egg yolks of layers in their second production cycle. The fat sources were cottonseed oil, soybean oil, lard, sunflower oil, or canola oil. Experimental diets were fed to postmolt ISA Brown layers at 70 wk of age and the experimental period was 74 to 86 wk of age. The different fat sources did not influence performance or eggshell quality, but lipid profile of the egg yolk changed as a function of dietary fat sources. In general, the best changes, such as lower level of saturated fatty acids, higher levels of alpha-linolenic acid and DHA, and lower linoleic acid levels, were promoted by the addition of canola oil, but it did not promote enrichment of the eggs with polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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One hundred sixty-two commercial 70-wk-old ISA Brown laying hens, previously subjected to induced molting by feed restriction, were distributed in a completely randomized design with 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (i.e., 3 metabolizable energy levels: 2,850; 2,950, and 3,050 kcal of ME/kg) and 3 protein levels (16, 18, and 20% CP), which totaled 9 treatments with 3 replicates of 6 birds each. Experimental diets were offered to birds after the feed restriction period. Performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated in 14-d intervals from the 4th to 12th weeks after forced molting for a total of 4 evaluation periods. Increases in dietary energy and protein levels did not improve performance or egg quality. The levels of 2,850 kcal of ME and 16% protein were sufficient for laying hens starting the second production cycle without decreasing their performance or egg quality.


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The objective of the presente study was to evaluate the effects on different dietary fiber sources and crude protein levels on the intestinal morphometry of commercial layers. Isa Brown® layers with 48 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 2 + 1 factorial arrangement, resulting in seven treatments with seven replicates of eight birds each. At the end of the fourth experimental period (28 days each), birds were 64 weeks of age and were randomly chosen (two birds per replicate, totaling 14 birds per treatment), weighed and sacrificed by neck dislocation. Their intestine was dissected and the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were collected for subsequent analysis of intestinal morphometry. Treatments consisted of diets containing three different fiber sources (cottonseed hulls, soybean hulls or rice husks) and two crude protein levels (12% or 16%). Soybean hulls and 16% crude protein level promoted, in general, an increase in villus height and crypt depth in the three intestinal segments. In the duodenum, the control diet resulted in higher villus height and crypt depth relative to the diets containing fiber. In the jejunum, higher crypt depth values. In the ileum, dietary fiber increased villus height as compared to the control diet.


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Cento e oitenta poedeiras comerciais Isa Brown, com 60 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2 õ 2, com dois níveis de fitase (0 e 500 ftu/kg de ração) e dois de farelo de girassol (4 e 8%), totalizando cinco dietas, avaliadas com seis repetições de seis aves. As dietas foram formuladas a partir de uma ração controle, à base de milho e farelo de soja, isenta de fitase e farelo de girassol, valorizando na formulação das dietas a matriz nutricional da fitase. O período experimental foi dividido em quatro ciclos de 28 dias cada. A matriz nutricional preconizada para fitase permitiu o atendimento pleno das exigências das aves, mesmo quando as dietas foram formuladas com níveis nutricionais reduzidos, isso quando desconsiderados os nutrientes presentes na matriz nutricional da enzima, de acordo com recomendação da empresa produtora. A adição de fitase na dieta reduz a excreção de fósforo pelas aves e melhora os parâmetros econômicos. A inclusão de farelo de girassol no nível de 8% prejudica a produção de ovos, mas não afeta os demais parâmetros de desempenho e qualidade dos ovos.


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Um experimento foi realizado para se avaliar a influência das densidades da gaiola sobre o desempenho de poedeiras semi-pesadas em diferentes fases de criação (cria, recria e produção) e pesquisar seus efeitos sobre o desempenho das aves na fase seguinte. Na fase de cria (0 a 6 semanas), 804 pintinhas da linhagem Isa Brown foram distribuídas em gaiolas medindo 100 x 80 x 35 cm, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (29, 32, 35 e 38 aves por gaiola ou 275,86; 250,00; 228,57 e 210,52 cm²/ave) e quatro repetições por tratamento. Não houve diferenças significativas para ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e uniformidade nas densidades utilizadas na fase de cria. Na fase de recria (6 a 16 semanas), foram utilizadas 720 aves, alojadas em gaiolas medindo 100 x 50 x 50 cm, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 12 tratamentos, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 4 x 3 (densidades na fases de cria e recria), correspondendo a 10, 12 e 14 aves por gaiola, ou seja, 500,00; 416,67 ou 357,14 cm²/ave, com quatro repetições. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e uniformidade nas densidades utilizadas nesta fase. Na fase de produção, 540 aves foram alojadas em gaiolas com dimensões de 100 x 45 x 45 cm, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com nove tratamentos, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (densidades na recria e na produção), com 8, 10 e 12 aves por gaiola, correspondendo a 562,15; 450,00 e 375,00 cm²/ ave, com cinco repetições. Observaram-se efeitos significativos da densidade na gaiola apenas para peso dos ovos e consumo de ração. Para as condições de realização desta pesquisa, pode-se afirmar que as densidades utilizadas nas três fases de criação não prejudicaram os parâmetros de produção estudados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de maximizar a produção e a qualidade dos ovos e minimizar a excreção de nitrogênio nas excretas de poedeiras no final do primeiro ciclo de produção, por meio do fornecimento de aporte adequado de proteína bruta (PB) e aminoácidos sulfurados totais (AAST) na dieta. Foram utilizadas 432 poedeiras Isa Brown, com 52 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (PB e AAST) e nove tratamentos (14 e 0,57; 14 e 0,64; 14 e 0,71; 15,5 e 0,57; 15,5 e 0,64; 15,5 e 0,71; 17 e 0,57; 17 e 0,64; 17 e 0,71 % de PB e AAST, respectivamente), com seis repetições de oito aves cada. A duração do experimento foi de 140 dias. Foram avaliadas as características de desempenho, qualidade dos ovos e excreção de nitrogênio nas excretas. A única característica de desempenho influenciada pelos tratamentos foi o peso dos ovos, que apresentou os maiores valores para as combinações de 15,5 e 0,71; 17 e 0,71; 15,5 e 0,64; 14 e 0,71 e 17 e 0,64% de PB e AAST, respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para consumo de ração, porcentagem de postura e de ovos quebrados, massa de ovos, conversão alimentar por dúzia e por massa de ovos e mortalidade. Para os parâmetros de qualidade dos ovos, foram observadas diferenças significativas apenas para as porcentagens de gema e de albúmem. A excreção de nitrogênio foi maior nas aves alimentadas com as rações contendo 17% de PB. Pode-se sugerir que a ração contendo 14% de PB e 0,57% de AAST pode ser utilizada, sem prejuízos no desempenho e na qualidade dos ovos, e ainda contribui para a redução da excreção de nitrogênio no ambiente e do custo da ração.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Brazil is the world leader in broiler production and export. It achieved this position mainly to its excellent supply chain structure and climate, which favor poultry and grain production throughout its territory. Although Brazilian egg production is not as important as broiler production, this segment presents great potential of increasing its share in the global market. However, as elsewhere in the world, Brazilian poultry production faces the challenge to balance two elements within its supply chain: cruelty and productivity. The consumers of the European Union (EU) are very concerned with animal welfare issues. In order to increase its share in the European market, and eventually in the world market, Brazilian poultry producers must understand the effects of production systems on poultry welfare, and try to develop systems that are suited for its climate and other production conditions. There is a consensus that the natural behaviors performed by poultry in intensive production systems allow better welfare. This objective of this review is to present scientific research studies that relate different behaviors to chicken welfare. Poultry behavior is a reflex of their welfare status at a particular moment, and it is related to internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Several natural behaviors that favor welfare, as well as undesirable behaviors, may be stimulated by environmental enrichment. The correct interpretation of the behaviors expressed by poultry, including their frequency, duration, and sequence, may be used to estimate their welfare. Animal production is an import sector of Brazilian economy. It significantly contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in terms of products destined both to domestic consumption and exports. New technologies applied to products and management practices have been developed for field application, aiming at improving producers' productivity and profitability. In order to comply with the European Union's (EU) guidelines for animal protein production, Brazilian poultry production needs to undergo a process of adaptation. In May, 2007, the EU Commission established its new guidelines for animal welfare in poultry production, pressured by consumer demand. In the EU, there is a growing concern among consumers as to how poultry are reared and slaughtered. European consumers are in the fore front of the demand of high quality products produced with under better welfare conditions, and have spread this concern throughout the world. Beaumont et al. (2010) mentioned that European consumers frequently perceive that standard commercial poultry production has poor animal welfare practices. According to Nääs et al. (2008), Brazilian poultry production today needs to find a balance between cruelty and productivity. In fact, ensuring animal welfare may provide better financial results, as it increases the producer's profit margins and allows maintaining Brazilian chicken export quotas to the EU. França (2008) noted that biological studies that define ethical limits and guidelines for poultry production foster the development of new production practices that may ensure good product quality and productivity without putting bird welfare at risk. Gonyou (1994) states that, when animal welfare started to be studied, the only behavioral factors considered were those related to feeding and reproduction. These first studies used as indicators of animal welfare reduced life expectancy, impaired growth, impaired reproduction, body damage, disease, immunosuppression, adrenal activity, behavior anomalies, and self-narcotization (Broom, 1991). However, current studies evaluate additional indicators, such as natural behaviors, behavioral needs, preferences, behavioral problems, emotional state, cognitive abilities, etc. In the field of ethology, the expression of natural behavior is a frequently used tool used to estimate the welfare of poultry destined to human consumption. According to Bracke & Hopster (2006), natural behavior can be defined as the behavior the animal normaly presents when exposed to conditions similar to its natural habitat. Natural behaviors are pleasurable and promote biological functions that are meaningful to the animal's welfare. The definition of natural behavior, though, does not include the bird's behavior when sick, in flight or during aggression, since these are not considered pleasurable situations. Considering layer behavioral needs in the design of housing facilities optimize their welfare. Mishra et al. (2005) verified that ISA Brown layers spent, during 24 hours, around 97% of the time in the nest, feeding, walking, resting, or dust bathing, and that 57% of these behaviors did not depend on environmental enrichment. It was also observed that hens had preferred behavioral sequences, which included foraging and comfort behaviors, such as wing-stretching and preening. The present review aims at discussing, albeit not exhaustively, scientific research studies on the behavior of Gallusgallus domesticus and its relationship to welfare. The following behaviors are reviewed: feather pecking, scratching, dust bathing, nesting, locomotion activities, and aggressive behaviors. These behaviors are the most frequently observed in commercial broiler, broiler breeder, and layer farming, and therefore, monitoring their incidence may contribute to measure poultry welfare.